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Reply to Noreen, Jim, & note on C.Rica

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Noreen: One of the clues that my mother had something more serious than MSA was that she was the only member of her Parkinson's support group who was deteriorating so rapidly and noticeably. All the other PD group members had good days and bad days, of course, but they were relative stable for months or even years at a time. My mother, however, continued on a downward spiral, losing abilities that PD patients still retained. That's when the neurologist suggested DBS, but as I've noted here before, it was the DBS doc who said, nope, she has MSA. That's only one case, of course, but you might add it to your arsenal of information so that you can present it to your mother's neuro doc if necessary. Thank you all for replying re: Costa Rica. I am still reading through the posts. I have already considered much of what you all raise as issues (no MSA doctors, far from family, etc.), and would still like to hear from anyone with direct Costa Rica experience. I'd love to be able to pass on contact information to my step-dad, but I'm not sure he'd use it. My dilemma, as with anything regarding my mom's care, is that I have absolutely NO say in what happens. Her husband calls the shots and she goes along because he is her provider. I will save your posts and try to synthesize them when I talk with my mother. My step-dad, however, will heed none of my advice; in fact, he hardly speaks to me. Farmington, eh, Jim? I just applied for a job there at the community college. Next time you're in NM, give me a call. I have a feeling I'll be in Albq. for another academic year. ~~ semantics Hello all, Since my mom was just diagnosed last Spring and I am relativelynew to this site, I am really just beginning to learn about MSA. Momhas a good neurologist and primary care physician. I am in regularcontact with her physician and I sometimes wonder how much sheknowledge she has on MSA. She regularly refers to my mom's"Parkinson's" rather than calling it MSA- am I being too sensitive?I am under the impression that people diagnosed simply withParkinson's disease don't have such acute and serious symptoms aspeople with MSA. From what I've read, people with MSA may have ashorter life expectancy and may need many more services/specialequipment than the average person living with Parkinson's. Feel free to offer any words of wisdom on this subject (layterms rather than a heavy scientific explanation would be morehelpful for me at this point!).Many thanks, Noreen S (myweller) in CTIf you do not wish to belong to shydrager, you mayunsubscribe by sending a blank email toshydrager-unsubscribe

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