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Zoloft-Please be careful

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To all those considering Zoloft, please be careful. When my bp

was high sitting for the first time while having dysautonomia but

still hypotensive upon standing, one of my previous doctors

thought Zoloft would help me. Why, I asked? He said that I was

serotonin deficient. I told him that I did not think so. I lived in

Wales for awhile where it rains almost everyday, and I was not

deppressed at all. . . In the end, I tried Zoloft hoping that having

more serotonin would help speed up the blood pressure

response mechanism. I reacted terribly to it though even starting

out with a very small dose and trying to remain on it for two

weeks. I curled up in the corner, could not be around people,

wanted to cut my face off with a razor, cried for no reason,

besides having some odd spaciness and some precursors of

motor symptoms to come later. Terrible... The nurse told me to

increase the medication, it should help with those feelings.

What? I did not have depression and all of these feelings before.

I called a pharmacologist friend of mine who told me to tapper

back off the Zoloft and get another doctor.

The neurologists I am seeing now said not to ake any

antidepressant and if I felt I really needed one discuss it with

them first. Interestingly, they also added that many MSA patients

do not react well to Zoloft.

My advice is just be cautious in regards to antidepressants, and

get the presciption from a doctor you really trust with your MSA.

Perhaps, patients with POTS, etc. considering Zoloft or another

serotonin reputake inhibitor could have there serotonin levels

checked to at least avoid a reaction to too much serotonin? I do

not know about such tests though and whether they even exist.

Nevertheless, I just wanted to share my anxiety about Zoloft. I

hope those with depression do find a medication that helps.


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