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Ruthie wrote

Today DS3 (16 tomorrow!) had his mobile phone bill. 268 quid. I mean!!

> And that's for a MONTH!!!!!!>>>>>>>>>

I caught part of that TV programme on Saturday with Ulrika (?) about

phones and text messages. There were 3 people there who had large phone

bills and I could not understand how they had managed it.

I have a " pay as you go one " and £10 would last me for months - well £25

lasted me 3 months. Maybe that is the answer for your son - give him a card

for £25 a month and let him cough up the rest! (he would hate you for ever!

but what a birthday present)


SAHM to 3 boys of which DS2 aged almost 6 would love a mobile phone for his

birthday - well Father Christmas did not bring him one despite it been on his


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Ruthie wrote

Today DS3 (16 tomorrow!) had his mobile phone bill. 268 quid. I mean!!

> And that's for a MONTH!!!!!!>>>>>>>>>

I caught part of that TV programme on Saturday with Ulrika (?) about

phones and text messages. There were 3 people there who had large phone

bills and I could not understand how they had managed it.

I have a " pay as you go one " and £10 would last me for months - well £25

lasted me 3 months. Maybe that is the answer for your son - give him a card

for £25 a month and let him cough up the rest! (he would hate you for ever!

but what a birthday present)


SAHM to 3 boys of which DS2 aged almost 6 would love a mobile phone for his

birthday - well Father Christmas did not bring him one despite it been on his


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well Ruthie your message made me feel a little happier.. dd2 is being REALLY

high maintenance this afternoon and I have HAD ENOUGH.. (just rang dh and told

him to get home NOW!! - must have sounded desperate as he said ok I am just

going to finish one thing then I am on my way..) but I went online and saw this

message and suddenly I feel a little better (apart from I just heard Eloisa

throw down the picture frames from the window for the 6th time in one hour..

ARGH) But it was nice hearing that other people find pleasure in little things


Lonnie Phoebe & Eloisa's mama

& expecting a Christmas delivery...

My therapist told me the way to achieve true inner peace is to finish what you


So far today, I have finished 2 bags of chips and a Chocolate cake.

I feel better already.

little things

Isn't it funny how little things can cheer you up? Yesterday I was

feeling really miserable, (post book as you recall) and DH wasn't much

help, being not of a sympathetic nature and very preoccupied with

something himself right now...at supper I told him how I was afraid

the publishers would hate my new book..and he said (without looking up

from his crossword: " well, it happens. " I mean thanks a LOT darling!


Today I went to the gym and was swimming after the treadmill as I do.

I had the pool to myself which is wonderful. When that happens I find

it the best place for thinking about my writing. I found myself

planning the next book, and got quite excited about it. (Usually I

have at least a few weeks " braindead downtime " after finishing one

novel before I can start writing again). Later, after dropping my

gym bag at home, and going to Brent cross, I lost my house keys (on

the CUTEST kipling fluffy gorilla keyring!), supposedly at Brent X.

Luckily I had someone at home to let me in but phoning BX brought no

dividends. I was just resigning myself to getting some new keys when

I thought of my gym bag. I searched it...and there were they house

keys, on their gorilla keyring! I found myself kissing that gorilla

like an idiot, and suddenly everything seemed brighter :-))


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well Ruthie your message made me feel a little happier.. dd2 is being REALLY

high maintenance this afternoon and I have HAD ENOUGH.. (just rang dh and told

him to get home NOW!! - must have sounded desperate as he said ok I am just

going to finish one thing then I am on my way..) but I went online and saw this

message and suddenly I feel a little better (apart from I just heard Eloisa

throw down the picture frames from the window for the 6th time in one hour..

ARGH) But it was nice hearing that other people find pleasure in little things


Lonnie Phoebe & Eloisa's mama

& expecting a Christmas delivery...

My therapist told me the way to achieve true inner peace is to finish what you


So far today, I have finished 2 bags of chips and a Chocolate cake.

I feel better already.

little things

Isn't it funny how little things can cheer you up? Yesterday I was

feeling really miserable, (post book as you recall) and DH wasn't much

help, being not of a sympathetic nature and very preoccupied with

something himself right now...at supper I told him how I was afraid

the publishers would hate my new book..and he said (without looking up

from his crossword: " well, it happens. " I mean thanks a LOT darling!


Today I went to the gym and was swimming after the treadmill as I do.

I had the pool to myself which is wonderful. When that happens I find

it the best place for thinking about my writing. I found myself

planning the next book, and got quite excited about it. (Usually I

have at least a few weeks " braindead downtime " after finishing one

novel before I can start writing again). Later, after dropping my

gym bag at home, and going to Brent cross, I lost my house keys (on

the CUTEST kipling fluffy gorilla keyring!), supposedly at Brent X.

Luckily I had someone at home to let me in but phoning BX brought no

dividends. I was just resigning myself to getting some new keys when

I thought of my gym bag. I searched it...and there were they house

keys, on their gorilla keyring! I found myself kissing that gorilla

like an idiot, and suddenly everything seemed brighter :-))


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> well Ruthie your message made me feel a little happier.. dd2 is

being REALLY high maintenance this afternoon and I have HAD ENOUGH..

I'm glad I cheered you up, makes a change from me whingeing doesn't it

! :)

Today DS3 (16 tomorrow!) had his mobile phone bill. 268 quid. I mean!!

And that's for a MONTH!!!!!!

We pay about 30 of it. The rest..well...don't ask. He has all these

plans for negotiations... " oh for part of it you were away in NY and I

had to use it more.. " and " part of it I was doing conference call

studying late at night, and you allow me to do that... " so he's

managed (in his head, anyway!) to whittle it down to 150 quid.(even

that's a ridiculous amount and I have no idea how he's going to pay

it). In your dreams, mate, I thought! I said : " Well you'll have to

negotiate that with your father.

I dont understand the boy! We have four landlines in this house, why

can't he use those for chatting on? Why does he HAVE to use his mobile

at peak times? And on top of it, he phones his friend Zevi who lives

LITERALLY across the street!!!

Well, I'll stay out of it and leave it to him and his Dad to sort.



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> well Ruthie your message made me feel a little happier.. dd2 is

being REALLY high maintenance this afternoon and I have HAD ENOUGH..

I'm glad I cheered you up, makes a change from me whingeing doesn't it

! :)

Today DS3 (16 tomorrow!) had his mobile phone bill. 268 quid. I mean!!

And that's for a MONTH!!!!!!

We pay about 30 of it. The rest..well...don't ask. He has all these

plans for negotiations... " oh for part of it you were away in NY and I

had to use it more.. " and " part of it I was doing conference call

studying late at night, and you allow me to do that... " so he's

managed (in his head, anyway!) to whittle it down to 150 quid.(even

that's a ridiculous amount and I have no idea how he's going to pay

it). In your dreams, mate, I thought! I said : " Well you'll have to

negotiate that with your father.

I dont understand the boy! We have four landlines in this house, why

can't he use those for chatting on? Why does he HAVE to use his mobile

at peak times? And on top of it, he phones his friend Zevi who lives

LITERALLY across the street!!!

Well, I'll stay out of it and leave it to him and his Dad to sort.



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my DS2 is 16 on Wednesday - dd was wondering about getting him a mobile

phone, but decided against it - phew! He normally uses the BT

landline/remote for his calls and I've changed our 'Best Friend' ...

it's his GF :-) Sweet!

And I'd better phone DS1 and check he's at least planning an e-card ....



> Today DS3 (16 tomorrow!) had his mobile phone bill. 268 quid. I mean!!

> And that's for a MONTH!!!!!!

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my DS2 is 16 on Wednesday - dd was wondering about getting him a mobile

phone, but decided against it - phew! He normally uses the BT

landline/remote for his calls and I've changed our 'Best Friend' ...

it's his GF :-) Sweet!

And I'd better phone DS1 and check he's at least planning an e-card ....



> Today DS3 (16 tomorrow!) had his mobile phone bill. 268 quid. I mean!!

> And that's for a MONTH!!!!!!

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> Ruthie wrote

> Today DS3 (16 tomorrow!) had his mobile phone bill. 268 quid. I


> > And that's for a MONTH!!!!!!>>>>>>>>>



> I caught part of that TV programme on Saturday with Ulrika

(?) about

> phones and text messages. There were 3 people there who had large


> bills and I could not understand how they had managed it.

> I have a " pay as you go one " and £10 would last me for months - well


> lasted me 3 months. Maybe that is the answer for your son - give

him a card

> for £25 a month and let him cough up the rest! (he would hate you

for ever!

> but what a birthday present)

We started off with pay as you go..this contract was supposed to have

*saved* us money!!!!!! so he said!


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Ruthie wrote

> We started off with pay as you go..this contract was supposed to


> *saved* us money!!!!!! so he said!>>>>>

Ruthie what would be his idea of not saving money then?


SAHM to 3 boys

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I thought our landline bill of around ?230 for three months was bad


I'd be removing his current phone and giving him a prepaid one

instead, I'm afraid.



From: ruthie@

Today DS3 (16 tomorrow!) had his mobile phone bill. 268 quid. I mean!!

And that's for a MONTH!!!!!!


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> I thought our landline bill of around ?230 for three months was bad

> enough!!!


> I'd be removing his current phone and giving him a prepaid one

> instead, I'm afraid.


> Lesley

> ----------------

I just reminded him of the fact that the prepaid one was supposed to

be saving us money and he said: " But when I had the prepaid one I

just used the home phones all the time and that cost you a fortune and

Daddy went mad, so I said if I get a contract, I'll pay for it. " And

I guess it's true. Our land line phone bill has gone down

dramatically since he got the contract, and he does pay for all the

excess over and above the basic amount we agreed to pay.

He's just a " teenage girl " I guess, and will talk on the phone a lot

no matter how we fix things, land line or mobile. *shrug* Comes of

being very sociable, and the last one at home with no siblings to talk

to I suppose.


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> I thought our landline bill of around ?230 for three months was bad

> enough!!!


> I'd be removing his current phone and giving him a prepaid one

> instead, I'm afraid.


> Lesley

> ----------------

I just reminded him of the fact that the prepaid one was supposed to

be saving us money and he said: " But when I had the prepaid one I

just used the home phones all the time and that cost you a fortune and

Daddy went mad, so I said if I get a contract, I'll pay for it. " And

I guess it's true. Our land line phone bill has gone down

dramatically since he got the contract, and he does pay for all the

excess over and above the basic amount we agreed to pay.

He's just a " teenage girl " I guess, and will talk on the phone a lot

no matter how we fix things, land line or mobile. *shrug* Comes of

being very sociable, and the last one at home with no siblings to talk

to I suppose.


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  • 8 months later...
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Hello Everyone:

This is the first thing that I opened today in my email, and after I read it,

I wanted to pass it your way. It tells me to take nothing for granted and

enjoy all the little things that God is so kind to give us each day. This is

one of the things God gave me today from a friend who doesn't know that it

was one of the little things that made my day. I hope that is one of the

little things that will make your day today.

Hugs Vera

This was written by an 83-year-old woman to her friend. The last line says

>>it all.


>>Dear Bertha, I'm reading more and dusting less. I'm sitting in the yard and


>>admiring the view without fussing about the weeds in the garden. I'm

>>spending more time with my family and friends and less time working.

>>Whenever possible, life should be a pattern of experiences to savor, not to


>>endure. I'm trying to recognize these moments now and cherish them.


>>I'm not " saving " anything; we use our good china and crystal for every

>>special event such as losing a pound, getting the sink unstopped, or the

>>first Amaryllis blossom.


>>I wear my good blazer to the market. My theory is if I look prosperous, I

>>can shell out $28.49 for one small bag of groceries.


>>I'm not saving my good perfume for special parties, but wearing it for

>>clerks in the hardware store and tellers at the bank.


>> " Someday " and " one of these days " are losing their grip on my vocabulary.

>>If it's worth seeing or hearing or doing, I want to see and hear and do it



>>I'm not sure what others would've done had they known they wouldn't be here


>>for the tomorrow that we all take for granted.


>>I think they would have called family members and a few close friends. They


>>might have called a few former friends to apologize and mend fences for


>>squabbles. I like to think they would have gone out for a Chinese dinner or


>>for whatever their favorite food was.


>>I'm guessing; I'll never know.


>>It's those little things left undone that would make me angry if I knew my

>>hours were limited. Angry because I hadn't written certain letters that I

>>intended to write one of these days. Angry and sorry that I didn't tell my

>>husband and parents often enough how much I truly love them. I'm trying

>>very hard not to put off, hold back, or save anything that would add

>>laughter and luster to our lives. And every morning when I open my eyes,

>>tell myself that it is special. Every day, every minute, every breath truly


>>is a gift from God.


>>If you received this, it is because someone cares for you. If you're too

>>busy to take the few minutes that it takes right now to forward this, would


>>it be the first time you didn't do the little thing that would make a

>>difference in your relationships? I can tell you it certainly won't be the



>>Take a few minutes to send this to a few people you care about, just to let


>>them know that you're thinking of them. " People say true friends must

>>always hold hands, but true friends don't need to hold hands because they

>>know the other hand will always be there. "


>>I don't believe in Miracles. I rely on them.


>Sue McCleary

>Campus Registrar

>Beaver Campus



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  • 7 months later...

> If you are eating in a healthy fashion, exercising moderately and

> know in your heart of hearts you are living well, then to hell with

> the scale! It's about being healthy, and obsessing over numbers is

> not healthy.

That's what I kept arguing before surgery. Concentrate on being healthy, to

hell with the fact I'm fat.

Well, I never got below being morbidly obese (lost 110 pounds, still left me

more than 100 lbs overweight, and my surgeon considered me a success, what

was the problem?).

I am feeling the difference in my knees already.

This is not about where my body is comfortable, obviously it wants to be

about 350 lbs. That is NOT healthy.

> You can always keep a food diary for a week. Only 300 calories a

> day, a couple of Costco samples, two cookies or a specialty coffee,

> will add a pound a week.

I've done this several times. No one will believe that I can be telling the

truth. OH, and I switched to Light Cream in my coffee instead of half and

half - same amount of calories, but little to no sugar.

And I've not done any binges on junk. Can't. Still dump even on small

amounts of natural sugars (like in whole fruit) if I don't eat enough

protein first. Get sick if I eat too many carbs.


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