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personal trainers and such

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Dave wrote:

(Fay), I didn't know if your post was intended for the whole board or

not, but I've

learned something about personal trainers in the last few years.

Me too, Dave. My husband had an offer from a work colleague who was

branching out into personal training, for a free consultation, and he

is hooked! He was a lot less overweight than I was(not any more, heh

heh heh! :D) but a lot more out of shape last spring/summer, and this

lady has really helped him a lot. She got him to buy an exercise ball

and hand weights, and he is *so* proud of his new shoulder muscles and

biceps! Not to mention his newfound ability to do sit-ups on the ball.

Of course, I totally understand, because I'm kinda attached to my new

level of fitness, too.

I had always thought of personal trainers either as sycophantic

Hollywood types (you know, following you around like a personal

cheerleader), or as a drill sergeant. To find out just how mistaken I

was has been fascinating, as well as delightful. In fact, the more I

think about my instructor's comments last week, the more interested I'm

getting. Will have to look into this.

Meanwhile, Fay, if you want to be my first customer, just say the word!




RNY September 19, 2001

Dr. Freeman, Ottawa General Hospital

BMI then: 43.5

BMI now: 23

-147 lbs


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