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Re: Vitamins and minerals

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I don't understand why people get so defensive about this Calcium issue.

People are accusing Ray of having dishonorable intentions, and of having a

vendetta against the Vitalady. Why does Ray keep perpetuating this argument

in the face of so much criticism? Is he in it for profit or fame?

Actually, I think the reason Ray keeps harping on this particular topic is

because he is right! If you are taking a certain supplement that is

mis-labeled, wouldn't you want to know about it? If that mis-labeling means

you are only getting a quarter of the amount of calcium in your daily diet

that you should be getting, don't you want to know? I don't think " Nature's

Science " is a bad product, but I do firmly believe that it is mis-labeled.

It says you can get 100%DV of Calcium from 2 capsules. That is wrong.

Based on the rules set up by the FDA, and the amount of Calcium recommended

for adults by the US Federal government, you would have to take at least 7

capsules to get 100%DV from this product. As Ray said, the label should

read something like this (for two capsules):

" Calcium 294 mg 29% DV " or

" Calcium(Citrate) 294 mg 29% DV " or

" Calcium, as calcium citrate 294 mg 29% DV. "

I am not criticizing any individual here. I am just saying what I believe

to be true. I have nothing to sell, and nothing to gain by sharing this

information. I do have a background in food chemistry, so I think I am

somewhat knowledgeable on this subject.

Take it or leave it,


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Okay, Ray, you say that the calcium citrate is a good form to take, but

that I am not getting the amount that I need. So then how on earth do I

know how many of my 500 mg. capsules to take each day to get the amount

that I need? That's what is very confusing to me. And how on earth do

you expect the average person to know how much to take? I don't have a

degree in chemistry and I don't have someone who can tell me this, so

what am I supposed to do?

I'm trying to start a feud here, but when you tell someone that they are

dangerously low in the calcium area and then tell them that they need to

take more, how is a person to know how much more to take? This is what

my whole point of this discussion is. The normal person doesn't know

the difference between calcium carbonate or calcium citrate or whatever

else type of calcium is out there. All we know is what our doctors tell

us to take and what we can learn for ourselves through research. All I

can go by is that my lab work and my dexascan shows that I am doing

fine, so if you want to tell me that I am low in calcium, then maybe you

should be telling me how to correct it. And don't use technical jargon

that the normal can't make heads or tails about. That's all I am


Jerri in MI

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