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Hi folks,

For those taking celexa, write me privately and I'll fill you in. I

am currently on 40 mg and between that and anemia, I do will to fall

out of bed in the morning. However, I'm not depressed - I'm simply

numb :)

Excuse the sarcasm folks, I have no red blood cells in my brain. I'm

certain of it now, because I have white lips, gums, eye lids and

hands, kinda spooky...but cool in a gothic sort of way...lol

I see the gastro specialist tomorrow. They want to finalize my

diagnose of malabsorption syndrome. I need to move forward on the

iron treatment, but they won't be satisfied until they put me through

every test known to man. I have now fallen below 8 on my hemoglobin,

so I can sort of choose my poisen..... shots or

cathetar....mmmm...lets see... I'll take the....?...Merlot... oh okay,

it wasn't one of the choices..lol

Lots of sadistic humor here because tonight my husband asked me if I

thought I might die early...like within the next few years. NOT


I don;t know how I fell into such disrepair, except that I'm better

than most at denial. funny... all this and 160 on a 5 ft frame...now

that is really ironic....The fat girl that had surgery, didn't lose

all her weight after 2.5 yrs of eating nothing and suffered from

malnutrition while still fat.....freaking hilarious.

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