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Re: skid marks / I know this one! (long)

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>>> thats indicative of a bowel problem i'm afraid.

I agree with here. My younger son had the " skids " or

streaking in the underwear for quite awhile. It is usually related

to constipation...more specifically, encopresis. We treated it with

an " aggressive " amount of Culturelle and Peptizyde for 4-5 months

before I finally figured out what to do. Encopresis is constipation

gone haywire. There is blockage in the colon. The blockage keeps

the colon expandeand and then other looser waste seeps around it.

This is what causes the skids and the person is not able to control

it. Have you noticed constipation in the past? My son insisted he

couldn't even FEEL it. The encopresis can easily occur of the person

has sensory issues - especially if they are INsensitive to other

things. They really can't feel the bowel sensations correctly and

then constipation builds up and makes everything worse. if you

notice a distinct foul, wretched, knock-you-over-stench with stools

too, that indicates a bacteria overgrowth/infection has developed.

We had that too.

So what to do.

At times, the solid waste builds up and causes the colon to expand

to accommodate the growing mass. The colon can expand up to four

times its typical size. Liquid waste may seep around the solid mass

as well. This leads to streaking or staining in the underwear,

smaller " droppings " coming through, or what appears to be

alternating constipation and diarrhea. If you see any of these,

consider encopresis and deal with it immediately because toxins are

stagnating in the colon. You may also notice strong body or bad

breath even if the person just took a shower or recently brushed

their teeth.

To treat encopresis, you have some options. If there is serious

impaction, consult your medical care professional for ideas. The

usual treatment suggests giving a laxative or enema to start

breaking up the mass and eliminating it. I favor the laxative by far

personally. I chose to go the very natural route and use magnesium,

which works as a laxative at higher doses. Because magnesium

deficiency is so common, I thought this supplement would help with

any additional magnesium my son might need at the same time. Some

people opt to give one of the laxative products from the pharmacy or

grocery store and use according to directions.

Next, plan on keeping a very definite schedule of when the person

goes to the bathroom to " try " and see if anything comes out. The

person should go to the bathroom about 10 minutes after eating

breakfast and dinner at least, and any other time after eating you

can remember or it is convenient. The person should " try " for about

10 minutes long. This part is very essential to the program because

it takes advantage of the body's natural digestive movements, and

helps the body to get back into a proper elimination pattern.

When he initially did not have the sensory feedback of when he

needed to go, the constipation built up, and then the problem

perpetuated. Another route is that you may become constipated first

and as the colon stretches out, the nerves are no longer close to

and in rythym with the amount of waste. Even if the mass is

eliminated, the colon is so stretched out that it will not sense the

build up of more waste until another massive amount accumulates. The

problem again perpetuates itself. Scheduling times to " try " is very

important, whether the person " feels " like he needs to go or not.

Adjust the diet to favor looser stools. Include more fiber and pure

water. No-Fenol may help here. Younger Son is the one in my family

getting benefit from No-Fenol and I am sure this is why.

Many people also include something like mineral oil, commercial

fiber products (metamucil) or magnesium on a daily basis to keep

things loose. I like magnesium citrate to help with any deficiencies

at the same time. This has worked quite well for us and I do not

have to worry about giving too much. In addition, I chose to give

extra Peptizyde enzymes between meals to help clear out the

rubbish, gunk, and bacteria that built up in his system. I could

tell this was helpful because as soon as I stopped the enzymes the

problem became worse.

This anti-encopresis program needs to be kept up for a good six

months or more. It is very common to see good results by the third

or fourth month and giving it up because the person appears to be

doing well. What happens is that you may have re-established a good

elimination pattern but the colon has not shrunk back to its

original size. Some people are also very prone to becoming

constipated and the situation can re-occur easily. So do plan on a

good 6 months or more.

In our case, Jordan regained his feeling of when he needed to go

about the third month and he was doing quite well at the fourth

month. This corrected the encopresis, and I quit the extra enzymes

and Culturelee. However I still needed to treat the overgrowth of

unwelcome adverse bacteria that had established themselves. We used

10 days of colloidal silver for to wipe the bacteria out. Just as a

footnote, Younger Son seems to be prone to developing this problem

so we need to keep him on magnesium regularly. If the person has

sensory integration issues, there are exercises available that can

help re-gain better feeling in this area.

Hope this helps. Feel free to write me on this if you want. It took

YEARS for us to finally figure this out and treat it.


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Thank you, thank you, thank you! I knew we weren't the only ones with

this problem. I had considered encopresis in the past but he does

seem to have fairly regular bowel movements--daily or every other day

usually. They always seemed huge to me (circumference wise) so what

you say about the colon having stretched makes some sense. He

usually doesn't seem to know he needs to go until it's practically an

emergency and lately has become so worried that whenever we are ready

to go somewhere he suddenly decides he better go try. I suppose this

is a positive step but it does make us late for a lot of appointments

if we forget to plan ahead for this. Your suggestion about

planned " sitting " times after meals is a good one and I am going to

start there. I will consider the other suggestions you made and

hopefully we can resolve this ourselves. Did you ever notice that

your kids were much more pleasant after a bowel movement? This is

very obvious with my child. He's like a different person. I would

say it's because he's uncomfortable but he insists that he isn't.

Once again, you are an amazing source of information and

encouragement. Thanks.


> >>> thats indicative of a bowel problem i'm afraid.


> I agree with here. My younger son had the " skids " or

> streaking in the underwear for quite awhile. It is usually related

> to constipation...more specifically, encopresis. We treated it with

> an " aggressive " amount of Culturelle and Peptizyde for 4-5 months

> before I finally figured out what to do. Encopresis is constipation

> gone haywire. There is blockage in the colon. The blockage keeps

> the colon expandeand and then other looser waste seeps around it.

> This is what causes the skids and the person is not able to control

> it. Have you noticed constipation in the past? My son insisted he

> couldn't even FEEL it. The encopresis can easily occur of the


> has sensory issues - especially if they are INsensitive to other

> things. They really can't feel the bowel sensations correctly and

> then constipation builds up and makes everything worse. if you

> notice a distinct foul, wretched, knock-you-over-stench with stools

> too, that indicates a bacteria overgrowth/infection has developed.

> We had that too.


> So what to do.

> At times, the solid waste builds up and causes the colon to expand

> to accommodate the growing mass. The colon can expand up to four

> times its typical size. Liquid waste may seep around the solid mass

> as well. This leads to streaking or staining in the underwear,

> smaller " droppings " coming through, or what appears to be

> alternating constipation and diarrhea. If you see any of these,

> consider encopresis and deal with it immediately because toxins are

> stagnating in the colon. You may also notice strong body or bad

> breath even if the person just took a shower or recently brushed

> their teeth.


> To treat encopresis, you have some options. If there is serious

> impaction, consult your medical care professional for ideas. The

> usual treatment suggests giving a laxative or enema to start

> breaking up the mass and eliminating it. I favor the laxative by


> personally. I chose to go the very natural route and use magnesium,

> which works as a laxative at higher doses. Because magnesium

> deficiency is so common, I thought this supplement would help with

> any additional magnesium my son might need at the same time. Some

> people opt to give one of the laxative products from the pharmacy


> grocery store and use according to directions.


> Next, plan on keeping a very definite schedule of when the person

> goes to the bathroom to " try " and see if anything comes out. The

> person should go to the bathroom about 10 minutes after eating

> breakfast and dinner at least, and any other time after eating you

> can remember or it is convenient. The person should " try " for about

> 10 minutes long. This part is very essential to the program because

> it takes advantage of the body's natural digestive movements, and

> helps the body to get back into a proper elimination pattern.


> When he initially did not have the sensory feedback of when he

> needed to go, the constipation built up, and then the problem

> perpetuated. Another route is that you may become constipated first

> and as the colon stretches out, the nerves are no longer close to

> and in rythym with the amount of waste. Even if the mass is

> eliminated, the colon is so stretched out that it will not sense


> build up of more waste until another massive amount accumulates.


> problem again perpetuates itself. Scheduling times to " try " is very

> important, whether the person " feels " like he needs to go or not.


> Adjust the diet to favor looser stools. Include more fiber and pure

> water. No-Fenol may help here. Younger Son is the one in my family

> getting benefit from No-Fenol and I am sure this is why.


> Many people also include something like mineral oil, commercial

> fiber products (metamucil) or magnesium on a daily basis to keep

> things loose. I like magnesium citrate to help with any


> at the same time. This has worked quite well for us and I do not

> have to worry about giving too much. In addition, I chose to give

> extra Peptizyde enzymes between meals to help clear out the

> rubbish, gunk, and bacteria that built up in his system. I could

> tell this was helpful because as soon as I stopped the enzymes the

> problem became worse.


> This anti-encopresis program needs to be kept up for a good six

> months or more. It is very common to see good results by the third

> or fourth month and giving it up because the person appears to be

> doing well. What happens is that you may have re-established a good

> elimination pattern but the colon has not shrunk back to its

> original size. Some people are also very prone to becoming

> constipated and the situation can re-occur easily. So do plan on a

> good 6 months or more.


> In our case, Jordan regained his feeling of when he needed to go

> about the third month and he was doing quite well at the fourth

> month. This corrected the encopresis, and I quit the extra enzymes

> and Culturelee. However I still needed to treat the overgrowth of

> unwelcome adverse bacteria that had established themselves. We used

> 10 days of colloidal silver for to wipe the bacteria out. Just as a

> footnote, Younger Son seems to be prone to developing this problem

> so we need to keep him on magnesium regularly. If the person has

> sensory integration issues, there are exercises available that can

> help re-gain better feeling in this area.


> Hope this helps. Feel free to write me on this if you want. It took

> YEARS for us to finally figure this out and treat it.

> .

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I started the enzymes on April 12, 2002 for my 10 year old son(11 in

June). I was tired of spending so much money in supplements that I

were not even sure they were working. He has been partially gluten

free, casein free for the past 2 years. He is non-conversational,

but I know he knows and understands much more that he lets us know.

On April 11, 2002 we had his IEP meeting, much of the complains

where for not being " On task " .

I received the enzymes that Friday and since I do not have much

patience and because of his age I started right away with 1 AFP, 1

Prime Zyme, 1 No Phenol with each and every meal. I dropped all the

other supplements at that time.

I've waited to post because I keep on having this feeling that all

the good results I am seeing are just " wishful thinking " . I started

a file with dates and notes of everything (good and bad) that I have


Since April 15, 2002 his school notes mentioned that he is " On

task " . He started wanting to " talk " (he likes to sing songs, still

no conversation) on the phone with family members. Also started

participating a lot more at swimming class.

I waited until May 14, 2002 to start supplements(TMG and P5P/mag).

Before I did not notice any difference in behaviour with them but

with the enzymes he became hyper. Drop the dose to 1/2 and it is

better. Added some probiotics, but not every day. Working on that

yeast issue next.

Epsom Salts cream is working so much better now in calming him down.

All of these things, although true and wonderful, are very

subjective. So here it goes the reason why I am posting today.

Since he is growing so much I needed to buy some new larger

underwear last month. I've been used to having " skid marks " and

assume it was just normal for him. Well you can guess that the only

truly " objective " change that I have notice is the disappearance of

the " skid marks " . The enzymes are the only thing we've been

consistently using since last month. Well worth the price! Clean


This group makes me think that I should have studied a little harder

on my college Biology class :)

Thank you,


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Did you ever notice that

> your kids were much more pleasant after a bowel movement? This is

> very obvious with my child. He's like a different person. I would

> say it's because he's uncomfortable but he insists that he isn't.


Big time! Our son gets more and more wound up until we send him to

sit on the potty. Once the BM is out, he's a different child.

A few weeks ago, we started making him try after dinner each night.

(We also had the skid mark issue) It made a world of difference. He

went from going maybe once every 4-5 days to almost every night.


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Is regular magnesium ok to use as well, or only magnesium citrate?

jornmatt <kjorn@...> wrote: >>> thats indicative of a bowel

problem i'm afraid.

I agree with here. My younger son had the " skids " or

streaking in the underwear for quite awhile. It is usually related

to constipation...more specifically, encopresis. We treated it with

an " aggressive " amount of Culturelle and Peptizyde for 4-5 months

before I finally figured out what to do. Encopresis is constipation

gone haywire. There is blockage in the colon. The blockage keeps

the colon expandeand and then other looser waste seeps around it.

This is what causes the skids and the person is not able to control

it. Have you noticed constipation in the past? My son insisted he

couldn't even FEEL it. The encopresis can easily occur of the person

has sensory issues - especially if they are INsensitive to other

things. They really can't feel the bowel sensations correctly and

then constipation builds up and makes everything worse. if you

notice a distinct foul, wretched, knock-you-over-stench with stools

too, that indicates a bacteria overgrowth/infection has developed.

We had that too.

So what to do.

At times, the solid waste builds up and causes the colon to expand

to accommodate the growing mass. The colon can expand up to four

times its typical size. Liquid waste may seep around the solid mass

as well. This leads to streaking or staining in the underwear,

smaller " droppings " coming through, or what appears to be

alternating constipation and diarrhea. If you see any of these,

consider encopresis and deal with it immediately because toxins are

stagnating in the colon. You may also notice strong body or bad

breath even if the person just took a shower or recently brushed

their teeth.

To treat encopresis, you have some options. If there is serious

impaction, consult your medical care professional for ideas. The

usual treatment suggests giving a laxative or enema to start

breaking up the mass and eliminating it. I favor the laxative by far

personally. I chose to go the very natural route and use magnesium,

which works as a laxative at higher doses. Because magnesium

deficiency is so common, I thought this supplement would help with

any additional magnesium my son might need at the same time. Some

people opt to give one of the laxative products from the pharmacy or

grocery store and use according to directions.

Next, plan on keeping a very definite schedule of when the person

goes to the bathroom to " try " and see if anything comes out. The

person should go to the bathroom about 10 minutes after eating

breakfast and dinner at least, and any other time after eating you

can remember or it is convenient. The person should " try " for about

10 minutes long. This part is very essential to the program because

it takes advantage of the body's natural digestive movements, and

helps the body to get back into a proper elimination pattern.

When he initially did not have the sensory feedback of when he

needed to go, the constipation built up, and then the problem

perpetuated. Another route is that you may become constipated first

and as the colon stretches out, the nerves are no longer close to

and in rythym with the amount of waste. Even if the mass is

eliminated, the colon is so stretched out that it will not sense the

build up of more waste until another massive amount accumulates. The

problem again perpetuates itself. Scheduling times to " try " is very

important, whether the person " feels " like he needs to go or not.

Adjust the diet to favor looser stools. Include more fiber and pure

water. No-Fenol may help here. Younger Son is the one in my family

getting benefit from No-Fenol and I am sure this is why.

Many people also include something like mineral oil, commercial

fiber products (metamucil) or magnesium on a daily basis to keep

things loose. I like magnesium citrate to help with any deficiencies

at the same time. This has worked quite well for us and I do not

have to worry about giving too much. In addition, I chose to give

extra Peptizyde enzymes between meals to help clear out the

rubbish, gunk, and bacteria that built up in his system. I could

tell this was helpful because as soon as I stopped the enzymes the

problem became worse.

This anti-encopresis program needs to be kept up for a good six

months or more. It is very common to see good results by the third

or fourth month and giving it up because the person appears to be

doing well. What happens is that you may have re-established a good

elimination pattern but the colon has not shrunk back to its

original size. Some people are also very prone to becoming

constipated and the situation can re-occur easily. So do plan on a

good 6 months or more.

In our case, Jordan regained his feeling of when he needed to go

about the third month and he was doing quite well at the fourth

month. This corrected the encopresis, and I quit the extra enzymes

and Culturelee. However I still needed to treat the overgrowth of

unwelcome adverse bacteria that had established themselves. We used

10 days of colloidal silver for to wipe the bacteria out. Just as a

footnote, Younger Son seems to be prone to developing this problem

so we need to keep him on magnesium regularly. If the person has

sensory integration issues, there are exercises available that can

help re-gain better feeling in this area.

Hope this helps. Feel free to write me on this if you want. It took

YEARS for us to finally figure this out and treat it.


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>> Is regular magnesium ok to use as well, or only magnesium


Any form of magnesium should be fine and will help keep things

loose. Actually magnesium carbonate or oxide forms do this a little

better. I use the citrate form because it is better absorbed and may

be helping with a magnesium deficiency along the way. Epsom salts

are magnesium sulfate and are sold as a laxative if you eat them.


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