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Re: neurologists - gender issue?>Aletta

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I agree with everything you said. Doctors are very tight. I was made

fun of because I was honest about seeing other doctors. The doctor

didn't do anything but insult me after telling me how wonderful the

doctor he knew was and how he played golf with him. His golf partner

didn't do any test on me either. I left after telling him what I

thought. The next doctor I went to I didn't say a thing about going

to any other doctors. The previous doctor had taught me a lesson. You

can make a formal complaint about a doctor but don't plan on seeing

another doctor in the area. It won't happen. When you have HMO you

can only go to so many doctors. As far as comparing doctors to

computer experts you can't. It isn't a life or death sentence with

computers. If you complain about a computer expert you can find

another one. Sorry but I can't see any comparison with computer

experts or anyway that you could make the comparison. If I can't find

someone to fix my computer because I have been black balled no big

deal I can buy another one. I can't buy another body but I sure wish

I could. I was accepted into the computer science program and had a

4.0 average. At one time in my life I didn't have these brain

problems I have now or the pain I experience constantly even after

taking pain meds. As far as being replaced no one is indispensable no

matter who they are. I might not be able to do anything about these

doctors who do this to people but I do believe that one day they will

have to answer for their lives. As I often tell my children Vengence

is the Lord's.

God bless,


God bless,


> >Folks, get off it! Everyone faces doctors that don't have a

clue. I

> >just wonder how my customers feel about me sometimes!

> >

> >Please remember, that in general we hire our doctors and can fire


> >I realize this is not always the case. Even when it is not, you

have an

> >avenue of grievance. The important thing is to stay calm and

> >professional about the situation.

> >

> >And yes, there is some sexual discrimination in play. My wife and


> >have gone shopping for a car, that she was purchasing. Not me.


> >money, her choice. Well of course we get to the car lot and the


> >'thing' would ONLY talk with me. I march into the sales manager's

> >office and explain what a slime ball his sales rep has been, and


> >take our business elsewhere. My wife goes several times and hears

> >statements such as " Bring your husband back and we can talk... " .


> >difference. She does not confront. This is a male vs. female

> >difference. Women on general attempt to socialize and not


> >Men tend to see the world in pecking orders. And I REFUSE to have


> >person paid minimal wage treat me or my wife as if I do not

exist. I

> >confront.

> >

> >As a result of this difference doctors do pay attention to me. Or


> >fire them. I had a neurologist decide to blame the patient and

tell me

> >it was just anxiety. I confronted. I wondered where he Diploma of

> >Psychiatry was located. I had not seen it. I then asked her to


> >to me that it was anxiety. She could not, but did not want to


> >her diagnosis. I walked and found another doctor. That simple.

But I

> >bet she will think twice before blaming the patient again.

> >

> >Doctors are no different than the rest of us. Believe me. I see

> >similar behaviors in computer 'experts' all the time. When in


> >blame the customer. When in doubt, assume the client is


> >When in doubt ... And you know what? I confront them all the


> >And I also see more male customers confront us when someone pulls

such a

> >maneuver on them.

> >

> >So, get off it! Doctors are people too. If you don't want them

to act

> >as if they are on a pedestal, don't treat them that way.

> >

> >

> >Regards,

> >=jbf=

> >

> > B. Fisher

> >

> >

> >If you do not wish to belong to shydrager, you may

> >unsubscribe by sending a blank email to

> >

> >shydrager-unsubscribe@y...

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

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