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thanks-from cheryl

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Thanks to all of you for the support and feedback over the past week or so

while i have been trying to figure out what was wrong with me- At least i

know none of my symptoms had anything to do with wls-- all the nerve problem,

slurrd speach,pain in arms and legs are all symotoms of stage 3 lyme disease

- ive started the antibiotic doxycyclene - i took my first dose last night-

(no reactions) some people have nausea,vomiting-thanks for all the prayers

and well wishes - IM GLAD TO HAVE A DIFINITIVE DIAGNOSIS -- i was real

nervous about malabsorbtion issues leading to neuropathies ( like we

discussed before) luckily all my labs are preety good so - ill be taking all

the great advice about protein,vitamins etc =to stay healthy and manage this

disease-- ON THE PLUS SIDE -my dropped foot and damaged peroneal nerve has

improved some- and i had an orthodic brace to help me from falling (keeps

foot up off floor) and im getting a bit more feeling - im going to physical

therapy and ill keep going to the gym and getting stronger

again thanks for putting up with me - im looking forward to getting to

know all of you better- but like ive said in previous posts your so helpfull

and caring and im lucky to have found you all - sorry i cant mention you all

by name but trace, linda,vitalady,jeanne -and more i know youve gone out of

your way to make me feel welcome during an emotional and stressfull time --

also thaks for the prayers for my friends little girl with lukemia -shes

still hanging tough- shes a little fighter and i feel she could make it--

bless you and thanks again CHERYL IN NH LAP RNY 5-17-01 BMI FROM 41.6

TO 20.4 263 LBS TO 130

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