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New foundations for gene research

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Hi all,

The major thrust of this is that this foundation (that was the first to

completely sequence the first complete genome of a free-living organism

in 1995, has been at the forefront of the genomic revolution since it

was founded by J. Craig Venter in 1992.

They feel that too much misinformation is being given the public in

several areas of scientific research, such as stem cell research and the

release of carbon dioxide into the atmosphere. Any of you taking

antioxidants must remember that the reason for taking then is that

things like carbon dioxide and carbon monoxide could possibly be

contributing to the brain disorders.

Take care, Bill Werre


Tuesday April 30, 6:03 am Eastern Time

Press Release

SOURCE: The Institute for Genomic Research

J. Craig Venter, Ph.D., Announces Formation of Three Not-for-Profit


Organizations will Focus on Ethical and Social Issues Surrounding

Genomics and Developing New Biological Energy Sources

ROCKVILLE, Md., April 30 /PRNewswire/ -- J. Craig Venter, Ph.D., has

announced today the formation of three not-for-profit organizations --

the TIGR Center

for the Advancement of Genomics (TCAG), the Institute for Biological

Energy Alternatives (IBEA), and the J. Craig Venter Science Foundation.

Dr. Venter will be

the president and chairman of each organization and will continue his

role as chairman of the Board of Trustees of The Institute for Genomic

Research (TIGR), the

not-for-profit genomic research institute he founded in 1992. TIGR will

continue its mission as the world's leading research institute focused

on the sequencing and

functional analysis of microbial, parasitic, plant, and other eukaryotic

genomes under the leadership of Claire M. Fraser, Ph.D.

" Genomic science has the potential to revolutionize our lives with many

breakthroughs already occurring, but as with all new areas of science

the exciting path toward

discovery can be fraught with complicated and ethically challenging

issues. New treatments for disease, new food and energy sources are at

risk without better public

understanding of this new science. I have founded the three

not-for-profit organizations to help educate the public and our elected

leaders on these important

scientific issues and to help drive the applications of genomics into

environmental and social policies. At no time in our history are we in

more need of higher science

literacy to ensure that we do not impede research, " said Dr. Venter.

TIGR Center for the Advancement of Genomics (TCAG)

The sequencing, analysis, and publication of the human genome sequence,

as well the work on the genomes of more than 60 microbial, plant,

insect, and other

eukaryotic genomes, has opened up a vast new realm of research

possibilities for the future of medicine, science, agriculture and the

environment. As a not-for-profit,

independent public policy institute, TCAG seeks to help the general

public and elected leaders better understand the social and ethical

implications of this important

yet complicated area of scientific research. The Center's visiting

fellows and permanent staff will initially focus some of their efforts

on promoting the passage of

genetic nondiscrimination legislation in the United States Congress and

helping to educate legislators on the potential benefits of stem cell

research in advancing new

treatments and cures for human disease. TCAG scientists will also

explore the relationship between the genetic code and human traits and

behavior, the

ethno-geographic differences between populations, and race based


Institute for Biological Energy Alternatives (IBEA)

As a laboratory based research institution, the IBEA staff will use

microbes, microbial genomics, microbial pathways, and plants as

potential solutions to carbon sequestration and clean

energy production. According to the U.S. Department of Energy

approximately 80 percent of all human-caused carbon dioxide emissions

currently come from fossil fuel combustion. The DOE also estimates that

world carbon dioxide emissions are projected to rise from 6.1 billion

metric tons carbon equivalent in 1999 to 7.9 billion metric tons per

year in 2010 and to 9.9 billion metric tons in 2020. This continued

consumption of fossil fuels is ample evidence that there is a growing

need to eliminate carbon dioxide output into the environment and if

possible capture back some of the carbon dioxide associated with global

warming. IBEA will work on developing and using biological pathways and

microbial metabolism to produce new fuels, e.g. hydrogen, with higher

energy output in an environmentally sound fashion. Researchers in the

Institute will also be developing potential new synthetic cells for use

as biological fuel cells. This work could have profound impacts on the

understanding of microbial cell biology and life definitions, as well as

a better understanding of evolutionary biology.

The J. Craig Venter Science Foundation

The Foundation will be the support organization for TCAG, IBEA, and

TIGR. The Foundation will provide administrative support and will

coordinate policy and research activities

between TCAG, IBEA, and TIGR and will carry out investment management

and fund-raising activities on behalf of the three organizations. In

addition to this internal support, the

Foundation will explore new ways to foster science education and

scientific innovation.

TIGR Center for the Advancement of Genomics (TCAG) is a not-for-profit

policy center dedicated to advancing science through education and

enlightenment of the general public,

elected officials, and students. TCAG will seek to better understand

evolutionary issues, broad social and ethical issues such as race as a

social concept rather than a scientific one, and

combating genetic discrimination. TCAG will also focus on the public

issues associated with biology/genomics in mitigating greenhouse gas

concentrations and biological energy

production. TCAG is a 501 © (3) organization.

Institute for Biological Energy Alternatives (IBEA) is a research-based

institution dedicated to exploring solutions for carbon sequestration

using microbes, microbial pathways, and plants. For example, genomics

could be applied to enhance the ability of terrestrial and oceanic

microbial communities to remove carbon from the atmosphere. IBEA will

develop and use microbial pathways and microbial metabolism to produce

fuels with higher energy content in an environmentally sound fashion.

IBEA will undertake genome engineering to better

understand the evolution of cellular life and how these cell components

function together in a living system. IBEA has applied for 501 © (3)


The Institute for Genomic Research (TIGR) is a not-for-profit research

institute based in Rockville, land. TIGR, which sequenced the first

complete genome of a free-living organism in 1995, has been at the

forefront of the genomic revolution since it was founded by J. Craig

Venter in 1992. TIGR conducts research involving the structural,

functional, and comparative analysis of genomes and gene products in

viruses, bacteria, archaea, and eukaryotes--higher animals and plants.

TIGR is a 501 © (3) organization.

J. Craig Venter Science Foundation is the support organization for TIGR,

TCAG, and IBEA. The Foundation provides administrative support and will

coordinate policy and research

activities between the three organizations. The Foundation has applied

for 501 © (3) status.

SOURCE: The Institute for Genomic Research

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