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Re: plain language terms

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Let us know your blood test results. Hope you are doing as well as

can be expected today. You are doing a great job with the

definitions! Keep up the good work but don't over do at one time!

Love and gentle hugs,



> ----------

> Had some blood tests today, took a lot of poking to extract four

> vials. Looks a lot like chocolate syrup.


> I did a bit of work on the plain laguage terminology of what we

might come

> accross when dealing with medical professionals and literature.

Not all

> are done, and no doubt more need to be added in. Feel free to add


> and/or definitions. I've made it blue, so you can add in a

differnt colour

> (black, red whatever) - makes for easier editing. Hope it



> Ablation = the removal of a body part, often by surgery


> Alien limb phenomenon = dystonia = extreme muscle cramp resulting

in loss

> of movement with limb

> in permanent cramp - also seen it described as the sense that your

limb is

> no longer under your control

> and pretty much does at it pleases


> Aspiration = to breathe take in liquid or solid


> Aspiration pneumonia = developing pneumonia as a consequence of



> Ataxia = movement disorders


> Athropy = wasting or withering


> Atypical features = not normal


> Autonomic dysfunction. = unable to control function which should


> require thought (breathing,

> heart rate, thermoregulation)


> Candiasis = yeast infection, yeast needs moist warm places, can

affect any

> number of body parts -

> most obvious Thrush, a white coating on tongue and throat - not


> with anti-biotics, treated as

> a fungus, or by adding good' bacteria to your diet (Acidophilus -


> yogurt, buttermilk or live culture

> supplement)


> Cerebellar signs = concerned primarily with somatic motor function,


> control of muscle tone and

> the maintenance of balance


> Cerebellar = pertaining to loss of somatic motor function, the

control of

> muscle tone and the

> maintenance of balance


> Cerebellar dysfunction= somatic motor function, the control of

muscle tone

> and the maintenance of

> balance are not working


> Chronic = ongoing


> Contractures = cramps


> Cortical-basal ganglionic degeneration = CBGD


> Cortical sensory loss =


> Cortical reflex myoclonus =


> Diffuse Lewy body disease (LBD) = Ken had this - much like


> symptom wise, Lewy

> Bodies can be imaged like lesions, but more obscure


> Drug induced = caused by drugs


> Dysautonomia = autonomic failure = automatic functions of the body

do not

> work properly like

> temperature and OH


> Dysphagia = speech or swallowing difficulties


> Dystonia = extreme muscle cramp resulting in loss of movement with

limb in

> permanent cramp


> Edema = swelling of tissue due to excessive fluid buildup (swollen


> ankles, abdomen)


> Encephalitis lethargica = viral brain infection (sleeping sickness)


> Focal rigidity =


> Hederodegenerative diseases = ('s, Hallervorden-Spatz,


> disease, etc.)


> Hederodegenerative disease. = some sort of ivy shaped nerves I think


> Hepatocerebral degeneration =


> HIV = AIDS - Human Immunodeficient Virus - AIDS refers to the later



> Hospice = palliative care for those with progressive and terminal


> where the emphasis is on

> comfort of the patient, not treatment/cure


> Hydrocephalus = water on the brain


> Hyper = over


> Hypertense = high blood pressure


> Hyperthermic = above normal temperature


> Hypervolemic = too much blood volume


> Hypo = under


> Hypotense = low blood pressure


> Hypothermic = below normal temperature


> Hypothyroidism = underfunctioning thyroid


> Hypovolemic = too little blood volume


> Ideomotor apraxias =


> Infection = hope we know that - just to be sure - caused by

bacteria, will

> show on culuture and treated

> with anti-biotics


> Inflammation = swelling, redness, irritation (eg urinary

inflammation due

> to retention, in sufficient

> urine production, stones etc.) - can not be treated with anti

biotics -

> treating the sources and anti-inflammaroty medications (Aspirin or


> may offer some relief


> Intellectual = thought processing ability


> Intracytoplasmic oligodendroglial inclusion body =


> Long-tract signs =


> Marked asymmetry of involvement = one side of body affected more

than the

> other


> Mass lesions = scarring all over (from demyelating disease etc.)


> Olivopontocerebellar atrophy (parkinsonism with cerebellar

dysfunction) or

> OPCA = disease affecting

> movement, and balance problems


> Orthostatic hypotension = blood pressure falls (at least 20 points)


> patient rises to a sitting or

> standing position


> Palliative = care of patient with focus on quality of life not

extension of

> life


> Paraneoplastic = pertaining to hormonal, neurological,

haematological, and

> other clinical and

> biochemical disturbances associated with malignant neoplasms but


> directly related to invasion by

> the primary tumour or its metastases - plainly put due to the

spread of cancer


> Pick's disease = predominant feature is frontal lobe dementia


> changes etc.)


> Prion disease = like mad cow disease - the Prion is neither virus


> bacteria the word Prion descrtibes

> a specific type of organism, it does not react to antibiotic or


> treatment, it is a contagion (can be

> passed on - like eating infected meats) actually most Parkinson's


> disorders fit description - of the

> symptoms not the disease process


> Progressive = gets worse


> Progressive Supranuclear Palsy or PSP = degenerative neurological


> characterized by speech

> and gait problems, difficulty gazing upward, with no intellectual



> Progressive pallidal atrophy =


> Pulmonary edema = fluid buildup in body cavity affecting lungs and



> Pulmonary = to do with the lungs


> Pyramidal =


> Pyramidal signs =


> Respiration = to breathe, take in oxygen (gas)


> Secondary Parkinsonism = second to another medical condition,

medication or

> toxin (poisin)


> Shy-Drager Syndrome (MSA with primarily autonomic dysfunction). =


> functions not

> working properly (OH, temperature control bladder incontenence,


> heart rate, allergic

> reactions, saliva and tear production)


> Somatic = to do with the body, physical


> Sporadic = all over the place, unpredictable


> SSPE = subacute sclerosing panencephalitis = ask a neuro


> Striatonigral degeneration (parkinsonism poorly responsive to

levodopa and

> frequently associated with

> cervical dystonia) = cervical dystonia = rigid back= rigidity


> Subcortical dementia = relating to the subcortex; beneath the

cerebral cortex.


> Supine hypertension = blood pressure rises when patient lays down


> it should go down)


> Syndrome = constellation of symptoms


> Syringomesencephalia =


> Toxins = poinson, cadmium would be an example - drugs such as

opiates are

> considered here also


> Trauma = blow to the head for example, or life altering experience


> Vascular = to do with blood and it's circulation


> aletta mes

> vancouver, bc Canada

> web: http://aletta.0catch.com

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