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My daughter has Crohn's Colitis and has been bery sick the past 2 years. She has

lost 30 pounds and has had to have abscess surgery this past spring (that is

when we started the SCD) - she is still having bleeding and inflammation in that

area, but seems to be feeling stronger on this SCD. We just sent to the doctor

yesterday (to get a Remicade treatment) and she had lost 3 more pounds. We are a

little discourged. I need to ask this group about how to put weight on her.

Thanks for your help,


> >I have heard this group is very helpful -


> Well, we sure try! How is your daughter doing?



> — Marilyn

> New Orleans, Louisiana, USA

> Undiagnosed IBS since 1976, SCD since 2001

> Darn Good SCD Cook

> No Human Children

> Shadow & Sunny Longhair Dachshund


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My daughter has Crohn's Colitis and has been bery sick the past 2 years. She has

lost 30 pounds and has had to have abscess surgery this past spring (that is

when we started the SCD) - she is still having bleeding and inflammation in that

area, but seems to be feeling stronger on this SCD. We just sent to the doctor

yesterday (to get a Remicade treatment) and she had lost 3 more pounds. We are a

little discourged. I need to ask this group about how to put weight on her.

Thanks for your help,


> >I have heard this group is very helpful -


> Well, we sure try! How is your daughter doing?



> — Marilyn

> New Orleans, Louisiana, USA

> Undiagnosed IBS since 1976, SCD since 2001

> Darn Good SCD Cook

> No Human Children

> Shadow & Sunny Longhair Dachshund


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Hi Dene'..

I am really happy to see you posting here with your questions about Macy.

You'll get a lot of support and guidance and will have a safety net that is much

bigger than my grasp. This group has been a life saver for me.

You should also join PecanBread's group- although more about SCD and Autism

(ASD) they deal with SCD+ Kids. Fantastic helpful bunch of SCD'ers and parents;


Many deal with weight issues. It will come when healing takes place.

Just ask Eileen and how freaked out she was because she was so underweight.. :)


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Hi Dene'..

I am really happy to see you posting here with your questions about Macy.

You'll get a lot of support and guidance and will have a safety net that is much

bigger than my grasp. This group has been a life saver for me.

You should also join PecanBread's group- although more about SCD and Autism

(ASD) they deal with SCD+ Kids. Fantastic helpful bunch of SCD'ers and parents;


Many deal with weight issues. It will come when healing takes place.

Just ask Eileen and how freaked out she was because she was so underweight.. :)


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Hi Dene'..

I am really happy to see you posting here with your questions about Macy.

You'll get a lot of support and guidance and will have a safety net that is much

bigger than my grasp. This group has been a life saver for me.

You should also join PecanBread's group- although more about SCD and Autism

(ASD) they deal with SCD+ Kids. Fantastic helpful bunch of SCD'ers and parents;


Many deal with weight issues. It will come when healing takes place.

Just ask Eileen and how freaked out she was because she was so underweight.. :)


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At 08:25 AM 10/6/2009, you wrote:

I need to ask this group about

how to put weight on her.

First question is... what does your daughter eat?

You've been SCD for, what, six months? She should have a repertoire of

tolerated foods by now.

A woman needs 11 calories per pound of optimum weight per day just to

function -- that doesn't count calories for running around and doing


What would her optimum weight be? Multiply that times 11 calories per

pound to get the absolute minimum she needs to be consuming -- then

figure out the calorie expenditure for everything she does all day, and

she'll need to cover that, too.

In order to gain one pound per week, she needs to consume 500 calories

per day more than her minimum plus her exertion calorie totals.

In order to gain two pounds a week, she needs to eat 1000 calories per

day more than her minimum plus her exertion calorie totals.

One hour of sitting and studying uses 132 calories. If you figure 6 hours

in school per day, and at least 2 hours for homework, you're looking at

needing an extra 1057 calories per school day, in addition to her


Then you have to add the calories for whatever weight gain she is aiming




Orleans, Louisiana, USA

Undiagnosed IBS since 1976, SCD since 2001

Darn Good SCD Cook

No Human Children

Shadow & Sunny Longhair Dachshund

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At 08:25 AM 10/6/2009, you wrote:

I need to ask this group about

how to put weight on her.

First question is... what does your daughter eat?

You've been SCD for, what, six months? She should have a repertoire of

tolerated foods by now.

A woman needs 11 calories per pound of optimum weight per day just to

function -- that doesn't count calories for running around and doing


What would her optimum weight be? Multiply that times 11 calories per

pound to get the absolute minimum she needs to be consuming -- then

figure out the calorie expenditure for everything she does all day, and

she'll need to cover that, too.

In order to gain one pound per week, she needs to consume 500 calories

per day more than her minimum plus her exertion calorie totals.

In order to gain two pounds a week, she needs to eat 1000 calories per

day more than her minimum plus her exertion calorie totals.

One hour of sitting and studying uses 132 calories. If you figure 6 hours

in school per day, and at least 2 hours for homework, you're looking at

needing an extra 1057 calories per school day, in addition to her


Then you have to add the calories for whatever weight gain she is aiming




Orleans, Louisiana, USA

Undiagnosed IBS since 1976, SCD since 2001

Darn Good SCD Cook

No Human Children

Shadow & Sunny Longhair Dachshund

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Once you start healing, the weight sure comes on! I started the diet at 94

pounds, dropped to 90 pounds, and am now at 105 pounds. I've had to cut back on

my calorie intake, because I can no longer fit into some of my clothes! My mom

is surprised I'm gaining, because I really don't eat that much, but what I do

eat is loaded with calories. In my pre-SCD life, I could eat and eat and never

gain a pound (except when on prednisone).

Dairy is a great way to put on weight, if you can handle it. Yogurt, cheese,

cheesecake, butter, and frozen yogurt added lots of calories to my diet. Nut

butter, avocado, and coconut oil are the other things that helped me pack on

some weight.



SCD 12/01/08

> ly, it's not at all easy to gain weight on this diet. Which doesn't

> mean you shouldn't try it! It has many other benefits.

> You might also look into getting a prescription for LDN for her (low-dose

> naltrexone). That would be FAR prefeable to Remicade. And could do -- and

> probably will do -- wonders (along with the SCD).

> If you're unfamilier with LDN, see for starters www.lowdosenaltrexone.org


> n


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Once you start healing, the weight sure comes on! I started the diet at 94

pounds, dropped to 90 pounds, and am now at 105 pounds. I've had to cut back on

my calorie intake, because I can no longer fit into some of my clothes! My mom

is surprised I'm gaining, because I really don't eat that much, but what I do

eat is loaded with calories. In my pre-SCD life, I could eat and eat and never

gain a pound (except when on prednisone).

Dairy is a great way to put on weight, if you can handle it. Yogurt, cheese,

cheesecake, butter, and frozen yogurt added lots of calories to my diet. Nut

butter, avocado, and coconut oil are the other things that helped me pack on

some weight.



SCD 12/01/08

> ly, it's not at all easy to gain weight on this diet. Which doesn't

> mean you shouldn't try it! It has many other benefits.

> You might also look into getting a prescription for LDN for her (low-dose

> naltrexone). That would be FAR prefeable to Remicade. And could do -- and

> probably will do -- wonders (along with the SCD).

> If you're unfamilier with LDN, see for starters www.lowdosenaltrexone.org


> n


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I've also started to gain. At first, I was happy about it, but now I'm getting a

little concerned. On one hand, it's a sign that I'm healing (yay)on the other- I

don't want to get pudgy!! I do eat a lot of yogurt but I make it with low fat



> > ly, it's not at all easy to gain weight on this diet. Which doesn't

> > mean you shouldn't try it! It has many other benefits.

> > You might also look into getting a prescription for LDN for her (low-dose

> > naltrexone). That would be FAR prefeable to Remicade. And could do -- and

> > probably will do -- wonders (along with the SCD).

> > If you're unfamilier with LDN, see for starters www.lowdosenaltrexone.org

> >

> > n

> >


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I've also started to gain. At first, I was happy about it, but now I'm getting a

little concerned. On one hand, it's a sign that I'm healing (yay)on the other- I

don't want to get pudgy!! I do eat a lot of yogurt but I make it with low fat



> > ly, it's not at all easy to gain weight on this diet. Which doesn't

> > mean you shouldn't try it! It has many other benefits.

> > You might also look into getting a prescription for LDN for her (low-dose

> > naltrexone). That would be FAR prefeable to Remicade. And could do -- and

> > probably will do -- wonders (along with the SCD).

> > If you're unfamilier with LDN, see for starters www.lowdosenaltrexone.org

> >

> > n

> >


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I've also started to gain. At first, I was happy about it, but now I'm getting a

little concerned. On one hand, it's a sign that I'm healing (yay)on the other- I

don't want to get pudgy!! I do eat a lot of yogurt but I make it with low fat



> > ly, it's not at all easy to gain weight on this diet. Which doesn't

> > mean you shouldn't try it! It has many other benefits.

> > You might also look into getting a prescription for LDN for her (low-dose

> > naltrexone). That would be FAR prefeable to Remicade. And could do -- and

> > probably will do -- wonders (along with the SCD).

> > If you're unfamilier with LDN, see for starters www.lowdosenaltrexone.org

> >

> > n

> >


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Thanks to everyone for the advice on helping my daughter put weight on.

I feel that the main reason she is not gaining weight is because she still has

inflammation going on from this disease. Her bloodwork yesterday showed that her

CRP (inflammation marker) is way up - normal is 10 hers was 71. It seems that

when she has inflammation she doesn't want to eat much. She has had an abscess

last spring and she seems to be feeling the dull ache of that again. Is there

anything we are doing wrong on the SCD that would allow that abscess to come

back or does anyone know if remicade would cause the abscess to return?

We feel like we are in sort of a cycle with these Remicade treatments - she will

feel good right after the treatment for about 6 weeks then she has trouble with

her swelling in her rectum area and she has a tough time wanting to eat

much(inflammation). Has anyone here ever had success with remicade and the SCD?

We are a little scared to take her off of the remicade because it helps keep her

inflammation down. Our doctor is checking into LDN - is that something she could

start right away after stopping remicade or would she have to wait?

Here is a list of some of the typical things she eats in a day:

Here is a list of most foods she eats:

Breakast - legal homemade yogurt made from 1/2 and 1/2 (with fresh lime juice

squeezed in it and honey)

- legal bacon (fried crispy)

- eggs scrambled, poached

- 100% white grape juice

Lunch - hamburger patty (grilled over gas grill

- legal mustard

- pickles

- peeled tomatoe

or parmesian chicken all legal

or legal chicken nuggets from pecan bread website

or steak grilled

cheddar or colby cheese

legal pumpkin pie (no crust) or legal cheese cake or legal lemon

meranuge pie(this does have some almond flour in the crust)

white grape juice with a splash of sprite zero and legal pineapple


veggies of some kind steamed or boiled green beans, asparagus with

hollandiase sauce,

snack - homemade yogurt or yogurt smoothie made from 1/2 and 1/2

supper - steak grilled

- chicken grilled

-chicken cordean blue (made with swiss cheese and rolled in eggs

and a little almond flour and then baked)

- sour cream chicken all legal make my own sour cream from our


- chicken or steak stir fry with butter and salt and zuchinnis

(peeled) onion, mushrooms

another piece of dessert from above

yogurt before bed

I need to add that she is playing volleyball at her high school right now that

should last only 3 more weeks. The last few days I have calculated how many

calories she is taking in and she is getting about 3200 a day. She weighs about

95 pounds right now and is 5'4 " . How long did it take for most of you to turn

the corner and start to heal and gain weight? Is she going at a slower pace

because of the Remicade? The fact that she has enough strength to play

volleyball is a very encouraging sign to us - last year she was so sick she

could barely get out of bed. We have thought of stopping her activity, but she

is a senior and her playing volleyball is important to her mental health too.

She is just so ready to get well!

Thanks again to all of you who are helping us on this journey to good health!


> >I need to ask this group about how to put weight on her.


> First question is... what does your daughter eat?


> You've been SCD for, what, six months? She should

> have a repertoire of tolerated foods by now.


> A woman needs 11 calories per pound of optimum

> weight per day just to function -- that doesn't

> count calories for running around and doing things.


> What would her optimum weight be? Multiply that

> times 11 calories per pound to get the absolute

> minimum she needs to be consuming -- then figure

> out the calorie expenditure for everything she

> does all day, and she'll need to cover that, too.


> In order to gain one pound per week, she needs to

> consume 500 calories per day more than her

> minimum plus her exertion calorie totals.


> In order to gain two pounds a week, she needs to

> eat 1000 calories per day more than her minimum

> plus her exertion calorie totals.


> One hour of sitting and studying uses 132

> calories. If you figure 6 hours in school per

> day, and at least 2 hours for homework, you're

> looking at needing an extra 1057 calories per

> school day, in addition to her minimum.


> Then you have to add the calories for whatever weight gain she is aiming for.



> — Marilyn

> New Orleans, Louisiana, USA

> Undiagnosed IBS since 1976, SCD since 2001

> Darn Good SCD Cook

> No Human Children

> Shadow & Sunny Longhair Dachshund


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Thanks to everyone for the advice on helping my daughter put weight on.

I feel that the main reason she is not gaining weight is because she still has

inflammation going on from this disease. Her bloodwork yesterday showed that her

CRP (inflammation marker) is way up - normal is 10 hers was 71. It seems that

when she has inflammation she doesn't want to eat much. She has had an abscess

last spring and she seems to be feeling the dull ache of that again. Is there

anything we are doing wrong on the SCD that would allow that abscess to come

back or does anyone know if remicade would cause the abscess to return?

We feel like we are in sort of a cycle with these Remicade treatments - she will

feel good right after the treatment for about 6 weeks then she has trouble with

her swelling in her rectum area and she has a tough time wanting to eat

much(inflammation). Has anyone here ever had success with remicade and the SCD?

We are a little scared to take her off of the remicade because it helps keep her

inflammation down. Our doctor is checking into LDN - is that something she could

start right away after stopping remicade or would she have to wait?

Here is a list of some of the typical things she eats in a day:

Here is a list of most foods she eats:

Breakast - legal homemade yogurt made from 1/2 and 1/2 (with fresh lime juice

squeezed in it and honey)

- legal bacon (fried crispy)

- eggs scrambled, poached

- 100% white grape juice

Lunch - hamburger patty (grilled over gas grill

- legal mustard

- pickles

- peeled tomatoe

or parmesian chicken all legal

or legal chicken nuggets from pecan bread website

or steak grilled

cheddar or colby cheese

legal pumpkin pie (no crust) or legal cheese cake or legal lemon

meranuge pie(this does have some almond flour in the crust)

white grape juice with a splash of sprite zero and legal pineapple


veggies of some kind steamed or boiled green beans, asparagus with

hollandiase sauce,

snack - homemade yogurt or yogurt smoothie made from 1/2 and 1/2

supper - steak grilled

- chicken grilled

-chicken cordean blue (made with swiss cheese and rolled in eggs

and a little almond flour and then baked)

- sour cream chicken all legal make my own sour cream from our


- chicken or steak stir fry with butter and salt and zuchinnis

(peeled) onion, mushrooms

another piece of dessert from above

yogurt before bed

I need to add that she is playing volleyball at her high school right now that

should last only 3 more weeks. The last few days I have calculated how many

calories she is taking in and she is getting about 3200 a day. She weighs about

95 pounds right now and is 5'4 " . How long did it take for most of you to turn

the corner and start to heal and gain weight? Is she going at a slower pace

because of the Remicade? The fact that she has enough strength to play

volleyball is a very encouraging sign to us - last year she was so sick she

could barely get out of bed. We have thought of stopping her activity, but she

is a senior and her playing volleyball is important to her mental health too.

She is just so ready to get well!

Thanks again to all of you who are helping us on this journey to good health!


> >I need to ask this group about how to put weight on her.


> First question is... what does your daughter eat?


> You've been SCD for, what, six months? She should

> have a repertoire of tolerated foods by now.


> A woman needs 11 calories per pound of optimum

> weight per day just to function -- that doesn't

> count calories for running around and doing things.


> What would her optimum weight be? Multiply that

> times 11 calories per pound to get the absolute

> minimum she needs to be consuming -- then figure

> out the calorie expenditure for everything she

> does all day, and she'll need to cover that, too.


> In order to gain one pound per week, she needs to

> consume 500 calories per day more than her

> minimum plus her exertion calorie totals.


> In order to gain two pounds a week, she needs to

> eat 1000 calories per day more than her minimum

> plus her exertion calorie totals.


> One hour of sitting and studying uses 132

> calories. If you figure 6 hours in school per

> day, and at least 2 hours for homework, you're

> looking at needing an extra 1057 calories per

> school day, in addition to her minimum.


> Then you have to add the calories for whatever weight gain she is aiming for.



> — Marilyn

> New Orleans, Louisiana, USA

> Undiagnosed IBS since 1976, SCD since 2001

> Darn Good SCD Cook

> No Human Children

> Shadow & Sunny Longhair Dachshund


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Thanks to everyone for the advice on helping my daughter put weight on.

I feel that the main reason she is not gaining weight is because she still has

inflammation going on from this disease. Her bloodwork yesterday showed that her

CRP (inflammation marker) is way up - normal is 10 hers was 71. It seems that

when she has inflammation she doesn't want to eat much. She has had an abscess

last spring and she seems to be feeling the dull ache of that again. Is there

anything we are doing wrong on the SCD that would allow that abscess to come

back or does anyone know if remicade would cause the abscess to return?

We feel like we are in sort of a cycle with these Remicade treatments - she will

feel good right after the treatment for about 6 weeks then she has trouble with

her swelling in her rectum area and she has a tough time wanting to eat

much(inflammation). Has anyone here ever had success with remicade and the SCD?

We are a little scared to take her off of the remicade because it helps keep her

inflammation down. Our doctor is checking into LDN - is that something she could

start right away after stopping remicade or would she have to wait?

Here is a list of some of the typical things she eats in a day:

Here is a list of most foods she eats:

Breakast - legal homemade yogurt made from 1/2 and 1/2 (with fresh lime juice

squeezed in it and honey)

- legal bacon (fried crispy)

- eggs scrambled, poached

- 100% white grape juice

Lunch - hamburger patty (grilled over gas grill

- legal mustard

- pickles

- peeled tomatoe

or parmesian chicken all legal

or legal chicken nuggets from pecan bread website

or steak grilled

cheddar or colby cheese

legal pumpkin pie (no crust) or legal cheese cake or legal lemon

meranuge pie(this does have some almond flour in the crust)

white grape juice with a splash of sprite zero and legal pineapple


veggies of some kind steamed or boiled green beans, asparagus with

hollandiase sauce,

snack - homemade yogurt or yogurt smoothie made from 1/2 and 1/2

supper - steak grilled

- chicken grilled

-chicken cordean blue (made with swiss cheese and rolled in eggs

and a little almond flour and then baked)

- sour cream chicken all legal make my own sour cream from our


- chicken or steak stir fry with butter and salt and zuchinnis

(peeled) onion, mushrooms

another piece of dessert from above

yogurt before bed

I need to add that she is playing volleyball at her high school right now that

should last only 3 more weeks. The last few days I have calculated how many

calories she is taking in and she is getting about 3200 a day. She weighs about

95 pounds right now and is 5'4 " . How long did it take for most of you to turn

the corner and start to heal and gain weight? Is she going at a slower pace

because of the Remicade? The fact that she has enough strength to play

volleyball is a very encouraging sign to us - last year she was so sick she

could barely get out of bed. We have thought of stopping her activity, but she

is a senior and her playing volleyball is important to her mental health too.

She is just so ready to get well!

Thanks again to all of you who are helping us on this journey to good health!


> >I need to ask this group about how to put weight on her.


> First question is... what does your daughter eat?


> You've been SCD for, what, six months? She should

> have a repertoire of tolerated foods by now.


> A woman needs 11 calories per pound of optimum

> weight per day just to function -- that doesn't

> count calories for running around and doing things.


> What would her optimum weight be? Multiply that

> times 11 calories per pound to get the absolute

> minimum she needs to be consuming -- then figure

> out the calorie expenditure for everything she

> does all day, and she'll need to cover that, too.


> In order to gain one pound per week, she needs to

> consume 500 calories per day more than her

> minimum plus her exertion calorie totals.


> In order to gain two pounds a week, she needs to

> eat 1000 calories per day more than her minimum

> plus her exertion calorie totals.


> One hour of sitting and studying uses 132

> calories. If you figure 6 hours in school per

> day, and at least 2 hours for homework, you're

> looking at needing an extra 1057 calories per

> school day, in addition to her minimum.


> Then you have to add the calories for whatever weight gain she is aiming for.



> — Marilyn

> New Orleans, Louisiana, USA

> Undiagnosed IBS since 1976, SCD since 2001

> Darn Good SCD Cook

> No Human Children

> Shadow & Sunny Longhair Dachshund


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Does anyone have any information of the study going on right now that invloves

LDN and Crohn's patients. I thought I would get that information to our doctor

and see if we could switvh her to that instead of Remicade.



> We just sent to the doctor yesterday (to get a Remicade treatment)

> > and she had lost 3 more pounds. We are a little discourged. I need to

> > ask this group about how to put weight on her.

> > Thanks for your help,

> > Dene'


> ly, it's not at all easy to gain weight on this diet. Which doesn't mean

you shouldn't try it! It has many other benefits.

> You might also look into getting a prescription for LDN for her (low-dose

naltrexone). That would be FAR prefeable to Remicade. And could do -- and

probably will do -- wonders (along with the SCD).

> If you're unfamilier with LDN, see for starters www.lowdosenaltrexone.org




> n

> Hi Dene-

> I agree with n. Remicade suppresses the

> immune system, and when you do that, it is hard

> for the body to heal itself. Avoid that if at all possible.


> The weight gain comes once healing occurs.

> The body cannot absorb nutrients properly when

> there is so much inflammation. I don't know how

> you started the diet, or what foods your daugther

> is now eating, but it is best to start with the intro,

> and only easiest to digest foods, which means

> peeling and cooking fruits and veggies. This give

> the gut a chance to heal. If you never did that,

> you may want to go back and start with the intro

> diet.


> Diane D.

> 13yd dx w/Crohn's 6/07

> SCD med-free since 12/20/07


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Does anyone have any information of the study going on right now that invloves

LDN and Crohn's patients. I thought I would get that information to our doctor

and see if we could switvh her to that instead of Remicade.



> We just sent to the doctor yesterday (to get a Remicade treatment)

> > and she had lost 3 more pounds. We are a little discourged. I need to

> > ask this group about how to put weight on her.

> > Thanks for your help,

> > Dene'


> ly, it's not at all easy to gain weight on this diet. Which doesn't mean

you shouldn't try it! It has many other benefits.

> You might also look into getting a prescription for LDN for her (low-dose

naltrexone). That would be FAR prefeable to Remicade. And could do -- and

probably will do -- wonders (along with the SCD).

> If you're unfamilier with LDN, see for starters www.lowdosenaltrexone.org




> n

> Hi Dene-

> I agree with n. Remicade suppresses the

> immune system, and when you do that, it is hard

> for the body to heal itself. Avoid that if at all possible.


> The weight gain comes once healing occurs.

> The body cannot absorb nutrients properly when

> there is so much inflammation. I don't know how

> you started the diet, or what foods your daugther

> is now eating, but it is best to start with the intro,

> and only easiest to digest foods, which means

> peeling and cooking fruits and veggies. This give

> the gut a chance to heal. If you never did that,

> you may want to go back and start with the intro

> diet.


> Diane D.

> 13yd dx w/Crohn's 6/07

> SCD med-free since 12/20/07


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Does anyone have any information of the study going on right now that invloves

LDN and Crohn's patients. I thought I would get that information to our doctor

and see if we could switvh her to that instead of Remicade.



> We just sent to the doctor yesterday (to get a Remicade treatment)

> > and she had lost 3 more pounds. We are a little discourged. I need to

> > ask this group about how to put weight on her.

> > Thanks for your help,

> > Dene'


> ly, it's not at all easy to gain weight on this diet. Which doesn't mean

you shouldn't try it! It has many other benefits.

> You might also look into getting a prescription for LDN for her (low-dose

naltrexone). That would be FAR prefeable to Remicade. And could do -- and

probably will do -- wonders (along with the SCD).

> If you're unfamilier with LDN, see for starters www.lowdosenaltrexone.org




> n

> Hi Dene-

> I agree with n. Remicade suppresses the

> immune system, and when you do that, it is hard

> for the body to heal itself. Avoid that if at all possible.


> The weight gain comes once healing occurs.

> The body cannot absorb nutrients properly when

> there is so much inflammation. I don't know how

> you started the diet, or what foods your daugther

> is now eating, but it is best to start with the intro,

> and only easiest to digest foods, which means

> peeling and cooking fruits and veggies. This give

> the gut a chance to heal. If you never did that,

> you may want to go back and start with the intro

> diet.


> Diane D.

> 13yd dx w/Crohn's 6/07

> SCD med-free since 12/20/07


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> Thanks to everyone for the advice on helping my daughter put weight

> on.

> I feel that the main reason she is not gaining weight is because she

> still has inflammation going on from this disease. Her bloodwork

> yesterday showed that her CRP (inflammation marker) is way up -

> normal is 10 hers was 71. It seems that when she has inflammation

> she doesn't want to eat much. She has had an abscess last spring and

> she seems to be feeling the dull ache of that again. Is there

> anything we are doing wrong on the SCD that would allow that abscess

> to come back or does anyone know if remicade would cause the abscess

> to return?

> We feel like we are in sort of a cycle with these Remicade

> treatments - she will feel good right after the treatment for about

> 6 weeks then she has trouble with her swelling in her rectum area

> and she has a tough time wanting to eat much(inflammation). Has

> anyone here ever had success with remicade and the SCD? We are a

> little scared to take her off of the remicade because it helps keep

> her inflammation down. Our doctor is checking into LDN - is that

> something she could start right away after stopping remicade or

> would she have to wait?

best to ask someone at the LDN list:


> Here is a list of some of the typical things she eats in a day:

> Here is a list of most foods she eats:

> Breakast - legal homemade yogurt made from 1/2 and 1/2 (with fresh

> lime juice squeezed in it and honey)

> - legal bacon (fried crispy)

> - eggs scrambled, poached

> - 100% white grape juice


> Lunch - hamburger patty (grilled over gas grill

> - legal mustard

> - pickles

> - peeled tomatoe

> or parmesian chicken all legal

> or legal chicken nuggets from pecan bread website

> or steak grilled

> cheddar or colby cheese

> legal pumpkin pie (no crust) or legal cheese cake or legal lemon

> meranuge pie(this does have some almond flour in the crust)

> white grape juice with a splash of sprite zero and legal

> pineapple

> juice

> veggies of some kind steamed or boiled green beans, asparagus

> with

> hollandiase sauce,


> snack - homemade yogurt or yogurt smoothie made from 1/2 and 1/2



> supper - steak grilled

> - chicken grilled

> -chicken cordean blue (made with swiss cheese and rolled in eggs

> and a little almond flour and then baked)

> - sour cream chicken all legal make my own sour cream from our

> yogurt

> - chicken or steak stir fry with butter and salt and zuchinnis

> (peeled) onion, mushrooms

> another piece of dessert from above

> yogurt before bed


> I need to add that she is playing volleyball at her high school

> right now that should last only 3 more weeks. The last few days I

> have calculated how many calories she is taking in and she is

> getting about 3200 a day. She weighs about 95 pounds right now and

> is 5'4 " . How long did it take for most of you to turn the corner and

> start to heal and gain weight?

In my case, too soon, but for the too skinny ones, it takes a while,

plus she

is going through cyclical setbacks with the remicade, so it will take


> Is she going at a slower pace because of the Remicade?

probably because she her inflammation is returning at the

end of each treatment, unless it has a side effect of losing

weight that I don't know about. You could look it up

on wikipedia or elsewhere on the web to check that.

> The fact that she has enough strength to play volleyball is a very

> encouraging sign to us - last year she was so sick she could barely

> get out of bed. We have thought of stopping her activity, but she is

> a senior and her playing volleyball is important to her mental

> health too.

No, no, that is the worst thing you can do.

By exercising and playing volleyball, she is getting an endorphin rush.

Endorphins are crucial to the proper functioning of the immune system

This is what LDN does, provides an endorphin kick every single day

(plus it helps create more endorphin receptors in the body, for even

more endorphins to do their thing, which is to modulate the immune

system and also to vanquish low level pain in the body [both

gut as well as menstruation]). I bet she actually

feels better after exercising and it is helping to keep her disease in

check. So having her exercise this way is helping to heal her. As

well as the mental health benefits you mentioned which is part of

the physical benefits. Remember the gut has tons and tons of

neural connections to the brain, so this physical/mental connection

is very real.

I know when I used to play volleyball, I always got an endorphin

rush at the end of it. It felt great. And that is the body's built in

healing mechanisms doing its job.


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> Thanks to everyone for the advice on helping my daughter put weight

> on.

> I feel that the main reason she is not gaining weight is because she

> still has inflammation going on from this disease. Her bloodwork

> yesterday showed that her CRP (inflammation marker) is way up -

> normal is 10 hers was 71. It seems that when she has inflammation

> she doesn't want to eat much. She has had an abscess last spring and

> she seems to be feeling the dull ache of that again. Is there

> anything we are doing wrong on the SCD that would allow that abscess

> to come back or does anyone know if remicade would cause the abscess

> to return?

> We feel like we are in sort of a cycle with these Remicade

> treatments - she will feel good right after the treatment for about

> 6 weeks then she has trouble with her swelling in her rectum area

> and she has a tough time wanting to eat much(inflammation). Has

> anyone here ever had success with remicade and the SCD? We are a

> little scared to take her off of the remicade because it helps keep

> her inflammation down. Our doctor is checking into LDN - is that

> something she could start right away after stopping remicade or

> would she have to wait?

best to ask someone at the LDN list:


> Here is a list of some of the typical things she eats in a day:

> Here is a list of most foods she eats:

> Breakast - legal homemade yogurt made from 1/2 and 1/2 (with fresh

> lime juice squeezed in it and honey)

> - legal bacon (fried crispy)

> - eggs scrambled, poached

> - 100% white grape juice


> Lunch - hamburger patty (grilled over gas grill

> - legal mustard

> - pickles

> - peeled tomatoe

> or parmesian chicken all legal

> or legal chicken nuggets from pecan bread website

> or steak grilled

> cheddar or colby cheese

> legal pumpkin pie (no crust) or legal cheese cake or legal lemon

> meranuge pie(this does have some almond flour in the crust)

> white grape juice with a splash of sprite zero and legal

> pineapple

> juice

> veggies of some kind steamed or boiled green beans, asparagus

> with

> hollandiase sauce,


> snack - homemade yogurt or yogurt smoothie made from 1/2 and 1/2



> supper - steak grilled

> - chicken grilled

> -chicken cordean blue (made with swiss cheese and rolled in eggs

> and a little almond flour and then baked)

> - sour cream chicken all legal make my own sour cream from our

> yogurt

> - chicken or steak stir fry with butter and salt and zuchinnis

> (peeled) onion, mushrooms

> another piece of dessert from above

> yogurt before bed


> I need to add that she is playing volleyball at her high school

> right now that should last only 3 more weeks. The last few days I

> have calculated how many calories she is taking in and she is

> getting about 3200 a day. She weighs about 95 pounds right now and

> is 5'4 " . How long did it take for most of you to turn the corner and

> start to heal and gain weight?

In my case, too soon, but for the too skinny ones, it takes a while,

plus she

is going through cyclical setbacks with the remicade, so it will take


> Is she going at a slower pace because of the Remicade?

probably because she her inflammation is returning at the

end of each treatment, unless it has a side effect of losing

weight that I don't know about. You could look it up

on wikipedia or elsewhere on the web to check that.

> The fact that she has enough strength to play volleyball is a very

> encouraging sign to us - last year she was so sick she could barely

> get out of bed. We have thought of stopping her activity, but she is

> a senior and her playing volleyball is important to her mental

> health too.

No, no, that is the worst thing you can do.

By exercising and playing volleyball, she is getting an endorphin rush.

Endorphins are crucial to the proper functioning of the immune system

This is what LDN does, provides an endorphin kick every single day

(plus it helps create more endorphin receptors in the body, for even

more endorphins to do their thing, which is to modulate the immune

system and also to vanquish low level pain in the body [both

gut as well as menstruation]). I bet she actually

feels better after exercising and it is helping to keep her disease in

check. So having her exercise this way is helping to heal her. As

well as the mental health benefits you mentioned which is part of

the physical benefits. Remember the gut has tons and tons of

neural connections to the brain, so this physical/mental connection

is very real.

I know when I used to play volleyball, I always got an endorphin

rush at the end of it. It felt great. And that is the body's built in

healing mechanisms doing its job.


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> Thanks to everyone for the advice on helping my daughter put weight

> on.

> I feel that the main reason she is not gaining weight is because she

> still has inflammation going on from this disease. Her bloodwork

> yesterday showed that her CRP (inflammation marker) is way up -

> normal is 10 hers was 71. It seems that when she has inflammation

> she doesn't want to eat much. She has had an abscess last spring and

> she seems to be feeling the dull ache of that again. Is there

> anything we are doing wrong on the SCD that would allow that abscess

> to come back or does anyone know if remicade would cause the abscess

> to return?

> We feel like we are in sort of a cycle with these Remicade

> treatments - she will feel good right after the treatment for about

> 6 weeks then she has trouble with her swelling in her rectum area

> and she has a tough time wanting to eat much(inflammation). Has

> anyone here ever had success with remicade and the SCD? We are a

> little scared to take her off of the remicade because it helps keep

> her inflammation down. Our doctor is checking into LDN - is that

> something she could start right away after stopping remicade or

> would she have to wait?

best to ask someone at the LDN list:


> Here is a list of some of the typical things she eats in a day:

> Here is a list of most foods she eats:

> Breakast - legal homemade yogurt made from 1/2 and 1/2 (with fresh

> lime juice squeezed in it and honey)

> - legal bacon (fried crispy)

> - eggs scrambled, poached

> - 100% white grape juice


> Lunch - hamburger patty (grilled over gas grill

> - legal mustard

> - pickles

> - peeled tomatoe

> or parmesian chicken all legal

> or legal chicken nuggets from pecan bread website

> or steak grilled

> cheddar or colby cheese

> legal pumpkin pie (no crust) or legal cheese cake or legal lemon

> meranuge pie(this does have some almond flour in the crust)

> white grape juice with a splash of sprite zero and legal

> pineapple

> juice

> veggies of some kind steamed or boiled green beans, asparagus

> with

> hollandiase sauce,


> snack - homemade yogurt or yogurt smoothie made from 1/2 and 1/2



> supper - steak grilled

> - chicken grilled

> -chicken cordean blue (made with swiss cheese and rolled in eggs

> and a little almond flour and then baked)

> - sour cream chicken all legal make my own sour cream from our

> yogurt

> - chicken or steak stir fry with butter and salt and zuchinnis

> (peeled) onion, mushrooms

> another piece of dessert from above

> yogurt before bed


> I need to add that she is playing volleyball at her high school

> right now that should last only 3 more weeks. The last few days I

> have calculated how many calories she is taking in and she is

> getting about 3200 a day. She weighs about 95 pounds right now and

> is 5'4 " . How long did it take for most of you to turn the corner and

> start to heal and gain weight?

In my case, too soon, but for the too skinny ones, it takes a while,

plus she

is going through cyclical setbacks with the remicade, so it will take


> Is she going at a slower pace because of the Remicade?

probably because she her inflammation is returning at the

end of each treatment, unless it has a side effect of losing

weight that I don't know about. You could look it up

on wikipedia or elsewhere on the web to check that.

> The fact that she has enough strength to play volleyball is a very

> encouraging sign to us - last year she was so sick she could barely

> get out of bed. We have thought of stopping her activity, but she is

> a senior and her playing volleyball is important to her mental

> health too.

No, no, that is the worst thing you can do.

By exercising and playing volleyball, she is getting an endorphin rush.

Endorphins are crucial to the proper functioning of the immune system

This is what LDN does, provides an endorphin kick every single day

(plus it helps create more endorphin receptors in the body, for even

more endorphins to do their thing, which is to modulate the immune

system and also to vanquish low level pain in the body [both

gut as well as menstruation]). I bet she actually

feels better after exercising and it is helping to keep her disease in

check. So having her exercise this way is helping to heal her. As

well as the mental health benefits you mentioned which is part of

the physical benefits. Remember the gut has tons and tons of

neural connections to the brain, so this physical/mental connection

is very real.

I know when I used to play volleyball, I always got an endorphin

rush at the end of it. It felt great. And that is the body's built in

healing mechanisms doing its job.


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Thanks for your input:) She loves volleyball too!!!!!

I think you are right about playing volleyball helping her - she seems more her

old self and not a sick kid when she plays volleyball with her friends.

This disease can rob so much of your life, can't it?

I am thankful for friends like all of you to help us through this:)



> > Thanks to everyone for the advice on helping my daughter put weight

> > on.

> > I feel that the main reason she is not gaining weight is because she

> > still has inflammation going on from this disease. Her bloodwork

> > yesterday showed that her CRP (inflammation marker) is way up -

> > normal is 10 hers was 71. It seems that when she has inflammation

> > she doesn't want to eat much. She has had an abscess last spring and

> > she seems to be feeling the dull ache of that again. Is there

> > anything we are doing wrong on the SCD that would allow that abscess

> > to come back or does anyone know if remicade would cause the abscess

> > to return?

> > We feel like we are in sort of a cycle with these Remicade

> > treatments - she will feel good right after the treatment for about

> > 6 weeks then she has trouble with her swelling in her rectum area

> > and she has a tough time wanting to eat much(inflammation). Has

> > anyone here ever had success with remicade and the SCD? We are a

> > little scared to take her off of the remicade because it helps keep

> > her inflammation down. Our doctor is checking into LDN - is that

> > something she could start right away after stopping remicade or

> > would she have to wait?


> best to ask someone at the LDN list:


> http://health.groups.yahoo.com/group/lowdosenaltrexone/


> > Here is a list of some of the typical things she eats in a day:

> > Here is a list of most foods she eats:

> > Breakast - legal homemade yogurt made from 1/2 and 1/2 (with fresh

> > lime juice squeezed in it and honey)

> > - legal bacon (fried crispy)

> > - eggs scrambled, poached

> > - 100% white grape juice

> >

> > Lunch - hamburger patty (grilled over gas grill

> > - legal mustard

> > - pickles

> > - peeled tomatoe

> > or parmesian chicken all legal

> > or legal chicken nuggets from pecan bread website

> > or steak grilled

> > cheddar or colby cheese

> > legal pumpkin pie (no crust) or legal cheese cake or legal lemon

> > meranuge pie(this does have some almond flour in the crust)

> > white grape juice with a splash of sprite zero and legal

> > pineapple

> > juice

> > veggies of some kind steamed or boiled green beans, asparagus

> > with

> > hollandiase sauce,

> >

> > snack - homemade yogurt or yogurt smoothie made from 1/2 and 1/2

> >

> >

> > supper - steak grilled

> > - chicken grilled

> > -chicken cordean blue (made with swiss cheese and rolled in eggs

> > and a little almond flour and then baked)

> > - sour cream chicken all legal make my own sour cream from our

> > yogurt

> > - chicken or steak stir fry with butter and salt and zuchinnis

> > (peeled) onion, mushrooms

> > another piece of dessert from above

> > yogurt before bed

> >

> > I need to add that she is playing volleyball at her high school

> > right now that should last only 3 more weeks. The last few days I

> > have calculated how many calories she is taking in and she is

> > getting about 3200 a day. She weighs about 95 pounds right now and

> > is 5'4 " . How long did it take for most of you to turn the corner and

> > start to heal and gain weight?


> In my case, too soon, but for the too skinny ones, it takes a while,

> plus she

> is going through cyclical setbacks with the remicade, so it will take

> longer.


> > Is she going at a slower pace because of the Remicade?


> probably because she her inflammation is returning at the

> end of each treatment, unless it has a side effect of losing

> weight that I don't know about. You could look it up

> on wikipedia or elsewhere on the web to check that.


> > The fact that she has enough strength to play volleyball is a very

> > encouraging sign to us - last year she was so sick she could barely

> > get out of bed. We have thought of stopping her activity, but she is

> > a senior and her playing volleyball is important to her mental

> > health too.


> No, no, that is the worst thing you can do.


> By exercising and playing volleyball, she is getting an endorphin rush.

> Endorphins are crucial to the proper functioning of the immune system

> This is what LDN does, provides an endorphin kick every single day

> (plus it helps create more endorphin receptors in the body, for even

> more endorphins to do their thing, which is to modulate the immune

> system and also to vanquish low level pain in the body [both

> gut as well as menstruation]). I bet she actually

> feels better after exercising and it is helping to keep her disease in

> check. So having her exercise this way is helping to heal her. As

> well as the mental health benefits you mentioned which is part of

> the physical benefits. Remember the gut has tons and tons of

> neural connections to the brain, so this physical/mental connection

> is very real.


> I know when I used to play volleyball, I always got an endorphin

> rush at the end of it. It felt great. And that is the body's built in

> healing mechanisms doing its job.


> Mara


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Thanks for your input:) She loves volleyball too!!!!!

I think you are right about playing volleyball helping her - she seems more her

old self and not a sick kid when she plays volleyball with her friends.

This disease can rob so much of your life, can't it?

I am thankful for friends like all of you to help us through this:)



> > Thanks to everyone for the advice on helping my daughter put weight

> > on.

> > I feel that the main reason she is not gaining weight is because she

> > still has inflammation going on from this disease. Her bloodwork

> > yesterday showed that her CRP (inflammation marker) is way up -

> > normal is 10 hers was 71. It seems that when she has inflammation

> > she doesn't want to eat much. She has had an abscess last spring and

> > she seems to be feeling the dull ache of that again. Is there

> > anything we are doing wrong on the SCD that would allow that abscess

> > to come back or does anyone know if remicade would cause the abscess

> > to return?

> > We feel like we are in sort of a cycle with these Remicade

> > treatments - she will feel good right after the treatment for about

> > 6 weeks then she has trouble with her swelling in her rectum area

> > and she has a tough time wanting to eat much(inflammation). Has

> > anyone here ever had success with remicade and the SCD? We are a

> > little scared to take her off of the remicade because it helps keep

> > her inflammation down. Our doctor is checking into LDN - is that

> > something she could start right away after stopping remicade or

> > would she have to wait?


> best to ask someone at the LDN list:


> http://health.groups.yahoo.com/group/lowdosenaltrexone/


> > Here is a list of some of the typical things she eats in a day:

> > Here is a list of most foods she eats:

> > Breakast - legal homemade yogurt made from 1/2 and 1/2 (with fresh

> > lime juice squeezed in it and honey)

> > - legal bacon (fried crispy)

> > - eggs scrambled, poached

> > - 100% white grape juice

> >

> > Lunch - hamburger patty (grilled over gas grill

> > - legal mustard

> > - pickles

> > - peeled tomatoe

> > or parmesian chicken all legal

> > or legal chicken nuggets from pecan bread website

> > or steak grilled

> > cheddar or colby cheese

> > legal pumpkin pie (no crust) or legal cheese cake or legal lemon

> > meranuge pie(this does have some almond flour in the crust)

> > white grape juice with a splash of sprite zero and legal

> > pineapple

> > juice

> > veggies of some kind steamed or boiled green beans, asparagus

> > with

> > hollandiase sauce,

> >

> > snack - homemade yogurt or yogurt smoothie made from 1/2 and 1/2

> >

> >

> > supper - steak grilled

> > - chicken grilled

> > -chicken cordean blue (made with swiss cheese and rolled in eggs

> > and a little almond flour and then baked)

> > - sour cream chicken all legal make my own sour cream from our

> > yogurt

> > - chicken or steak stir fry with butter and salt and zuchinnis

> > (peeled) onion, mushrooms

> > another piece of dessert from above

> > yogurt before bed

> >

> > I need to add that she is playing volleyball at her high school

> > right now that should last only 3 more weeks. The last few days I

> > have calculated how many calories she is taking in and she is

> > getting about 3200 a day. She weighs about 95 pounds right now and

> > is 5'4 " . How long did it take for most of you to turn the corner and

> > start to heal and gain weight?


> In my case, too soon, but for the too skinny ones, it takes a while,

> plus she

> is going through cyclical setbacks with the remicade, so it will take

> longer.


> > Is she going at a slower pace because of the Remicade?


> probably because she her inflammation is returning at the

> end of each treatment, unless it has a side effect of losing

> weight that I don't know about. You could look it up

> on wikipedia or elsewhere on the web to check that.


> > The fact that she has enough strength to play volleyball is a very

> > encouraging sign to us - last year she was so sick she could barely

> > get out of bed. We have thought of stopping her activity, but she is

> > a senior and her playing volleyball is important to her mental

> > health too.


> No, no, that is the worst thing you can do.


> By exercising and playing volleyball, she is getting an endorphin rush.

> Endorphins are crucial to the proper functioning of the immune system

> This is what LDN does, provides an endorphin kick every single day

> (plus it helps create more endorphin receptors in the body, for even

> more endorphins to do their thing, which is to modulate the immune

> system and also to vanquish low level pain in the body [both

> gut as well as menstruation]). I bet she actually

> feels better after exercising and it is helping to keep her disease in

> check. So having her exercise this way is helping to heal her. As

> well as the mental health benefits you mentioned which is part of

> the physical benefits. Remember the gut has tons and tons of

> neural connections to the brain, so this physical/mental connection

> is very real.


> I know when I used to play volleyball, I always got an endorphin

> rush at the end of it. It felt great. And that is the body's built in

> healing mechanisms doing its job.


> Mara


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Thanks for your input:) She loves volleyball too!!!!!

I think you are right about playing volleyball helping her - she seems more her

old self and not a sick kid when she plays volleyball with her friends.

This disease can rob so much of your life, can't it?

I am thankful for friends like all of you to help us through this:)



> > Thanks to everyone for the advice on helping my daughter put weight

> > on.

> > I feel that the main reason she is not gaining weight is because she

> > still has inflammation going on from this disease. Her bloodwork

> > yesterday showed that her CRP (inflammation marker) is way up -

> > normal is 10 hers was 71. It seems that when she has inflammation

> > she doesn't want to eat much. She has had an abscess last spring and

> > she seems to be feeling the dull ache of that again. Is there

> > anything we are doing wrong on the SCD that would allow that abscess

> > to come back or does anyone know if remicade would cause the abscess

> > to return?

> > We feel like we are in sort of a cycle with these Remicade

> > treatments - she will feel good right after the treatment for about

> > 6 weeks then she has trouble with her swelling in her rectum area

> > and she has a tough time wanting to eat much(inflammation). Has

> > anyone here ever had success with remicade and the SCD? We are a

> > little scared to take her off of the remicade because it helps keep

> > her inflammation down. Our doctor is checking into LDN - is that

> > something she could start right away after stopping remicade or

> > would she have to wait?


> best to ask someone at the LDN list:


> http://health.groups.yahoo.com/group/lowdosenaltrexone/


> > Here is a list of some of the typical things she eats in a day:

> > Here is a list of most foods she eats:

> > Breakast - legal homemade yogurt made from 1/2 and 1/2 (with fresh

> > lime juice squeezed in it and honey)

> > - legal bacon (fried crispy)

> > - eggs scrambled, poached

> > - 100% white grape juice

> >

> > Lunch - hamburger patty (grilled over gas grill

> > - legal mustard

> > - pickles

> > - peeled tomatoe

> > or parmesian chicken all legal

> > or legal chicken nuggets from pecan bread website

> > or steak grilled

> > cheddar or colby cheese

> > legal pumpkin pie (no crust) or legal cheese cake or legal lemon

> > meranuge pie(this does have some almond flour in the crust)

> > white grape juice with a splash of sprite zero and legal

> > pineapple

> > juice

> > veggies of some kind steamed or boiled green beans, asparagus

> > with

> > hollandiase sauce,

> >

> > snack - homemade yogurt or yogurt smoothie made from 1/2 and 1/2

> >

> >

> > supper - steak grilled

> > - chicken grilled

> > -chicken cordean blue (made with swiss cheese and rolled in eggs

> > and a little almond flour and then baked)

> > - sour cream chicken all legal make my own sour cream from our

> > yogurt

> > - chicken or steak stir fry with butter and salt and zuchinnis

> > (peeled) onion, mushrooms

> > another piece of dessert from above

> > yogurt before bed

> >

> > I need to add that she is playing volleyball at her high school

> > right now that should last only 3 more weeks. The last few days I

> > have calculated how many calories she is taking in and she is

> > getting about 3200 a day. She weighs about 95 pounds right now and

> > is 5'4 " . How long did it take for most of you to turn the corner and

> > start to heal and gain weight?


> In my case, too soon, but for the too skinny ones, it takes a while,

> plus she

> is going through cyclical setbacks with the remicade, so it will take

> longer.


> > Is she going at a slower pace because of the Remicade?


> probably because she her inflammation is returning at the

> end of each treatment, unless it has a side effect of losing

> weight that I don't know about. You could look it up

> on wikipedia or elsewhere on the web to check that.


> > The fact that she has enough strength to play volleyball is a very

> > encouraging sign to us - last year she was so sick she could barely

> > get out of bed. We have thought of stopping her activity, but she is

> > a senior and her playing volleyball is important to her mental

> > health too.


> No, no, that is the worst thing you can do.


> By exercising and playing volleyball, she is getting an endorphin rush.

> Endorphins are crucial to the proper functioning of the immune system

> This is what LDN does, provides an endorphin kick every single day

> (plus it helps create more endorphin receptors in the body, for even

> more endorphins to do their thing, which is to modulate the immune

> system and also to vanquish low level pain in the body [both

> gut as well as menstruation]). I bet she actually

> feels better after exercising and it is helping to keep her disease in

> check. So having her exercise this way is helping to heal her. As

> well as the mental health benefits you mentioned which is part of

> the physical benefits. Remember the gut has tons and tons of

> neural connections to the brain, so this physical/mental connection

> is very real.


> I know when I used to play volleyball, I always got an endorphin

> rush at the end of it. It felt great. And that is the body's built in

> healing mechanisms doing its job.


> Mara


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She weighs about 95 pounds right now and is 5'4".I'm also 5' 4" and I weigh around 90 pounds. I'd like to gain weight, but I'm content to wait until it comes naturally. Once I heal, I'll be absorbing all my food, and therefore gain weight, so I'm not too worried about it. Peace =)Alyssa 15 yoUC April 2008, dx Sept 2008SCD June 2009 (restarted)No meds! (except for the stupid iron pill I have to take that is SO illegal)

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