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Re: Willy -welkom; Down-under-Bill; Marge - raging grannies;

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Aletta How do you manage to be so funny and so angry at the same time? I came to BC to work(PT) for one year but met my husband and loved Revelstoke so here I am.I am a canadian citizen, but also keep my UK citizenship.Everything you say about our goverment is true ,I`m ashamed to live here right now no wonder campbell and his wife get fire bombed.You were close to the mark with your `adopt a pauper` this goverment actually propose that people should take one or two of those poor folk pushed out of intermediate care into their home ,,rather like fostering, can you just imagine the elder abuse potential? What a disgraceful way to treat our frail elderly! Do you ever write to the papers?I think letters to the editor really help..Good night for now Love ,Marg Manson

Aletta Mes wrote: Welkom, Willy. Waar in hemel's naam is Schepersberg (Brabant?) De buurvrouw bij Mams in Kruining was ook 'n v.d. Plas, niet dat er geen duizenden zijn. Onbeschoft van me om zo in het Nederlands te vallen. Ik wou je alleen zeggen dat als je er niet uitkomt in her Engels, vertaal ik het wel, ok? Toen ik eens les gaf in Middelburg kon ik toch niet herinneren wat oxygen was in Nederlands (zuurstof). Hoe staat het leven in m'n kikkerlandje??I know, enough already. By the bye, LOL or lol is Dutch for fun, and my last name in Dutch means knife (here I get 'a lot of mess'), my first name means truth (from Greek, alethea), and the name is heriditary.Bill - needs to be stated all the time, no one needs to settle or conform to what others want of us, whether to live when we don't want to, or to be otherwise abused, girls and boys both need to learn right from wrong and to say yes or no when you mean it. Living your life in gray (grey) areas is confusing and confusion breeds frustration and contempt. We claim this civilization is freedom oriented. However when someone is sad society finds it so unacceptable that either they are medicated or kept cosmetically out of sight, what kind of freedom is that? For two decades men are told they can cry if they want to, and now that they can be sad that is unacceptable. Why not stop telling people how to feel, how to behave acceptably, and accept the person 'as is.' No-one ever puts a figure on how much seretonin is healthy, only that it is 'out of normal' (I've been told that but never offered a test to check on it). I'm not sure what is 'normal.' I can only surmise that I am not 'normal' (and unapologetic for it). Perhaps the brain knows better what it needs than doctors do. I'm all for going with the flow. Young people die all the time, so do old people, we do not have an entitlement to a long lifespan, we have a life, and if it is not long enough to suit, tough. What a waste if you spend it trying to please others rather than live yourself. If you allow yourself to be abused, that is self-abuse. Sadly that is a pattern started in childhood. With so many poorly equipped parents, the village should pitch in and raise children to see dignity in themselves, enough to say no to their abusers.I worked with HIV infected drug users - most of whom were living on the streets - conservatively I'm saying 95% (but was higher) of them were abused as children, and not knowing the difference between abuse and care continued to self-abuse and more abuse by others. These people are now additionally abused by a society that 'shuns' them, trying to tear at the little humanity they hold in their hearts. In those people I nevertheless saw strength and spirit. Doug or 'shoeshine' died last year of AIDS. He was 35 or so, he had a 12 year old daughter he was not allowed to see, even though he was dying. I told him to write letters to her and find someone to deliver them after he died. When I last saw him he was still writing her letters. One afternoon during a session, we were outside under a tree, he weighed less than 120 lbs. his face was gray and his thin skin hung on his bones. He was smiling and giggling. He told me he was hallucination. I asked "tell me what you see", his answer: "There are two really cute pink fuzzy squirrels playing on your shoulder". Such a sweet child-like image from a man whose body had open sores from rat-bites, he worked nights shining shoes. When I could not afford a present for my daughter, he arranged for her to get her hair done by a client of his (he really could shine shoes). None of the social workers and cousellors were willing to discuss dying and he was happy that this was not a problem for me. He'd never heard of hospice. Once I gave him information on hospice, he worked extra hours, saved the money. I don't know where he found the energy. He became so frail I needed to walk with him to the drugstore to pick up his meds. He never lost his sense of humour. Our sessions ended when I was too ill to keep working, a colleague of mine saw him after that. He did not live much longer. He died in hospice, like a prince, on clean sheets, no rat bites, at last he had dignity, death on his terms. Mother Theresa understood what dying with dignity means to the soul, even the poorest are deserving.Which brings me to this horror story, Marge will back me up. British Columbia is denying needed services to its citizens, the elderly the disabled and the indigent, those who cannot muster a protest, Elderly people are being evicted from long term care facilities with no place to go. Long-time married couples are forced to part ways (in their 90's). Families are expected to take them in when they are already stretched to the limits under a government which taxes to 52% plus sundry taxes (sales tax, GST, property tax, transport tax, gas tax, sin tax). Doctors are again threatening to srike, when the patients are already on extended waiting lists from all the other bed closures and other employee strikes. Add this to an already shrinking medical professional numbers (40% of specialist will likely retire, many doctors and nurses working south of the border). Food supplement, PT and other therapies and homecare are cut no matter how high the need. We have only 2 opposition members in the legislature (which officially does not constitute an opposition). The impact on the upper-middle and upper classes is minimal, in fact corporations are being given grants, tax cuts and bail-outs. Those of us on the scrap heap have no friends there.I wrote to my elected representative (one of the two remaining opposition members) that we should have and 'adopt a pauper' program, where wealthy families could adopt the unfortunate. They would never have to see us (that might be embarrasing for them), but, we could send letters and photographs to let them know we are grateful. Perhaps Sally Struthers could donate some time. In return we could become tax deductions, and they could pat themselves on the back for being great humanitarians. Where I live the mood is getting ugly and desperate.One of my fellow students a few years ago (developmental psychology) was a raging granny, I've not seen her since her sentencing - yes, folks in Canada you can imprison a dissident. They will do more time than a drug dealer will. Free country, my ass. Like you Marge I am sooo f* & ^$ng angry. Why is it always the foreigners who get angry about these injustices? What brought you here, for me it was marriage. By new Dutch law I've lost citizenship though marrying a foreigner outside the Netherlands, and I am not formally Canadian - I am really bloody stuck. Just where would they deport me to?Anyhoo, I've raged enough.aletta mesvancouver, bc Canadaweb: http://aletta.0catch.comIf you do not wish to belong to shydrager, you may unsubscribe by sending a blank email to shydrager-unsubscribe

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Aletta How do you manage to be so funny and so angry at the same time? I came to BC to work(PT) for one year but met my husband and loved Revelstoke so here I am.I am a canadian citizen, but also keep my UK citizenship.Everything you say about our goverment is true ,I`m ashamed to live here right now no wonder campbell and his wife get fire bombed.You were close to the mark with your `adopt a pauper` this goverment actually propose that people should take one or two of those poor folk pushed out of intermediate care into their home ,,rather like fostering, can you just imagine the elder abuse potential? What a disgraceful way to treat our frail elderly! Do you ever write to the papers?I think letters to the editor really help..Good night for now Love ,Marg Manson

Aletta Mes wrote: Welkom, Willy. Waar in hemel's naam is Schepersberg (Brabant?) De buurvrouw bij Mams in Kruining was ook 'n v.d. Plas, niet dat er geen duizenden zijn. Onbeschoft van me om zo in het Nederlands te vallen. Ik wou je alleen zeggen dat als je er niet uitkomt in her Engels, vertaal ik het wel, ok? Toen ik eens les gaf in Middelburg kon ik toch niet herinneren wat oxygen was in Nederlands (zuurstof). Hoe staat het leven in m'n kikkerlandje??I know, enough already. By the bye, LOL or lol is Dutch for fun, and my last name in Dutch means knife (here I get 'a lot of mess'), my first name means truth (from Greek, alethea), and the name is heriditary.Bill - needs to be stated all the time, no one needs to settle or conform to what others want of us, whether to live when we don't want to, or to be otherwise abused, girls and boys both need to learn right from wrong and to say yes or no when you mean it. Living your life in gray (grey) areas is confusing and confusion breeds frustration and contempt. We claim this civilization is freedom oriented. However when someone is sad society finds it so unacceptable that either they are medicated or kept cosmetically out of sight, what kind of freedom is that? For two decades men are told they can cry if they want to, and now that they can be sad that is unacceptable. Why not stop telling people how to feel, how to behave acceptably, and accept the person 'as is.' No-one ever puts a figure on how much seretonin is healthy, only that it is 'out of normal' (I've been told that but never offered a test to check on it). I'm not sure what is 'normal.' I can only surmise that I am not 'normal' (and unapologetic for it). Perhaps the brain knows better what it needs than doctors do. I'm all for going with the flow. Young people die all the time, so do old people, we do not have an entitlement to a long lifespan, we have a life, and if it is not long enough to suit, tough. What a waste if you spend it trying to please others rather than live yourself. If you allow yourself to be abused, that is self-abuse. Sadly that is a pattern started in childhood. With so many poorly equipped parents, the village should pitch in and raise children to see dignity in themselves, enough to say no to their abusers.I worked with HIV infected drug users - most of whom were living on the streets - conservatively I'm saying 95% (but was higher) of them were abused as children, and not knowing the difference between abuse and care continued to self-abuse and more abuse by others. These people are now additionally abused by a society that 'shuns' them, trying to tear at the little humanity they hold in their hearts. In those people I nevertheless saw strength and spirit. Doug or 'shoeshine' died last year of AIDS. He was 35 or so, he had a 12 year old daughter he was not allowed to see, even though he was dying. I told him to write letters to her and find someone to deliver them after he died. When I last saw him he was still writing her letters. One afternoon during a session, we were outside under a tree, he weighed less than 120 lbs. his face was gray and his thin skin hung on his bones. He was smiling and giggling. He told me he was hallucination. I asked "tell me what you see", his answer: "There are two really cute pink fuzzy squirrels playing on your shoulder". Such a sweet child-like image from a man whose body had open sores from rat-bites, he worked nights shining shoes. When I could not afford a present for my daughter, he arranged for her to get her hair done by a client of his (he really could shine shoes). None of the social workers and cousellors were willing to discuss dying and he was happy that this was not a problem for me. He'd never heard of hospice. Once I gave him information on hospice, he worked extra hours, saved the money. I don't know where he found the energy. He became so frail I needed to walk with him to the drugstore to pick up his meds. He never lost his sense of humour. Our sessions ended when I was too ill to keep working, a colleague of mine saw him after that. He did not live much longer. He died in hospice, like a prince, on clean sheets, no rat bites, at last he had dignity, death on his terms. Mother Theresa understood what dying with dignity means to the soul, even the poorest are deserving.Which brings me to this horror story, Marge will back me up. British Columbia is denying needed services to its citizens, the elderly the disabled and the indigent, those who cannot muster a protest, Elderly people are being evicted from long term care facilities with no place to go. Long-time married couples are forced to part ways (in their 90's). Families are expected to take them in when they are already stretched to the limits under a government which taxes to 52% plus sundry taxes (sales tax, GST, property tax, transport tax, gas tax, sin tax). Doctors are again threatening to srike, when the patients are already on extended waiting lists from all the other bed closures and other employee strikes. Add this to an already shrinking medical professional numbers (40% of specialist will likely retire, many doctors and nurses working south of the border). Food supplement, PT and other therapies and homecare are cut no matter how high the need. We have only 2 opposition members in the legislature (which officially does not constitute an opposition). The impact on the upper-middle and upper classes is minimal, in fact corporations are being given grants, tax cuts and bail-outs. Those of us on the scrap heap have no friends there.I wrote to my elected representative (one of the two remaining opposition members) that we should have and 'adopt a pauper' program, where wealthy families could adopt the unfortunate. They would never have to see us (that might be embarrasing for them), but, we could send letters and photographs to let them know we are grateful. Perhaps Sally Struthers could donate some time. In return we could become tax deductions, and they could pat themselves on the back for being great humanitarians. Where I live the mood is getting ugly and desperate.One of my fellow students a few years ago (developmental psychology) was a raging granny, I've not seen her since her sentencing - yes, folks in Canada you can imprison a dissident. They will do more time than a drug dealer will. Free country, my ass. Like you Marge I am sooo f* & ^$ng angry. Why is it always the foreigners who get angry about these injustices? What brought you here, for me it was marriage. By new Dutch law I've lost citizenship though marrying a foreigner outside the Netherlands, and I am not formally Canadian - I am really bloody stuck. Just where would they deport me to?Anyhoo, I've raged enough.aletta mesvancouver, bc Canadaweb: http://aletta.0catch.comIf you do not wish to belong to shydrager, you may unsubscribe by sending a blank email to shydrager-unsubscribe

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Be careful, you may get deported to that Penal Colony - Australia. (I think a lot of people would love to have you). I can see some strong similarities to the actions of the Government in this country. Our Government has just been knocked back on some of their draconian laws they are trying to pass, regarding dissenters.

For all the beautil phrases the government Ministers use about caring for the aged, they are still removing care and the availibility of some medications from the ones who need it most. I believe our Gov. here uses the States and Canada also, perhaps, as their guide for successful manipulation of the masses. It would appear that the more you have the more you will get.

I hate what I read in your mails, but it is extremely interesting. Almost like seeing the future for ourselves.

Down-under Bill

Re: Willy -welkom; Down-under-Bill; Marge - raging grannies;

Aletta How do you manage to be so funny and so angry at the same time? I came to BC to work(PT) for one year but met my husband and loved Revelstoke so here I am.I am a canadian citizen, but also keep my UK citizenship.Everything you say about our goverment is true ,I`m ashamed to live here right now no wonder campbell and his wife get fire bombed.You were close to the mark with your `adopt a pauper` this goverment actually propose that people should take one or two of those poor folk pushed out of intermediate care into their home ,,rather like fostering, can you just imagine the elder abuse potential? What a disgraceful way to treat our frail elderly! Do you ever write to the papers?I think letters to the editor really help..Good night for now Love ,Marg Manson Aletta Mes wrote: Welkom, Willy. Waar in hemel's naam is Schepersberg (Brabant?) De buurvrouw bij Mams in Kruining was ook 'n v.d. Plas, niet dat er geen duizenden zijn. Onbeschoft van me om zo in het Nederlands te vallen. Ik wou je alleen zeggen dat als je er niet uitkomt in her Engels, vertaal ik het wel, ok? Toen ik eens les gaf in Middelburg kon ik toch niet herinneren wat oxygen was in Nederlands (zuurstof). Hoe staat het leven in m'n kikkerlandje??I know, enough already. By the bye, LOL or lol is Dutch for fun, and my last name in Dutch means knife (here I get 'a lot of mess'), my first name means truth (from Greek, alethea), and the name is heriditary.Bill - needs to be stated all the time, no one needs to settle or conform to what others want of us, whether to live when we don't want to, or to be otherwise abused, girls and boys both need to learn right from wrong and to say yes or no when you mean it. Living your life in gray (grey) areas is confusing and confusion breeds frustration and contempt. We claim this civilization is freedom oriented. However when someone is sad society finds it so unacceptable that either they are medicated or kept cosmetically out of sight, what kind of freedom is that? For two decades men are told they can cry if they want to, and now that they can be sad that is unacceptable. Why not stop telling people how to feel, how to behave acceptably, and accept the person 'as is.' No-one ever puts a figure on how much seretonin is healthy, only that it is 'out of normal' (I've been told that but never offered a test to check on it). I'm not sure what is 'normal.' I can only surmise that I am not 'normal' (and unapologetic for it). Perhaps the brain knows better what it needs than doctors do. I'm all for going with the flow. Young people die all the time, so do old people, we do not have an entitlement to a long lifespan, we have a life, and if it is not long enough to suit, tough. What a waste if you spend it trying to please others rather than live yourself. If you allow yourself to be abused, that is self-abuse. Sadly that is a pattern started in childhood. With so many poorly equipped parents, the village should pitch in and raise children to see dignity in themselves, enough to say no to their abusers.I worked with HIV infected drug users - most of whom were living on the streets - conservatively I'm saying 95% (but was higher) of them were abused as children, and not knowing the difference between abuse and care continued to self-abuse and more abuse by others. These people are now additionally abused by a society that 'shuns' them, trying to tear at the little humanity they hold in their hearts. In those people I nevertheless saw strength and spirit. Doug or 'shoeshine' died last year of AIDS. He was 35 or so, he had a 12 year old daughter he was not allowed to see, even though he was dying. I told him to write letters to her and find someone to deliver them after he died. When I last saw him he was still writing her letters. One afternoon during a session, we were outside under a tree, he weighed less than 120 lbs. his face was gray and his thin skin hung on his bones. He was smiling and giggling. He told me he was hallucination. I asked "tell me what you see", his answer: "There are two really cute pink fuzzy squirrels playing on your shoulder". Such a sweet child-like image from a man whose body had open sores from rat-bites, he worked nights shining shoes. When I could not afford a present for my daughter, he arranged for her to get her hair done by a client of his (he really could shine shoes). None of the social workers and cousellors were willing to discuss dying and he was happy that this was not a problem for me. He'd never heard of hospice. Once I gave him information on hospice, he worked extra hours, saved the money. I don't know where he found the energy. He became so frail I needed to walk with him to the drugstore to pick up his meds. He never lost his sense of humour. Our sessions ended when I was too ill to keep working, a colleague of mine saw him after that. He did not live much longer. He died in hospice, like a prince, on clean sheets, no rat bites, at last he had dignity, death on his terms. Mother Theresa understood what dying with dignity means to the soul, even the poorest are deserving.Which brings me to this horror story, Marge will back me up. British Columbia is denying needed services to its citizens, the elderly the disabled and the indigent, those who cannot muster a protest, Elderly people are being evicted from long term care facilities with no place to go. Long-time married couples are forced to part ways (in their 90's). Families are expected to take them in when they are already stretched to the limits under a government which taxes to 52% plus sundry taxes (sales tax, GST, property tax, transport tax, gas tax, sin tax). Doctors are again threatening to srike, when the patients are already on extended waiting lists from all the other bed closures and other employee strikes. Add this to an already shrinking medical professional numbers (40% of specialist will likely retire, many doctors and nurses working south of the border). Food supplement, PT and other therapies and homecare are cut no matter how high the need. We have only 2 opposition members in the legislature (which officially does not constitute an opposition). The impact on the upper-middle and upper classes is minimal, in fact corporations are being given grants, tax cuts and bail-outs. Those of us on the scrap heap have no friends there.I wrote to my elected representative (one of the two remaining opposition members) that we should have and 'adopt a pauper' program, where wealthy families could adopt the unfortunate. They would never have to see us (that might be embarrasing for them), but, we could send letters and photographs to let them know we are grateful. Perhaps Sally Struthers could donate some time. In return we could become tax deductions, and they could pat themselves on the back for being great humanitarians. Where I live the mood is getting ugly and desperate.One of my fellow students a few years ago (developmental psychology) was a raging granny, I've not seen her since her sentencing - yes, folks in Canada you can imprison a dissident. They will do more time than a drug dealer will. Free country, my ass. Like you Marge I am sooo f* & ^$ng angry. Why is it always the foreigners who get angry about these injustices? What brought you here, for me it was marriage. By new Dutch law I've lost citizenship though marrying a foreigner outside the Netherlands, and I am not formally Canadian - I am really bloody stuck. Just where would they deport me to?Anyhoo, I've raged enough.aletta mesvancouver, bc Canadaweb: http://aletta.0catch.comIf you do not wish to belong to shydrager, you may unsubscribe by sending a blank email to shydrager-unsubscribe

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