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Re: Monday Food and Activity. long

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Hi ,

I know people equate fruit with being just sugar but it is difficult for me to

eat anything other than fruits and veggies. Fruit has a lot of natural vitamins

and minerals. Now watermelon I know is not a stellar example but the water

content keeps my body feeling cool in this hot weather. Complex white starches

like potatoes and bread make me crave sugar in refined form and makes me crave

more white starchy foods and then I gain weight. Meat just makes me

uncomfortable and hurts my stomach. I have to chew it until it is the

consistency of baby food and I still have problems. Sometimes I will chew it

until the flavor is gone and then spit it out. Gross I know but meat bugs my

stomach even if it tastes good. Sometimes I will just eat jars of baby food meat

cause that is the most gentle on my stomach. If I eat " real " food...I can eat

half a cheeseburger (without the bread)but it sits uncomfortably in my stomach.

I have to make choices...eat the bread or the hamburger but I can't do both.

I had two little grilled lamp chops today for lunch. No room for anything else

afterwards and ended up lying down for almost two hours in a fat dumping

reaction of exhaustion and nausea. Fruit and non starchy veggies (green stuff

for example) are the only things I can eat without having some type of dumping

syndrome. I get some abdominal discomfort when I eat beans and rice, not to

mention the gas. Fruits and veggies do not give me gas. I am hoping that the

protein that I have ordered will become my tasty meal replacement for meat. I

have had problems with dumping on whey products before.

I dump on both fat and sugar...more so on fat. I dump big time on animal fats

like butter. Olive oil and other natural organic oils I haven't but I am just

using a few tablespoon or so to make salad dressing and that is not an every day

thing. I never dump from fruits that I eat and I only eat raw fruit with nothing

added. I will dump on anything that has added sugar in it if I get more than a

tablespoon or so of it in a short time. I will get nauseated, sweaty and have

diarrhea later in the day. My cholesterol was normal before surgery and it is

low normal now. I had a high fat diet before surgery in the 2500 calorie

range....heavy on the meats and dairy fats and protein. Lots of fried and cream

based foods. Lots of ice cream too...yummm. Can't eat ice cream now cause I

dump. My blood sugars before surgery were borderline 120s..now they run in the

70-80s all the time

I did start my day with my protein drink at 7am which kept me satisfied until

lunch at 11am. It was soy based and had more sugar in it than I would like

because it does upset my stomach a little but I can tolerate it.

I did quite well on primarily fruits and veggies and legumes for quite some

time, for months actually, with occasional cravings for meat. I had to eat six

times a day to get enough calories, up to 1000. I know that is what let me slide

into my grazing problem. I am concerned about the long terms effects of not

getting enough protein. Right now I feel great and my labs are good but I can't

eat enough volume to get my protein needs met from primarily a raw vegan diet.

(Yes, I eat like a monkey.)I would have to eat a HUGE volume to get those

protein meeds met (like a monkey does). That would be a self defeating behaviour

in light of the surgery I had. Adding dairy and cheese stops my weight loss so I

have to go easy on the cottage cheese and regular cheese. I don't drink milk.

Never really did unless it had a lot of chocolate in it. Juice makes me dump

because it is concentrated sugar. I have to eat the whole fruit with the

fiber/pulp to not dump. If I eat enough cheese to look at it as a protein source

I start feeling " dumpy " :) but I tolerate dairy foods that are aged or cultured


I was such a hard core carnivore before the surgery. Afterwards my body wants

primarily raw vegan foods. Go figure...

I am still learning to listen to what my body wants. If I eat what it wants that

is raw fruits and veggies primarily and nothing else. If I eat that I have no

room for food protein. If I eat the protein I am dreaming about fruits and

veggies but I have no room to eat it. So I am looking for more sophisticated

protein drink supplemation so I can have " my cake and eat it too. " I don't eat

cake or candy. I look at it in the store and say why bother buying it since all

I want is a taste. Why spend the money for the taste? What a change that is for

me. I used to taste the whole contents of the bag. So for my york peppermint

patty craving I buy the little quarter sized ones and eat several a day. Funny

they don't make me dump...unless I go crazy on them.

I think my tool is doing the job with limiting volume and malabsorption. I am

still learning to discern what to do. It's been over a year and every day I am

still learning new things about my body and myself. This is work but I would

have the surgery over again in a NY minute. It saved my life.

Thank you for your input . I appreciate everything you do for us on

these boards and I value your knowledge and expertise.

> OK, sounds like good schedule, except when I fuzz over my eyes and take the

> names of the food away, I see:

> protein

> vites

> sugar

> sugar

> tasty carbs (lunch)

> protein

> activity

> sugar

> sensible meal

> sugar

> ok, but empty calories


> I'd rather see the other half baked potato, all the butter you want and

> watermelon every other day. All that sugar is making you want nothing BUT

> sugar. So, while it looks healthy to a person who is not suffering from our

> disease, for US, it is a day of sugar, with 4 small respites (2 protein

> shakes --no milk or juice? and 2 non-sugar meals)


> Funny how that non-fat mentality has seeped into our every day life, making

> butter (which we malabsorb) bad and sugar good. So, this thinking is

> sabotaging your very noble and well intentioned efforts.




> Thanks,



> Vitalady T

> www.vitalady.com



> >

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