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Re: Confessions of a Food Addict

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Wow , thanks so much for posting this, you rock. I am beginning to

struggle with this myself. I work out like a madwoman, and for a while I

thought it would be my saving grace when it came to " cheating " my food plan.

Nope, nuh uh, no way. I too was feeling good about my 5lb weight gain..

okay with it, cool, fluctuations and all that, but the scale is slowly

creeping up past that one lb at a time. I'm also struggling with cramming

in stuff that I don't need. My head wants extra carbs, and maybe my body

too, but I don't NEEED them...

What are you doing for your plan? Are you writing things down to stick to

for the day? The week? How are you going to make it work for yourself?

It's 3:07 PST, how are you doing? *grin*

Confessions of a Food Addict

Spurred on by the courage of my own personal hero, Helene, I thought I'd

unload my guilt on the group to see if it makes me feel any better!

For two years I've listened to people complain about their weight regain,

and thought " well for heaven's sake - you see the scale climbing weekly, why

not just do something about it before it gets to be 25 lbs! " (You may

recall that I was also smug about my calcium and protein intake at one time

as well...smugness is my 8th Deadly Sin!)

So, since my low last December of 138, I watched my weight start to creep.

I was okay with 5 lbs. I was feeling a bit nervous at 7 lbs. Today, the

scale hit 151, and I had a meltdown. This can't happen to me - I had a DS!!

It is no mystery why I am gaining weight; sure it might be affected slightly

by wacky thyroid. But....I am a food addict. No amount of " eating when

hungry " or " giving my body what it wants " is going to work for me, at least

not here and now. Yesterday, in addition to my healthy, normal food and my

three protein shakes I also consumed: 3 hoho's, 1 Chunky candy bar, 4

brownies, 2 bowls of granola (with sugar on them). This is almost 3000

calories, on top of my normal food. Nope, no mystery how I gained weight;

it's the *why*.

So - today I started again. No matter how much I wish otherwise, I need to

be in a structured food environment. I cannot yet trust my body to be clear

about what it needs, although that day may come. I have to set artificial

boundaries for myself in order to retain some measure of control. So, if it

takes a structured food plan (nope, I will not call it a diet), so be it. I

can honestly say that nothing tastes the way a size 8 feels, and I am

adamant that I will not rise above today's 10/12. So far, I am feeling

righteous and empowered (of course, it's not yet 3:00 which is my trigger

time for sugar...).

Stay tuned for the next installment - same bat time, same bat channel.


Homepage: http://groups.yahoo.com/group/Graduate-OSSG

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Wow , thanks so much for posting this, you rock. I am beginning to

struggle with this myself. I work out like a madwoman, and for a while I

thought it would be my saving grace when it came to " cheating " my food plan.

Nope, nuh uh, no way. I too was feeling good about my 5lb weight gain..

okay with it, cool, fluctuations and all that, but the scale is slowly

creeping up past that one lb at a time. I'm also struggling with cramming

in stuff that I don't need. My head wants extra carbs, and maybe my body

too, but I don't NEEED them...

What are you doing for your plan? Are you writing things down to stick to

for the day? The week? How are you going to make it work for yourself?

It's 3:07 PST, how are you doing? *grin*

Confessions of a Food Addict

Spurred on by the courage of my own personal hero, Helene, I thought I'd

unload my guilt on the group to see if it makes me feel any better!

For two years I've listened to people complain about their weight regain,

and thought " well for heaven's sake - you see the scale climbing weekly, why

not just do something about it before it gets to be 25 lbs! " (You may

recall that I was also smug about my calcium and protein intake at one time

as well...smugness is my 8th Deadly Sin!)

So, since my low last December of 138, I watched my weight start to creep.

I was okay with 5 lbs. I was feeling a bit nervous at 7 lbs. Today, the

scale hit 151, and I had a meltdown. This can't happen to me - I had a DS!!

It is no mystery why I am gaining weight; sure it might be affected slightly

by wacky thyroid. But....I am a food addict. No amount of " eating when

hungry " or " giving my body what it wants " is going to work for me, at least

not here and now. Yesterday, in addition to my healthy, normal food and my

three protein shakes I also consumed: 3 hoho's, 1 Chunky candy bar, 4

brownies, 2 bowls of granola (with sugar on them). This is almost 3000

calories, on top of my normal food. Nope, no mystery how I gained weight;

it's the *why*.

So - today I started again. No matter how much I wish otherwise, I need to

be in a structured food environment. I cannot yet trust my body to be clear

about what it needs, although that day may come. I have to set artificial

boundaries for myself in order to retain some measure of control. So, if it

takes a structured food plan (nope, I will not call it a diet), so be it. I

can honestly say that nothing tastes the way a size 8 feels, and I am

adamant that I will not rise above today's 10/12. So far, I am feeling

righteous and empowered (of course, it's not yet 3:00 which is my trigger

time for sugar...).

Stay tuned for the next installment - same bat time, same bat channel.


Homepage: http://groups.yahoo.com/group/Graduate-OSSG

Unsubscribe: mailto:Graduate-OSSG-unsubscribe

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Having had the DS, my experience has been that any time I try to follow a

" food plan " (ugh!) I begin being obsessive with food. Now I am only 2.5

years out, but weight is so stable thus far it amazes me. However, there

have been a couple of time I thought I would " experiment " with low carb to

see if my weight would drop more (the original weight goal I had was

150---even though I have met my size goal). Each time I have done this I end

up binging at the end of the day. I bosses about my body, dieting, etc.,

etc. The wonder about the DS for me has been that I CAN eat anything I want

therefore there is WAY less that I want. My motto for this surgery has been

that if it keeps me under 200 lbs (when I got down to 200 is when I felt

normal again) without dieting I will MAKE myself be happy. In other words

absolutely NO dieting, food plan, or caring about what I eat (except a couple

of good servings of protein a day) for me even if I gain 15, 20, or even 30

pounds). My theory with myself is that worrying about 5 pounds or 10 or 15

pounds is what could actually put 50 pounds on me. I will continue to update

to let others know how my " theory " pans out.

Dawn--far south suburban Chicago, IL area

Dr. Hess, Bowling Green, OH




267 to 160 5' 4 "

size 22 to size 10

have made size goal

no more high blood pressure, sore feet, or dieting

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