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Fwd: Successes in Treating PD with weak magnetic field therapy.

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, thank you for thorough analysis of my first email on this subject. I am

forwarding you the original source of this info. I have been able to get on

www.med.duth.gr/anninos. It required me to go to my wife's new emachine

Windows 98 AOL version 6) my older machine gave me an error message 502.

(windows 95/aolversion7).

Since talking to you I called listed in the original email, she was

quite pleased with her results.

I learned that the following:

1. The SQUID is the sensor of Brain waves and when they determine your

Brain wave numbers they set the source of the low field magnetic waves. This

took about three 4 minute session to plot the alpha brain waves from the

SQUID device and get their frequency etc. The doctor then sets a cap like

device that has the low field magnets in them. The cap belongs to the patient

and she slept with the cap on. She says they are stimulating the PINEAL

Gland. They keep this cap/sleep treatment up for a long time. said she

is still using the cap and has made great improvement she is going to her

neurologist this week.

2. this not really related to MRI only that it senses the brain

waves like EEG but rather with the magnetic component and gives the doctor

the alpha wave data. Then the doctor matches the transmitter of the low

frequency magnetic field to the SQUID data and radiates this into the brain

by the cap over night for long periods of time.

3. I understand if the brain waves are to flat it indicates that too

many neurons are gone and the concept may not work.

I will keep following this. The author of the letter to ASK THE Doctor

promised to send me a paper. Please do not get angry I am only reporting what

I heard. I agree it sounds too simple to be true. I used to work with SQUID

and it has great brain wave sensing capability. The new item is that they

claim to have developed a method to stimulate the PINEAL Glands with this cap

over a long period of time.

regards, AL

More later, AL

***********A message from Ask the Doctor**************

The NPF website is updated several times each week. Go to

http://www.parkinson.org/whatsnew.htm to read recent articles regarding

Parkinson disease.


Dear Dr. Lieberman,

I have escorted nine Parkinson's patients for evaluation and treatment at

the University Hospital, Democritian University of Thrace, androupolis,

Greece. The evaluation (done by means of a SQUID, or superconducting

quantum interference device) and treatment was administered by Professor

Photios Anninos and his colleague Professor Nikolaos Tsagas.

Of the four treated there in December, three responded quite well, while

the response of the fourth is questionable. The best responder,

Wagner of Hobe Sound, Florida believes that she has returned to 90 percent

of normal. Her balance, strength, and endurance are all normal while her

tremors of the right hand and foot now emerge very infrequently, and then

only when excited. She no longer experiences panic attacks, difficulty

breathing, and her voice is now strong again. She engages in a strenuous

daily regimen, and indicates that she is now able to hit a golf ball

farther than before she was diagnosed more than five years ago. She is

happy to discuss her experience and can be reached at: .

The second best responder, Clare Neall of London, England, believes she has

returned to 70 percent of normal. Prior to treatment she was unable to

walk without assistance, her voice was practically inaudible, and she was

subject to frequent emotional outbursts for no apparent reason. She

indicated that seven months prior to treatment she was taking a bath and

when she tried to get out of the tub ... she couldn't. She tried with all

her might, but couldn't. Fortunately she was able to reach her cell phone,

called husband Gordon, and an hour later he arrived home and was able to

" extract this great prune " from the tub.

Following the second treatment in Greece, Clare took a bath and emerged

from the tub without assistance. Her emotional outbursts were greatly

diminished, and she began to walk alone with growing confidence. Today she

is doing much, much better ... and is in process of recruiting fellow PD

patients from the London area for treks to Greece to receive this treatment

which has done so much for her.

Clare Neall or husband Gordon may be reached at: 011-44-1992-311-290. They

welcome inquiries.

In March I took another five PD patients to Professor Anninos for

treatment, but only two achieved remarkable results while the remaining

three are questionable. I have not received permission from any of them to

release their names, but using initials I can relate the following:

Patient K.G.

Age 50, businessman, had been diagnosed only ten months earlier. He had a

minor tremor in his right hand and an invisible tremor in his right arm.

During the first application of weak magnetic fields he felt the tremor

diminishing and then disappearing. After three treatments both tremors had


Patient H.S.

Age 79, retiree, had been diagnosed several months earlier. He had been

unable to raise his feet off the floor when walking, and shuffling had

become increasingly evident. He also felt that his memory had become

impaired. He was otherwise in excellent health and had a robust

appearance. H.S. was almost totally relieved of his shuffling after three

treatments, and has reported continued improvement to me on a weekly basis.

He is also seeking financial assistance for conducting research on this

therapy here in the U.S.

His connections in the business world include retired C.E.O.s from a number

of major national and international corporations.

Questions frequently asked PD patients include the following:

1. Side Effects??

There are no side effects from the treatment.

2. Is the treatment invasive?

It is absolutely non-invasive.

3. Does it work for everyone?

Over time it can become efficacious. PD patients with calcified pineal

glands are slow to respond; and if the calcification is extreme, recovery

may take up to three years.

In addition, the evaluation process can be very difficult in some cases

wherein the patient's alpha wave is flat. This makes diagnosis less

precise and results in greater difficult when calibrating the instrument

used for therapeutic purposes.

4. How can I learn more?

For additional information please check the website of Professor Anninos.

www.med.duth.gr/anninos/ Pages of published research citations are

available covering research results for the past thirteen years.

Publications listed include the International Journal of Neuroscience, Pan

Minerva Medica, Brain Topography, and many more.

5. How can I receive treatment?

Contact Carl F. Firley iabc@...>




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Help support the NPF! Your donations are needed to help find a cure for

parkinson disease and to support valuable service such as " Ask the Doctor " .

Donate online at http://www.parkinson.org/reqform.htm, or call 1- .


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Greetings Al !

Like you I would like to see a cure. Unfortunately, the death of brain

cells pretty much preclude that as an option. But I sure would settle for

stability instead of a general decline!

So, yes, I am interested in something that can help. You are doing the

right thing to search for potential relief, if not out and out cures!

HOWEVER, too many of magnetic therapy folks prey on illnesses of others.

They sell very expensive beds based on little objective evidence. I heard

one try to sell it based on the 'placebo effect'. That is, if you think it

makes you better it does. Sheesh! I can think a Teddy Bear will make me

better instead. It is a LOT cheaper.

No, my concern isn't that you hunt for possibilities. Please, continue to

do so! But be a skeptic. For some odd reason, before I plunk down a big

hunk of change, I really want to see a double blind study.

A double blind study means neither doctors, nor patients know when the

patient uses placebo equipment or the real McCoy. In this case the exact

same equipment could be used. Only one would work and one would be an

elaborate fake.

It makes a difference. Many studies demonstrate that when someone monitors

us and we know it is important, we try harder. The result? The patient

appears to be 'cured'. In reality, they are not. After the study, the

symptoms resurface.

The double blind study takes this into account. Both sets of patients

experience the same 'improvement' from the study. Any consistent additional

improvement the patients using the real treatment must be due to the


With that in mind, I do want to see others avoid con-men. They take

advantage of those least able to afford it. Call me a skeptic or worse.

But folks, the Kings is clad in the clothes the Good Lord gave him!



B. Fisher

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Greetings Al !

Like you I would like to see a cure. Unfortunately, the death of brain

cells pretty much preclude that as an option. But I sure would settle for

stability instead of a general decline!

So, yes, I am interested in something that can help. You are doing the

right thing to search for potential relief, if not out and out cures!

HOWEVER, too many of magnetic therapy folks prey on illnesses of others.

They sell very expensive beds based on little objective evidence. I heard

one try to sell it based on the 'placebo effect'. That is, if you think it

makes you better it does. Sheesh! I can think a Teddy Bear will make me

better instead. It is a LOT cheaper.

No, my concern isn't that you hunt for possibilities. Please, continue to

do so! But be a skeptic. For some odd reason, before I plunk down a big

hunk of change, I really want to see a double blind study.

A double blind study means neither doctors, nor patients know when the

patient uses placebo equipment or the real McCoy. In this case the exact

same equipment could be used. Only one would work and one would be an

elaborate fake.

It makes a difference. Many studies demonstrate that when someone monitors

us and we know it is important, we try harder. The result? The patient

appears to be 'cured'. In reality, they are not. After the study, the

symptoms resurface.

The double blind study takes this into account. Both sets of patients

experience the same 'improvement' from the study. Any consistent additional

improvement the patients using the real treatment must be due to the


With that in mind, I do want to see others avoid con-men. They take

advantage of those least able to afford it. Call me a skeptic or worse.

But folks, the Kings is clad in the clothes the Good Lord gave him!



B. Fisher

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Greetings again, Al !

Just as a further note on the placebo effect, there is clear evidence that

it is real and does impact patients (at least with depression). Remember

the difference is that patients with depression do NOT loose brain cells.

But depression and stress do exaggerate symptoms. However, you may want to

read the following:




B. Fisher

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Greetings again, Al !

Just as a further note on the placebo effect, there is clear evidence that

it is real and does impact patients (at least with depression). Remember

the difference is that patients with depression do NOT loose brain cells.

But depression and stress do exaggerate symptoms. However, you may want to

read the following:




B. Fisher

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