Guest guest Posted May 23, 2002 Report Share Posted May 23, 2002 This is a wonderful find. I'm finally beginning to understand how my symptoms are interconnected. I'm having a dreadful day, can't pee enough, my waist is swelling and I have an awful headache. Maybe there is a reason we should monitor our BP. Why has no doctor bothered to explain this to me??? I realize it is a bit of reading and raises questions as well as answering them. Has anyone on the list been seen by and endocrinologist? Seems they might help with regulating all the regulators. Have a look at the webpage, the diagrams are very useful. REGULATION OF ARTERIAL BLOOD PRESSURE Learning Objectives: A. Understand the principles of negative feed back and homeostasis; possess the ability to describe how blood pressure control is a negative feedback system. B. Identify the sequence of events in the short term control of arterial blood pressure. C. Be able to identify the cardiac pressure control mechanisms and the sensor mechanisms; their characteristics with respect to response timing and sensitivity. Companion Reading: Reading: Ch. 18. Nervous Regulation of the Circulation, and Rapid Control of Arterial Pressure. In:Textbook of Medical Physiology, 10th ed., A.C. Guyton & J.E. Hall, eds., W.B. Saunders:St. Louis, 2000 I. Introduction: Arterial blood pressure is maintained within a narrow range over a wide variety of conditions. Normally, only massive changes in activity result in substantial changes in pressure. Arterial blood pressure control is necessitated by the need to maintain a constant internal environment for optimal cellular performance. A. Homeostasis: From the Greek, homeo, for " similar " or " like " and stasis, meaning " state of standing " : thus a constant and optimal environment. B. Negative feedback: Homeostatic mechanisms act to minimize differences between actual and optimal responses of a system and are biological examples of negative feedback control (e.g. body temperature). C. Blood Pressure: The pressure to which we are referring is arterial blood pressure, Pa. As you will recall from the Biophysics lecture, Figure 5, the pressures you measure are systolic (Ps) and diastolic (Pd) pressures, respectively. 1. Ps: The systolic pressure is the highest pressure achieved in the blood vessels and is dependent main on the rate of blood input into the the aorta per unit time. In practical terms this is given by CARDIAC OUTPUT; thus anything that alters CO automatically alters Ps (e.g. exercise, emotion, fever, aortic regurgitation, digitalis, b blockers, etc.). A persistent increase in Ps is accepted widely as a major risk factor of ischemic heart disease. 2. Pd: The diastolic pressure is the lowest pressure achieved in systemic arteries and is depends chiefly on the rate of blood flow leaving the systemic arteries per unit time. This in turn is indexed by the TOTAL PERIPHERAL RESISTANCE, thus anything that alters TPR has a profound influence on Pd. An increase in TPR as occurs with arterial vasoconstriction of hypervolemia will increase Pd; a fall in TPR, as occurs with vasodilatation and hypovolemia (as occurs with hemorrhage) will decease Pd. Unlike Ps, Pd is less likely to be affected by psychological or emotional factors, thus a persistent elevation in Pd should be take seriously. 3. Hypertension: A patient is defined as hypertensive when their blood pressure is greater than expected for their age, sex and race on at least 3 separate occasions under resting conditions whether symptoms are present or not. In practice the diagnosis of hypertension is made if BP is at or above 160/95 on casual examination in patients less than 50 years of age, or if it is persistently above this level in older patients. It is noteworthy that this number is considered too high a cut off during pregnancy or in those of African descent. II. CONTROL SYSTEMS: [image] A. Sensor/Effector/Monitor: The controlled variable (temperature) level is sensed (what is the value?), compared against a reference (is it more or less than the setting of the dial), and action is taken to bring it back to the desired level. The action in response to the error signal is taken via an effector mechanism (turn the furnace/air conditioner on or off). If the response increases, a signal is fed back to an effector mechanism in a negative or inhibitory manner so the subsequent response is reduced. Conversely, a decrease in response elicits an increase. B. Control of Blood Pressure: For arterial blood pressure regulation there must be a monitoring system and a compensatory system where a change in pressure induces alterations to adjust automatically the balance between inflow and outflow so that the total blood flow through the circulation does not exceed the capacity of the pump. On sympathetic stimulation, the neurotransmitter norepinephrine (NE) is released. NE stimulates cardiac activity and constricts the blood vessels (+). When cholinergic nerves (vagi, for example) are stimulated, the neurotransmitter acetylcholine (ACh) is released. ACh depresses cardiac activity (-). C. Effector Mechanisms, or how a change is brought about. The cardiovascular system has a dual effector mechanism: 1. Cardiac Output and 2. Total Peripheral Resistance. A single effector system in a house to control temperature would use a furnace: on or off. In a dual effector system, both an air conditioner and a furnace would be used. It should be obvious that both CO and TPR would be used to control DP: DP = CO * TPR. D. Sensors: Blood pressure is sensed via specialized organs, the baroreceptors (also called pressoreceptors), located in the carotid sinuses and the aortic arch. Other receptors, chemoreceptors sense chemical changes, and are discussed in IV.4.c. below. E. Control: 1. Afferent signals transmitted from the pressoreceptors by sensory nerves to the medullary cardiovascular centers in the brain stem. 2. Efferent signals divide into two pathways: a. Parasympathetic via the vagus nerve and b. Sympathetic nerves to the heart and peripheral vasculature. [image] F. Integration: The Arterial Pressoreceptor Reflex: 1. Increased Pa stretches pressoreceptors in carotid sinus and aortic arch walls. 2. This stimulates firing of Hering's nerve and increased discharge along afferent nerves via glossopharyngeal nerve to tractus solitarius in medullary area of brain stem. 3. Increased parasympathetic (vagal) stimulation of the heart leading to 4. Decreased cardiac activity. 5. Simultaneously with (3) sympathetic nerve activity is inhibited thus withdrawing sympathetic input to heart and periphery. 6. Because of (3) and (5) cardiac contractility decreases and 7. Heart rate decreases 8. Because of (5) vasoconstrictor tone is decreased thereby 9. Increased capacitance and 10. Increased arterial vessel radius. 11. C.O. decreases with (6) and (7); 12. TPR decreases with (9) and (10) thus 13. Pa decreases .. G. Summary of Reflex Mechanism: Following an INCREASE in Pa, 4 events occur leading to a decrease in Pa and return to control levels: 1. Bradycardia 2. Reduced cardiac vigor 3. Vasodilatation 4. Venodilation H. Heart Rate: is determined by the balance between inhibitory effects, on the pacemaker, of acetylcholine released by the parasympathetic system (vagus) and the excitatory effects of norepinephrine released from the sympathetic nerve endings. I. Aliases: Other names for the reflex include: 1. Carotid sinus reflex 2. Baroreceptor reflex 3. Depressor reflex J. Following a decrease in Pa the same reflex arc is used to re-establish balance. With a decrease in Pa, fewer impulses are carried along the afferents resulting in an increase in sympathetic response by releasing inhibition and a decrease in vagal tone thus an increase in cardiac action; vaso- and venoconstriction increase thereby increasing blood pressure. The proportional contribution of the 4 events leading to altered TPR and CO (e.g. veno- and vasoconstriction, heart rate and contractility) will vary according to conditions. K. Summary: Reflex responses require a " Closed-loop " . Opening the loop provides one method for determining what mechanisms come into play in the feed-back system. Open loops tend to lead to positive feed back situations. III. Cardiovascular Control Centers: The neural centers for cardiovascular system control are not well defined. Four basic areas: A. Medullary Control: Neurons responsible for integration of afferent impulses and origin of efferent impulses for homeostatic control of blood pressure. B. Hypothalamic Control: Hypothalamus, a generalized center of control of the autonomic nervous system, modifies activity of bulbar region. The pons does not appear to be involved in baroreceptor reflex. The suprebulbar centers of great importance (e.g. rage & exercise). Hypothalamus involved in blood flow changes in response to temperature; activity via sympathetics. C. Cerebral-Spinal Control: Impulses originating in forebrain may have bearing on psychogenic disorders. D. Spinal Control: Local ischemia and consequent hypoxia of the brain stem can stimulate the medullary vasomotor and cardioinhibitory centers directly resulting in vasoconstriction and bradycardia. If the vasoconstriction raises the BP above normal then the bradycardia is reinforced reflexively by stimulation of the systemic arterial baroreceptors. If the fall in CO (from the decrease in heart rate) dominates then peripheral vasoconstriction will be enhanced by unloading of the baroreceptors. Clinically this response, the Cushing response, is only seen during severe generalized hypotensive episodes (BP<50 mmHg) or when intracranial pressure raises sufficiently to induce ischemia of the hind brain. In patients with suspected elevation in intracranial pressure, both pulse rate and blood pressure are monitored (as occurs in head injury or brain tumor). Slowing of the pulse with a simultaneous raise in BP is an ominous sign. IV. Cardiovascular Sensors: Effective cardiovascular control depends on the data provided by sense organs to the control centers of the brain. Stimulation of cardiovascular and pulmonary mechanoreceptors (stretch, tension, pressure) leads to reflex inhibition of circulatory and respiratory activity. A. Local Control: Refer to Microvascular Transport lecture. B. Arterial Pressure Receptors: 1. Location and Structure: nerve endings are located in carotid sinus and the aortic arch. The carotid sinus endings run along Hering's nerve; those from the aortic arch run along the trunk that also carries the vagus nerve. Thus clamping the carotid arteries will isolate the action of the receptors in the carotid sinuses from those in the aortic arch; severing the vagus nerves will open the reflex loop completely. 2. Sensitivity and Response: Pressoreceptors respond to artery wall stretch with an increase in transmural pressure. Firing rate increases as a function of pressures above 60 mmHg. The reflex system is most responsive to changes in Pa between 60 and 160 mmHg. 3. Frequency of Response: is also determined by the rate of change in stretch of the receptors. Thus there are bursts of activity with each pressure pulse. [image] C. Chemoreceptors: 1. Location: near carotid sinus, in the walls of the common carotid artery and aortic arch. Chemoreceptor endings from the sinus run along the IXth nerve; those from the common carotid and aortic arch run in a nerve trunk that also carries the vagi. 2. Sensitivity of the nerve endings to: a. decreased PO2 b. increased PCO2 c. increased [H+]. 3. Response: Primary function of the chemoreceptors is in the regulation of respiration and stimulation results in marked hyperpnea along with mild tachycardia and vasoconstriction. Thus chemoreceptor stimulation results in increased pulmonary ventilation (stimulation of respiratory centers in medulla oblongata) and increased blood pressure via peripheral vasoconstriction (increased TPR and via stimulation of medulla oblongata cardiovascular centers), thus: a. Decreased Q due to low Pa leads to chemoreceptor activation. b. Arterial hypoxia and hypotension synergistic and produce a vigorous response. c. Chemoreceptor normally quiet but sensitive to changes. d. If PO2 in respired air low, vasoconstriction elicited reflexly is nullified by local vasodilatation resulting from hypoxia and the HR (and CO) is increased. D. Cardiac Receptors: 1. Atrial receptors: are primarily " stretch " receptors giving rise to two responses: neural and hormonal. a. Neural responses: Afferent impulses are conducted along the sensory fibers of the vagus to the medullary circulatory control center. i. " A " receptors, discharge a little during atrial systole. When stimulated they exert a strong vaso-constrictor influence on the kidney to influencing renal blood flow and fluid excretion. ii. " B " receptors, are the predominant stretch receptors and are stimulated by passive stretch of the atria, usually during later diastole. If stimulated the reflex response is like the baroreceptor, e.g. inhibition of sympathetic and excitation of parasympathetic. iii. Bainbridge Reflex: reflex tachycardia caused by rapid atrial distention. It can only be elicited when the initial heart rate is slow. While this reflex is referred to in almost every text book you will be pleased to know that it has only been documented in dog hearts and not in the hearts of humans or primates. Hey, I'm supposed to make sure that you get all the data! b. Left Atrial Volume Receptors: respond to increases transmural pressure: e.g. from increased left atrial volume. Impulses transmitted to the osmoregulatory centers of the hypothalamus result in reduced ADH (antidiuretic hormone, vasopressin) secretion thereby increasing body water loss. Reflex hypotension and bradycardia sometimes follow left atrial distention. With hemorrhage and decreases in left atrial pressure, ADH secretion is increased to induce water retention. c. Hormone secretion: Atrial natriuretic peptide (ANP). Mammalian atria have secretory granules containing a small peptide, ANP. ANP is secreted on stretch of the atria. This potent, short lived peptide: induces renal secretion of sodium and increase diuresis thus serving to decrease volume. ANP appears to acts to decrease CO by decreasing systemic resistance and by increase capillary filtration. 2. Ventricular (mostly left ventricle) Responses: Bezold-Jarish Reflex: results from ventricular wall distention stimulating the ventricular mechanoreceptors. Receptors appear to be active only with extreme conditions to protect the ventricle from volume overload (elicit hypotension and bradycardia). The response is a reflex vagal slowing of the heart and simultaneous inhibition of sympathoadrenal activity. The reflex protects against cardiac overstrain, pulmonary edema, and hypovolemia whenever cardiac distention is excessive (think of the CHF cases). The reflex, transmitted by afferent vagal fibers, is thought to exert its sympathetic block via release of endogenous opiods likely acting on the delta-type opiod receptors in the brain. E. Response Times: Overall, blood pressure control invokes an integrated system of several elements with varied times of response and potency. The systems are classified according to rate of response between fast acting and long term. Today's lecture dealt with the " very fast " category; long term compensatory systems are covered in greater detail in the Renal (next) portion of the course. 1. Fast Acting Mechanisms: those mechanisms that exert their control over the pressure regulatory systems in seconds or minutes following a change in pressure. a. Seconds: All the nervous pressure control mechanisms are the first to respond in a matter of seconds and are fully active within a minute: i. Baroreceptors ii. Chemoreceptors iii. Central nervous system Ischemic Response: Cessation of blood flow to the brain invokes excitation of the medullary centers such that systemic vasoconstriction brings about a * in pressure. Response initiated by inadequate blood flow to brain. iv. Relative potency: CNS > Baro > Chemo b. Minutes: 3 systems are activated within minutes and fully active within 30 min. i. Stress-relaxation: changes in vasculature. When Pa decreases it also decreases in blood storage areas (veins, spleen, liver and lungs). The vessel size decreases adapting to the change in pressure and restore normal hemodynamics. Limited to acute changes in blood volume between +30% and -15%. ii. Capillary-fluid shift: With a shift in Pa there is a corresponding change in Pc. This causes fluid to move across the capillary membrane. This shift in fluid will alter blood volume thereby altering TPR and CO thus altering pressure. a. Increased Pc results in increased filtration of fluid out of the vessels; this decreases intravascular volume; venous return decreases, mean filling pressure decreases, thus stroke volume decreases, CO decreases, blood pressure decreases. b. A decrease in Pc induces the opposite set of responses. iii. Renin-Angiotensin Vasoconstriction: decreased Pa decreases Q stimulating juxto-glomerular secretion of renin into the blood. Renin, an enzyme, converts angiotensinogen to angiotensin I in the plasma which is then converted to angiotensin II in the small vessels of the lung. Angiotensin II will remain active in the blood for about one minute and increases blood pressure by stimulating arteriolar and venular constriction. 2. Slow or Long term Mechanism: effects exerted over hours and days (These topics will be covered more extensively by Dr. Freeman).. a. Renal blood volume pressure control mechanism: acts via the kidney to alter blood volume. b. Aldosterone: hormone secreted by the adrenal cortex. [image] aletta mes vancouver, bc Canada web: Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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