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Wow...what a message! First congrats on your weight loss! That is an

achievement in itself. It is sad that you do not rearrange your schedule

for exercise. As a former coach potato I can only offer my point of view.

When choosing to have WLS it was a major decision. In fact my doctor would

only perform the surgery after speaking with my spouse as well as me

speaking with my children about the changes. His belief that has become

mine...it is a life altering choice. I knew that if I had the surgery I

wanted it to change my life as well as lifestyle. My diet before was pretty

much consisted of whatever I chose to eat. I drank 6-10 cokes a day and

raided the snack machine numerous times per day. Red meat...fried....purple

meat....boiled (okay, forget get the last two!) I ate it! I fed my family

whatever also. Well, 14 months later at 135 pounds later I have changed!!!

Thank God! I lost all my weight in 8 months and have only lost 10 pounds

since Jan! I had surgery May 01. I weighed 276 and I am 5'3 " ...large fram

with a size 11 shoe and 8 " wrist! I now weigh between 135-140 and wear a

size 6-8! I do watch calories...carbs ...fat and definitely protein! I am

at the gym 6 days a week. I run 3 miles 3-4 days and elliptical cycle it

the other days..along with weight trng 4 days. Now....do I always do

well...NO! My biggest challenge like yours is at night. If I do not eat a

good amount of protein during the day, I do eat all night. Now, granite a

" binge " maybe 2 graham crackers....or popcorn but you know....a binge is a

binge and it is not good!! I have eaten like this like every hour most of

the night!! BUT, I do pay! Since wls I have a heard time digesting

carbs...and it hurts!!! Sometimes though that doesn't matter! I eat

despite it and to spite myself!!! I do know that when I exercise I eat alot

better!!! I am sure it is the whole mental connection thing. I am an

emotional eater...and honestly I have had to say out loud.... " STOP " when

those urges come! As I said....I do really well but occassionally I can


Anyway....I do not know how to reset the " dumo o meter " !!! However...I am

also from Tally!!! We do have a support group here.....we are meeting this

Saturday as a matter of fact!!! Email me if you are interested in



Best wishes to you.


Newbie & dumpometer


My name is - some here might know me as Simply . I had wls

7/9/01 (RNY). I weighed 245 and am 5'3' tall. I weigh 159# now, which is

less than I've ever weighed as an adult. Because of being an apple shape,

and a D cup that hasn't decreased (well, I have gone from a 46 to a 38D), I

still wear a 14-16 top and 14 pants. If I HAD a waist I could easily fit

into size 10 pants and skirts - but between the extra belly skin and no

waistline - I can't. I am 53 yrs. old. I don't dump, although I think I

probably did early on. I haven't been exercising. Have lots of good

reasons, though - but the truth is the truth - I'm not making the changes in

my schedule that would allow the time. I know I'd benefit in many ways..

And still don't do it.

My surgeon, way back when, said he thought I could make it to 150# but not

much lower because I have a large frame. Of course, I dream about reaching

139#. I've been on a plateau forever it seems. And I KNOW why. Added to

the non-exercise routine: I've been grazing, I've been eating too many

carbs, I haven't been consistently getting 2 protein shakes each day, and

really should have 3/day - at least. I don't eat breakfast, usually skip

lunch (can you say workaholic?) and then want to eat the wallpaper when I do

power down a little and end up grazing all evening. I've had that pattern

most of my adult life and really am having a hard time adjusting that one.

I don't like to drink fluids, either and struggle to get 64 oz of ANY fluid

down each day.

I'm pretty consistent on all the Vits, except iron - my system doesn't seem

to absorb it so I don't take any:


2 multiVits (equiv. to Centrum)

2 Hair Skin and Nails

2 Vit C

2 super Calciums (from Vitalady)

2 Dry E (Vitalady)

2 dry A & D (Vitalady)

1 B-12 (sub-lingual)

I'm due for a full lab work-up this week and will see my surgeon for the

annual visit mid-August. So, I'll know how I'm doing at that level by then.

Improvements: Medically, my triglycerides were 820+ pre-wls, had

hypertension, edema, GERD, irregular Heartbeat. GONE, or within normal

limits now. I have degenerative arthritis of the lower spine and

spondilosis (sp?) (same thing, but in the neck - cervical vertebrae),

serious carpel tunnel both sides, and due to congenital problems - bad

knees, hips and such. While those haven't been cured, of course - I find it

is easier, at this lower weight, to cope with the chronic pain and

debilitation. While I'm not as energetic as I'd like, sure is better than

pre-op - it's so much easier to live life.

I live in Tallahassee, FL. While it is very hot and humid, I am not

suffering with it as I did pre-op - what a huge difference there. Momma

told me my natural A/C would improve and I just couldn't believe

that one - and once again - she was right! My work is intense and so very

demanding. Sporadically, I travel a good bit, within Florida, for my work. -

and it is SO much easier! No need to get an extension on the seat belt when

I fly - I can use the tray table and there is space between ME and it! Woo

HOO! No dirty looks when someone sees they are assigned the seat next to me.

Masquerading as a " Normie " is so much fun, I love that aspect of all of


Isn't it interesting how much more willing people are to be kind and helpful

when a person isn't morbidly obese (on the outside - I'll always be MO on

the inside)? If I were struggling with a heavy bag or juggling laptop,

briefcase, 2 suitcases, etc -- No one would offer to help me pre-wls - at

least 99% of the time. Now - more spontaneous conversations, more offers of

assistance, more smiles from strangers in the hotel elevator.

Part of me is glad to be one of the crowd and part of me wants to slap them

all silly for the societal biases related to MO folks.

I won't be a regular poster nor lurker. Many things happening in my life

that gobble up the time I'd want to spend at the PC. But, I wanted to

introduce myself as a sometime participant/lurker and say " Hey " to some that

I know from another online wls group that are now members here.

One question: I understand there are ways to reset the dumpometer. HOW? I

'm interested in any methods about that one as I want to give it a try.

Warm regards to all ya'all -

7/9/01 RNY


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