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i am also quitting smoking..monday is my day to quit..going

> to

> use the nicotrol inhaler..wishing both of us great success.


> nancy fissel

> pre-op dr. gagner 7/26/01

> age and bmi are both 54!

> (hoping for a cancellation so date can be moved up)


Hi . I'm also a smoker and trying to work up the strength to quit

without having a nervous breakdown before my surgery. I have my consult

with Dr. Gagner this Wednesday. Did he tell you that you have to quit or

he wouldn't do the surgery? My common sense tells me that I have to quit,

but I'm struggling with it. (sigh)


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Guest guest

i am also quitting smoking..monday is my day to quit..going

> to

> use the nicotrol inhaler..wishing both of us great success.


> nancy fissel

> pre-op dr. gagner 7/26/01

> age and bmi are both 54!

> (hoping for a cancellation so date can be moved up)


Hi . I'm also a smoker and trying to work up the strength to quit

without having a nervous breakdown before my surgery. I have my consult

with Dr. Gagner this Wednesday. Did he tell you that you have to quit or

he wouldn't do the surgery? My common sense tells me that I have to quit,

but I'm struggling with it. (sigh)


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Guest guest

i am also quitting smoking..monday is my day to quit..going

> to

> use the nicotrol inhaler..wishing both of us great success.


> nancy fissel

> pre-op dr. gagner 7/26/01

> age and bmi are both 54!

> (hoping for a cancellation so date can be moved up)


Hi . I'm also a smoker and trying to work up the strength to quit

without having a nervous breakdown before my surgery. I have my consult

with Dr. Gagner this Wednesday. Did he tell you that you have to quit or

he wouldn't do the surgery? My common sense tells me that I have to quit,

but I'm struggling with it. (sigh)


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Guest guest

denise..guess we have picked the absolutely most stressful time to

quit..just when we are nervous/excited about this life changing

undertaking..it certainly is such a struggle..am completely with you on this

nervous breakdown thing!..dr. gagner did not say he would refuse to do the

surgery if i didn't quit, but then, i really didn't give him the chance to

say it..he looked at me and simply said, " STOP SMOKING " .. at which point i

vigorously assured him that Monday was the day..i do have a friend who is a

bariatric surgeon (only does open rny)who will not operate on a patient

unless they have been smoke free for a minimum of eight weeks prior to

surgery..i assume dr. gagner would have said something similar if i had

hesitated at all..i so wanted him to say the surgery was a " go " that i would

have agreed to anything!..now, looking toward letting go of so many

things..cigarettes, food, weight, inactivity..all the hiding places..am

praying for the strength..with great anticipation..and also sighing..time to

live..good luck with your consult..let me know how it goes..feel free to

email if you need a little boost in our struggle..best regards..nancy

nancy fissel

pre-op dr. gagner 7/26/01

age and bmi are both 54!

(hoping for a cancellation so date can be moved up)

> >


>Hi . I'm also a smoker and trying to work up the strength to quit

>without having a nervous breakdown before my surgery. I have my consult

>with Dr. Gagner this Wednesday. Did he tell you that you have to quit or

>he wouldn't do the surgery? My common sense tells me that I have to quit,

>but I'm struggling with it. (sigh)





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Guest guest

denise..guess we have picked the absolutely most stressful time to

quit..just when we are nervous/excited about this life changing

undertaking..it certainly is such a struggle..am completely with you on this

nervous breakdown thing!..dr. gagner did not say he would refuse to do the

surgery if i didn't quit, but then, i really didn't give him the chance to

say it..he looked at me and simply said, " STOP SMOKING " .. at which point i

vigorously assured him that Monday was the day..i do have a friend who is a

bariatric surgeon (only does open rny)who will not operate on a patient

unless they have been smoke free for a minimum of eight weeks prior to

surgery..i assume dr. gagner would have said something similar if i had

hesitated at all..i so wanted him to say the surgery was a " go " that i would

have agreed to anything!..now, looking toward letting go of so many

things..cigarettes, food, weight, inactivity..all the hiding places..am

praying for the strength..with great anticipation..and also sighing..time to

live..good luck with your consult..let me know how it goes..feel free to

email if you need a little boost in our struggle..best regards..nancy

nancy fissel

pre-op dr. gagner 7/26/01

age and bmi are both 54!

(hoping for a cancellation so date can be moved up)

> >


>Hi . I'm also a smoker and trying to work up the strength to quit

>without having a nervous breakdown before my surgery. I have my consult

>with Dr. Gagner this Wednesday. Did he tell you that you have to quit or

>he wouldn't do the surgery? My common sense tells me that I have to quit,

>but I'm struggling with it. (sigh)





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Guest guest

denise..guess we have picked the absolutely most stressful time to

quit..just when we are nervous/excited about this life changing

undertaking..it certainly is such a struggle..am completely with you on this

nervous breakdown thing!..dr. gagner did not say he would refuse to do the

surgery if i didn't quit, but then, i really didn't give him the chance to

say it..he looked at me and simply said, " STOP SMOKING " .. at which point i

vigorously assured him that Monday was the day..i do have a friend who is a

bariatric surgeon (only does open rny)who will not operate on a patient

unless they have been smoke free for a minimum of eight weeks prior to

surgery..i assume dr. gagner would have said something similar if i had

hesitated at all..i so wanted him to say the surgery was a " go " that i would

have agreed to anything!..now, looking toward letting go of so many

things..cigarettes, food, weight, inactivity..all the hiding places..am

praying for the strength..with great anticipation..and also sighing..time to

live..good luck with your consult..let me know how it goes..feel free to

email if you need a little boost in our struggle..best regards..nancy

nancy fissel

pre-op dr. gagner 7/26/01

age and bmi are both 54!

(hoping for a cancellation so date can be moved up)

> >


>Hi . I'm also a smoker and trying to work up the strength to quit

>without having a nervous breakdown before my surgery. I have my consult

>with Dr. Gagner this Wednesday. Did he tell you that you have to quit or

>he wouldn't do the surgery? My common sense tells me that I have to quit,

>but I'm struggling with it. (sigh)





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Guest guest

I quit smoking 2 months before my surgery and it was very hard! I ALWAYS wanted one. It was a horrible, stressful time because I was fighting insurance companies and dealing with the stress of surgery and getting everything ready at home and work for it. So far, I'm almost 8 weeks post op and since surgery I've never even had the desire to smoke. The smell almost makes me sick to my stomach. Also, while I was in the hospital there was a man who was several weeks post op and still in the hospital and having lots of problems. He snuck a cigarette the night before surgery WHILE in the hospital and ended up on a resperator for quite some time. The risks just aren't worth it and in my experience, the desire was gone after surgery. Good luck. Its not easy but in the long run its worth it. Smoking sucks up the calcium from your body and we need to take supplements anyway. It would then suck the calcium from your bones. Doesn't sound worth it to me. Jodie W.Age 28BMI 49.9Dr. HessMarch 28, 01/325 lbsPaid By Coresource and Aetna04-06-01 Down 20 pounds!04-20-01 288, Down 37 lbs!05-14-01 276 lbs, down 49 lbs!!!

---Outgoing mail is certified Virus Free.Checked by AVG anti-virus system (http://www.grisoft.com).Version: 6.0.237 / Virus Database: 115 - Release Date: 3/7/01

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Guest guest

I quit smoking 2 months before my surgery and it was very hard! I ALWAYS wanted one. It was a horrible, stressful time because I was fighting insurance companies and dealing with the stress of surgery and getting everything ready at home and work for it. So far, I'm almost 8 weeks post op and since surgery I've never even had the desire to smoke. The smell almost makes me sick to my stomach. Also, while I was in the hospital there was a man who was several weeks post op and still in the hospital and having lots of problems. He snuck a cigarette the night before surgery WHILE in the hospital and ended up on a resperator for quite some time. The risks just aren't worth it and in my experience, the desire was gone after surgery. Good luck. Its not easy but in the long run its worth it. Smoking sucks up the calcium from your body and we need to take supplements anyway. It would then suck the calcium from your bones. Doesn't sound worth it to me. Jodie W.Age 28BMI 49.9Dr. HessMarch 28, 01/325 lbsPaid By Coresource and Aetna04-06-01 Down 20 pounds!04-20-01 288, Down 37 lbs!05-14-01 276 lbs, down 49 lbs!!!

---Outgoing mail is certified Virus Free.Checked by AVG anti-virus system (http://www.grisoft.com).Version: 6.0.237 / Virus Database: 115 - Release Date: 3/7/01

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Guest guest

I quit smoking 2 months before my surgery and it was very hard! I ALWAYS wanted one. It was a horrible, stressful time because I was fighting insurance companies and dealing with the stress of surgery and getting everything ready at home and work for it. So far, I'm almost 8 weeks post op and since surgery I've never even had the desire to smoke. The smell almost makes me sick to my stomach. Also, while I was in the hospital there was a man who was several weeks post op and still in the hospital and having lots of problems. He snuck a cigarette the night before surgery WHILE in the hospital and ended up on a resperator for quite some time. The risks just aren't worth it and in my experience, the desire was gone after surgery. Good luck. Its not easy but in the long run its worth it. Smoking sucks up the calcium from your body and we need to take supplements anyway. It would then suck the calcium from your bones. Doesn't sound worth it to me. Jodie W.Age 28BMI 49.9Dr. HessMarch 28, 01/325 lbsPaid By Coresource and Aetna04-06-01 Down 20 pounds!04-20-01 288, Down 37 lbs!05-14-01 276 lbs, down 49 lbs!!!

---Outgoing mail is certified Virus Free.Checked by AVG anti-virus system (http://www.grisoft.com).Version: 6.0.237 / Virus Database: 115 - Release Date: 3/7/01

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Guest guest

Im quitting toooooooooooooooo! LOL, ok, so I just got

the prescription for the wellbutrin, I start it on

monday and then 8 days from then I stop smoking. I am

hoping it will calm my nerves so I am not so jumpy. I

have quit a couple times before, just to start smoking

again so hopefully the surgery as a " motivator " will

help! Good luck to all of you other soon to be non

smokers! Keep us posted.


--- nsyncmom2001@...> wrote:

> i am also quitting smoking..monday is my day to

> quit..going

> > to

> > use the nicotrol inhaler..wishing both of us great

> success.

> >

> > nancy fissel

> > pre-op dr. gagner 7/26/01

> > age and bmi are both 54!

> > (hoping for a cancellation so date can be moved

> up)

> >


> Hi . I'm also a smoker and trying to work up

> the strength to quit

> without having a nervous breakdown before my

> surgery. I have my consult

> with Dr. Gagner this Wednesday. Did he tell you

> that you have to quit or

> he wouldn't do the surgery? My common sense tells

> me that I have to quit,

> but I'm struggling with it. (sigh)



> __________________________________________________


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Guest guest

Im quitting toooooooooooooooo! LOL, ok, so I just got

the prescription for the wellbutrin, I start it on

monday and then 8 days from then I stop smoking. I am

hoping it will calm my nerves so I am not so jumpy. I

have quit a couple times before, just to start smoking

again so hopefully the surgery as a " motivator " will

help! Good luck to all of you other soon to be non

smokers! Keep us posted.


--- nsyncmom2001@...> wrote:

> i am also quitting smoking..monday is my day to

> quit..going

> > to

> > use the nicotrol inhaler..wishing both of us great

> success.

> >

> > nancy fissel

> > pre-op dr. gagner 7/26/01

> > age and bmi are both 54!

> > (hoping for a cancellation so date can be moved

> up)

> >


> Hi . I'm also a smoker and trying to work up

> the strength to quit

> without having a nervous breakdown before my

> surgery. I have my consult

> with Dr. Gagner this Wednesday. Did he tell you

> that you have to quit or

> he wouldn't do the surgery? My common sense tells

> me that I have to quit,

> but I'm struggling with it. (sigh)



> __________________________________________________


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Guest guest

Im quitting toooooooooooooooo! LOL, ok, so I just got

the prescription for the wellbutrin, I start it on

monday and then 8 days from then I stop smoking. I am

hoping it will calm my nerves so I am not so jumpy. I

have quit a couple times before, just to start smoking

again so hopefully the surgery as a " motivator " will

help! Good luck to all of you other soon to be non

smokers! Keep us posted.


--- nsyncmom2001@...> wrote:

> i am also quitting smoking..monday is my day to

> quit..going

> > to

> > use the nicotrol inhaler..wishing both of us great

> success.

> >

> > nancy fissel

> > pre-op dr. gagner 7/26/01

> > age and bmi are both 54!

> > (hoping for a cancellation so date can be moved

> up)

> >


> Hi . I'm also a smoker and trying to work up

> the strength to quit

> without having a nervous breakdown before my

> surgery. I have my consult

> with Dr. Gagner this Wednesday. Did he tell you

> that you have to quit or

> he wouldn't do the surgery? My common sense tells

> me that I have to quit,

> but I'm struggling with it. (sigh)



> __________________________________________________


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Guest guest

Having been quit for over a year now (after several failed attempts),

this is what worked best for me:

Wellbutrin one in the early morning and one late afternoon. I took

this for the recommended 2 weeks prior to quitting. By the time I

quit cigs really started tasting terrible.

I also used the patches, started with the 21 mg. one and put it on

right after my last cig. Studies have shown that the most successful

quitters use a combination of Wellburtin and nicotine replacement

therapy (either the patches or the gum).

The third thing was to use the site www.quitnet.org , the support

there was instrumental in getting me through.

Feel free to email me at lisa@...

Good luck!

Dr. Anthone

Surgery scheduled July 6

BMI of 44

> Im quitting toooooooooooooooo! LOL, ok, so I just got

> the prescription for the wellbutrin, I start it on

> monday and then 8 days from then I stop smoking. I am

> hoping it will calm my nerves so I am not so jumpy. I

> have quit a couple times before, just to start smoking

> again so hopefully the surgery as a " motivator " will

> help! Good luck to all of you other soon to be non

> smokers! Keep us posted.

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Guest guest

Having been quit for over a year now (after several failed attempts),

this is what worked best for me:

Wellbutrin one in the early morning and one late afternoon. I took

this for the recommended 2 weeks prior to quitting. By the time I

quit cigs really started tasting terrible.

I also used the patches, started with the 21 mg. one and put it on

right after my last cig. Studies have shown that the most successful

quitters use a combination of Wellburtin and nicotine replacement

therapy (either the patches or the gum).

The third thing was to use the site www.quitnet.org , the support

there was instrumental in getting me through.

Feel free to email me at lisa@...

Good luck!

Dr. Anthone

Surgery scheduled July 6

BMI of 44

> Im quitting toooooooooooooooo! LOL, ok, so I just got

> the prescription for the wellbutrin, I start it on

> monday and then 8 days from then I stop smoking. I am

> hoping it will calm my nerves so I am not so jumpy. I

> have quit a couple times before, just to start smoking

> again so hopefully the surgery as a " motivator " will

> help! Good luck to all of you other soon to be non

> smokers! Keep us posted.

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Guest guest

Having been quit for over a year now (after several failed attempts),

this is what worked best for me:

Wellbutrin one in the early morning and one late afternoon. I took

this for the recommended 2 weeks prior to quitting. By the time I

quit cigs really started tasting terrible.

I also used the patches, started with the 21 mg. one and put it on

right after my last cig. Studies have shown that the most successful

quitters use a combination of Wellburtin and nicotine replacement

therapy (either the patches or the gum).

The third thing was to use the site www.quitnet.org , the support

there was instrumental in getting me through.

Feel free to email me at lisa@...

Good luck!

Dr. Anthone

Surgery scheduled July 6

BMI of 44

> Im quitting toooooooooooooooo! LOL, ok, so I just got

> the prescription for the wellbutrin, I start it on

> monday and then 8 days from then I stop smoking. I am

> hoping it will calm my nerves so I am not so jumpy. I

> have quit a couple times before, just to start smoking

> again so hopefully the surgery as a " motivator " will

> help! Good luck to all of you other soon to be non

> smokers! Keep us posted.

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Guest guest

jodie..thanks for the well wishes..and the good news that post op the desire

is gone..the man on the respirator is certainly scary and very

motivational!!..btw, your stats are terrific..congrats!!..best


nancy fissel

dr. gagner 7/26/01

age and bmi are both 54!


>Subject: Re: Smoking

>Date: Sun, 20 May 2001 09:20:28 -0700


>I quit smoking 2 months before my surgery and it was very hard! I ALWAYS

>wanted one. It was a horrible, stressful time because I was fighting

>insurance companies and dealing with the stress of surgery and getting

>everything ready at home and work for it. So far, I'm almost 8 weeks post

>op and since surgery I've never even had the desire to smoke. The smell

>almost makes me sick to my stomach. Also, while I was in the hospital

>there was a man who was several weeks post op and still in the hospital and

>having lots of problems. He snuck a cigarette the night before surgery

>WHILE in the hospital and ended up on a resperator for quite some time.

>The risks just aren't worth it and in my experience, the desire was gone

>after surgery. Good luck. Its not easy but in the long run its worth it.

>Smoking sucks up the calcium from your body and we need to take supplements

>anyway. It would then suck the calcium from your bones. Doesn't sound

>worth it to me. Jodie W.

>Age 28

>BMI 49.9

>Dr. Hess

>March 28, 01/325 lbs

>Paid By Coresource and Aetna

>04-06-01 Down 20 pounds!

>04-20-01 288, Down 37 lbs!

>05-14-01 276 lbs, down 49 lbs!!!





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Guest guest

jodie..thanks for the well wishes..and the good news that post op the desire

is gone..the man on the respirator is certainly scary and very

motivational!!..btw, your stats are terrific..congrats!!..best


nancy fissel

dr. gagner 7/26/01

age and bmi are both 54!


>Subject: Re: Smoking

>Date: Sun, 20 May 2001 09:20:28 -0700


>I quit smoking 2 months before my surgery and it was very hard! I ALWAYS

>wanted one. It was a horrible, stressful time because I was fighting

>insurance companies and dealing with the stress of surgery and getting

>everything ready at home and work for it. So far, I'm almost 8 weeks post

>op and since surgery I've never even had the desire to smoke. The smell

>almost makes me sick to my stomach. Also, while I was in the hospital

>there was a man who was several weeks post op and still in the hospital and

>having lots of problems. He snuck a cigarette the night before surgery

>WHILE in the hospital and ended up on a resperator for quite some time.

>The risks just aren't worth it and in my experience, the desire was gone

>after surgery. Good luck. Its not easy but in the long run its worth it.

>Smoking sucks up the calcium from your body and we need to take supplements

>anyway. It would then suck the calcium from your bones. Doesn't sound

>worth it to me. Jodie W.

>Age 28

>BMI 49.9

>Dr. Hess

>March 28, 01/325 lbs

>Paid By Coresource and Aetna

>04-06-01 Down 20 pounds!

>04-20-01 288, Down 37 lbs!

>05-14-01 276 lbs, down 49 lbs!!!





Get your FREE download of MSN Explorer at http://explorer.msn.com

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Guest guest

jodie..thanks for the well wishes..and the good news that post op the desire

is gone..the man on the respirator is certainly scary and very

motivational!!..btw, your stats are terrific..congrats!!..best


nancy fissel

dr. gagner 7/26/01

age and bmi are both 54!


>Subject: Re: Smoking

>Date: Sun, 20 May 2001 09:20:28 -0700


>I quit smoking 2 months before my surgery and it was very hard! I ALWAYS

>wanted one. It was a horrible, stressful time because I was fighting

>insurance companies and dealing with the stress of surgery and getting

>everything ready at home and work for it. So far, I'm almost 8 weeks post

>op and since surgery I've never even had the desire to smoke. The smell

>almost makes me sick to my stomach. Also, while I was in the hospital

>there was a man who was several weeks post op and still in the hospital and

>having lots of problems. He snuck a cigarette the night before surgery

>WHILE in the hospital and ended up on a resperator for quite some time.

>The risks just aren't worth it and in my experience, the desire was gone

>after surgery. Good luck. Its not easy but in the long run its worth it.

>Smoking sucks up the calcium from your body and we need to take supplements

>anyway. It would then suck the calcium from your bones. Doesn't sound

>worth it to me. Jodie W.

>Age 28

>BMI 49.9

>Dr. Hess

>March 28, 01/325 lbs

>Paid By Coresource and Aetna

>04-06-01 Down 20 pounds!

>04-20-01 288, Down 37 lbs!

>05-14-01 276 lbs, down 49 lbs!!!





Get your FREE download of MSN Explorer at http://explorer.msn.com

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Guest guest

howdy. i quit smoking back in january when i decided to have surgery. i had

already cut way down which probably made it a lot easier but i wanted to offer

a suggestion that helped me. i found that i would be ok for a while (few hours)

then i would get this HUGE, almost painful urge for a cigarette. but if i just

took some deep breaths and thought about something else the urge would pass very

quickly (1 minute or less) and then i was fine. of course, the urge would

return but i would just deal with it the same way, switch focus and breath

deeply. i'm still not smoking and now i get these urges very infrequently. it

still does happen (once a week or less) and i deal with it the same way. now

the urge passes in about 15 seconds or so.

for about six weeks to 2 months my coughing actually got worse after quitting

and i was hacking up horrible brown mucous. but then my coughing suddenly

stopped and i noticed my lung capacity increased by about 20% i'd guess. i

breathe so much easier now and i'm really really glad i quit.

i hope this helps someone.


pre op

dr herron

waiting for negative h pylori result

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Guest guest

howdy. i quit smoking back in january when i decided to have surgery. i had

already cut way down which probably made it a lot easier but i wanted to offer

a suggestion that helped me. i found that i would be ok for a while (few hours)

then i would get this HUGE, almost painful urge for a cigarette. but if i just

took some deep breaths and thought about something else the urge would pass very

quickly (1 minute or less) and then i was fine. of course, the urge would

return but i would just deal with it the same way, switch focus and breath

deeply. i'm still not smoking and now i get these urges very infrequently. it

still does happen (once a week or less) and i deal with it the same way. now

the urge passes in about 15 seconds or so.

for about six weeks to 2 months my coughing actually got worse after quitting

and i was hacking up horrible brown mucous. but then my coughing suddenly

stopped and i noticed my lung capacity increased by about 20% i'd guess. i

breathe so much easier now and i'm really really glad i quit.

i hope this helps someone.


pre op

dr herron

waiting for negative h pylori result

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Guest guest

howdy. i quit smoking back in january when i decided to have surgery. i had

already cut way down which probably made it a lot easier but i wanted to offer

a suggestion that helped me. i found that i would be ok for a while (few hours)

then i would get this HUGE, almost painful urge for a cigarette. but if i just

took some deep breaths and thought about something else the urge would pass very

quickly (1 minute or less) and then i was fine. of course, the urge would

return but i would just deal with it the same way, switch focus and breath

deeply. i'm still not smoking and now i get these urges very infrequently. it

still does happen (once a week or less) and i deal with it the same way. now

the urge passes in about 15 seconds or so.

for about six weeks to 2 months my coughing actually got worse after quitting

and i was hacking up horrible brown mucous. but then my coughing suddenly

stopped and i noticed my lung capacity increased by about 20% i'd guess. i

breathe so much easier now and i'm really really glad i quit.

i hope this helps someone.


pre op

dr herron

waiting for negative h pylori result

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Guest guest

A friend of mine who quit a few years ago said that

whenever she got a craving, she'd jump in the shower!

Obviously this wont be effective on the job, but at


Good Luck all!

Jill K in NY


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Guest guest

A friend of mine who quit a few years ago said that

whenever she got a craving, she'd jump in the shower!

Obviously this wont be effective on the job, but at


Good Luck all!

Jill K in NY


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Guest guest

Thanks for the suggestion and congratulations to you! :0) I will give

this a try!

> howdy. i quit smoking back in january when i decided to have surgery.

> i had already cut way down which probably made it a lot easier but i

> wanted to offer a suggestion that helped me. i found that i would be ok

> for a while (few hours) then i would get this HUGE, almost painful urge

> for a cigarette. but if i just took some deep breaths and thought about

> something else the urge would pass very quickly (1 minute or less) and

> then i was fine.


> ----------------------------------------------------------------------


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Guest guest

Thanks for the suggestion and congratulations to you! :0) I will give

this a try!

> howdy. i quit smoking back in january when i decided to have surgery.

> i had already cut way down which probably made it a lot easier but i

> wanted to offer a suggestion that helped me. i found that i would be ok

> for a while (few hours) then i would get this HUGE, almost painful urge

> for a cigarette. but if i just took some deep breaths and thought about

> something else the urge would pass very quickly (1 minute or less) and

> then i was fine.


> ----------------------------------------------------------------------


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