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Hallo Everyone !!!

Mission accomplice !!!!! LOL Yup, Mr. Ornery did

transplant the 3 bushes today. LOL Poor little fellow

did not get a chance to say no. LOL I waited just for the

right time. Sneaky little witch aint I ?? LOL I also had

the Job interview . Like I said I did turn it down. I am

NOT going to work the 3;30 pm to midnight shift.

done it in my earlier days but not do it any more.

I just wait !! Hey I am getting to love this staying home

bit. LOL Now to a couple up dates here.

Lu, is doing a little better today. So the DR. did not

have to put in the hospital today. She has a very bad

Asthma attack with a upper respertory infection.

,she is having Gallbladder surgery tomorrow

morning at 9am.If the Dr. can get it true laser then she

might get to come home tomorrow evening if all goes

well If he has to cut her open after all then she be in

the hospital for about 5 to 7 days.

Carolyn , there was no answer but I did leave a message

on her recorder. I will try again this weekend. Hope and

pray she is ok.

Carmela , no answer there either. Only her French answer

machine talked to me. LOL Golly gee I guess I need to

learn French.LOL

was sleeping when the phone bandit called.

Angie was sleeping also.

Sharon Phone line where busy. LOL

And so was Dawn's. LOL

Sue Marth and all the rest of the new ones I have a ?

for you all. We have a Member list here from everyone

with there e mail address and Home address with Phone

numbers. How would you like to join that list??? All

you need to do is send me the following information.

Your E mail Addrs.

Your full name

Your Home addrs.

Your Phone # {the Phone bandit would be very happy

with that one .}

Also your Birthday {you do not have to give the year }

In return for that information you also would get a copy

of the list. There is only one catch to this Ok .

You may NOT give out any information to some one out

site this group. It is only for use in this group. Plus I

also will post the information tonight about our very First

get-together in September this year. So please let me

know . I hope and wish you all will join us. It really be a lot

of fun to finally get to meet everyone in person. We also

now have our none Profit organization up and running.

For a 15 $ donation a year you will receive a member ship

card and a news letter every 3 months. We are trying to

educated the Dr. and the world about RP and also get

research for RP. So please join us in our effort . Plus if

you have a little extra hey we take it also. If you can not

afford it let or me know about it. OK Don't be shy

we do have little angels that will help you with it. No one

will know about it . Now to the rest of Members here if you

have not signed up yet PLEASE do so. We all need to work together on this to get the help we all need so much.

PLease !!!!!

Also could everyone do a post at least once or 2 a month

to let us know how you doing. Please!!!! I know some times it

is hard but we are here for everyone in there good times and Bad times . We miss you all so much and worry our little brains

to a frazzle if we do not hear from you. So Please 1 or 2 a

month that would be the nicest thing you could do for everyone.

There are quit a few of you we miss .

Ok I will hush for tonight . But I be back tomorrow .LOL

Remember RP is only a part of you so take your Medicine

and Vitamins On time ,so you can keep the Rp under control.

Love you be good .


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