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Howdy Folks !!!

Well is me and I hope the putter is virus free.

I now have a virus program on this .My problem

was my program was not up dated the last time

2 male species here worked on it. Woof !! Woof !!

I hope all off you are getting yours fixed too. That

was the first time I ever had a virus. It did not show

up till this morning. So if you where one of the

ones that got one message from my computer

Please excuse me. I am so sorry. O well that is

cyber space for you. Mike and are right

we do need to keep the program updated and

USE it. And no I do not think we should

stop sending jokes or cards. Just use caution .

I always try to make it a new mail and not send

all the other stuff with it. That alone helps quit

a bit. Yup, my Hubby and Son-in-law told me that.

As you all know I am very dumb when it comes to

computers. But slowly I am learning. LOL the McAfee

Virus Scan is really good if you do not have it you

can buy it on the internet.It gives you step by step

direction. Ok enough about that virus.

So how was your day ??? Hope you all had a great

day.Here the weather is turning nice again. Good

thing too,since I have to have the Garage Sale again

tomorrow.Cant disappoint does grandkids. LOL

The are short 20 $ of there goal. Gee I hope I can

make that .LOL Friday we are going to my son's

and daughter in laws house. Or should say to a school

pick nick. Yup, his German Class is holding it.

And you guessed it he volunteer me to bake 3 cakes.

And make the German Potatoes Salad. Rotten Kid !!!!

LOL I am sure glad he is Graduation next month from

College finally. Gee I was getting to wonder about him.

LOL Our Daughter in law will graduates in July from

the same college.Now maybe the can make good

money and settle down close to us. But not to close.

LOL Right now the are about 2 hours away from here.

The girls and I had our fun day again today too. Gosh I

will I miss that once I have to go back to work.

Snifffffffffffff !!!!!!!!! Yup, come end June I have to look

for it in earnest. LOL O well that's Ok maybe I lose some

of the weight I gained. Mr. Ornery and I do not agree

on that one. LOL He thinks I am just right . He is losing

weight too. Boy he is trying .So far he lost 10 lb. It took

him about 4 month now . Plus I think it is because he

is working out site more. That is really good because

as you all know it is not easy with the Prednison. Well

I guess I hush for now . Sending a gentle Hug to each of you.


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