Guest guest Posted May 25, 2006 Report Share Posted May 25, 2006 OMG!!! MARY!! I wrote about my spider incident before reading yours!!! I'm sorry! If you haven't read it - DON'T!!! LOL! I'm sorry!!! - I actually got my first gray hair from a spider! LOL! Well, it could have been from our foster son, Adam, too... at least, I let him think it was his fault! LOL!! Hugs, Jeannie Solberg wrote: ! I'd have plopped a water balloon (or two)on your head if you had scared me with a fake poor Kath. I think my problems began as a child. We had an outhouse with spiders in it and our basement was so dark, dank and had creepy crawlies. Since I've been sick I'm even more jumpy. I get those creepy bug crawling feelings on my legs but there's almost never anything there. About 10 years ago I was bitten all over my back by a spider during the night and it was so darn painful. I had to use something from Watkins to suck the poison out of my system. Now I keep it on hand all the time. Two years ago there was a big black spider in the shower and i ran screaming out of there and started hyperventilating and my son had to go in and kill it for me. I guess I've had my share of bad spider experiences. Most people who have fears/phobias have had a bad experience or two with the thing they're afraid of. Maury Povich sure has a lot of screamers on his show. It's made me think that some of that stuff is fake or the people are encouraged to 'scream away' as you would have it. Yeah, being scared of a kitten is a bit much to me but who am I to judge... Hey, keep those spiders(real or fake) away from Kath. What goes around comes around. So what are you afraid of ? hugs S.GARY WOOLARD wrote: , Kathy has a "Phobia" about ALL KINDS OF BUGS LIKE YOURSELF. She knows when Reba or myself have our fingers do "walking" on her back that it's us doing that. But she says get "Sammy" or "Sammies" away from my me!!!!!!!!!!!!! Sammy like in Sammy the Spider, Sammy the Crock Roach, Sammy the Worm, etc. Reba had bought an rubber spider toy from a store. I tied it up to an metal handle for a heater vent in the living room. Kathy seen this that day and she FREAKED OUT AND SCREAMED!!!! I know I'am just nasty sometimes. This toy spider went out in the trash. This is just the horse playing around prankster that I've been once in awhile. You know on Maury Provich show they had people who were afraid of bugs like in the real kind, live snakes, a woman was SUCH A DIRER AFRAID OF ALUMINUM FOIL OF ALL THINGS. THE SOUND OF ALUMINUM FOIL BEING CRINKLED UP MADE HER SCREAM AND RUN ALL OVER THIS TV SHOW. They had an hympotist (mispelled?) put these people in a trance and they got over these Phobias. One woman was such a direr afraid of a cat, YES A CAT, in someways all this is funny. But NOT to people of these phobias. Solberg wrote: Oh, Rose! Not dead crickets! ug. What's wrong with watermelon seeds?! I have a phobia about bugs so I cringed when I read that. ooooo hugs S.Rose wrote: Jeanne, I don't know if you've ever listened to Jeff Foxworthy. He says that if you ever think your family is the "worst bunch of goobers" in the world, just go to a state fair, or a stock car race. It's true! I even saw some people sticking dead crickets in their mouths & spitting them for prizes at the Indiana State Fair. Oh, wait a minute, that was my granddaughter & me. Her best distance was 13', mine was only 9'. I was so proud! Ramblin' Rose Moderator Reply-To: Neurosarcoidosis To: Neurosarcoidosis Subject: Re: crazy fansDate: Tue, 23 May 2006 23:54:42 -0700 (PDT) LOL!!! Connie & Matt - It just occured to me that perhaps we are just really "normal" people amidst some real crazy, obnoxious people! LOL!!! Maybe when football season comes around again, we can all share stories and pics of the craziest fans we've seen - wouldn't that be fun!? Matt - I've been praying for you. I haven't emailed you, but you've been on my mind. I hope you're feeling a little better. My Grandfather always said that "Laughter is the best medicine!" Maybe a little crazy football fan contest will be just what the doctor should've ordered for us! Have a happy day! Jeannie Cohen wrote: I grew up in North Carolina between Duke and the Univof N,Carolina and i am sure that Duke fans are themost obnoxious fans in america-MATT--- Connie Griffis wrote:> I know what you all are talking about, but mine is a> college rivalry to beat them all. I was born in> Florida and raised here, but I love Georgia and have> always been a Georgia Bulldog - Univ of GA Fan. I> live amongst the Gators much to my dismay. My> oldest daugher is a die hard gator fan- univ. of fl,> as is her husband. They keep telling me that my 5> yr old granddaughter will be a gator cheerleader and> her 3 yr old brother will be a football player for> the team one day. To this I politely pronounce that> when the Fl-GA game comes up I will wear my GA> colors even if I am cheering for my grandson. My> daughter has told me to make sure I am riding in a> different car from them because I will get us all> killed in the swamp. I mess with her and tell her> I'm not afraid of "lizards". (It's all in fun) But> on the serious side I have never known more serious> or obnoxious fans than Fl Gators. - they take it to> the max. In our town we have someone has a PT> Cruise painted blue> and orange with Fl Gator flags, and there was a> station wagon with all the paint covered in Fl Gator> bumper stickers - go figure.> Always, Connie> > Jeanne Betters wrote:> Wow - talk about a coincidence!!! My> stepbrother relocated from Cape Cod to Punxsutawney> about 3 years ago!! LOL!!! And man, did I notice> their accents! How funny!!! > > Yes, I live in Steelers Country. When the> Patriots played the Steelers in the Superbowl a> couple of years back, my stepbrother and> sister-in-law came down here for the game. There> were three of us "Yankees" in a room full of people> who bleed black-and-gold. When the Patriots won,> everyone in the room was absolutely speechless...> they left as silently as if it was a Maundy Thursday> service! LOL!! My step-brother, his wife and I> just looked at each other, winked and did a hidden> "thumbs up." We were afraid for our lives! LOL!!! > I'm telling you, there is absolutely no fan in the> world like a Steelers fan. I actually started> bleeding black and gold about two years ago. This> year everyone wore black and gold throughout the> entire season. I have like one Steelers shirt that> is waaay too tight, but I wore it out of reverence> for my team. My sister lives in Denver (just> outside), so we had our own little rivalry building> up. Apparently Denver was inundated with> Steelers fans, so she eventually threw in the towel> and rooted for "the right" team. LOL!!> > Sorry to all you Denver fans... It's> indescribable what it's like out here in Steelers> Country. You either join em, or end up as feed at> the hog farm. LOL!> > Thanks for the stroll down memory lane, Debbie! > GO PATS!!!> > Love,> > Jeannie> > > > > > Debbie wrote:> Hi Jeanne,> I used to work with someone who grew up> in the same area in the Willows, isn't that a> coincidence? I haven't heard from him. He actually> lives in Lawrence now right near the Andover line.> My husbands family comes from Puxatwaney (sp?) PA> (Groundhog country) and he is a big Steeler fan . > Believe me , he does not get along with the Patriot> fans around here! > I know what you mean about the "ah's" and the> "r"s because his family used to make fun of me and> my accent but I poked fun at them because they moved> up here with their funny accent from Penn.! It must> have been hard for you to move down there . I feel> for you! LOL > Yes, the Christmas Tree shops are great ,> aren't they? There are several within 15 miles of> me. Don't they have the little birds at Mc's> down there ? lol Hugs, Debbie> > > > Jeanne Betters wrote: > Hi Debbie!> > Our family's home is on a major fault line in> Marblehead, so we actually have always had concern> that they'd be hit by a freak earthquake rather than> flooding... Their home is literally a walk up the> street from the harbor. Our family and friends' in> Salem live in the Willows - literally 4 or 5 houses> from the shore... I'm guessing in both cases, it> might not be good news. I'm just really glad to> hear your safe!> > So, have you been to Christmas Tree Shops, then? > My favorite shopping spot of all time!! > > I have to tell you, too - sitting at a Mc's> during lunchtime in Western PA is nothing like being> in New England. Here they've got these little birds> that are "annoying" when it comes to begging for> fries... If they only could see the swooping fry> attack of a seagull hoarde!!! > > There's just nothing like back home... I tell> everyone that the only reason why I moved here was> because my caveman husband clubbed me on the head,> threw me over his shoulders by the hair and dragged> me kicking and screaming to Steeler Country. The> Neanderthal. I had to learn how to say, "r" instead> of "ah" and everything! They all love the accent,> but by golly they couldn't understand a dang word I> said! LOL!!! And, as you well know, I'm sure, we> talk really fast up north, so that didn't help my> accent very much, either... The first year I lived> here I thought EVERYONE was cross-eyed and clueless!> When I started to get sick with the NS, I had no> idea - I simply thought I was just fitting right in> with the locals!!! LOL!! > > Have a great rest of the weekend - be safe and> keep dry!> > Hugs,> > Jeannie> > Debbie wrote:> Hi Jeannie.> I haven't heard about Salem at all, but I did> hear that Peabody had some very flooding. I live> about 45 mins away from the Salem and Danvers MA> area. We live right over the NH border. I know all> about those Noreasters! lol > > Jeanne Betters wrote: > Hi Debbie!> > We have family who are out of state right now who> live on the North Shore of Boston (Marblehead) and> Salem, MA.... Do you know if they got hit very> badly? I know whenever there's a Noreaster, they> get hit hard and in the winter ice is unbearable at> times. (I grew up in Massachusetts - Boston, Cape> Cod -and in Rhode Island... always love to hear> about "back home.") > > I'll be sure to keep you in my prayers... Say hi> to a seagull for me! > > Jeannie> > Debbie wrote:> Hi all,> Just thought you might like to know. We are in> the smack dab in the middle of the flooding in> southeast NH and northeast of Mass. area where all> the flooding is. THank God, our home is pretty much> okay. We have had water in our basement , but we> have pumping it out . Not like other families> around here where a lot of people are being> evacuated and losing a lot of their homes and> businesses are losing everything. Dams and rivers> are overflowing. I was in the middle of my> therapist's appt. yesterday and the fireman came> through yesterday and they had to evacuate the> building. I felt like saying "Hey wait a minute,> I'm not done yet!" LOL > But anyway , hopefully everything will start to> recede soon. the sun is suppose to come out soon. > It has been raining for about 10 days. Well , I> have gone on long enough. Debbie> > ---------------------------------> Yahoo! Messenger with Voice. Make PC-to-Phone> Calls to the US (and 30+ countries) for 2�/min or> less. > > __________________________________________________> Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted May 25, 2006 Report Share Posted May 25, 2006 OMG!!! MARY!! I wrote about my spider incident before reading yours!!! I'm sorry! If you haven't read it - DON'T!!! LOL! I'm sorry!!! - I actually got my first gray hair from a spider! LOL! Well, it could have been from our foster son, Adam, too... at least, I let him think it was his fault! LOL!! Hugs, Jeannie Solberg wrote: ! I'd have plopped a water balloon (or two)on your head if you had scared me with a fake poor Kath. I think my problems began as a child. We had an outhouse with spiders in it and our basement was so dark, dank and had creepy crawlies. Since I've been sick I'm even more jumpy. I get those creepy bug crawling feelings on my legs but there's almost never anything there. About 10 years ago I was bitten all over my back by a spider during the night and it was so darn painful. I had to use something from Watkins to suck the poison out of my system. Now I keep it on hand all the time. Two years ago there was a big black spider in the shower and i ran screaming out of there and started hyperventilating and my son had to go in and kill it for me. I guess I've had my share of bad spider experiences. Most people who have fears/phobias have had a bad experience or two with the thing they're afraid of. Maury Povich sure has a lot of screamers on his show. It's made me think that some of that stuff is fake or the people are encouraged to 'scream away' as you would have it. Yeah, being scared of a kitten is a bit much to me but who am I to judge... Hey, keep those spiders(real or fake) away from Kath. What goes around comes around. So what are you afraid of ? hugs S.GARY WOOLARD wrote: , Kathy has a "Phobia" about ALL KINDS OF BUGS LIKE YOURSELF. She knows when Reba or myself have our fingers do "walking" on her back that it's us doing that. But she says get "Sammy" or "Sammies" away from my me!!!!!!!!!!!!! Sammy like in Sammy the Spider, Sammy the Crock Roach, Sammy the Worm, etc. Reba had bought an rubber spider toy from a store. I tied it up to an metal handle for a heater vent in the living room. Kathy seen this that day and she FREAKED OUT AND SCREAMED!!!! I know I'am just nasty sometimes. This toy spider went out in the trash. This is just the horse playing around prankster that I've been once in awhile. You know on Maury Provich show they had people who were afraid of bugs like in the real kind, live snakes, a woman was SUCH A DIRER AFRAID OF ALUMINUM FOIL OF ALL THINGS. THE SOUND OF ALUMINUM FOIL BEING CRINKLED UP MADE HER SCREAM AND RUN ALL OVER THIS TV SHOW. They had an hympotist (mispelled?) put these people in a trance and they got over these Phobias. One woman was such a direr afraid of a cat, YES A CAT, in someways all this is funny. But NOT to people of these phobias. Solberg wrote: Oh, Rose! Not dead crickets! ug. What's wrong with watermelon seeds?! I have a phobia about bugs so I cringed when I read that. ooooo hugs S.Rose wrote: Jeanne, I don't know if you've ever listened to Jeff Foxworthy. He says that if you ever think your family is the "worst bunch of goobers" in the world, just go to a state fair, or a stock car race. It's true! I even saw some people sticking dead crickets in their mouths & spitting them for prizes at the Indiana State Fair. Oh, wait a minute, that was my granddaughter & me. Her best distance was 13', mine was only 9'. I was so proud! Ramblin' Rose Moderator Reply-To: Neurosarcoidosis To: Neurosarcoidosis Subject: Re: crazy fansDate: Tue, 23 May 2006 23:54:42 -0700 (PDT) LOL!!! Connie & Matt - It just occured to me that perhaps we are just really "normal" people amidst some real crazy, obnoxious people! LOL!!! Maybe when football season comes around again, we can all share stories and pics of the craziest fans we've seen - wouldn't that be fun!? Matt - I've been praying for you. I haven't emailed you, but you've been on my mind. I hope you're feeling a little better. My Grandfather always said that "Laughter is the best medicine!" Maybe a little crazy football fan contest will be just what the doctor should've ordered for us! Have a happy day! Jeannie Cohen wrote: I grew up in North Carolina between Duke and the Univof N,Carolina and i am sure that Duke fans are themost obnoxious fans in america-MATT--- Connie Griffis wrote:> I know what you all are talking about, but mine is a> college rivalry to beat them all. I was born in> Florida and raised here, but I love Georgia and have> always been a Georgia Bulldog - Univ of GA Fan. I> live amongst the Gators much to my dismay. My> oldest daugher is a die hard gator fan- univ. of fl,> as is her husband. They keep telling me that my 5> yr old granddaughter will be a gator cheerleader and> her 3 yr old brother will be a football player for> the team one day. To this I politely pronounce that> when the Fl-GA game comes up I will wear my GA> colors even if I am cheering for my grandson. My> daughter has told me to make sure I am riding in a> different car from them because I will get us all> killed in the swamp. I mess with her and tell her> I'm not afraid of "lizards". (It's all in fun) But> on the serious side I have never known more serious> or obnoxious fans than Fl Gators. - they take it to> the max. In our town we have someone has a PT> Cruise painted blue> and orange with Fl Gator flags, and there was a> station wagon with all the paint covered in Fl Gator> bumper stickers - go figure.> Always, Connie> > Jeanne Betters wrote:> Wow - talk about a coincidence!!! My> stepbrother relocated from Cape Cod to Punxsutawney> about 3 years ago!! LOL!!! And man, did I notice> their accents! How funny!!! > > Yes, I live in Steelers Country. When the> Patriots played the Steelers in the Superbowl a> couple of years back, my stepbrother and> sister-in-law came down here for the game. There> were three of us "Yankees" in a room full of people> who bleed black-and-gold. When the Patriots won,> everyone in the room was absolutely speechless...> they left as silently as if it was a Maundy Thursday> service! LOL!! My step-brother, his wife and I> just looked at each other, winked and did a hidden> "thumbs up." We were afraid for our lives! LOL!!! > I'm telling you, there is absolutely no fan in the> world like a Steelers fan. I actually started> bleeding black and gold about two years ago. This> year everyone wore black and gold throughout the> entire season. I have like one Steelers shirt that> is waaay too tight, but I wore it out of reverence> for my team. My sister lives in Denver (just> outside), so we had our own little rivalry building> up. Apparently Denver was inundated with> Steelers fans, so she eventually threw in the towel> and rooted for "the right" team. LOL!!> > Sorry to all you Denver fans... It's> indescribable what it's like out here in Steelers> Country. You either join em, or end up as feed at> the hog farm. LOL!> > Thanks for the stroll down memory lane, Debbie! > GO PATS!!!> > Love,> > Jeannie> > > > > > Debbie wrote:> Hi Jeanne,> I used to work with someone who grew up> in the same area in the Willows, isn't that a> coincidence? I haven't heard from him. He actually> lives in Lawrence now right near the Andover line.> My husbands family comes from Puxatwaney (sp?) PA> (Groundhog country) and he is a big Steeler fan . > Believe me , he does not get along with the Patriot> fans around here! > I know what you mean about the "ah's" and the> "r"s because his family used to make fun of me and> my accent but I poked fun at them because they moved> up here with their funny accent from Penn.! It must> have been hard for you to move down there . I feel> for you! LOL > Yes, the Christmas Tree shops are great ,> aren't they? There are several within 15 miles of> me. Don't they have the little birds at Mc's> down there ? lol Hugs, Debbie> > > > Jeanne Betters wrote: > Hi Debbie!> > Our family's home is on a major fault line in> Marblehead, so we actually have always had concern> that they'd be hit by a freak earthquake rather than> flooding... Their home is literally a walk up the> street from the harbor. Our family and friends' in> Salem live in the Willows - literally 4 or 5 houses> from the shore... I'm guessing in both cases, it> might not be good news. I'm just really glad to> hear your safe!> > So, have you been to Christmas Tree Shops, then? > My favorite shopping spot of all time!! > > I have to tell you, too - sitting at a Mc's> during lunchtime in Western PA is nothing like being> in New England. Here they've got these little birds> that are "annoying" when it comes to begging for> fries... If they only could see the swooping fry> attack of a seagull hoarde!!! > > There's just nothing like back home... I tell> everyone that the only reason why I moved here was> because my caveman husband clubbed me on the head,> threw me over his shoulders by the hair and dragged> me kicking and screaming to Steeler Country. The> Neanderthal. I had to learn how to say, "r" instead> of "ah" and everything! They all love the accent,> but by golly they couldn't understand a dang word I> said! LOL!!! And, as you well know, I'm sure, we> talk really fast up north, so that didn't help my> accent very much, either... The first year I lived> here I thought EVERYONE was cross-eyed and clueless!> When I started to get sick with the NS, I had no> idea - I simply thought I was just fitting right in> with the locals!!! LOL!! > > Have a great rest of the weekend - be safe and> keep dry!> > Hugs,> > Jeannie> > Debbie wrote:> Hi Jeannie.> I haven't heard about Salem at all, but I did> hear that Peabody had some very flooding. I live> about 45 mins away from the Salem and Danvers MA> area. We live right over the NH border. I know all> about those Noreasters! lol > > Jeanne Betters wrote: > Hi Debbie!> > We have family who are out of state right now who> live on the North Shore of Boston (Marblehead) and> Salem, MA.... Do you know if they got hit very> badly? I know whenever there's a Noreaster, they> get hit hard and in the winter ice is unbearable at> times. (I grew up in Massachusetts - Boston, Cape> Cod -and in Rhode Island... always love to hear> about "back home.") > > I'll be sure to keep you in my prayers... Say hi> to a seagull for me! > > Jeannie> > Debbie wrote:> Hi all,> Just thought you might like to know. We are in> the smack dab in the middle of the flooding in> southeast NH and northeast of Mass. area where all> the flooding is. THank God, our home is pretty much> okay. We have had water in our basement , but we> have pumping it out . Not like other families> around here where a lot of people are being> evacuated and losing a lot of their homes and> businesses are losing everything. Dams and rivers> are overflowing. I was in the middle of my> therapist's appt. yesterday and the fireman came> through yesterday and they had to evacuate the> building. I felt like saying "Hey wait a minute,> I'm not done yet!" LOL > But anyway , hopefully everything will start to> recede soon. the sun is suppose to come out soon. > It has been raining for about 10 days. Well , I> have gone on long enough. Debbie> > ---------------------------------> Yahoo! Messenger with Voice. Make PC-to-Phone> Calls to the US (and 30+ countries) for 2�/min or> less. > > __________________________________________________> Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted May 25, 2006 Report Share Posted May 25, 2006 OMG!!! MARY!! I wrote about my spider incident before reading yours!!! I'm sorry! If you haven't read it - DON'T!!! LOL! I'm sorry!!! - I actually got my first gray hair from a spider! LOL! Well, it could have been from our foster son, Adam, too... at least, I let him think it was his fault! LOL!! Hugs, Jeannie Solberg wrote: ! I'd have plopped a water balloon (or two)on your head if you had scared me with a fake poor Kath. I think my problems began as a child. We had an outhouse with spiders in it and our basement was so dark, dank and had creepy crawlies. Since I've been sick I'm even more jumpy. I get those creepy bug crawling feelings on my legs but there's almost never anything there. About 10 years ago I was bitten all over my back by a spider during the night and it was so darn painful. I had to use something from Watkins to suck the poison out of my system. Now I keep it on hand all the time. Two years ago there was a big black spider in the shower and i ran screaming out of there and started hyperventilating and my son had to go in and kill it for me. I guess I've had my share of bad spider experiences. Most people who have fears/phobias have had a bad experience or two with the thing they're afraid of. Maury Povich sure has a lot of screamers on his show. It's made me think that some of that stuff is fake or the people are encouraged to 'scream away' as you would have it. Yeah, being scared of a kitten is a bit much to me but who am I to judge... Hey, keep those spiders(real or fake) away from Kath. What goes around comes around. So what are you afraid of ? hugs S.GARY WOOLARD wrote: , Kathy has a "Phobia" about ALL KINDS OF BUGS LIKE YOURSELF. She knows when Reba or myself have our fingers do "walking" on her back that it's us doing that. But she says get "Sammy" or "Sammies" away from my me!!!!!!!!!!!!! Sammy like in Sammy the Spider, Sammy the Crock Roach, Sammy the Worm, etc. Reba had bought an rubber spider toy from a store. I tied it up to an metal handle for a heater vent in the living room. Kathy seen this that day and she FREAKED OUT AND SCREAMED!!!! I know I'am just nasty sometimes. This toy spider went out in the trash. This is just the horse playing around prankster that I've been once in awhile. You know on Maury Provich show they had people who were afraid of bugs like in the real kind, live snakes, a woman was SUCH A DIRER AFRAID OF ALUMINUM FOIL OF ALL THINGS. THE SOUND OF ALUMINUM FOIL BEING CRINKLED UP MADE HER SCREAM AND RUN ALL OVER THIS TV SHOW. They had an hympotist (mispelled?) put these people in a trance and they got over these Phobias. One woman was such a direr afraid of a cat, YES A CAT, in someways all this is funny. But NOT to people of these phobias. Solberg wrote: Oh, Rose! Not dead crickets! ug. What's wrong with watermelon seeds?! I have a phobia about bugs so I cringed when I read that. ooooo hugs S.Rose wrote: Jeanne, I don't know if you've ever listened to Jeff Foxworthy. He says that if you ever think your family is the "worst bunch of goobers" in the world, just go to a state fair, or a stock car race. It's true! I even saw some people sticking dead crickets in their mouths & spitting them for prizes at the Indiana State Fair. Oh, wait a minute, that was my granddaughter & me. Her best distance was 13', mine was only 9'. I was so proud! Ramblin' Rose Moderator Reply-To: Neurosarcoidosis To: Neurosarcoidosis Subject: Re: crazy fansDate: Tue, 23 May 2006 23:54:42 -0700 (PDT) LOL!!! Connie & Matt - It just occured to me that perhaps we are just really "normal" people amidst some real crazy, obnoxious people! LOL!!! Maybe when football season comes around again, we can all share stories and pics of the craziest fans we've seen - wouldn't that be fun!? Matt - I've been praying for you. I haven't emailed you, but you've been on my mind. I hope you're feeling a little better. My Grandfather always said that "Laughter is the best medicine!" Maybe a little crazy football fan contest will be just what the doctor should've ordered for us! Have a happy day! Jeannie Cohen wrote: I grew up in North Carolina between Duke and the Univof N,Carolina and i am sure that Duke fans are themost obnoxious fans in america-MATT--- Connie Griffis wrote:> I know what you all are talking about, but mine is a> college rivalry to beat them all. I was born in> Florida and raised here, but I love Georgia and have> always been a Georgia Bulldog - Univ of GA Fan. I> live amongst the Gators much to my dismay. My> oldest daugher is a die hard gator fan- univ. of fl,> as is her husband. They keep telling me that my 5> yr old granddaughter will be a gator cheerleader and> her 3 yr old brother will be a football player for> the team one day. To this I politely pronounce that> when the Fl-GA game comes up I will wear my GA> colors even if I am cheering for my grandson. My> daughter has told me to make sure I am riding in a> different car from them because I will get us all> killed in the swamp. I mess with her and tell her> I'm not afraid of "lizards". (It's all in fun) But> on the serious side I have never known more serious> or obnoxious fans than Fl Gators. - they take it to> the max. In our town we have someone has a PT> Cruise painted blue> and orange with Fl Gator flags, and there was a> station wagon with all the paint covered in Fl Gator> bumper stickers - go figure.> Always, Connie> > Jeanne Betters wrote:> Wow - talk about a coincidence!!! My> stepbrother relocated from Cape Cod to Punxsutawney> about 3 years ago!! LOL!!! And man, did I notice> their accents! How funny!!! > > Yes, I live in Steelers Country. When the> Patriots played the Steelers in the Superbowl a> couple of years back, my stepbrother and> sister-in-law came down here for the game. There> were three of us "Yankees" in a room full of people> who bleed black-and-gold. When the Patriots won,> everyone in the room was absolutely speechless...> they left as silently as if it was a Maundy Thursday> service! LOL!! My step-brother, his wife and I> just looked at each other, winked and did a hidden> "thumbs up." We were afraid for our lives! LOL!!! > I'm telling you, there is absolutely no fan in the> world like a Steelers fan. I actually started> bleeding black and gold about two years ago. This> year everyone wore black and gold throughout the> entire season. I have like one Steelers shirt that> is waaay too tight, but I wore it out of reverence> for my team. My sister lives in Denver (just> outside), so we had our own little rivalry building> up. Apparently Denver was inundated with> Steelers fans, so she eventually threw in the towel> and rooted for "the right" team. LOL!!> > Sorry to all you Denver fans... It's> indescribable what it's like out here in Steelers> Country. You either join em, or end up as feed at> the hog farm. LOL!> > Thanks for the stroll down memory lane, Debbie! > GO PATS!!!> > Love,> > Jeannie> > > > > > Debbie wrote:> Hi Jeanne,> I used to work with someone who grew up> in the same area in the Willows, isn't that a> coincidence? I haven't heard from him. He actually> lives in Lawrence now right near the Andover line.> My husbands family comes from Puxatwaney (sp?) PA> (Groundhog country) and he is a big Steeler fan . > Believe me , he does not get along with the Patriot> fans around here! > I know what you mean about the "ah's" and the> "r"s because his family used to make fun of me and> my accent but I poked fun at them because they moved> up here with their funny accent from Penn.! It must> have been hard for you to move down there . I feel> for you! LOL > Yes, the Christmas Tree shops are great ,> aren't they? There are several within 15 miles of> me. Don't they have the little birds at Mc's> down there ? lol Hugs, Debbie> > > > Jeanne Betters wrote: > Hi Debbie!> > Our family's home is on a major fault line in> Marblehead, so we actually have always had concern> that they'd be hit by a freak earthquake rather than> flooding... Their home is literally a walk up the> street from the harbor. Our family and friends' in> Salem live in the Willows - literally 4 or 5 houses> from the shore... I'm guessing in both cases, it> might not be good news. I'm just really glad to> hear your safe!> > So, have you been to Christmas Tree Shops, then? > My favorite shopping spot of all time!! > > I have to tell you, too - sitting at a Mc's> during lunchtime in Western PA is nothing like being> in New England. Here they've got these little birds> that are "annoying" when it comes to begging for> fries... If they only could see the swooping fry> attack of a seagull hoarde!!! > > There's just nothing like back home... I tell> everyone that the only reason why I moved here was> because my caveman husband clubbed me on the head,> threw me over his shoulders by the hair and dragged> me kicking and screaming to Steeler Country. The> Neanderthal. I had to learn how to say, "r" instead> of "ah" and everything! They all love the accent,> but by golly they couldn't understand a dang word I> said! LOL!!! And, as you well know, I'm sure, we> talk really fast up north, so that didn't help my> accent very much, either... The first year I lived> here I thought EVERYONE was cross-eyed and clueless!> When I started to get sick with the NS, I had no> idea - I simply thought I was just fitting right in> with the locals!!! LOL!! > > Have a great rest of the weekend - be safe and> keep dry!> > Hugs,> > Jeannie> > Debbie wrote:> Hi Jeannie.> I haven't heard about Salem at all, but I did> hear that Peabody had some very flooding. I live> about 45 mins away from the Salem and Danvers MA> area. We live right over the NH border. I know all> about those Noreasters! lol > > Jeanne Betters wrote: > Hi Debbie!> > We have family who are out of state right now who> live on the North Shore of Boston (Marblehead) and> Salem, MA.... Do you know if they got hit very> badly? I know whenever there's a Noreaster, they> get hit hard and in the winter ice is unbearable at> times. (I grew up in Massachusetts - Boston, Cape> Cod -and in Rhode Island... always love to hear> about "back home.") > > I'll be sure to keep you in my prayers... Say hi> to a seagull for me! > > Jeannie> > Debbie wrote:> Hi all,> Just thought you might like to know. We are in> the smack dab in the middle of the flooding in> southeast NH and northeast of Mass. area where all> the flooding is. THank God, our home is pretty much> okay. We have had water in our basement , but we> have pumping it out . Not like other families> around here where a lot of people are being> evacuated and losing a lot of their homes and> businesses are losing everything. Dams and rivers> are overflowing. I was in the middle of my> therapist's appt. yesterday and the fireman came> through yesterday and they had to evacuate the> building. I felt like saying "Hey wait a minute,> I'm not done yet!" LOL > But anyway , hopefully everything will start to> recede soon. the sun is suppose to come out soon. > It has been raining for about 10 days. Well , I> have gone on long enough. Debbie> > ---------------------------------> Yahoo! Messenger with Voice. Make PC-to-Phone> Calls to the US (and 30+ countries) for 2�/min or> less. > > __________________________________________________> Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted May 25, 2006 Report Share Posted May 25, 2006 Oh Jeanne, it's Your story also reminds me of a time when I was a teenager and woke up to see a mouse on the pillow next to my hand and I must have startled it cuz it bit me! Jeez! I wonder what all goes on during the night on our own beds?! Spiders and mices(lol) and dust mites??? oh MY! Jeanne, I blame my gray hairs on my husband but in reality 75% of it is probably from suffering from sarc. back to my chocolates and hugs S.Jeanne Betters wrote: OMG!!! MARY!! I wrote about my spider incident before reading yours!!! I'm sorry! If you haven't read it - DON'T!!! LOL! I'm sorry!!! - I actually got my first gray hair from a spider! LOL! Well, it could have been from our foster son, Adam, too... at least, I let him think it was his fault! LOL!! Hugs, Jeannie Solberg wrote: ! I'd have plopped a water balloon (or two)on your head if you had scared me with a fake poor Kath. I think my problems began as a child. We had an outhouse with spiders in it and our basement was so dark, dank and had creepy crawlies. Since I've been sick I'm even more jumpy. I get those creepy bug crawling feelings on my legs but there's almost never anything there. About 10 years ago I was bitten all over my back by a spider during the night and it was so darn painful. I had to use something from Watkins to suck the poison out of my system. Now I keep it on hand all the time. Two years ago there was a big black spider in the shower and i ran screaming out of there and started hyperventilating and my son had to go in and kill it for me. I guess I've had my share of bad spider experiences. Most people who have fears/phobias have had a bad experience or two with the thing they're afraid of. Maury Povich sure has a lot of screamers on his show. It's made me think that some of that stuff is fake or the people are encouraged to 'scream away' as you would have it. Yeah, being scared of a kitten is a bit much to me but who am I to judge... Hey, keep those spiders(real or fake) away from Kath. What goes around comes around. So what are you afraid of ? hugs S.GARY WOOLARD wrote: , Kathy has a "Phobia" about ALL KINDS OF BUGS LIKE YOURSELF. She knows when Reba or myself have our fingers do "walking" on her back that it's us doing that. But she says get "Sammy" or "Sammies" away from my me!!!!!!!!!!!!! Sammy like in Sammy the Spider, Sammy the Crock Roach, Sammy the Worm, etc. Reba had bought an rubber spider toy from a store. I tied it up to an metal handle for a heater vent in the living room. Kathy seen this that day and she FREAKED OUT AND SCREAMED!!!! I know I'am just nasty sometimes. This toy spider went out in the trash. This is just the horse playing around prankster that I've been once in awhile. You know on Maury Provich show they had people who were afraid of bugs like in the real kind, live snakes, a woman was SUCH A DIRER AFRAID OF ALUMINUM FOIL OF ALL THINGS. THE SOUND OF ALUMINUM FOIL BEING CRINKLED UP MADE HER SCREAM AND RUN ALL OVER THIS TV SHOW. They had an hympotist (mispelled?) put these people in a trance and they got over these Phobias. One woman was such a direr afraid of a cat, YES A CAT, in someways all this is funny. But NOT to people of these phobias. Solberg wrote: Oh, Rose! Not dead crickets! ug. What's wrong with watermelon seeds?! I have a phobia about bugs so I cringed when I read that. ooooo hugs S.Rose wrote: Jeanne, I don't know if you've ever listened to Jeff Foxworthy. He says that if you ever think your family is the "worst bunch of goobers" in the world, just go to a state fair, or a stock car race. It's true! I even saw some people sticking dead crickets in their mouths & spitting them for prizes at the Indiana State Fair. Oh, wait a minute, that was my granddaughter & me. Her best distance was 13', mine was only 9'. I was so proud! Ramblin' Rose Moderator Reply-To: Neurosarcoidosis To: Neurosarcoidosis Subject: Re: crazy fansDate: Tue, 23 May 2006 23:54:42 -0700 (PDT) LOL!!! Connie & Matt - It just occured to me that perhaps we are just really "normal" people amidst some real crazy, obnoxious people! LOL!!! Maybe when football season comes around again, we can all share stories and pics of the craziest fans we've seen - wouldn't that be fun!? Matt - I've been praying for you. I haven't emailed you, but you've been on my mind. I hope you're feeling a little better. My Grandfather always said that "Laughter is the best medicine!" Maybe a little crazy football fan contest will be just what the doctor should've ordered for us! Have a happy day! Jeannie Cohen wrote: I grew up in North Carolina between Duke and the Univof N,Carolina and i am sure that Duke fans are themost obnoxious fans in america-MATT--- Connie Griffis wrote:> I know what you all are talking about, but mine is a> college rivalry to beat them all. I was born in> Florida and raised here, but I love Georgia and have> always been a Georgia Bulldog - Univ of GA Fan. I> live amongst the Gators much to my dismay. My> oldest daugher is a die hard gator fan- univ. of fl,> as is her husband. They keep telling me that my 5> yr old granddaughter will be a gator cheerleader and> her 3 yr old brother will be a football player for> the team one day. To this I politely pronounce that> when the Fl-GA game comes up I will wear my GA> colors even if I am cheering for my grandson. My> daughter has told me to make sure I am riding in a> different car from them because I will get us all> killed in the swamp. I mess with her and tell her> I'm not afraid of "lizards". (It's all in fun) But> on the serious side I have never known more serious> or obnoxious fans than Fl Gators. - they take it to> the max. In our town we have someone has a PT> Cruise painted blue> and orange with Fl Gator flags, and there was a> station wagon with all the paint covered in Fl Gator> bumper stickers - go figure.> Always, Connie> > Jeanne Betters wrote:> Wow - talk about a coincidence!!! My> stepbrother relocated from Cape Cod to Punxsutawney> about 3 years ago!! LOL!!! And man, did I notice> their accents! How funny!!! > > Yes, I live in Steelers Country. When the> Patriots played the Steelers in the Superbowl a> couple of years back, my stepbrother and> sister-in-law came down here for the game. There> were three of us "Yankees" in a room full of people> who bleed black-and-gold. When the Patriots won,> everyone in the room was absolutely speechless...> they left as silently as if it was a Maundy Thursday> service! LOL!! My step-brother, his wife and I> just looked at each other, winked and did a hidden> "thumbs up." We were afraid for our lives! LOL!!! > I'm telling you, there is absolutely no fan in the> world like a Steelers fan. I actually started> bleeding black and gold about two years ago. This> year everyone wore black and gold throughout the> entire season. I have like one Steelers shirt that> is waaay too tight, but I wore it out of reverence> for my team. My sister lives in Denver (just> outside), so we had our own little rivalry building> up. Apparently Denver was inundated with> Steelers fans, so she eventually threw in the towel> and rooted for "the right" team. LOL!!> > Sorry to all you Denver fans... It's> indescribable what it's like out here in Steelers> Country. You either join em, or end up as feed at> the hog farm. LOL!> > Thanks for the stroll down memory lane, Debbie! > GO PATS!!!> > Love,> > Jeannie> > > > > > Debbie wrote:> Hi Jeanne,> I used to work with someone who grew up> in the same area in the Willows, isn't that a> coincidence? I haven't heard from him. He actually> lives in Lawrence now right near the Andover line.> My husbands family comes from Puxatwaney (sp?) PA> (Groundhog country) and he is a big Steeler fan . > Believe me , he does not get along with the Patriot> fans around here! > I know what you mean about the "ah's" and the> "r"s because his family used to make fun of me and> my accent but I poked fun at them because they moved> up here with their funny accent from Penn.! It must> have been hard for you to move down there . I feel> for you! LOL > Yes, the Christmas Tree shops are great ,> aren't they? There are several within 15 miles of> me. Don't they have the little birds at Mc's> down there ? lol Hugs, Debbie> > > > Jeanne Betters wrote: > Hi Debbie!> > Our family's home is on a major fault line in> Marblehead, so we actually have always had concern> that they'd be hit by a freak earthquake rather than> flooding... Their home is literally a walk up the> street from the harbor. Our family and friends' in> Salem live in the Willows - literally 4 or 5 houses> from the shore... I'm guessing in both cases, it> might not be good news. I'm just really glad to> hear your safe!> > So, have you been to Christmas Tree Shops, then? > My favorite shopping spot of all time!! > > I have to tell you, too - sitting at a Mc's> during lunchtime in Western PA is nothing like being> in New England. Here they've got these little birds> that are "annoying" when it comes to begging for> fries... If they only could see the swooping fry> attack of a seagull hoarde!!! > > There's just nothing like back home... I tell> everyone that the only reason why I moved here was> because my caveman husband clubbed me on the head,> threw me over his shoulders by the hair and dragged> me kicking and screaming to Steeler Country. The> Neanderthal. I had to learn how to say, "r" instead> of "ah" and everything! They all love the accent,> but by golly they couldn't understand a dang word I> said! LOL!!! And, as you well know, I'm sure, we> talk really fast up north, so that didn't help my> accent very much, either... The first year I lived> here I thought EVERYONE was cross-eyed and clueless!> When I started to get sick with the NS, I had no> idea - I simply thought I was just fitting right in> with the locals!!! LOL!! > > Have a great rest of the weekend - be safe and> keep dry!> > Hugs,> > Jeannie> > Debbie wrote:> Hi Jeannie.> I haven't heard about Salem at all, but I did> hear that Peabody had some very flooding. I live> about 45 mins away from the Salem and Danvers MA> area. We live right over the NH border. I know all> about those Noreasters! lol > > Jeanne Betters wrote: > Hi Debbie!> > We have family who are out of state right now who> live on the North Shore of Boston (Marblehead) and> Salem, MA.... Do you know if they got hit very> badly? I know whenever there's a Noreaster, they> get hit hard and in the winter ice is unbearable at> times. (I grew up in Massachusetts - Boston, Cape> Cod -and in Rhode Island... always love to hear> about "back home.") > > I'll be sure to keep you in my prayers... Say hi> to a seagull for me! > > Jeannie> > Debbie wrote:> Hi all,> Just thought you might like to know. We are in> the smack dab in the middle of the flooding in> southeast NH and northeast of Mass. area where all> the flooding is. THank God, our home is pretty much> okay. We have had water in our basement , but we> have pumping it out . Not like other families> around here where a lot of people are being> evacuated and losing a lot of their homes and> businesses are losing everything. Dams and rivers> are overflowing. I was in the middle of my> therapist's appt. yesterday and the fireman came> through yesterday and they had to evacuate the> building. I felt like saying "Hey wait a minute,> I'm not done yet!" LOL > But anyway , hopefully everything will start to> recede soon. the sun is suppose to come out soon. > It has been raining for about 10 days. Well , I> have gone on long enough. Debbie> > ---------------------------------> Yahoo! Messenger with Voice. Make PC-to-Phone> Calls to the US (and 30+ countries) for 2�/min or> less. > > __________________________________________________> Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted May 25, 2006 Report Share Posted May 25, 2006 Oh Jeanne, it's Your story also reminds me of a time when I was a teenager and woke up to see a mouse on the pillow next to my hand and I must have startled it cuz it bit me! Jeez! I wonder what all goes on during the night on our own beds?! Spiders and mices(lol) and dust mites??? oh MY! Jeanne, I blame my gray hairs on my husband but in reality 75% of it is probably from suffering from sarc. back to my chocolates and hugs S.Jeanne Betters wrote: OMG!!! MARY!! I wrote about my spider incident before reading yours!!! I'm sorry! If you haven't read it - DON'T!!! LOL! I'm sorry!!! - I actually got my first gray hair from a spider! LOL! Well, it could have been from our foster son, Adam, too... at least, I let him think it was his fault! LOL!! Hugs, Jeannie Solberg wrote: ! I'd have plopped a water balloon (or two)on your head if you had scared me with a fake poor Kath. I think my problems began as a child. We had an outhouse with spiders in it and our basement was so dark, dank and had creepy crawlies. Since I've been sick I'm even more jumpy. I get those creepy bug crawling feelings on my legs but there's almost never anything there. About 10 years ago I was bitten all over my back by a spider during the night and it was so darn painful. I had to use something from Watkins to suck the poison out of my system. Now I keep it on hand all the time. Two years ago there was a big black spider in the shower and i ran screaming out of there and started hyperventilating and my son had to go in and kill it for me. I guess I've had my share of bad spider experiences. Most people who have fears/phobias have had a bad experience or two with the thing they're afraid of. Maury Povich sure has a lot of screamers on his show. It's made me think that some of that stuff is fake or the people are encouraged to 'scream away' as you would have it. Yeah, being scared of a kitten is a bit much to me but who am I to judge... Hey, keep those spiders(real or fake) away from Kath. What goes around comes around. So what are you afraid of ? hugs S.GARY WOOLARD wrote: , Kathy has a "Phobia" about ALL KINDS OF BUGS LIKE YOURSELF. She knows when Reba or myself have our fingers do "walking" on her back that it's us doing that. But she says get "Sammy" or "Sammies" away from my me!!!!!!!!!!!!! Sammy like in Sammy the Spider, Sammy the Crock Roach, Sammy the Worm, etc. Reba had bought an rubber spider toy from a store. I tied it up to an metal handle for a heater vent in the living room. Kathy seen this that day and she FREAKED OUT AND SCREAMED!!!! I know I'am just nasty sometimes. This toy spider went out in the trash. This is just the horse playing around prankster that I've been once in awhile. You know on Maury Provich show they had people who were afraid of bugs like in the real kind, live snakes, a woman was SUCH A DIRER AFRAID OF ALUMINUM FOIL OF ALL THINGS. THE SOUND OF ALUMINUM FOIL BEING CRINKLED UP MADE HER SCREAM AND RUN ALL OVER THIS TV SHOW. They had an hympotist (mispelled?) put these people in a trance and they got over these Phobias. One woman was such a direr afraid of a cat, YES A CAT, in someways all this is funny. But NOT to people of these phobias. Solberg wrote: Oh, Rose! Not dead crickets! ug. What's wrong with watermelon seeds?! I have a phobia about bugs so I cringed when I read that. ooooo hugs S.Rose wrote: Jeanne, I don't know if you've ever listened to Jeff Foxworthy. He says that if you ever think your family is the "worst bunch of goobers" in the world, just go to a state fair, or a stock car race. It's true! I even saw some people sticking dead crickets in their mouths & spitting them for prizes at the Indiana State Fair. Oh, wait a minute, that was my granddaughter & me. Her best distance was 13', mine was only 9'. I was so proud! Ramblin' Rose Moderator Reply-To: Neurosarcoidosis To: Neurosarcoidosis Subject: Re: crazy fansDate: Tue, 23 May 2006 23:54:42 -0700 (PDT) LOL!!! Connie & Matt - It just occured to me that perhaps we are just really "normal" people amidst some real crazy, obnoxious people! LOL!!! Maybe when football season comes around again, we can all share stories and pics of the craziest fans we've seen - wouldn't that be fun!? Matt - I've been praying for you. I haven't emailed you, but you've been on my mind. I hope you're feeling a little better. My Grandfather always said that "Laughter is the best medicine!" Maybe a little crazy football fan contest will be just what the doctor should've ordered for us! Have a happy day! Jeannie Cohen wrote: I grew up in North Carolina between Duke and the Univof N,Carolina and i am sure that Duke fans are themost obnoxious fans in america-MATT--- Connie Griffis wrote:> I know what you all are talking about, but mine is a> college rivalry to beat them all. I was born in> Florida and raised here, but I love Georgia and have> always been a Georgia Bulldog - Univ of GA Fan. I> live amongst the Gators much to my dismay. My> oldest daugher is a die hard gator fan- univ. of fl,> as is her husband. They keep telling me that my 5> yr old granddaughter will be a gator cheerleader and> her 3 yr old brother will be a football player for> the team one day. To this I politely pronounce that> when the Fl-GA game comes up I will wear my GA> colors even if I am cheering for my grandson. My> daughter has told me to make sure I am riding in a> different car from them because I will get us all> killed in the swamp. I mess with her and tell her> I'm not afraid of "lizards". (It's all in fun) But> on the serious side I have never known more serious> or obnoxious fans than Fl Gators. - they take it to> the max. In our town we have someone has a PT> Cruise painted blue> and orange with Fl Gator flags, and there was a> station wagon with all the paint covered in Fl Gator> bumper stickers - go figure.> Always, Connie> > Jeanne Betters wrote:> Wow - talk about a coincidence!!! My> stepbrother relocated from Cape Cod to Punxsutawney> about 3 years ago!! LOL!!! And man, did I notice> their accents! How funny!!! > > Yes, I live in Steelers Country. When the> Patriots played the Steelers in the Superbowl a> couple of years back, my stepbrother and> sister-in-law came down here for the game. There> were three of us "Yankees" in a room full of people> who bleed black-and-gold. When the Patriots won,> everyone in the room was absolutely speechless...> they left as silently as if it was a Maundy Thursday> service! LOL!! My step-brother, his wife and I> just looked at each other, winked and did a hidden> "thumbs up." We were afraid for our lives! LOL!!! > I'm telling you, there is absolutely no fan in the> world like a Steelers fan. I actually started> bleeding black and gold about two years ago. This> year everyone wore black and gold throughout the> entire season. I have like one Steelers shirt that> is waaay too tight, but I wore it out of reverence> for my team. My sister lives in Denver (just> outside), so we had our own little rivalry building> up. Apparently Denver was inundated with> Steelers fans, so she eventually threw in the towel> and rooted for "the right" team. LOL!!> > Sorry to all you Denver fans... It's> indescribable what it's like out here in Steelers> Country. You either join em, or end up as feed at> the hog farm. LOL!> > Thanks for the stroll down memory lane, Debbie! > GO PATS!!!> > Love,> > Jeannie> > > > > > Debbie wrote:> Hi Jeanne,> I used to work with someone who grew up> in the same area in the Willows, isn't that a> coincidence? I haven't heard from him. He actually> lives in Lawrence now right near the Andover line.> My husbands family comes from Puxatwaney (sp?) PA> (Groundhog country) and he is a big Steeler fan . > Believe me , he does not get along with the Patriot> fans around here! > I know what you mean about the "ah's" and the> "r"s because his family used to make fun of me and> my accent but I poked fun at them because they moved> up here with their funny accent from Penn.! It must> have been hard for you to move down there . I feel> for you! LOL > Yes, the Christmas Tree shops are great ,> aren't they? There are several within 15 miles of> me. Don't they have the little birds at Mc's> down there ? lol Hugs, Debbie> > > > Jeanne Betters wrote: > Hi Debbie!> > Our family's home is on a major fault line in> Marblehead, so we actually have always had concern> that they'd be hit by a freak earthquake rather than> flooding... Their home is literally a walk up the> street from the harbor. Our family and friends' in> Salem live in the Willows - literally 4 or 5 houses> from the shore... I'm guessing in both cases, it> might not be good news. I'm just really glad to> hear your safe!> > So, have you been to Christmas Tree Shops, then? > My favorite shopping spot of all time!! > > I have to tell you, too - sitting at a Mc's> during lunchtime in Western PA is nothing like being> in New England. Here they've got these little birds> that are "annoying" when it comes to begging for> fries... If they only could see the swooping fry> attack of a seagull hoarde!!! > > There's just nothing like back home... I tell> everyone that the only reason why I moved here was> because my caveman husband clubbed me on the head,> threw me over his shoulders by the hair and dragged> me kicking and screaming to Steeler Country. The> Neanderthal. I had to learn how to say, "r" instead> of "ah" and everything! They all love the accent,> but by golly they couldn't understand a dang word I> said! LOL!!! And, as you well know, I'm sure, we> talk really fast up north, so that didn't help my> accent very much, either... The first year I lived> here I thought EVERYONE was cross-eyed and clueless!> When I started to get sick with the NS, I had no> idea - I simply thought I was just fitting right in> with the locals!!! LOL!! > > Have a great rest of the weekend - be safe and> keep dry!> > Hugs,> > Jeannie> > Debbie wrote:> Hi Jeannie.> I haven't heard about Salem at all, but I did> hear that Peabody had some very flooding. I live> about 45 mins away from the Salem and Danvers MA> area. We live right over the NH border. I know all> about those Noreasters! lol > > Jeanne Betters wrote: > Hi Debbie!> > We have family who are out of state right now who> live on the North Shore of Boston (Marblehead) and> Salem, MA.... Do you know if they got hit very> badly? I know whenever there's a Noreaster, they> get hit hard and in the winter ice is unbearable at> times. (I grew up in Massachusetts - Boston, Cape> Cod -and in Rhode Island... always love to hear> about "back home.") > > I'll be sure to keep you in my prayers... Say hi> to a seagull for me! > > Jeannie> > Debbie wrote:> Hi all,> Just thought you might like to know. We are in> the smack dab in the middle of the flooding in> southeast NH and northeast of Mass. area where all> the flooding is. THank God, our home is pretty much> okay. We have had water in our basement , but we> have pumping it out . Not like other families> around here where a lot of people are being> evacuated and losing a lot of their homes and> businesses are losing everything. Dams and rivers> are overflowing. I was in the middle of my> therapist's appt. yesterday and the fireman came> through yesterday and they had to evacuate the> building. I felt like saying "Hey wait a minute,> I'm not done yet!" LOL > But anyway , hopefully everything will start to> recede soon. the sun is suppose to come out soon. > It has been raining for about 10 days. Well , I> have gone on long enough. Debbie> > ---------------------------------> Yahoo! Messenger with Voice. Make PC-to-Phone> Calls to the US (and 30+ countries) for 2�/min or> less. > > __________________________________________________> Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted May 25, 2006 Report Share Posted May 25, 2006 Oh Jeanne, it's Your story also reminds me of a time when I was a teenager and woke up to see a mouse on the pillow next to my hand and I must have startled it cuz it bit me! Jeez! I wonder what all goes on during the night on our own beds?! Spiders and mices(lol) and dust mites??? oh MY! Jeanne, I blame my gray hairs on my husband but in reality 75% of it is probably from suffering from sarc. back to my chocolates and hugs S.Jeanne Betters wrote: OMG!!! MARY!! I wrote about my spider incident before reading yours!!! I'm sorry! If you haven't read it - DON'T!!! LOL! I'm sorry!!! - I actually got my first gray hair from a spider! LOL! Well, it could have been from our foster son, Adam, too... at least, I let him think it was his fault! LOL!! Hugs, Jeannie Solberg wrote: ! I'd have plopped a water balloon (or two)on your head if you had scared me with a fake poor Kath. I think my problems began as a child. We had an outhouse with spiders in it and our basement was so dark, dank and had creepy crawlies. Since I've been sick I'm even more jumpy. I get those creepy bug crawling feelings on my legs but there's almost never anything there. About 10 years ago I was bitten all over my back by a spider during the night and it was so darn painful. I had to use something from Watkins to suck the poison out of my system. Now I keep it on hand all the time. Two years ago there was a big black spider in the shower and i ran screaming out of there and started hyperventilating and my son had to go in and kill it for me. I guess I've had my share of bad spider experiences. Most people who have fears/phobias have had a bad experience or two with the thing they're afraid of. Maury Povich sure has a lot of screamers on his show. It's made me think that some of that stuff is fake or the people are encouraged to 'scream away' as you would have it. Yeah, being scared of a kitten is a bit much to me but who am I to judge... Hey, keep those spiders(real or fake) away from Kath. What goes around comes around. So what are you afraid of ? hugs S.GARY WOOLARD wrote: , Kathy has a "Phobia" about ALL KINDS OF BUGS LIKE YOURSELF. She knows when Reba or myself have our fingers do "walking" on her back that it's us doing that. But she says get "Sammy" or "Sammies" away from my me!!!!!!!!!!!!! Sammy like in Sammy the Spider, Sammy the Crock Roach, Sammy the Worm, etc. Reba had bought an rubber spider toy from a store. I tied it up to an metal handle for a heater vent in the living room. Kathy seen this that day and she FREAKED OUT AND SCREAMED!!!! I know I'am just nasty sometimes. This toy spider went out in the trash. This is just the horse playing around prankster that I've been once in awhile. You know on Maury Provich show they had people who were afraid of bugs like in the real kind, live snakes, a woman was SUCH A DIRER AFRAID OF ALUMINUM FOIL OF ALL THINGS. THE SOUND OF ALUMINUM FOIL BEING CRINKLED UP MADE HER SCREAM AND RUN ALL OVER THIS TV SHOW. They had an hympotist (mispelled?) put these people in a trance and they got over these Phobias. One woman was such a direr afraid of a cat, YES A CAT, in someways all this is funny. But NOT to people of these phobias. Solberg wrote: Oh, Rose! Not dead crickets! ug. What's wrong with watermelon seeds?! I have a phobia about bugs so I cringed when I read that. ooooo hugs S.Rose wrote: Jeanne, I don't know if you've ever listened to Jeff Foxworthy. He says that if you ever think your family is the "worst bunch of goobers" in the world, just go to a state fair, or a stock car race. It's true! I even saw some people sticking dead crickets in their mouths & spitting them for prizes at the Indiana State Fair. Oh, wait a minute, that was my granddaughter & me. Her best distance was 13', mine was only 9'. I was so proud! Ramblin' Rose Moderator Reply-To: Neurosarcoidosis To: Neurosarcoidosis Subject: Re: crazy fansDate: Tue, 23 May 2006 23:54:42 -0700 (PDT) LOL!!! Connie & Matt - It just occured to me that perhaps we are just really "normal" people amidst some real crazy, obnoxious people! LOL!!! Maybe when football season comes around again, we can all share stories and pics of the craziest fans we've seen - wouldn't that be fun!? Matt - I've been praying for you. I haven't emailed you, but you've been on my mind. I hope you're feeling a little better. My Grandfather always said that "Laughter is the best medicine!" Maybe a little crazy football fan contest will be just what the doctor should've ordered for us! Have a happy day! Jeannie Cohen wrote: I grew up in North Carolina between Duke and the Univof N,Carolina and i am sure that Duke fans are themost obnoxious fans in america-MATT--- Connie Griffis wrote:> I know what you all are talking about, but mine is a> college rivalry to beat them all. I was born in> Florida and raised here, but I love Georgia and have> always been a Georgia Bulldog - Univ of GA Fan. I> live amongst the Gators much to my dismay. My> oldest daugher is a die hard gator fan- univ. of fl,> as is her husband. They keep telling me that my 5> yr old granddaughter will be a gator cheerleader and> her 3 yr old brother will be a football player for> the team one day. To this I politely pronounce that> when the Fl-GA game comes up I will wear my GA> colors even if I am cheering for my grandson. My> daughter has told me to make sure I am riding in a> different car from them because I will get us all> killed in the swamp. I mess with her and tell her> I'm not afraid of "lizards". (It's all in fun) But> on the serious side I have never known more serious> or obnoxious fans than Fl Gators. - they take it to> the max. In our town we have someone has a PT> Cruise painted blue> and orange with Fl Gator flags, and there was a> station wagon with all the paint covered in Fl Gator> bumper stickers - go figure.> Always, Connie> > Jeanne Betters wrote:> Wow - talk about a coincidence!!! My> stepbrother relocated from Cape Cod to Punxsutawney> about 3 years ago!! LOL!!! And man, did I notice> their accents! How funny!!! > > Yes, I live in Steelers Country. When the> Patriots played the Steelers in the Superbowl a> couple of years back, my stepbrother and> sister-in-law came down here for the game. There> were three of us "Yankees" in a room full of people> who bleed black-and-gold. When the Patriots won,> everyone in the room was absolutely speechless...> they left as silently as if it was a Maundy Thursday> service! LOL!! My step-brother, his wife and I> just looked at each other, winked and did a hidden> "thumbs up." We were afraid for our lives! LOL!!! > I'm telling you, there is absolutely no fan in the> world like a Steelers fan. I actually started> bleeding black and gold about two years ago. This> year everyone wore black and gold throughout the> entire season. I have like one Steelers shirt that> is waaay too tight, but I wore it out of reverence> for my team. My sister lives in Denver (just> outside), so we had our own little rivalry building> up. Apparently Denver was inundated with> Steelers fans, so she eventually threw in the towel> and rooted for "the right" team. LOL!!> > Sorry to all you Denver fans... It's> indescribable what it's like out here in Steelers> Country. You either join em, or end up as feed at> the hog farm. LOL!> > Thanks for the stroll down memory lane, Debbie! > GO PATS!!!> > Love,> > Jeannie> > > > > > Debbie wrote:> Hi Jeanne,> I used to work with someone who grew up> in the same area in the Willows, isn't that a> coincidence? I haven't heard from him. He actually> lives in Lawrence now right near the Andover line.> My husbands family comes from Puxatwaney (sp?) PA> (Groundhog country) and he is a big Steeler fan . > Believe me , he does not get along with the Patriot> fans around here! > I know what you mean about the "ah's" and the> "r"s because his family used to make fun of me and> my accent but I poked fun at them because they moved> up here with their funny accent from Penn.! It must> have been hard for you to move down there . I feel> for you! LOL > Yes, the Christmas Tree shops are great ,> aren't they? There are several within 15 miles of> me. Don't they have the little birds at Mc's> down there ? lol Hugs, Debbie> > > > Jeanne Betters wrote: > Hi Debbie!> > Our family's home is on a major fault line in> Marblehead, so we actually have always had concern> that they'd be hit by a freak earthquake rather than> flooding... Their home is literally a walk up the> street from the harbor. Our family and friends' in> Salem live in the Willows - literally 4 or 5 houses> from the shore... I'm guessing in both cases, it> might not be good news. I'm just really glad to> hear your safe!> > So, have you been to Christmas Tree Shops, then? > My favorite shopping spot of all time!! > > I have to tell you, too - sitting at a Mc's> during lunchtime in Western PA is nothing like being> in New England. Here they've got these little birds> that are "annoying" when it comes to begging for> fries... If they only could see the swooping fry> attack of a seagull hoarde!!! > > There's just nothing like back home... I tell> everyone that the only reason why I moved here was> because my caveman husband clubbed me on the head,> threw me over his shoulders by the hair and dragged> me kicking and screaming to Steeler Country. The> Neanderthal. I had to learn how to say, "r" instead> of "ah" and everything! They all love the accent,> but by golly they couldn't understand a dang word I> said! LOL!!! And, as you well know, I'm sure, we> talk really fast up north, so that didn't help my> accent very much, either... The first year I lived> here I thought EVERYONE was cross-eyed and clueless!> When I started to get sick with the NS, I had no> idea - I simply thought I was just fitting right in> with the locals!!! LOL!! > > Have a great rest of the weekend - be safe and> keep dry!> > Hugs,> > Jeannie> > Debbie wrote:> Hi Jeannie.> I haven't heard about Salem at all, but I did> hear that Peabody had some very flooding. I live> about 45 mins away from the Salem and Danvers MA> area. We live right over the NH border. I know all> about those Noreasters! lol > > Jeanne Betters wrote: > Hi Debbie!> > We have family who are out of state right now who> live on the North Shore of Boston (Marblehead) and> Salem, MA.... Do you know if they got hit very> badly? I know whenever there's a Noreaster, they> get hit hard and in the winter ice is unbearable at> times. (I grew up in Massachusetts - Boston, Cape> Cod -and in Rhode Island... always love to hear> about "back home.") > > I'll be sure to keep you in my prayers... Say hi> to a seagull for me! > > Jeannie> > Debbie wrote:> Hi all,> Just thought you might like to know. We are in> the smack dab in the middle of the flooding in> southeast NH and northeast of Mass. area where all> the flooding is. THank God, our home is pretty much> okay. We have had water in our basement , but we> have pumping it out . Not like other families> around here where a lot of people are being> evacuated and losing a lot of their homes and> businesses are losing everything. Dams and rivers> are overflowing. I was in the middle of my> therapist's appt. yesterday and the fireman came> through yesterday and they had to evacuate the> building. I felt like saying "Hey wait a minute,> I'm not done yet!" LOL > But anyway , hopefully everything will start to> recede soon. the sun is suppose to come out soon. > It has been raining for about 10 days. Well , I> have gone on long enough. Debbie> > ---------------------------------> Yahoo! Messenger with Voice. Make PC-to-Phone> Calls to the US (and 30+ countries) for 2�/min or> less. > > __________________________________________________> Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted May 25, 2006 Report Share Posted May 25, 2006 , Oh my, I have had nightmares about waking to find mice on my pillow. I would have freaked! Debbie Solberg wrote: Oh Jeanne, it's Your story also reminds me of a time when I was a teenager and woke up to see a mouse on the pillow next to my hand and I must have startled it cuz it bit me! Jeez! I wonder what all goes on during the night on our own beds?! Spiders and mices(lol) and dust mites??? oh MY! Jeanne, I blame my gray hairs on my husband but in reality 75% of it is probably from suffering from sarc. back to my chocolates and hugs S.Jeanne Betters wrote: OMG!!! MARY!! I wrote about my spider incident before reading yours!!! I'm sorry! If you haven't read it - DON'T!!! LOL! I'm sorry!!! - I actually got my first gray hair from a spider! LOL! Well, it could have been from our foster son, Adam, too... at least, I let him think it was his fault! LOL!! Hugs, Jeannie Solberg wrote: ! I'd have plopped a water balloon (or two)on your head if you had scared me with a fake poor Kath. I think my problems began as a child. We had an outhouse with spiders in it and our basement was so dark, dank and had creepy crawlies. Since I've been sick I'm even more jumpy. I get those creepy bug crawling feelings on my legs but there's almost never anything there. About 10 years ago I was bitten all over my back by a spider during the night and it was so darn painful. I had to use something from Watkins to suck the poison out of my system. Now I keep it on hand all the time. Two years ago there was a big black spider in the shower and i ran screaming out of there and started hyperventilating and my son had to go in and kill it for me. I guess I've had my share of bad spider experiences. Most people who have fears/phobias have had a bad experience or two with the thing they're afraid of. Maury Povich sure has a lot of screamers on his show. It's made me think that some of that stuff is fake or the people are encouraged to 'scream away' as you would have it. Yeah, being scared of a kitten is a bit much to me but who am I to judge... Hey, keep those spiders(real or fake) away from Kath. What goes around comes around. So what are you afraid of ? hugs S.GARY WOOLARD wrote: , Kathy has a "Phobia" about ALL KINDS OF BUGS LIKE YOURSELF. She knows when Reba or myself have our fingers do "walking" on her back that it's us doing that. But she says get "Sammy" or "Sammies" away from my me!!!!!!!!!!!!! Sammy like in Sammy the Spider, Sammy the Crock Roach, Sammy the Worm, etc. Reba had bought an rubber spider toy from a store. I tied it up to an metal handle for a heater vent in the living room. Kathy seen this that day and she FREAKED OUT AND SCREAMED!!!! I know I'am just nasty sometimes. This toy spider went out in the trash. This is just the horse playing around prankster that I've been once in awhile. You know on Maury Provich show they had people who were afraid of bugs like in the real kind, live snakes, a woman was SUCH A DIRER AFRAID OF ALUMINUM FOIL OF ALL THINGS. THE SOUND OF ALUMINUM FOIL BEING CRINKLED UP MADE HER SCREAM AND RUN ALL OVER THIS TV SHOW. They had an hympotist (mispelled?) put these people in a trance and they got over these Phobias. One woman was such a direr afraid of a cat, YES A CAT, in someways all this is funny. But NOT to people of these phobias. Solberg wrote: Oh, Rose! Not dead crickets! ug. What's wrong with watermelon seeds?! I have a phobia about bugs so I cringed when I read that. ooooo hugs S.Rose wrote: Jeanne, I don't know if you've ever listened to Jeff Foxworthy. He says that if you ever think your family is the "worst bunch of goobers" in the world, just go to a state fair, or a stock car race. It's true! I even saw some people sticking dead crickets in their mouths & spitting them for prizes at the Indiana State Fair. Oh, wait a minute, that was my granddaughter & me. Her best distance was 13', mine was only 9'. I was so proud! Ramblin' Rose Moderator Reply-To: Neurosarcoidosis To: Neurosarcoidosis Subject: Re: crazy fansDate: Tue, 23 May 2006 23:54:42 -0700 (PDT) LOL!!! Connie & Matt - It just occured to me that perhaps we are just really "normal" people amidst some real crazy, obnoxious people! LOL!!! Maybe when football season comes around again, we can all share stories and pics of the craziest fans we've seen - wouldn't that be fun!? Matt - I've been praying for you. I haven't emailed you, but you've been on my mind. I hope you're feeling a little better. My Grandfather always said that "Laughter is the best medicine!" Maybe a little crazy football fan contest will be just what the doctor should've ordered for us! Have a happy day! Jeannie Cohen wrote: I grew up in North Carolina between Duke and the Univof N,Carolina and i am sure that Duke fans are themost obnoxious fans in america-MATT--- Connie Griffis wrote:> I know what you all are talking about, but mine is a> college rivalry to beat them all. I was born in> Florida and raised here, but I love Georgia and have> always been a Georgia Bulldog - Univ of GA Fan. I> live amongst the Gators much to my dismay. My> oldest daugher is a die hard gator fan- univ. of fl,> as is her husband. They keep telling me that my 5> yr old granddaughter will be a gator cheerleader and> her 3 yr old brother will be a football player for> the team one day. To this I politely pronounce that> when the Fl-GA game comes up I will wear my GA> colors even if I am cheering for my grandson. My> daughter has told me to make sure I am riding in a> different car from them because I will get us all> killed in the swamp. I mess with her and tell her> I'm not afraid of "lizards". (It's all in fun) But> on the serious side I have never known more serious> or obnoxious fans than Fl Gators. - they take it to> the max. In our town we have someone has a PT> Cruise painted blue> and orange with Fl Gator flags, and there was a> station wagon with all the paint covered in Fl Gator> bumper stickers - go figure.> Always, Connie> > Jeanne Betters wrote:> Wow - talk about a coincidence!!! My> stepbrother relocated from Cape Cod to Punxsutawney> about 3 years ago!! LOL!!! And man, did I notice> their accents! How funny!!! > > Yes, I live in Steelers Country. When the> Patriots played the Steelers in the Superbowl a> couple of years back, my stepbrother and> sister-in-law came down here for the game. There> were three of us "Yankees" in a room full of people> who bleed black-and-gold. When the Patriots won,> everyone in the room was absolutely speechless...> they left as silently as if it was a Maundy Thursday> service! LOL!! My step-brother, his wife and I> just looked at each other, winked and did a hidden> "thumbs up." We were afraid for our lives! LOL!!! > I'm telling you, there is absolutely no fan in the> world like a Steelers fan. I actually started> bleeding black and gold about two years ago. This> year everyone wore black and gold throughout the> entire season. I have like one Steelers shirt that> is waaay too tight, but I wore it out of reverence> for my team. My sister lives in Denver (just> outside), so we had our own little rivalry building> up. Apparently Denver was inundated with> Steelers fans, so she eventually threw in the towel> and rooted for "the right" team. LOL!!> > Sorry to all you Denver fans... It's> indescribable what it's like out here in Steelers> Country. You either join em, or end up as feed at> the hog farm. LOL!> > Thanks for the stroll down memory lane, Debbie! > GO PATS!!!> > Love,> > Jeannie> > > > > > Debbie wrote:> Hi Jeanne,> I used to work with someone who grew up> in the same area in the Willows, isn't that a> coincidence? I haven't heard from him. He actually> lives in Lawrence now right near the Andover line.> My husbands family comes from Puxatwaney (sp?) PA> (Groundhog country) and he is a big Steeler fan . > Believe me , he does not get along with the Patriot> fans around here! > I know what you mean about the "ah's" and the> "r"s because his family used to make fun of me and> my accent but I poked fun at them because they moved> up here with their funny accent from Penn.! It must> have been hard for you to move down there . I feel> for you! LOL > Yes, the Christmas Tree shops are great ,> aren't they? There are several within 15 miles of> me. Don't they have the little birds at Mc's> down there ? lol Hugs, Debbie> > > > Jeanne Betters wrote: > Hi Debbie!> > Our family's home is on a major fault line in> Marblehead, so we actually have always had concern> that they'd be hit by a freak earthquake rather than> flooding... Their home is literally a walk up the> street from the harbor. Our family and friends' in> Salem live in the Willows - literally 4 or 5 houses> from the shore... I'm guessing in both cases, it> might not be good news. I'm just really glad to> hear your safe!> > So, have you been to Christmas Tree Shops, then? > My favorite shopping spot of all time!! > > I have to tell you, too - sitting at a Mc's> during lunchtime in Western PA is nothing like being> in New England. Here they've got these little birds> that are "annoying" when it comes to begging for> fries... If they only could see the swooping fry> attack of a seagull hoarde!!! > > There's just nothing like back home... I tell> everyone that the only reason why I moved here was> because my caveman husband clubbed me on the head,> threw me over his shoulders by the hair and dragged> me kicking and screaming to Steeler Country. The> Neanderthal. I had to learn how to say, "r" instead> of "ah" and everything! They all love the accent,> but by golly they couldn't understand a dang word I> said! LOL!!! And, as you well know, I'm sure, we> talk really fast up north, so that didn't help my> accent very much, either... The first year I lived> here I thought EVERYONE was cross-eyed and clueless!> When I started to get sick with the NS, I had no> idea - I simply thought I was just fitting right in> with the locals!!! LOL!! > > Have a great rest of the weekend - be safe and> keep dry!> > Hugs,> > Jeannie> > Debbie wrote:> Hi Jeannie.> I haven't heard about Salem at all, but I did> hear that Peabody had some very flooding. I live> about 45 mins away from the Salem and Danvers MA> area. We live right over the NH border. I know all> about those Noreasters! lol > > Jeanne Betters wrote: > Hi Debbie!> > We have family who are out of state right now who> live on the North Shore of Boston (Marblehead) and> Salem, MA.... Do you know if they got hit very> badly? I know whenever there's a Noreaster, they> get hit hard and in the winter ice is unbearable at> times. (I grew up in Massachusetts - Boston, Cape> Cod -and in Rhode Island... always love to hear> about "back home.") > > I'll be sure to keep you in my prayers... Say hi> to a seagull for me! > > Jeannie> > Debbie wrote:> Hi all,> Just thought you might like to know. We are in> the smack dab in the middle of the flooding in> southeast NH and northeast of Mass. area where all> the flooding is. THank God, our home is pretty much> okay. We have had water in our basement , but we> have pumping it out . Not like other families> around here where a lot of people are being> evacuated and losing a lot of their homes and> businesses are losing everything. Dams and rivers> are overflowing. I was in the middle of my> therapist's appt. yesterday and the fireman came> through yesterday and they had to evacuate the> building. I felt like saying "Hey wait a minute,> I'm not done yet!" LOL > But anyway , hopefully everything will start to> recede soon. the sun is suppose to come out soon. > It has been raining for about 10 days. Well , I> have gone on long enough. Debbie> > ---------------------------------> Yahoo! Messenger with Voice. Make PC-to-Phone> Calls to the US (and 30+ countries) for 2�/min or> less. > > __________________________________________________> Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted May 25, 2006 Report Share Posted May 25, 2006 , Oh my, I have had nightmares about waking to find mice on my pillow. I would have freaked! Debbie Solberg wrote: Oh Jeanne, it's Your story also reminds me of a time when I was a teenager and woke up to see a mouse on the pillow next to my hand and I must have startled it cuz it bit me! Jeez! I wonder what all goes on during the night on our own beds?! Spiders and mices(lol) and dust mites??? oh MY! Jeanne, I blame my gray hairs on my husband but in reality 75% of it is probably from suffering from sarc. back to my chocolates and hugs S.Jeanne Betters wrote: OMG!!! MARY!! I wrote about my spider incident before reading yours!!! I'm sorry! If you haven't read it - DON'T!!! LOL! I'm sorry!!! - I actually got my first gray hair from a spider! LOL! Well, it could have been from our foster son, Adam, too... at least, I let him think it was his fault! LOL!! Hugs, Jeannie Solberg wrote: ! I'd have plopped a water balloon (or two)on your head if you had scared me with a fake poor Kath. I think my problems began as a child. We had an outhouse with spiders in it and our basement was so dark, dank and had creepy crawlies. Since I've been sick I'm even more jumpy. I get those creepy bug crawling feelings on my legs but there's almost never anything there. About 10 years ago I was bitten all over my back by a spider during the night and it was so darn painful. I had to use something from Watkins to suck the poison out of my system. Now I keep it on hand all the time. Two years ago there was a big black spider in the shower and i ran screaming out of there and started hyperventilating and my son had to go in and kill it for me. I guess I've had my share of bad spider experiences. Most people who have fears/phobias have had a bad experience or two with the thing they're afraid of. Maury Povich sure has a lot of screamers on his show. It's made me think that some of that stuff is fake or the people are encouraged to 'scream away' as you would have it. Yeah, being scared of a kitten is a bit much to me but who am I to judge... Hey, keep those spiders(real or fake) away from Kath. What goes around comes around. So what are you afraid of ? hugs S.GARY WOOLARD wrote: , Kathy has a "Phobia" about ALL KINDS OF BUGS LIKE YOURSELF. She knows when Reba or myself have our fingers do "walking" on her back that it's us doing that. But she says get "Sammy" or "Sammies" away from my me!!!!!!!!!!!!! Sammy like in Sammy the Spider, Sammy the Crock Roach, Sammy the Worm, etc. Reba had bought an rubber spider toy from a store. I tied it up to an metal handle for a heater vent in the living room. Kathy seen this that day and she FREAKED OUT AND SCREAMED!!!! I know I'am just nasty sometimes. This toy spider went out in the trash. This is just the horse playing around prankster that I've been once in awhile. You know on Maury Provich show they had people who were afraid of bugs like in the real kind, live snakes, a woman was SUCH A DIRER AFRAID OF ALUMINUM FOIL OF ALL THINGS. THE SOUND OF ALUMINUM FOIL BEING CRINKLED UP MADE HER SCREAM AND RUN ALL OVER THIS TV SHOW. They had an hympotist (mispelled?) put these people in a trance and they got over these Phobias. One woman was such a direr afraid of a cat, YES A CAT, in someways all this is funny. But NOT to people of these phobias. Solberg wrote: Oh, Rose! Not dead crickets! ug. What's wrong with watermelon seeds?! I have a phobia about bugs so I cringed when I read that. ooooo hugs S.Rose wrote: Jeanne, I don't know if you've ever listened to Jeff Foxworthy. He says that if you ever think your family is the "worst bunch of goobers" in the world, just go to a state fair, or a stock car race. It's true! I even saw some people sticking dead crickets in their mouths & spitting them for prizes at the Indiana State Fair. Oh, wait a minute, that was my granddaughter & me. Her best distance was 13', mine was only 9'. I was so proud! Ramblin' Rose Moderator Reply-To: Neurosarcoidosis To: Neurosarcoidosis Subject: Re: crazy fansDate: Tue, 23 May 2006 23:54:42 -0700 (PDT) LOL!!! Connie & Matt - It just occured to me that perhaps we are just really "normal" people amidst some real crazy, obnoxious people! LOL!!! Maybe when football season comes around again, we can all share stories and pics of the craziest fans we've seen - wouldn't that be fun!? Matt - I've been praying for you. I haven't emailed you, but you've been on my mind. I hope you're feeling a little better. My Grandfather always said that "Laughter is the best medicine!" Maybe a little crazy football fan contest will be just what the doctor should've ordered for us! Have a happy day! Jeannie Cohen wrote: I grew up in North Carolina between Duke and the Univof N,Carolina and i am sure that Duke fans are themost obnoxious fans in america-MATT--- Connie Griffis wrote:> I know what you all are talking about, but mine is a> college rivalry to beat them all. I was born in> Florida and raised here, but I love Georgia and have> always been a Georgia Bulldog - Univ of GA Fan. I> live amongst the Gators much to my dismay. My> oldest daugher is a die hard gator fan- univ. of fl,> as is her husband. They keep telling me that my 5> yr old granddaughter will be a gator cheerleader and> her 3 yr old brother will be a football player for> the team one day. To this I politely pronounce that> when the Fl-GA game comes up I will wear my GA> colors even if I am cheering for my grandson. My> daughter has told me to make sure I am riding in a> different car from them because I will get us all> killed in the swamp. I mess with her and tell her> I'm not afraid of "lizards". (It's all in fun) But> on the serious side I have never known more serious> or obnoxious fans than Fl Gators. - they take it to> the max. In our town we have someone has a PT> Cruise painted blue> and orange with Fl Gator flags, and there was a> station wagon with all the paint covered in Fl Gator> bumper stickers - go figure.> Always, Connie> > Jeanne Betters wrote:> Wow - talk about a coincidence!!! My> stepbrother relocated from Cape Cod to Punxsutawney> about 3 years ago!! LOL!!! And man, did I notice> their accents! How funny!!! > > Yes, I live in Steelers Country. When the> Patriots played the Steelers in the Superbowl a> couple of years back, my stepbrother and> sister-in-law came down here for the game. There> were three of us "Yankees" in a room full of people> who bleed black-and-gold. When the Patriots won,> everyone in the room was absolutely speechless...> they left as silently as if it was a Maundy Thursday> service! LOL!! My step-brother, his wife and I> just looked at each other, winked and did a hidden> "thumbs up." We were afraid for our lives! LOL!!! > I'm telling you, there is absolutely no fan in the> world like a Steelers fan. I actually started> bleeding black and gold about two years ago. This> year everyone wore black and gold throughout the> entire season. I have like one Steelers shirt that> is waaay too tight, but I wore it out of reverence> for my team. My sister lives in Denver (just> outside), so we had our own little rivalry building> up. Apparently Denver was inundated with> Steelers fans, so she eventually threw in the towel> and rooted for "the right" team. LOL!!> > Sorry to all you Denver fans... It's> indescribable what it's like out here in Steelers> Country. You either join em, or end up as feed at> the hog farm. LOL!> > Thanks for the stroll down memory lane, Debbie! > GO PATS!!!> > Love,> > Jeannie> > > > > > Debbie wrote:> Hi Jeanne,> I used to work with someone who grew up> in the same area in the Willows, isn't that a> coincidence? I haven't heard from him. He actually> lives in Lawrence now right near the Andover line.> My husbands family comes from Puxatwaney (sp?) PA> (Groundhog country) and he is a big Steeler fan . > Believe me , he does not get along with the Patriot> fans around here! > I know what you mean about the "ah's" and the> "r"s because his family used to make fun of me and> my accent but I poked fun at them because they moved> up here with their funny accent from Penn.! It must> have been hard for you to move down there . I feel> for you! LOL > Yes, the Christmas Tree shops are great ,> aren't they? There are several within 15 miles of> me. Don't they have the little birds at Mc's> down there ? lol Hugs, Debbie> > > > Jeanne Betters wrote: > Hi Debbie!> > Our family's home is on a major fault line in> Marblehead, so we actually have always had concern> that they'd be hit by a freak earthquake rather than> flooding... Their home is literally a walk up the> street from the harbor. Our family and friends' in> Salem live in the Willows - literally 4 or 5 houses> from the shore... I'm guessing in both cases, it> might not be good news. I'm just really glad to> hear your safe!> > So, have you been to Christmas Tree Shops, then? > My favorite shopping spot of all time!! > > I have to tell you, too - sitting at a Mc's> during lunchtime in Western PA is nothing like being> in New England. Here they've got these little birds> that are "annoying" when it comes to begging for> fries... If they only could see the swooping fry> attack of a seagull hoarde!!! > > There's just nothing like back home... I tell> everyone that the only reason why I moved here was> because my caveman husband clubbed me on the head,> threw me over his shoulders by the hair and dragged> me kicking and screaming to Steeler Country. The> Neanderthal. I had to learn how to say, "r" instead> of "ah" and everything! They all love the accent,> but by golly they couldn't understand a dang word I> said! LOL!!! And, as you well know, I'm sure, we> talk really fast up north, so that didn't help my> accent very much, either... The first year I lived> here I thought EVERYONE was cross-eyed and clueless!> When I started to get sick with the NS, I had no> idea - I simply thought I was just fitting right in> with the locals!!! LOL!! > > Have a great rest of the weekend - be safe and> keep dry!> > Hugs,> > Jeannie> > Debbie wrote:> Hi Jeannie.> I haven't heard about Salem at all, but I did> hear that Peabody had some very flooding. I live> about 45 mins away from the Salem and Danvers MA> area. We live right over the NH border. I know all> about those Noreasters! lol > > Jeanne Betters wrote: > Hi Debbie!> > We have family who are out of state right now who> live on the North Shore of Boston (Marblehead) and> Salem, MA.... Do you know if they got hit very> badly? I know whenever there's a Noreaster, they> get hit hard and in the winter ice is unbearable at> times. (I grew up in Massachusetts - Boston, Cape> Cod -and in Rhode Island... always love to hear> about "back home.") > > I'll be sure to keep you in my prayers... Say hi> to a seagull for me! > > Jeannie> > Debbie wrote:> Hi all,> Just thought you might like to know. We are in> the smack dab in the middle of the flooding in> southeast NH and northeast of Mass. area where all> the flooding is. THank God, our home is pretty much> okay. We have had water in our basement , but we> have pumping it out . Not like other families> around here where a lot of people are being> evacuated and losing a lot of their homes and> businesses are losing everything. Dams and rivers> are overflowing. I was in the middle of my> therapist's appt. yesterday and the fireman came> through yesterday and they had to evacuate the> building. I felt like saying "Hey wait a minute,> I'm not done yet!" LOL > But anyway , hopefully everything will start to> recede soon. the sun is suppose to come out soon. > It has been raining for about 10 days. Well , I> have gone on long enough. Debbie> > ---------------------------------> Yahoo! Messenger with Voice. Make PC-to-Phone> Calls to the US (and 30+ countries) for 2�/min or> less. > > __________________________________________________> Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted May 25, 2006 Report Share Posted May 25, 2006 , Oh my, I have had nightmares about waking to find mice on my pillow. I would have freaked! Debbie Solberg wrote: Oh Jeanne, it's Your story also reminds me of a time when I was a teenager and woke up to see a mouse on the pillow next to my hand and I must have startled it cuz it bit me! Jeez! I wonder what all goes on during the night on our own beds?! Spiders and mices(lol) and dust mites??? oh MY! Jeanne, I blame my gray hairs on my husband but in reality 75% of it is probably from suffering from sarc. back to my chocolates and hugs S.Jeanne Betters wrote: OMG!!! MARY!! I wrote about my spider incident before reading yours!!! I'm sorry! If you haven't read it - DON'T!!! LOL! I'm sorry!!! - I actually got my first gray hair from a spider! LOL! Well, it could have been from our foster son, Adam, too... at least, I let him think it was his fault! LOL!! Hugs, Jeannie Solberg wrote: ! I'd have plopped a water balloon (or two)on your head if you had scared me with a fake poor Kath. I think my problems began as a child. We had an outhouse with spiders in it and our basement was so dark, dank and had creepy crawlies. Since I've been sick I'm even more jumpy. I get those creepy bug crawling feelings on my legs but there's almost never anything there. About 10 years ago I was bitten all over my back by a spider during the night and it was so darn painful. I had to use something from Watkins to suck the poison out of my system. Now I keep it on hand all the time. Two years ago there was a big black spider in the shower and i ran screaming out of there and started hyperventilating and my son had to go in and kill it for me. I guess I've had my share of bad spider experiences. Most people who have fears/phobias have had a bad experience or two with the thing they're afraid of. Maury Povich sure has a lot of screamers on his show. It's made me think that some of that stuff is fake or the people are encouraged to 'scream away' as you would have it. Yeah, being scared of a kitten is a bit much to me but who am I to judge... Hey, keep those spiders(real or fake) away from Kath. What goes around comes around. So what are you afraid of ? hugs S.GARY WOOLARD wrote: , Kathy has a "Phobia" about ALL KINDS OF BUGS LIKE YOURSELF. She knows when Reba or myself have our fingers do "walking" on her back that it's us doing that. But she says get "Sammy" or "Sammies" away from my me!!!!!!!!!!!!! Sammy like in Sammy the Spider, Sammy the Crock Roach, Sammy the Worm, etc. Reba had bought an rubber spider toy from a store. I tied it up to an metal handle for a heater vent in the living room. Kathy seen this that day and she FREAKED OUT AND SCREAMED!!!! I know I'am just nasty sometimes. This toy spider went out in the trash. This is just the horse playing around prankster that I've been once in awhile. You know on Maury Provich show they had people who were afraid of bugs like in the real kind, live snakes, a woman was SUCH A DIRER AFRAID OF ALUMINUM FOIL OF ALL THINGS. THE SOUND OF ALUMINUM FOIL BEING CRINKLED UP MADE HER SCREAM AND RUN ALL OVER THIS TV SHOW. They had an hympotist (mispelled?) put these people in a trance and they got over these Phobias. One woman was such a direr afraid of a cat, YES A CAT, in someways all this is funny. But NOT to people of these phobias. Solberg wrote: Oh, Rose! Not dead crickets! ug. What's wrong with watermelon seeds?! I have a phobia about bugs so I cringed when I read that. ooooo hugs S.Rose wrote: Jeanne, I don't know if you've ever listened to Jeff Foxworthy. He says that if you ever think your family is the "worst bunch of goobers" in the world, just go to a state fair, or a stock car race. It's true! I even saw some people sticking dead crickets in their mouths & spitting them for prizes at the Indiana State Fair. Oh, wait a minute, that was my granddaughter & me. Her best distance was 13', mine was only 9'. I was so proud! Ramblin' Rose Moderator Reply-To: Neurosarcoidosis To: Neurosarcoidosis Subject: Re: crazy fansDate: Tue, 23 May 2006 23:54:42 -0700 (PDT) LOL!!! Connie & Matt - It just occured to me that perhaps we are just really "normal" people amidst some real crazy, obnoxious people! LOL!!! Maybe when football season comes around again, we can all share stories and pics of the craziest fans we've seen - wouldn't that be fun!? Matt - I've been praying for you. I haven't emailed you, but you've been on my mind. I hope you're feeling a little better. My Grandfather always said that "Laughter is the best medicine!" Maybe a little crazy football fan contest will be just what the doctor should've ordered for us! Have a happy day! Jeannie Cohen wrote: I grew up in North Carolina between Duke and the Univof N,Carolina and i am sure that Duke fans are themost obnoxious fans in america-MATT--- Connie Griffis wrote:> I know what you all are talking about, but mine is a> college rivalry to beat them all. I was born in> Florida and raised here, but I love Georgia and have> always been a Georgia Bulldog - Univ of GA Fan. I> live amongst the Gators much to my dismay. My> oldest daugher is a die hard gator fan- univ. of fl,> as is her husband. They keep telling me that my 5> yr old granddaughter will be a gator cheerleader and> her 3 yr old brother will be a football player for> the team one day. To this I politely pronounce that> when the Fl-GA game comes up I will wear my GA> colors even if I am cheering for my grandson. My> daughter has told me to make sure I am riding in a> different car from them because I will get us all> killed in the swamp. I mess with her and tell her> I'm not afraid of "lizards". (It's all in fun) But> on the serious side I have never known more serious> or obnoxious fans than Fl Gators. - they take it to> the max. In our town we have someone has a PT> Cruise painted blue> and orange with Fl Gator flags, and there was a> station wagon with all the paint covered in Fl Gator> bumper stickers - go figure.> Always, Connie> > Jeanne Betters wrote:> Wow - talk about a coincidence!!! My> stepbrother relocated from Cape Cod to Punxsutawney> about 3 years ago!! LOL!!! And man, did I notice> their accents! How funny!!! > > Yes, I live in Steelers Country. When the> Patriots played the Steelers in the Superbowl a> couple of years back, my stepbrother and> sister-in-law came down here for the game. There> were three of us "Yankees" in a room full of people> who bleed black-and-gold. When the Patriots won,> everyone in the room was absolutely speechless...> they left as silently as if it was a Maundy Thursday> service! LOL!! My step-brother, his wife and I> just looked at each other, winked and did a hidden> "thumbs up." We were afraid for our lives! LOL!!! > I'm telling you, there is absolutely no fan in the> world like a Steelers fan. I actually started> bleeding black and gold about two years ago. This> year everyone wore black and gold throughout the> entire season. I have like one Steelers shirt that> is waaay too tight, but I wore it out of reverence> for my team. My sister lives in Denver (just> outside), so we had our own little rivalry building> up. Apparently Denver was inundated with> Steelers fans, so she eventually threw in the towel> and rooted for "the right" team. LOL!!> > Sorry to all you Denver fans... It's> indescribable what it's like out here in Steelers> Country. You either join em, or end up as feed at> the hog farm. LOL!> > Thanks for the stroll down memory lane, Debbie! > GO PATS!!!> > Love,> > Jeannie> > > > > > Debbie wrote:> Hi Jeanne,> I used to work with someone who grew up> in the same area in the Willows, isn't that a> coincidence? I haven't heard from him. He actually> lives in Lawrence now right near the Andover line.> My husbands family comes from Puxatwaney (sp?) PA> (Groundhog country) and he is a big Steeler fan . > Believe me , he does not get along with the Patriot> fans around here! > I know what you mean about the "ah's" and the> "r"s because his family used to make fun of me and> my accent but I poked fun at them because they moved> up here with their funny accent from Penn.! It must> have been hard for you to move down there . I feel> for you! LOL > Yes, the Christmas Tree shops are great ,> aren't they? There are several within 15 miles of> me. Don't they have the little birds at Mc's> down there ? lol Hugs, Debbie> > > > Jeanne Betters wrote: > Hi Debbie!> > Our family's home is on a major fault line in> Marblehead, so we actually have always had concern> that they'd be hit by a freak earthquake rather than> flooding... Their home is literally a walk up the> street from the harbor. Our family and friends' in> Salem live in the Willows - literally 4 or 5 houses> from the shore... I'm guessing in both cases, it> might not be good news. I'm just really glad to> hear your safe!> > So, have you been to Christmas Tree Shops, then? > My favorite shopping spot of all time!! > > I have to tell you, too - sitting at a Mc's> during lunchtime in Western PA is nothing like being> in New England. Here they've got these little birds> that are "annoying" when it comes to begging for> fries... If they only could see the swooping fry> attack of a seagull hoarde!!! > > There's just nothing like back home... I tell> everyone that the only reason why I moved here was> because my caveman husband clubbed me on the head,> threw me over his shoulders by the hair and dragged> me kicking and screaming to Steeler Country. The> Neanderthal. I had to learn how to say, "r" instead> of "ah" and everything! They all love the accent,> but by golly they couldn't understand a dang word I> said! LOL!!! And, as you well know, I'm sure, we> talk really fast up north, so that didn't help my> accent very much, either... The first year I lived> here I thought EVERYONE was cross-eyed and clueless!> When I started to get sick with the NS, I had no> idea - I simply thought I was just fitting right in> with the locals!!! LOL!! > > Have a great rest of the weekend - be safe and> keep dry!> > Hugs,> > Jeannie> > Debbie wrote:> Hi Jeannie.> I haven't heard about Salem at all, but I did> hear that Peabody had some very flooding. I live> about 45 mins away from the Salem and Danvers MA> area. We live right over the NH border. I know all> about those Noreasters! lol > > Jeanne Betters wrote: > Hi Debbie!> > We have family who are out of state right now who> live on the North Shore of Boston (Marblehead) and> Salem, MA.... Do you know if they got hit very> badly? I know whenever there's a Noreaster, they> get hit hard and in the winter ice is unbearable at> times. (I grew up in Massachusetts - Boston, Cape> Cod -and in Rhode Island... always love to hear> about "back home.") > > I'll be sure to keep you in my prayers... Say hi> to a seagull for me! > > Jeannie> > Debbie wrote:> Hi all,> Just thought you might like to know. We are in> the smack dab in the middle of the flooding in> southeast NH and northeast of Mass. area where all> the flooding is. THank God, our home is pretty much> okay. We have had water in our basement , but we> have pumping it out . Not like other families> around here where a lot of people are being> evacuated and losing a lot of their homes and> businesses are losing everything. Dams and rivers> are overflowing. I was in the middle of my> therapist's appt. yesterday and the fireman came> through yesterday and they had to evacuate the> building. I felt like saying "Hey wait a minute,> I'm not done yet!" LOL > But anyway , hopefully everything will start to> recede soon. the sun is suppose to come out soon. > It has been raining for about 10 days. Well , I> have gone on long enough. Debbie> > ---------------------------------> Yahoo! Messenger with Voice. Make PC-to-Phone> Calls to the US (and 30+ countries) for 2�/min or> less. > > __________________________________________________> Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted May 25, 2006 Report Share Posted May 25, 2006 LOL!!! How DREADFUL!!! Well, since we're sharing - one of my girlfriends' husband and father-in-law had been doing some basement work while the city work crews were replacing a sewer line behind their home. They live just on the outskirts of a small local city - it's actually a pretty nice area. One night she was wakened by her hubby very gently. He calmly told her to move as slowly and quietly as possible out of the bed and not to scream. Of course, she thought there was a prowler and not being wide awake, she nonchalantly moved off of the bed and over to the door of the bedroom. Much to her horror when she flipped the light on, there was a HUGE sewer rat laying on her husband's pillow fast asleep. Apparently it decided to snuggle up to his hot head in the midst of the winter's chill! OH MY WORD! She and the kids slept at her Mom's house for four nights while her husband held vigil until the rat was caught. Unfortunately, it was a messy death, and they had to replace a brand new mattress set... She and I were just talking about that last night. They have never even had a mouse until then, and, thankfully that's the only rodent encounter they've ever experienced! I don't know how she can sleep there... I'd be a mess! I'm with you - I'd rather have Reese's Pieces than Meeces! LOL! Hugs, Jeannie Solberg wrote: Oh Jeanne, it's Your story also reminds me of a time when I was a teenager and woke up to see a mouse on the pillow next to my hand and I must have startled it cuz it bit me! Jeez! I wonder what all goes on during the night on our own beds?! Spiders and mices(lol) and dust mites??? oh MY! Jeanne, I blame my gray hairs on my husband but in reality 75% of it is probably from suffering from sarc. back to my chocolates and hugs S.Jeanne Betters wrote: OMG!!! MARY!! I wrote about my spider incident before reading yours!!! I'm sorry! If you haven't read it - DON'T!!! LOL! I'm sorry!!! - I actually got my first gray hair from a spider! LOL! Well, it could have been from our foster son, Adam, too... at least, I let him think it was his fault! LOL!! Hugs, Jeannie Solberg wrote: ! I'd have plopped a water balloon (or two)on your head if you had scared me with a fake poor Kath. I think my problems began as a child. We had an outhouse with spiders in it and our basement was so dark, dank and had creepy crawlies. Since I've been sick I'm even more jumpy. I get those creepy bug crawling feelings on my legs but there's almost never anything there. About 10 years ago I was bitten all over my back by a spider during the night and it was so darn painful. I had to use something from Watkins to suck the poison out of my system. Now I keep it on hand all the time. Two years ago there was a big black spider in the shower and i ran screaming out of there and started hyperventilating and my son had to go in and kill it for me. I guess I've had my share of bad spider experiences. Most people who have fears/phobias have had a bad experience or two with the thing they're afraid of. Maury Povich sure has a lot of screamers on his show. It's made me think that some of that stuff is fake or the people are encouraged to 'scream away' as you would have it. Yeah, being scared of a kitten is a bit much to me but who am I to judge... Hey, keep those spiders(real or fake) away from Kath. What goes around comes around. So what are you afraid of ? hugs S.GARY WOOLARD wrote: , Kathy has a "Phobia" about ALL KINDS OF BUGS LIKE YOURSELF. She knows when Reba or myself have our fingers do "walking" on her back that it's us doing that. But she says get "Sammy" or "Sammies" away from my me!!!!!!!!!!!!! Sammy like in Sammy the Spider, Sammy the Crock Roach, Sammy the Worm, etc. Reba had bought an rubber spider toy from a store. I tied it up to an metal handle for a heater vent in the living room. Kathy seen this that day and she FREAKED OUT AND SCREAMED!!!! I know I'am just nasty sometimes. This toy spider went out in the trash. This is just the horse playing around prankster that I've been once in awhile. You know on Maury Provich show they had people who were afraid of bugs like in the real kind, live snakes, a woman was SUCH A DIRER AFRAID OF ALUMINUM FOIL OF ALL THINGS. THE SOUND OF ALUMINUM FOIL BEING CRINKLED UP MADE HER SCREAM AND RUN ALL OVER THIS TV SHOW. They had an hympotist (mispelled?) put these people in a trance and they got over these Phobias. One woman was such a direr afraid of a cat, YES A CAT, in someways all this is funny. But NOT to people of these phobias. Solberg wrote: Oh, Rose! Not dead crickets! ug. What's wrong with watermelon seeds?! I have a phobia about bugs so I cringed when I read that. ooooo hugs S.Rose wrote: Jeanne, I don't know if you've ever listened to Jeff Foxworthy. He says that if you ever think your family is the "worst bunch of goobers" in the world, just go to a state fair, or a stock car race. It's true! I even saw some people sticking dead crickets in their mouths & spitting them for prizes at the Indiana State Fair. Oh, wait a minute, that was my granddaughter & me. Her best distance was 13', mine was only 9'. I was so proud! Ramblin' Rose Moderator Reply-To: Neurosarcoidosis To: Neurosarcoidosis Subject: Re: crazy fansDate: Tue, 23 May 2006 23:54:42 -0700 (PDT) LOL!!! Connie & Matt - It just occured to me that perhaps we are just really "normal" people amidst some real crazy, obnoxious people! LOL!!! Maybe when football season comes around again, we can all share stories and pics of the craziest fans we've seen - wouldn't that be fun!? Matt - I've been praying for you. I haven't emailed you, but you've been on my mind. I hope you're feeling a little better. My Grandfather always said that "Laughter is the best medicine!" Maybe a little crazy football fan contest will be just what the doctor should've ordered for us! Have a happy day! Jeannie Cohen wrote: I grew up in North Carolina between Duke and the Univof N,Carolina and i am sure that Duke fans are themost obnoxious fans in america-MATT--- Connie Griffis wrote:> I know what you all are talking about, but mine is a> college rivalry to beat them all. I was born in> Florida and raised here, but I love Georgia and have> always been a Georgia Bulldog - Univ of GA Fan. I> live amongst the Gators much to my dismay. My> oldest daugher is a die hard gator fan- univ. of fl,> as is her husband. They keep telling me that my 5> yr old granddaughter will be a gator cheerleader and> her 3 yr old brother will be a football player for> the team one day. To this I politely pronounce that> when the Fl-GA game comes up I will wear my GA> colors even if I am cheering for my grandson. My> daughter has told me to make sure I am riding in a> different car from them because I will get us all> killed in the swamp. I mess with her and tell her> I'm not afraid of "lizards". (It's all in fun) But> on the serious side I have never known more serious> or obnoxious fans than Fl Gators. - they take it to> the max. In our town we have someone has a PT> Cruise painted blue> and orange with Fl Gator flags, and there was a> station wagon with all the paint covered in Fl Gator> bumper stickers - go figure.> Always, Connie> > Jeanne Betters wrote:> Wow - talk about a coincidence!!! My> stepbrother relocated from Cape Cod to Punxsutawney> about 3 years ago!! LOL!!! And man, did I notice> their accents! How funny!!! > > Yes, I live in Steelers Country. When the> Patriots played the Steelers in the Superbowl a> couple of years back, my stepbrother and> sister-in-law came down here for the game. There> were three of us "Yankees" in a room full of people> who bleed black-and-gold. When the Patriots won,> everyone in the room was absolutely speechless...> they left as silently as if it was a Maundy Thursday> service! LOL!! My step-brother, his wife and I> just looked at each other, winked and did a hidden> "thumbs up." We were afraid for our lives! LOL!!! > I'm telling you, there is absolutely no fan in the> world like a Steelers fan. I actually started> bleeding black and gold about two years ago. This> year everyone wore black and gold throughout the> entire season. I have like one Steelers shirt that> is waaay too tight, but I wore it out of reverence> for my team. My sister lives in Denver (just> outside), so we had our own little rivalry building> up. Apparently Denver was inundated with> Steelers fans, so she eventually threw in the towel> and rooted for "the right" team. LOL!!> > Sorry to all you Denver fans... It's> indescribable what it's like out here in Steelers> Country. You either join em, or end up as feed at> the hog farm. LOL!> > Thanks for the stroll down memory lane, Debbie! > GO PATS!!!> > Love,> > Jeannie> > > > > > Debbie wrote:> Hi Jeanne,> I used to work with someone who grew up> in the same area in the Willows, isn't that a> coincidence? I haven't heard from him. He actually> lives in Lawrence now right near the Andover line.> My husbands family comes from Puxatwaney (sp?) PA> (Groundhog country) and he is a big Steeler fan . > Believe me , he does not get along with the Patriot> fans around here! > I know what you mean about the "ah's" and the> "r"s because his family used to make fun of me and> my accent but I poked fun at them because they moved> up here with their funny accent from Penn.! It must> have been hard for you to move down there . I feel> for you! LOL > Yes, the Christmas Tree shops are great ,> aren't they? There are several within 15 miles of> me. Don't they have the little birds at Mc's> down there ? lol Hugs, Debbie> > > > Jeanne Betters wrote: > Hi Debbie!> > Our family's home is on a major fault line in> Marblehead, so we actually have always had concern> that they'd be hit by a freak earthquake rather than> flooding... Their home is literally a walk up the> street from the harbor. Our family and friends' in> Salem live in the Willows - literally 4 or 5 houses> from the shore... I'm guessing in both cases, it> might not be good news. I'm just really glad to> hear your safe!> > So, have you been to Christmas Tree Shops, then? > My favorite shopping spot of all time!! > > I have to tell you, too - sitting at a Mc's> during lunchtime in Western PA is nothing like being> in New England. Here they've got these little birds> that are "annoying" when it comes to begging for> fries... If they only could see the swooping fry> attack of a seagull hoarde!!! > > There's just nothing like back home... I tell> everyone that the only reason why I moved here was> because my caveman husband clubbed me on the head,> threw me over his shoulders by the hair and dragged> me kicking and screaming to Steeler Country. The> Neanderthal. I had to learn how to say, "r" instead> of "ah" and everything! They all love the accent,> but by golly they couldn't understand a dang word I> said! LOL!!! And, as you well know, I'm sure, we> talk really fast up north, so that didn't help my> accent very much, either... The first year I lived> here I thought EVERYONE was cross-eyed and clueless!> When I started to get sick with the NS, I had no> idea - I simply thought I was just fitting right in> with the locals!!! LOL!! > > Have a great rest of the weekend - be safe and> keep dry!> > Hugs,> > Jeannie> > Debbie wrote:> Hi Jeannie.> I haven't heard about Salem at all, but I did> hear that Peabody had some very flooding. I live> about 45 mins away from the Salem and Danvers MA> area. We live right over the NH border. I know all> about those Noreasters! lol > > Jeanne Betters wrote: > Hi Debbie!> > We have family who are out of state right now who> live on the North Shore of Boston (Marblehead) and> Salem, MA.... Do you know if they got hit very> badly? I know whenever there's a Noreaster, they> get hit hard and in the winter ice is unbearable at> times. (I grew up in Massachusetts - Boston, Cape> Cod -and in Rhode Island... always love to hear> about "back home.") > > I'll be sure to keep you in my prayers... Say hi> to a seagull for me! > > Jeannie> > Debbie wrote:> Hi all,> Just thought you might like to know. We are in> the smack dab in the middle of the flooding in> southeast NH and northeast of Mass. area where all> the flooding is. THank God, our home is pretty much> okay. We have had water in our basement , but we> have pumping it out . Not like other families> around here where a lot of people are being> evacuated and losing a lot of their homes and> businesses are losing everything. Dams and rivers> are overflowing. I was in the middle of my> therapist's appt. yesterday and the fireman came> through yesterday and they had to evacuate the> building. I felt like saying "Hey wait a minute,> I'm not done yet!" LOL > But anyway , hopefully everything will start to> recede soon. the sun is suppose to come out soon. > It has been raining for about 10 days. Well , I> have gone on long enough. Debbie> > ---------------------------------> Yahoo! Messenger with Voice. Make PC-to-Phone> Calls to the US (and 30+ countries) for 2�/min or> less. > > __________________________________________________> Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted May 25, 2006 Report Share Posted May 25, 2006 LOL!!! How DREADFUL!!! Well, since we're sharing - one of my girlfriends' husband and father-in-law had been doing some basement work while the city work crews were replacing a sewer line behind their home. They live just on the outskirts of a small local city - it's actually a pretty nice area. One night she was wakened by her hubby very gently. He calmly told her to move as slowly and quietly as possible out of the bed and not to scream. Of course, she thought there was a prowler and not being wide awake, she nonchalantly moved off of the bed and over to the door of the bedroom. Much to her horror when she flipped the light on, there was a HUGE sewer rat laying on her husband's pillow fast asleep. Apparently it decided to snuggle up to his hot head in the midst of the winter's chill! OH MY WORD! She and the kids slept at her Mom's house for four nights while her husband held vigil until the rat was caught. Unfortunately, it was a messy death, and they had to replace a brand new mattress set... She and I were just talking about that last night. They have never even had a mouse until then, and, thankfully that's the only rodent encounter they've ever experienced! I don't know how she can sleep there... I'd be a mess! I'm with you - I'd rather have Reese's Pieces than Meeces! LOL! Hugs, Jeannie Solberg wrote: Oh Jeanne, it's Your story also reminds me of a time when I was a teenager and woke up to see a mouse on the pillow next to my hand and I must have startled it cuz it bit me! Jeez! I wonder what all goes on during the night on our own beds?! Spiders and mices(lol) and dust mites??? oh MY! Jeanne, I blame my gray hairs on my husband but in reality 75% of it is probably from suffering from sarc. back to my chocolates and hugs S.Jeanne Betters wrote: OMG!!! MARY!! I wrote about my spider incident before reading yours!!! I'm sorry! If you haven't read it - DON'T!!! LOL! I'm sorry!!! - I actually got my first gray hair from a spider! LOL! Well, it could have been from our foster son, Adam, too... at least, I let him think it was his fault! LOL!! Hugs, Jeannie Solberg wrote: ! I'd have plopped a water balloon (or two)on your head if you had scared me with a fake poor Kath. I think my problems began as a child. We had an outhouse with spiders in it and our basement was so dark, dank and had creepy crawlies. Since I've been sick I'm even more jumpy. I get those creepy bug crawling feelings on my legs but there's almost never anything there. About 10 years ago I was bitten all over my back by a spider during the night and it was so darn painful. I had to use something from Watkins to suck the poison out of my system. Now I keep it on hand all the time. Two years ago there was a big black spider in the shower and i ran screaming out of there and started hyperventilating and my son had to go in and kill it for me. I guess I've had my share of bad spider experiences. Most people who have fears/phobias have had a bad experience or two with the thing they're afraid of. Maury Povich sure has a lot of screamers on his show. It's made me think that some of that stuff is fake or the people are encouraged to 'scream away' as you would have it. Yeah, being scared of a kitten is a bit much to me but who am I to judge... Hey, keep those spiders(real or fake) away from Kath. What goes around comes around. So what are you afraid of ? hugs S.GARY WOOLARD wrote: , Kathy has a "Phobia" about ALL KINDS OF BUGS LIKE YOURSELF. She knows when Reba or myself have our fingers do "walking" on her back that it's us doing that. But she says get "Sammy" or "Sammies" away from my me!!!!!!!!!!!!! Sammy like in Sammy the Spider, Sammy the Crock Roach, Sammy the Worm, etc. Reba had bought an rubber spider toy from a store. I tied it up to an metal handle for a heater vent in the living room. Kathy seen this that day and she FREAKED OUT AND SCREAMED!!!! I know I'am just nasty sometimes. This toy spider went out in the trash. This is just the horse playing around prankster that I've been once in awhile. You know on Maury Provich show they had people who were afraid of bugs like in the real kind, live snakes, a woman was SUCH A DIRER AFRAID OF ALUMINUM FOIL OF ALL THINGS. THE SOUND OF ALUMINUM FOIL BEING CRINKLED UP MADE HER SCREAM AND RUN ALL OVER THIS TV SHOW. They had an hympotist (mispelled?) put these people in a trance and they got over these Phobias. One woman was such a direr afraid of a cat, YES A CAT, in someways all this is funny. But NOT to people of these phobias. Solberg wrote: Oh, Rose! Not dead crickets! ug. What's wrong with watermelon seeds?! I have a phobia about bugs so I cringed when I read that. ooooo hugs S.Rose wrote: Jeanne, I don't know if you've ever listened to Jeff Foxworthy. He says that if you ever think your family is the "worst bunch of goobers" in the world, just go to a state fair, or a stock car race. It's true! I even saw some people sticking dead crickets in their mouths & spitting them for prizes at the Indiana State Fair. Oh, wait a minute, that was my granddaughter & me. Her best distance was 13', mine was only 9'. I was so proud! Ramblin' Rose Moderator Reply-To: Neurosarcoidosis To: Neurosarcoidosis Subject: Re: crazy fansDate: Tue, 23 May 2006 23:54:42 -0700 (PDT) LOL!!! Connie & Matt - It just occured to me that perhaps we are just really "normal" people amidst some real crazy, obnoxious people! LOL!!! Maybe when football season comes around again, we can all share stories and pics of the craziest fans we've seen - wouldn't that be fun!? Matt - I've been praying for you. I haven't emailed you, but you've been on my mind. I hope you're feeling a little better. My Grandfather always said that "Laughter is the best medicine!" Maybe a little crazy football fan contest will be just what the doctor should've ordered for us! Have a happy day! Jeannie Cohen wrote: I grew up in North Carolina between Duke and the Univof N,Carolina and i am sure that Duke fans are themost obnoxious fans in america-MATT--- Connie Griffis wrote:> I know what you all are talking about, but mine is a> college rivalry to beat them all. I was born in> Florida and raised here, but I love Georgia and have> always been a Georgia Bulldog - Univ of GA Fan. I> live amongst the Gators much to my dismay. My> oldest daugher is a die hard gator fan- univ. of fl,> as is her husband. They keep telling me that my 5> yr old granddaughter will be a gator cheerleader and> her 3 yr old brother will be a football player for> the team one day. To this I politely pronounce that> when the Fl-GA game comes up I will wear my GA> colors even if I am cheering for my grandson. My> daughter has told me to make sure I am riding in a> different car from them because I will get us all> killed in the swamp. I mess with her and tell her> I'm not afraid of "lizards". (It's all in fun) But> on the serious side I have never known more serious> or obnoxious fans than Fl Gators. - they take it to> the max. In our town we have someone has a PT> Cruise painted blue> and orange with Fl Gator flags, and there was a> station wagon with all the paint covered in Fl Gator> bumper stickers - go figure.> Always, Connie> > Jeanne Betters wrote:> Wow - talk about a coincidence!!! My> stepbrother relocated from Cape Cod to Punxsutawney> about 3 years ago!! LOL!!! And man, did I notice> their accents! How funny!!! > > Yes, I live in Steelers Country. When the> Patriots played the Steelers in the Superbowl a> couple of years back, my stepbrother and> sister-in-law came down here for the game. There> were three of us "Yankees" in a room full of people> who bleed black-and-gold. When the Patriots won,> everyone in the room was absolutely speechless...> they left as silently as if it was a Maundy Thursday> service! LOL!! My step-brother, his wife and I> just looked at each other, winked and did a hidden> "thumbs up." We were afraid for our lives! LOL!!! > I'm telling you, there is absolutely no fan in the> world like a Steelers fan. I actually started> bleeding black and gold about two years ago. This> year everyone wore black and gold throughout the> entire season. I have like one Steelers shirt that> is waaay too tight, but I wore it out of reverence> for my team. My sister lives in Denver (just> outside), so we had our own little rivalry building> up. Apparently Denver was inundated with> Steelers fans, so she eventually threw in the towel> and rooted for "the right" team. LOL!!> > Sorry to all you Denver fans... It's> indescribable what it's like out here in Steelers> Country. You either join em, or end up as feed at> the hog farm. LOL!> > Thanks for the stroll down memory lane, Debbie! > GO PATS!!!> > Love,> > Jeannie> > > > > > Debbie wrote:> Hi Jeanne,> I used to work with someone who grew up> in the same area in the Willows, isn't that a> coincidence? I haven't heard from him. He actually> lives in Lawrence now right near the Andover line.> My husbands family comes from Puxatwaney (sp?) PA> (Groundhog country) and he is a big Steeler fan . > Believe me , he does not get along with the Patriot> fans around here! > I know what you mean about the "ah's" and the> "r"s because his family used to make fun of me and> my accent but I poked fun at them because they moved> up here with their funny accent from Penn.! It must> have been hard for you to move down there . I feel> for you! LOL > Yes, the Christmas Tree shops are great ,> aren't they? There are several within 15 miles of> me. Don't they have the little birds at Mc's> down there ? lol Hugs, Debbie> > > > Jeanne Betters wrote: > Hi Debbie!> > Our family's home is on a major fault line in> Marblehead, so we actually have always had concern> that they'd be hit by a freak earthquake rather than> flooding... Their home is literally a walk up the> street from the harbor. Our family and friends' in> Salem live in the Willows - literally 4 or 5 houses> from the shore... I'm guessing in both cases, it> might not be good news. I'm just really glad to> hear your safe!> > So, have you been to Christmas Tree Shops, then? > My favorite shopping spot of all time!! > > I have to tell you, too - sitting at a Mc's> during lunchtime in Western PA is nothing like being> in New England. Here they've got these little birds> that are "annoying" when it comes to begging for> fries... If they only could see the swooping fry> attack of a seagull hoarde!!! > > There's just nothing like back home... I tell> everyone that the only reason why I moved here was> because my caveman husband clubbed me on the head,> threw me over his shoulders by the hair and dragged> me kicking and screaming to Steeler Country. The> Neanderthal. I had to learn how to say, "r" instead> of "ah" and everything! They all love the accent,> but by golly they couldn't understand a dang word I> said! LOL!!! And, as you well know, I'm sure, we> talk really fast up north, so that didn't help my> accent very much, either... The first year I lived> here I thought EVERYONE was cross-eyed and clueless!> When I started to get sick with the NS, I had no> idea - I simply thought I was just fitting right in> with the locals!!! LOL!! > > Have a great rest of the weekend - be safe and> keep dry!> > Hugs,> > Jeannie> > Debbie wrote:> Hi Jeannie.> I haven't heard about Salem at all, but I did> hear that Peabody had some very flooding. I live> about 45 mins away from the Salem and Danvers MA> area. We live right over the NH border. I know all> about those Noreasters! lol > > Jeanne Betters wrote: > Hi Debbie!> > We have family who are out of state right now who> live on the North Shore of Boston (Marblehead) and> Salem, MA.... Do you know if they got hit very> badly? I know whenever there's a Noreaster, they> get hit hard and in the winter ice is unbearable at> times. (I grew up in Massachusetts - Boston, Cape> Cod -and in Rhode Island... always love to hear> about "back home.") > > I'll be sure to keep you in my prayers... Say hi> to a seagull for me! > > Jeannie> > Debbie wrote:> Hi all,> Just thought you might like to know. We are in> the smack dab in the middle of the flooding in> southeast NH and northeast of Mass. area where all> the flooding is. THank God, our home is pretty much> okay. We have had water in our basement , but we> have pumping it out . Not like other families> around here where a lot of people are being> evacuated and losing a lot of their homes and> businesses are losing everything. Dams and rivers> are overflowing. I was in the middle of my> therapist's appt. yesterday and the fireman came> through yesterday and they had to evacuate the> building. I felt like saying "Hey wait a minute,> I'm not done yet!" LOL > But anyway , hopefully everything will start to> recede soon. the sun is suppose to come out soon. > It has been raining for about 10 days. Well , I> have gone on long enough. Debbie> > ---------------------------------> Yahoo! Messenger with Voice. Make PC-to-Phone> Calls to the US (and 30+ countries) for 2�/min or> less. > > __________________________________________________> Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted May 25, 2006 Report Share Posted May 25, 2006 LOL!!! How DREADFUL!!! Well, since we're sharing - one of my girlfriends' husband and father-in-law had been doing some basement work while the city work crews were replacing a sewer line behind their home. They live just on the outskirts of a small local city - it's actually a pretty nice area. One night she was wakened by her hubby very gently. He calmly told her to move as slowly and quietly as possible out of the bed and not to scream. Of course, she thought there was a prowler and not being wide awake, she nonchalantly moved off of the bed and over to the door of the bedroom. Much to her horror when she flipped the light on, there was a HUGE sewer rat laying on her husband's pillow fast asleep. Apparently it decided to snuggle up to his hot head in the midst of the winter's chill! OH MY WORD! She and the kids slept at her Mom's house for four nights while her husband held vigil until the rat was caught. Unfortunately, it was a messy death, and they had to replace a brand new mattress set... She and I were just talking about that last night. They have never even had a mouse until then, and, thankfully that's the only rodent encounter they've ever experienced! I don't know how she can sleep there... I'd be a mess! I'm with you - I'd rather have Reese's Pieces than Meeces! LOL! Hugs, Jeannie Solberg wrote: Oh Jeanne, it's Your story also reminds me of a time when I was a teenager and woke up to see a mouse on the pillow next to my hand and I must have startled it cuz it bit me! Jeez! I wonder what all goes on during the night on our own beds?! Spiders and mices(lol) and dust mites??? oh MY! Jeanne, I blame my gray hairs on my husband but in reality 75% of it is probably from suffering from sarc. back to my chocolates and hugs S.Jeanne Betters wrote: OMG!!! MARY!! I wrote about my spider incident before reading yours!!! I'm sorry! If you haven't read it - DON'T!!! LOL! I'm sorry!!! - I actually got my first gray hair from a spider! LOL! Well, it could have been from our foster son, Adam, too... at least, I let him think it was his fault! LOL!! Hugs, Jeannie Solberg wrote: ! I'd have plopped a water balloon (or two)on your head if you had scared me with a fake poor Kath. I think my problems began as a child. We had an outhouse with spiders in it and our basement was so dark, dank and had creepy crawlies. Since I've been sick I'm even more jumpy. I get those creepy bug crawling feelings on my legs but there's almost never anything there. About 10 years ago I was bitten all over my back by a spider during the night and it was so darn painful. I had to use something from Watkins to suck the poison out of my system. Now I keep it on hand all the time. Two years ago there was a big black spider in the shower and i ran screaming out of there and started hyperventilating and my son had to go in and kill it for me. I guess I've had my share of bad spider experiences. Most people who have fears/phobias have had a bad experience or two with the thing they're afraid of. Maury Povich sure has a lot of screamers on his show. It's made me think that some of that stuff is fake or the people are encouraged to 'scream away' as you would have it. Yeah, being scared of a kitten is a bit much to me but who am I to judge... Hey, keep those spiders(real or fake) away from Kath. What goes around comes around. So what are you afraid of ? hugs S.GARY WOOLARD wrote: , Kathy has a "Phobia" about ALL KINDS OF BUGS LIKE YOURSELF. She knows when Reba or myself have our fingers do "walking" on her back that it's us doing that. But she says get "Sammy" or "Sammies" away from my me!!!!!!!!!!!!! Sammy like in Sammy the Spider, Sammy the Crock Roach, Sammy the Worm, etc. Reba had bought an rubber spider toy from a store. I tied it up to an metal handle for a heater vent in the living room. Kathy seen this that day and she FREAKED OUT AND SCREAMED!!!! I know I'am just nasty sometimes. This toy spider went out in the trash. This is just the horse playing around prankster that I've been once in awhile. You know on Maury Provich show they had people who were afraid of bugs like in the real kind, live snakes, a woman was SUCH A DIRER AFRAID OF ALUMINUM FOIL OF ALL THINGS. THE SOUND OF ALUMINUM FOIL BEING CRINKLED UP MADE HER SCREAM AND RUN ALL OVER THIS TV SHOW. They had an hympotist (mispelled?) put these people in a trance and they got over these Phobias. One woman was such a direr afraid of a cat, YES A CAT, in someways all this is funny. But NOT to people of these phobias. Solberg wrote: Oh, Rose! Not dead crickets! ug. What's wrong with watermelon seeds?! I have a phobia about bugs so I cringed when I read that. ooooo hugs S.Rose wrote: Jeanne, I don't know if you've ever listened to Jeff Foxworthy. He says that if you ever think your family is the "worst bunch of goobers" in the world, just go to a state fair, or a stock car race. It's true! I even saw some people sticking dead crickets in their mouths & spitting them for prizes at the Indiana State Fair. Oh, wait a minute, that was my granddaughter & me. Her best distance was 13', mine was only 9'. I was so proud! Ramblin' Rose Moderator Reply-To: Neurosarcoidosis To: Neurosarcoidosis Subject: Re: crazy fansDate: Tue, 23 May 2006 23:54:42 -0700 (PDT) LOL!!! Connie & Matt - It just occured to me that perhaps we are just really "normal" people amidst some real crazy, obnoxious people! LOL!!! Maybe when football season comes around again, we can all share stories and pics of the craziest fans we've seen - wouldn't that be fun!? Matt - I've been praying for you. I haven't emailed you, but you've been on my mind. I hope you're feeling a little better. My Grandfather always said that "Laughter is the best medicine!" Maybe a little crazy football fan contest will be just what the doctor should've ordered for us! Have a happy day! Jeannie Cohen wrote: I grew up in North Carolina between Duke and the Univof N,Carolina and i am sure that Duke fans are themost obnoxious fans in america-MATT--- Connie Griffis wrote:> I know what you all are talking about, but mine is a> college rivalry to beat them all. I was born in> Florida and raised here, but I love Georgia and have> always been a Georgia Bulldog - Univ of GA Fan. I> live amongst the Gators much to my dismay. My> oldest daugher is a die hard gator fan- univ. of fl,> as is her husband. They keep telling me that my 5> yr old granddaughter will be a gator cheerleader and> her 3 yr old brother will be a football player for> the team one day. To this I politely pronounce that> when the Fl-GA game comes up I will wear my GA> colors even if I am cheering for my grandson. My> daughter has told me to make sure I am riding in a> different car from them because I will get us all> killed in the swamp. I mess with her and tell her> I'm not afraid of "lizards". (It's all in fun) But> on the serious side I have never known more serious> or obnoxious fans than Fl Gators. - they take it to> the max. In our town we have someone has a PT> Cruise painted blue> and orange with Fl Gator flags, and there was a> station wagon with all the paint covered in Fl Gator> bumper stickers - go figure.> Always, Connie> > Jeanne Betters wrote:> Wow - talk about a coincidence!!! My> stepbrother relocated from Cape Cod to Punxsutawney> about 3 years ago!! LOL!!! And man, did I notice> their accents! How funny!!! > > Yes, I live in Steelers Country. When the> Patriots played the Steelers in the Superbowl a> couple of years back, my stepbrother and> sister-in-law came down here for the game. There> were three of us "Yankees" in a room full of people> who bleed black-and-gold. When the Patriots won,> everyone in the room was absolutely speechless...> they left as silently as if it was a Maundy Thursday> service! LOL!! My step-brother, his wife and I> just looked at each other, winked and did a hidden> "thumbs up." We were afraid for our lives! LOL!!! > I'm telling you, there is absolutely no fan in the> world like a Steelers fan. I actually started> bleeding black and gold about two years ago. This> year everyone wore black and gold throughout the> entire season. I have like one Steelers shirt that> is waaay too tight, but I wore it out of reverence> for my team. My sister lives in Denver (just> outside), so we had our own little rivalry building> up. Apparently Denver was inundated with> Steelers fans, so she eventually threw in the towel> and rooted for "the right" team. LOL!!> > Sorry to all you Denver fans... It's> indescribable what it's like out here in Steelers> Country. You either join em, or end up as feed at> the hog farm. LOL!> > Thanks for the stroll down memory lane, Debbie! > GO PATS!!!> > Love,> > Jeannie> > > > > > Debbie wrote:> Hi Jeanne,> I used to work with someone who grew up> in the same area in the Willows, isn't that a> coincidence? I haven't heard from him. He actually> lives in Lawrence now right near the Andover line.> My husbands family comes from Puxatwaney (sp?) PA> (Groundhog country) and he is a big Steeler fan . > Believe me , he does not get along with the Patriot> fans around here! > I know what you mean about the "ah's" and the> "r"s because his family used to make fun of me and> my accent but I poked fun at them because they moved> up here with their funny accent from Penn.! It must> have been hard for you to move down there . I feel> for you! LOL > Yes, the Christmas Tree shops are great ,> aren't they? There are several within 15 miles of> me. Don't they have the little birds at Mc's> down there ? lol Hugs, Debbie> > > > Jeanne Betters wrote: > Hi Debbie!> > Our family's home is on a major fault line in> Marblehead, so we actually have always had concern> that they'd be hit by a freak earthquake rather than> flooding... Their home is literally a walk up the> street from the harbor. Our family and friends' in> Salem live in the Willows - literally 4 or 5 houses> from the shore... I'm guessing in both cases, it> might not be good news. I'm just really glad to> hear your safe!> > So, have you been to Christmas Tree Shops, then? > My favorite shopping spot of all time!! > > I have to tell you, too - sitting at a Mc's> during lunchtime in Western PA is nothing like being> in New England. Here they've got these little birds> that are "annoying" when it comes to begging for> fries... If they only could see the swooping fry> attack of a seagull hoarde!!! > > There's just nothing like back home... I tell> everyone that the only reason why I moved here was> because my caveman husband clubbed me on the head,> threw me over his shoulders by the hair and dragged> me kicking and screaming to Steeler Country. The> Neanderthal. I had to learn how to say, "r" instead> of "ah" and everything! They all love the accent,> but by golly they couldn't understand a dang word I> said! LOL!!! And, as you well know, I'm sure, we> talk really fast up north, so that didn't help my> accent very much, either... The first year I lived> here I thought EVERYONE was cross-eyed and clueless!> When I started to get sick with the NS, I had no> idea - I simply thought I was just fitting right in> with the locals!!! LOL!! > > Have a great rest of the weekend - be safe and> keep dry!> > Hugs,> > Jeannie> > Debbie wrote:> Hi Jeannie.> I haven't heard about Salem at all, but I did> hear that Peabody had some very flooding. I live> about 45 mins away from the Salem and Danvers MA> area. We live right over the NH border. I know all> about those Noreasters! lol > > Jeanne Betters wrote: > Hi Debbie!> > We have family who are out of state right now who> live on the North Shore of Boston (Marblehead) and> Salem, MA.... Do you know if they got hit very> badly? I know whenever there's a Noreaster, they> get hit hard and in the winter ice is unbearable at> times. (I grew up in Massachusetts - Boston, Cape> Cod -and in Rhode Island... always love to hear> about "back home.") > > I'll be sure to keep you in my prayers... Say hi> to a seagull for me! > > Jeannie> > Debbie wrote:> Hi all,> Just thought you might like to know. We are in> the smack dab in the middle of the flooding in> southeast NH and northeast of Mass. area where all> the flooding is. THank God, our home is pretty much> okay. We have had water in our basement , but we> have pumping it out . Not like other families> around here where a lot of people are being> evacuated and losing a lot of their homes and> businesses are losing everything. Dams and rivers> are overflowing. I was in the middle of my> therapist's appt. yesterday and the fireman came> through yesterday and they had to evacuate the> building. I felt like saying "Hey wait a minute,> I'm not done yet!" LOL > But anyway , hopefully everything will start to> recede soon. the sun is suppose to come out soon. > It has been raining for about 10 days. Well , I> have gone on long enough. Debbie> > ---------------------------------> Yahoo! Messenger with Voice. Make PC-to-Phone> Calls to the US (and 30+ countries) for 2�/min or> less. > > __________________________________________________> Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted May 25, 2006 Report Share Posted May 25, 2006 that is so creepy MATT --- Jeanne Betters gabbysauntienini@...> wrote: > LOL!!! How DREADFUL!!! > > Well, since we're sharing - one of my girlfriends' > husband and father-in-law had been doing some > basement work while the city work crews were > replacing a sewer line behind their home. They live > just on the outskirts of a small local city - it's > actually a pretty nice area. One night she was > wakened by her hubby very gently. He calmly told > her to move as slowly and quietly as possible out of > the bed and not to scream. Of course, she thought > there was a prowler and not being wide awake, she > nonchalantly moved off of the bed and over to the > door of the bedroom. Much to her horror when she > flipped the light on, there was a HUGE sewer rat > laying on her husband's pillow fast asleep. > Apparently it decided to snuggle up to his hot head > in the midst of the winter's chill! OH MY WORD! > She and the kids slept at her Mom's house for four > nights while her husband held vigil until the rat > was caught. Unfortunately, it was a messy death, > and they had to replace a brand new > mattress set... She and I were just talking about > that last night. They have never even had a mouse > until then, and, thankfully that's the only rodent > encounter they've ever experienced! I don't know > how she can sleep there... I'd be a mess! > > I'm with you - I'd rather have Reese's Pieces than > Meeces! LOL! > > Hugs, > > Jeannie > > Solberg mary_s777@...> wrote: > Oh Jeanne, it's Your story also > reminds me of a time when I was a teenager and woke > up to see a mouse on the pillow next to my hand and > I must have startled it cuz it bit me! Jeez! I > wonder what all goes on during the night on our own > beds?! Spiders and mices(lol) and dust mites??? oh > MY! Jeanne, I blame my gray hairs on my husband > but in reality 75% of it is probably from suffering > from sarc. back to my chocolates and > hugs S. > > Jeanne Betters gabbysauntienini@...> wrote: > OMG!!! MARY!! I wrote about my spider incident > before reading yours!!! I'm sorry! If you haven't > read it - DON'T!!! LOL! I'm sorry!!! > > - I actually got my first gray hair from a > spider! LOL! Well, it could have been from our > foster son, Adam, too... at least, I let him think > it was his fault! LOL!! > > Hugs, > > Jeannie > > > > Solberg mary_s777@...> wrote: > ! I'd have plopped a water balloon (or > two)on your head if you had scared me with a fake > poor Kath. I think my problems > began as a child. We had an outhouse with spiders > in it and our basement was so dark, dank and had > creepy crawlies. Since I've been sick I'm even more > jumpy. I get those creepy bug crawling feelings on > my legs but there's almost never anything there. > About 10 years ago I was bitten all over my back by > a spider during the night and it was so darn > painful. I had to use something from Watkins to > suck the poison out of my system. Now I keep it on > hand all the time. Two years ago there was a big > black spider in the shower and i ran screaming out > of there and started hyperventilating and my son had > to go in and kill it for me. I guess I've had my > share of bad spider experiences. Most people who > have fears/phobias have had a bad experience or two > with the thing they're afraid of. Maury Povich sure > has a lot of screamers on > his show. It's made me think that some of that > stuff is fake or the people are encouraged to > 'scream away' as you would have it. Yeah, being > scared of a kitten is a bit much to me but who am I > to judge... Hey, keep those spiders(real or fake) > away from Kath. What goes around comes around. So > what are you afraid of ? hugs S. > > GARY WOOLARD garyjwoolard@...> wrote: > , > > Kathy has a " Phobia " about ALL KINDS OF BUGS LIKE > YOURSELF. She knows when Reba or myself have our > fingers do " walking " on her back that it's us doing > that. But she says get " Sammy " or " Sammies " away > from my me!!!!!!!!!!!!! Sammy like in Sammy the > Spider, Sammy the Crock Roach, Sammy the Worm, etc. > Reba had bought an rubber spider toy from a store. I > tied it up to an metal handle for a heater vent in > the living room. Kathy seen this that day and she > FREAKED OUT AND SCREAMED!!!! I know I'am just nasty > sometimes. This toy spider went out in the trash. > This is just the horse playing around prankster > that I've been once in awhile. You know on Maury > Provich show they had people who were afraid of bugs > like in the real kind, live snakes, a woman was SUCH > A DIRER AFRAID OF ALUMINUM FOIL OF ALL THINGS. THE > SOUND OF ALUMINUM FOIL BEING CRINKLED UP MADE HER > SCREAM AND RUN ALL OVER THIS TV SHOW. They had an > hympotist (mispelled?) put these people in a trance > and they got over > these Phobias. One woman was such a direr afraid of > a cat, YES A CAT, in someways all this is funny. But > NOT to people of these phobias. > > > > Solberg mary_s777@...> wrote: > Oh, Rose! Not dead crickets! ug. What's > wrong with watermelon seeds?! I have a > phobia about bugs so I cringed when I read that. > ooooo hugs S. > > Rose mamadogrose@...> wrote: > Jeanne, I don't know if you've ever listened to Jeff > Foxworthy. He says that if you ever think your > family is the " worst bunch of goobers " in the world, > just go to a state fair, or a stock car race. It's > true! I even saw some people sticking dead crickets > in their mouths & spitting them for prizes at the > Indiana State Fair. Oh, wait a minute, that was my > granddaughter & me. Her best distance was > 13', mine was only 9'. I was so proud! > > Ramblin' Rose > Moderator > > > --------------------------------- > > Reply-To: Neurosarcoidosis > To: Neurosarcoidosis > Subject: Re: crazy fans > Date: Tue, 23 May 2006 23:54:42 -0700 (PDT) > > LOL!!! Connie & Matt - It just occured to me that > perhaps we are just really " normal " people amidst > some real crazy, obnoxious people! LOL!!! Maybe > when football season comes around again, we can all > share stories and pics of the craziest fans we've > seen - wouldn't that be fun!? > > Matt - I've been praying for you. I haven't > emailed you, but you've been on my mind. I hope > you're feeling a little better. My Grandfather > always said that " Laughter is the best medicine! " > Maybe a little crazy football fan contest will be > just what the doctor should've ordered for us! > > Have a happy day! > > Jeannie > > > Cohen belltown_mac@...> wrote: > I grew up in North Carolina between Duke and the > Univ > of N,Carolina and i am sure that Duke fans are the > most obnoxious fans in america-MATT > > --- Connie Griffis conaugusta@...> wrote: > > > I know what you all are talking about, but mine is > a > > college rivalry to beat them all. I was born in > > Florida and raised here, but I love Georgia and > have > > always been a Georgia Bulldog - Univ of GA Fan. I > > live amongst the Gators much to my dismay. My > > oldest daugher is a die hard gator fan- univ. of > fl, > > as is her husband. They keep telling me that my 5 > > yr old granddaughter will be a gator cheerleader > and > > her 3 yr old brother will be a football player for > > the team one day. To this I politely pronounce > that > > when the Fl-GA game comes up I will wear my GA > > colors even if I am cheering for my grandson. My > > daughter has told me to make sure I am riding in a > > different car from them because I will get us all > > killed in the swamp. I mess with her and tell her > > I'm not afraid of " lizards " . (It's all in fun) > But > > on the serious side I have never known more > serious > > or obnoxious fans than Fl Gators. - they take it > to > === message truncated === __________________________________________________ Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted May 25, 2006 Report Share Posted May 25, 2006 LOL!! TELL ME ABOUT IT!!! 'Sorry to creep you out, Matt! Cohen wrote: that is so creepy MATT--- Jeanne Betters wrote:> LOL!!! How DREADFUL!!! > > Well, since we're sharing - one of my girlfriends'> husband and father-in-law had been doing some> basement work while the city work crews were> replacing a sewer line behind their home. They live> just on the outskirts of a small local city - it's> actually a pretty nice area. One night she was> wakened by her hubby very gently. He calmly told> her to move as slowly and quietly as possible out of> the bed and not to scream. Of course, she thought> there was a prowler and not being wide awake, she> nonchalantly moved off of the bed and over to the> door of the bedroom. Much to her horror when she> flipped the light on, there was a HUGE sewer rat> laying on her husband's pillow fast asleep. > Apparently it decided to snuggle up to his hot head> in the midst of the winter's chill! OH MY WORD! > She and the kids slept at her Mom's house for four> nights while her husband held vigil until the rat> was caught. Unfortunately, it was a messy death,> and they had to replace a brand new> mattress set... She and I were just talking about> that last night. They have never even had a mouse> until then, and, thankfully that's the only rodent> encounter they've ever experienced! I don't know> how she can sleep there... I'd be a mess!> > I'm with you - I'd rather have Reese's Pieces than> Meeces! LOL!> > Hugs,> > Jeannie> > Solberg wrote:> Oh Jeanne, it's Your story also> reminds me of a time when I was a teenager and woke> up to see a mouse on the pillow next to my hand and> I must have startled it cuz it bit me! Jeez! I> wonder what all goes on during the night on our own> beds?! Spiders and mices(lol) and dust mites??? oh> MY! Jeanne, I blame my gray hairs on my husband> but in reality 75% of it is probably from suffering> from sarc. back to my chocolates and> hugs S.> > Jeanne Betters wrote: > OMG!!! MARY!! I wrote about my spider incident> before reading yours!!! I'm sorry! If you haven't> read it - DON'T!!! LOL! I'm sorry!!!> > - I actually got my first gray hair from a> spider! LOL! Well, it could have been from our> foster son, Adam, too... at least, I let him think> it was his fault! LOL!! > > Hugs, > > Jeannie> > > > Solberg wrote:> ! I'd have plopped a water balloon (or> two)on your head if you had scared me with a fake> poor Kath. I think my problems> began as a child. We had an outhouse with spiders> in it and our basement was so dark, dank and had> creepy crawlies. Since I've been sick I'm even more> jumpy. I get those creepy bug crawling feelings on> my legs but there's almost never anything there. > About 10 years ago I was bitten all over my back by> a spider during the night and it was so darn> painful. I had to use something from Watkins to> suck the poison out of my system. Now I keep it on> hand all the time. Two years ago there was a big> black spider in the shower and i ran screaming out> of there and started hyperventilating and my son had> to go in and kill it for me. I guess I've had my> share of bad spider experiences. Most people who> have fears/phobias have had a bad experience or two> with the thing they're afraid of. Maury Povich sure> has a lot of screamers on> his show. It's made me think that some of that> stuff is fake or the people are encouraged to> 'scream away' as you would have it. Yeah, being> scared of a kitten is a bit much to me but who am I> to judge... Hey, keep those spiders(real or fake)> away from Kath. What goes around comes around. So> what are you afraid of ? hugs S.> > GARY WOOLARD wrote: > ,> > Kathy has a "Phobia" about ALL KINDS OF BUGS LIKE> YOURSELF. She knows when Reba or myself have our> fingers do "walking" on her back that it's us doing> that. But she says get "Sammy" or "Sammies" away> from my me!!!!!!!!!!!!! Sammy like in Sammy the> Spider, Sammy the Crock Roach, Sammy the Worm, etc.> Reba had bought an rubber spider toy from a store. I> tied it up to an metal handle for a heater vent in> the living room. Kathy seen this that day and she> FREAKED OUT AND SCREAMED!!!! I know I'am just nasty> sometimes. This toy spider went out in the trash.> This is just the horse playing around prankster> that I've been once in awhile. You know on Maury> Provich show they had people who were afraid of bugs> like in the real kind, live snakes, a woman was SUCH> A DIRER AFRAID OF ALUMINUM FOIL OF ALL THINGS. THE> SOUND OF ALUMINUM FOIL BEING CRINKLED UP MADE HER> SCREAM AND RUN ALL OVER THIS TV SHOW. They had an> hympotist (mispelled?) put these people in a trance> and they got over> these Phobias. One woman was such a direr afraid of> a cat, YES A CAT, in someways all this is funny. But> NOT to people of these phobias.> > > > Solberg wrote:> Oh, Rose! Not dead crickets! ug. What's> wrong with watermelon seeds?! I have a> phobia about bugs so I cringed when I read that. > ooooo hugs S.> > Rose wrote: > Jeanne, I don't know if you've ever listened to Jeff> Foxworthy. He says that if you ever think your> family is the "worst bunch of goobers" in the world,> just go to a state fair, or a stock car race. It's> true! I even saw some people sticking dead crickets> in their mouths & spitting them for prizes at the> Indiana State Fair. Oh, wait a minute, that was my> granddaughter & me. Her best distance was> 13', mine was only 9'. I was so proud!> > Ramblin' Rose> Moderator> > > ---------------------------------> > Reply-To: Neurosarcoidosis > To: Neurosarcoidosis > Subject: Re: crazy fans> Date: Tue, 23 May 2006 23:54:42 -0700 (PDT)> > LOL!!! Connie & Matt - It just occured to me that> perhaps we are just really "normal" people amidst> some real crazy, obnoxious people! LOL!!! Maybe> when football season comes around again, we can all> share stories and pics of the craziest fans we've> seen - wouldn't that be fun!?> > Matt - I've been praying for you. I haven't> emailed you, but you've been on my mind. I hope> you're feeling a little better. My Grandfather> always said that "Laughter is the best medicine!" > Maybe a little crazy football fan contest will be> just what the doctor should've ordered for us! > > Have a happy day!> > Jeannie> > > Cohen wrote:> I grew up in North Carolina between Duke and the> Univ> of N,Carolina and i am sure that Duke fans are the> most obnoxious fans in america-MATT> > --- Connie Griffis wrote:> > > I know what you all are talking about, but mine is> a> > college rivalry to beat them all. I was born in> > Florida and raised here, but I love Georgia and> have> > always been a Georgia Bulldog - Univ of GA Fan. I> > live amongst the Gators much to my dismay. My> > oldest daugher is a die hard gator fan- univ. of> fl,> > as is her husband. They keep telling me that my 5> > yr old granddaughter will be a gator cheerleader> and> > her 3 yr old brother will be a football player for> > the team one day. To this I politely pronounce> that> > when the Fl-GA game comes up I will wear my GA> > colors even if I am cheering for my grandson. My> > daughter has told me to make sure I am riding in a> > different car from them because I will get us all> > killed in the swamp. I mess with her and tell her> > I'm not afraid of "lizards". (It's all in fun) > But> > on the serious side I have never known more> serious> > or obnoxious fans than Fl Gators. - they take it> to> === message truncated ===__________________________________________________ Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted May 25, 2006 Report Share Posted May 25, 2006 LOL!! TELL ME ABOUT IT!!! 'Sorry to creep you out, Matt! Cohen wrote: that is so creepy MATT--- Jeanne Betters wrote:> LOL!!! How DREADFUL!!! > > Well, since we're sharing - one of my girlfriends'> husband and father-in-law had been doing some> basement work while the city work crews were> replacing a sewer line behind their home. They live> just on the outskirts of a small local city - it's> actually a pretty nice area. One night she was> wakened by her hubby very gently. He calmly told> her to move as slowly and quietly as possible out of> the bed and not to scream. Of course, she thought> there was a prowler and not being wide awake, she> nonchalantly moved off of the bed and over to the> door of the bedroom. Much to her horror when she> flipped the light on, there was a HUGE sewer rat> laying on her husband's pillow fast asleep. > Apparently it decided to snuggle up to his hot head> in the midst of the winter's chill! OH MY WORD! > She and the kids slept at her Mom's house for four> nights while her husband held vigil until the rat> was caught. Unfortunately, it was a messy death,> and they had to replace a brand new> mattress set... She and I were just talking about> that last night. They have never even had a mouse> until then, and, thankfully that's the only rodent> encounter they've ever experienced! I don't know> how she can sleep there... I'd be a mess!> > I'm with you - I'd rather have Reese's Pieces than> Meeces! LOL!> > Hugs,> > Jeannie> > Solberg wrote:> Oh Jeanne, it's Your story also> reminds me of a time when I was a teenager and woke> up to see a mouse on the pillow next to my hand and> I must have startled it cuz it bit me! Jeez! I> wonder what all goes on during the night on our own> beds?! Spiders and mices(lol) and dust mites??? oh> MY! Jeanne, I blame my gray hairs on my husband> but in reality 75% of it is probably from suffering> from sarc. back to my chocolates and> hugs S.> > Jeanne Betters wrote: > OMG!!! MARY!! I wrote about my spider incident> before reading yours!!! I'm sorry! If you haven't> read it - DON'T!!! LOL! I'm sorry!!!> > - I actually got my first gray hair from a> spider! LOL! Well, it could have been from our> foster son, Adam, too... at least, I let him think> it was his fault! LOL!! > > Hugs, > > Jeannie> > > > Solberg wrote:> ! I'd have plopped a water balloon (or> two)on your head if you had scared me with a fake> poor Kath. I think my problems> began as a child. We had an outhouse with spiders> in it and our basement was so dark, dank and had> creepy crawlies. Since I've been sick I'm even more> jumpy. I get those creepy bug crawling feelings on> my legs but there's almost never anything there. > About 10 years ago I was bitten all over my back by> a spider during the night and it was so darn> painful. I had to use something from Watkins to> suck the poison out of my system. Now I keep it on> hand all the time. Two years ago there was a big> black spider in the shower and i ran screaming out> of there and started hyperventilating and my son had> to go in and kill it for me. I guess I've had my> share of bad spider experiences. Most people who> have fears/phobias have had a bad experience or two> with the thing they're afraid of. Maury Povich sure> has a lot of screamers on> his show. It's made me think that some of that> stuff is fake or the people are encouraged to> 'scream away' as you would have it. Yeah, being> scared of a kitten is a bit much to me but who am I> to judge... Hey, keep those spiders(real or fake)> away from Kath. What goes around comes around. So> what are you afraid of ? hugs S.> > GARY WOOLARD wrote: > ,> > Kathy has a "Phobia" about ALL KINDS OF BUGS LIKE> YOURSELF. She knows when Reba or myself have our> fingers do "walking" on her back that it's us doing> that. But she says get "Sammy" or "Sammies" away> from my me!!!!!!!!!!!!! Sammy like in Sammy the> Spider, Sammy the Crock Roach, Sammy the Worm, etc.> Reba had bought an rubber spider toy from a store. I> tied it up to an metal handle for a heater vent in> the living room. Kathy seen this that day and she> FREAKED OUT AND SCREAMED!!!! I know I'am just nasty> sometimes. This toy spider went out in the trash.> This is just the horse playing around prankster> that I've been once in awhile. You know on Maury> Provich show they had people who were afraid of bugs> like in the real kind, live snakes, a woman was SUCH> A DIRER AFRAID OF ALUMINUM FOIL OF ALL THINGS. THE> SOUND OF ALUMINUM FOIL BEING CRINKLED UP MADE HER> SCREAM AND RUN ALL OVER THIS TV SHOW. They had an> hympotist (mispelled?) put these people in a trance> and they got over> these Phobias. One woman was such a direr afraid of> a cat, YES A CAT, in someways all this is funny. But> NOT to people of these phobias.> > > > Solberg wrote:> Oh, Rose! Not dead crickets! ug. What's> wrong with watermelon seeds?! I have a> phobia about bugs so I cringed when I read that. > ooooo hugs S.> > Rose wrote: > Jeanne, I don't know if you've ever listened to Jeff> Foxworthy. He says that if you ever think your> family is the "worst bunch of goobers" in the world,> just go to a state fair, or a stock car race. It's> true! I even saw some people sticking dead crickets> in their mouths & spitting them for prizes at the> Indiana State Fair. Oh, wait a minute, that was my> granddaughter & me. Her best distance was> 13', mine was only 9'. I was so proud!> > Ramblin' Rose> Moderator> > > ---------------------------------> > Reply-To: Neurosarcoidosis > To: Neurosarcoidosis > Subject: Re: crazy fans> Date: Tue, 23 May 2006 23:54:42 -0700 (PDT)> > LOL!!! Connie & Matt - It just occured to me that> perhaps we are just really "normal" people amidst> some real crazy, obnoxious people! LOL!!! Maybe> when football season comes around again, we can all> share stories and pics of the craziest fans we've> seen - wouldn't that be fun!?> > Matt - I've been praying for you. I haven't> emailed you, but you've been on my mind. I hope> you're feeling a little better. My Grandfather> always said that "Laughter is the best medicine!" > Maybe a little crazy football fan contest will be> just what the doctor should've ordered for us! > > Have a happy day!> > Jeannie> > > Cohen wrote:> I grew up in North Carolina between Duke and the> Univ> of N,Carolina and i am sure that Duke fans are the> most obnoxious fans in america-MATT> > --- Connie Griffis wrote:> > > I know what you all are talking about, but mine is> a> > college rivalry to beat them all. I was born in> > Florida and raised here, but I love Georgia and> have> > always been a Georgia Bulldog - Univ of GA Fan. I> > live amongst the Gators much to my dismay. My> > oldest daugher is a die hard gator fan- univ. of> fl,> > as is her husband. They keep telling me that my 5> > yr old granddaughter will be a gator cheerleader> and> > her 3 yr old brother will be a football player for> > the team one day. To this I politely pronounce> that> > when the Fl-GA game comes up I will wear my GA> > colors even if I am cheering for my grandson. My> > daughter has told me to make sure I am riding in a> > different car from them because I will get us all> > killed in the swamp. I mess with her and tell her> > I'm not afraid of "lizards". (It's all in fun) > But> > on the serious side I have never known more> serious> > or obnoxious fans than Fl Gators. - they take it> to> === message truncated ===__________________________________________________ Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted May 25, 2006 Report Share Posted May 25, 2006 LOL!! TELL ME ABOUT IT!!! 'Sorry to creep you out, Matt! Cohen wrote: that is so creepy MATT--- Jeanne Betters wrote:> LOL!!! How DREADFUL!!! > > Well, since we're sharing - one of my girlfriends'> husband and father-in-law had been doing some> basement work while the city work crews were> replacing a sewer line behind their home. They live> just on the outskirts of a small local city - it's> actually a pretty nice area. One night she was> wakened by her hubby very gently. He calmly told> her to move as slowly and quietly as possible out of> the bed and not to scream. Of course, she thought> there was a prowler and not being wide awake, she> nonchalantly moved off of the bed and over to the> door of the bedroom. Much to her horror when she> flipped the light on, there was a HUGE sewer rat> laying on her husband's pillow fast asleep. > Apparently it decided to snuggle up to his hot head> in the midst of the winter's chill! OH MY WORD! > She and the kids slept at her Mom's house for four> nights while her husband held vigil until the rat> was caught. Unfortunately, it was a messy death,> and they had to replace a brand new> mattress set... She and I were just talking about> that last night. They have never even had a mouse> until then, and, thankfully that's the only rodent> encounter they've ever experienced! I don't know> how she can sleep there... I'd be a mess!> > I'm with you - I'd rather have Reese's Pieces than> Meeces! LOL!> > Hugs,> > Jeannie> > Solberg wrote:> Oh Jeanne, it's Your story also> reminds me of a time when I was a teenager and woke> up to see a mouse on the pillow next to my hand and> I must have startled it cuz it bit me! Jeez! I> wonder what all goes on during the night on our own> beds?! Spiders and mices(lol) and dust mites??? oh> MY! Jeanne, I blame my gray hairs on my husband> but in reality 75% of it is probably from suffering> from sarc. back to my chocolates and> hugs S.> > Jeanne Betters wrote: > OMG!!! MARY!! I wrote about my spider incident> before reading yours!!! I'm sorry! If you haven't> read it - DON'T!!! LOL! I'm sorry!!!> > - I actually got my first gray hair from a> spider! LOL! Well, it could have been from our> foster son, Adam, too... at least, I let him think> it was his fault! LOL!! > > Hugs, > > Jeannie> > > > Solberg wrote:> ! I'd have plopped a water balloon (or> two)on your head if you had scared me with a fake> poor Kath. I think my problems> began as a child. We had an outhouse with spiders> in it and our basement was so dark, dank and had> creepy crawlies. Since I've been sick I'm even more> jumpy. I get those creepy bug crawling feelings on> my legs but there's almost never anything there. > About 10 years ago I was bitten all over my back by> a spider during the night and it was so darn> painful. I had to use something from Watkins to> suck the poison out of my system. Now I keep it on> hand all the time. Two years ago there was a big> black spider in the shower and i ran screaming out> of there and started hyperventilating and my son had> to go in and kill it for me. I guess I've had my> share of bad spider experiences. Most people who> have fears/phobias have had a bad experience or two> with the thing they're afraid of. Maury Povich sure> has a lot of screamers on> his show. It's made me think that some of that> stuff is fake or the people are encouraged to> 'scream away' as you would have it. Yeah, being> scared of a kitten is a bit much to me but who am I> to judge... Hey, keep those spiders(real or fake)> away from Kath. What goes around comes around. So> what are you afraid of ? hugs S.> > GARY WOOLARD wrote: > ,> > Kathy has a "Phobia" about ALL KINDS OF BUGS LIKE> YOURSELF. She knows when Reba or myself have our> fingers do "walking" on her back that it's us doing> that. But she says get "Sammy" or "Sammies" away> from my me!!!!!!!!!!!!! Sammy like in Sammy the> Spider, Sammy the Crock Roach, Sammy the Worm, etc.> Reba had bought an rubber spider toy from a store. I> tied it up to an metal handle for a heater vent in> the living room. Kathy seen this that day and she> FREAKED OUT AND SCREAMED!!!! I know I'am just nasty> sometimes. This toy spider went out in the trash.> This is just the horse playing around prankster> that I've been once in awhile. You know on Maury> Provich show they had people who were afraid of bugs> like in the real kind, live snakes, a woman was SUCH> A DIRER AFRAID OF ALUMINUM FOIL OF ALL THINGS. THE> SOUND OF ALUMINUM FOIL BEING CRINKLED UP MADE HER> SCREAM AND RUN ALL OVER THIS TV SHOW. They had an> hympotist (mispelled?) put these people in a trance> and they got over> these Phobias. One woman was such a direr afraid of> a cat, YES A CAT, in someways all this is funny. But> NOT to people of these phobias.> > > > Solberg wrote:> Oh, Rose! Not dead crickets! ug. What's> wrong with watermelon seeds?! I have a> phobia about bugs so I cringed when I read that. > ooooo hugs S.> > Rose wrote: > Jeanne, I don't know if you've ever listened to Jeff> Foxworthy. He says that if you ever think your> family is the "worst bunch of goobers" in the world,> just go to a state fair, or a stock car race. It's> true! I even saw some people sticking dead crickets> in their mouths & spitting them for prizes at the> Indiana State Fair. Oh, wait a minute, that was my> granddaughter & me. Her best distance was> 13', mine was only 9'. I was so proud!> > Ramblin' Rose> Moderator> > > ---------------------------------> > Reply-To: Neurosarcoidosis > To: Neurosarcoidosis > Subject: Re: crazy fans> Date: Tue, 23 May 2006 23:54:42 -0700 (PDT)> > LOL!!! Connie & Matt - It just occured to me that> perhaps we are just really "normal" people amidst> some real crazy, obnoxious people! LOL!!! Maybe> when football season comes around again, we can all> share stories and pics of the craziest fans we've> seen - wouldn't that be fun!?> > Matt - I've been praying for you. I haven't> emailed you, but you've been on my mind. I hope> you're feeling a little better. My Grandfather> always said that "Laughter is the best medicine!" > Maybe a little crazy football fan contest will be> just what the doctor should've ordered for us! > > Have a happy day!> > Jeannie> > > Cohen wrote:> I grew up in North Carolina between Duke and the> Univ> of N,Carolina and i am sure that Duke fans are the> most obnoxious fans in america-MATT> > --- Connie Griffis wrote:> > > I know what you all are talking about, but mine is> a> > college rivalry to beat them all. I was born in> > Florida and raised here, but I love Georgia and> have> > always been a Georgia Bulldog - Univ of GA Fan. I> > live amongst the Gators much to my dismay. My> > oldest daugher is a die hard gator fan- univ. of> fl,> > as is her husband. They keep telling me that my 5> > yr old granddaughter will be a gator cheerleader> and> > her 3 yr old brother will be a football player for> > the team one day. To this I politely pronounce> that> > when the Fl-GA game comes up I will wear my GA> > colors even if I am cheering for my grandson. My> > daughter has told me to make sure I am riding in a> > different car from them because I will get us all> > killed in the swamp. I mess with her and tell her> > I'm not afraid of "lizards". (It's all in fun) > But> > on the serious side I have never known more> serious> > or obnoxious fans than Fl Gators. - they take it> to> === message truncated ===__________________________________________________ Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted May 25, 2006 Report Share Posted May 25, 2006 Amen, we are all special in our own ways, even if they be strange ways. Marla From: Neurosarcoidosis [mailto:Neurosarcoidosis ] On Behalf Of Jeanne Betters Sent: Thursday, May 25, 2006 1:12 AM To: Neurosarcoidosis Subject: RE: Re: crazy fans LOL!!! Yeah - I love Jeff Foxworthy!!! And I definitely give you props for the cricket thing - yikes!!! You GO girl! Did you guys win??? What do you win for cricket spittin'? That's hysterical! We don't eat crickets around here, but there are a lot of rednecks... Take my in-laws (puleeeeez!), for example: I'm a " damn yankee, " so to them I'm the oddball who drinks coffee cabinets, coffee milk and - heaven forbid! - iced coffee; who eats grindahs; who loves soda; who, when she's having a hissy, has the ability to talk like a drunken sailor to the extent that she'd make even the most experienced old salt blush; who can hook a worm with her eyes closed; who digs for clams (and I eat the bellies and all!); who makes the best stuffies in the world (oh, well, I guess maybe in PA, at least); who even dares to eat raw oystahs on occasion because her daddy taught her it'd put hair on her chest (much to my dismay - he was right!); and RELISHES diving into a whole boiled lobstah even if the eyes ah lookin' attah!!! ....This, of course, would be from the perspective of barechested fat men who drink beer from a hat with two straws, who swaller their chew with gusto, who think " y'ins " are people not a vegetable, who ride hogs both on the road AND in the pigpen, whose motto is " I like dirt and grease and grime, that's why I'm like this all the time! " who get their biceps from " pumpin' Iron " (Pittsburgh's famous Iron City Beer), who paint their bodies black and gold and parade around half naked during football season, who still wear those ever-so-fashionable mullets....I could go on, but these here are my " kin " ... LOL!! And who's really noticing around here anyway?! I guess what it all boils down to is we're all special in our own rights! LOL!!! Rose wrote: Jeanne, I don't know if you've ever listened to Jeff Foxworthy. He says that if you ever think your family is the " worst bunch of goobers " in the world, just go to a state fair, or a stock car race. It's true! I even saw some people sticking dead crickets in their mouths & spitting them for prizes at the Indiana State Fair. Oh, wait a minute, that was my granddaughter & me. Her best distance was 13', mine was only 9'. I was so proud! Ramblin' Rose Moderator Reply-To: Neurosarcoidosis To: Neurosarcoidosis Subject: Re: crazy fans Date: Tue, 23 May 2006 23:54:42 -0700 (PDT) LOL!!! Connie & Matt - It just occured to me that perhaps we are just really " normal " people amidst some real crazy, obnoxious people! LOL!!! Maybe when football season comes around again, we can all share stories and pics of the craziest fans we've seen - wouldn't that be fun!? Matt - I've been praying for you. I haven't emailed you, but you've been on my mind. I hope you're feeling a little better. My Grandfather always said that " Laughter is the best medicine! " Maybe a little crazy football fan contest will be just what the doctor should've ordered for us! Have a happy day! Jeannie Cohen wrote: I grew up in North Carolina between Duke and the Univ of N,Carolina and i am sure that Duke fans are the most obnoxious fans in america-MATT --- Connie Griffis wrote: > I know what you all are talking about, but mine is a > college rivalry to beat them all. I was born in > Florida and raised here, but I love Georgia and have > always been a Georgia Bulldog - Univ of GA Fan. I > live amongst the Gators much to my dismay. My > oldest daugher is a die hard gator fan- univ. of fl, > as is her husband. They keep telling me that my 5 > yr old granddaughter will be a gator cheerleader and > her 3 yr old brother will be a football player for > the team one day. To this I politely pronounce that > when the Fl-GA game comes up I will wear my GA > colors even if I am cheering for my grandson. My > daughter has told me to make sure I am riding in a > different car from them because I will get us all > killed in the swamp. I mess with her and tell her > I'm not afraid of " lizards " . (It's all in fun) But > on the serious side I have never known more serious > or obnoxious fans than Fl Gators. - they take it to > the max. In our town we have someone has a PT > Cruise painted blue > and orange with Fl Gator flags, and there was a > station wagon with all the paint covered in Fl Gator > bumper stickers - go figure. > Always, Connie > > Jeanne Betters wrote: > Wow - talk about a coincidence!!! My > stepbrother relocated from Cape Cod to Punxsutawney > about 3 years ago!! LOL!!! And man, did I notice > their accents! How funny!!! > > Yes, I live in Steelers Country. When the > Patriots played the Steelers in the Superbowl a > couple of years back, my stepbrother and > sister-in-law came down here for the game. There > were three of us " Yankees " in a room full of people > who bleed black-and-gold. When the Patriots won, > everyone in the room was absolutely speechless... > they left as silently as if it was a Maundy Thursday > service! LOL!! My step-brother, his wife and I > just looked at each other, winked and did a hidden > " thumbs up. " We were afraid for our lives! LOL!!! > I'm telling you, there is absolutely no fan in the > world like a Steelers fan. I actually started > bleeding black and gold about two years ago. This > year everyone wore black and gold throughout the > entire season. I have like one Steelers shirt that > is waaay too tight, but I wore it out of reverence > for my team. My sister lives in Denver (just > outside), so we had our own little rivalry building > up. Apparently Denver was inundated with > Steelers fans, so she eventually threw in the towel > and rooted for " the right " team. LOL!! > > Sorry to all you Denver fans... It's > indescribable what it's like out here in Steelers > Country. You either join em, or end up as feed at > the hog farm. LOL! > > Thanks for the stroll down memory lane, Debbie! > GO PATS!!! > > Love, > > Jeannie > > > > > > Debbie wrote: > Hi Jeanne, > I used to work with someone who grew up > in the same area in the Willows, isn't that a > coincidence? I haven't heard from him. He actually > lives in Lawrence now right near the Andover line. > My husbands family comes from Puxatwaney (sp?) PA > (Groundhog country) and he is a big Steeler fan . > Believe me , he does not get along with the Patriot > fans around here! > I know what you mean about the " ah's " and the > " r " s because his family used to make fun of me and > my accent but I poked fun at them because they moved > up here with their funny accent from Penn.! It must > have been hard for you to move down there . I feel > for you! LOL > Yes, the Christmas Tree shops are great , > aren't they? There are several within 15 miles of > me. Don't they have the little birds at Mc's > down there ? lol Hugs, Debbie > > > > Jeanne Betters wrote: > Hi Debbie! > > Our family's home is on a major fault line in > Marblehead, so we actually have always had concern > that they'd be hit by a freak earthquake rather than > flooding... Their home is literally a walk up the > street from the harbor. Our family and friends' in > Salem live in the Willows - literally 4 or 5 houses > from the shore... I'm guessing in both cases, it > might not be good news. I'm just really glad to > hear your safe! > > So, have you been to Christmas Tree Shops, then? > My favorite shopping spot of all time!! > > I have to tell you, too - sitting at a Mc's > during lunchtime in Western PA is nothing like being > in New England. Here they've got these little birds > that are " annoying " when it comes to begging for > fries... If they only could see the swooping fry > attack of a seagull hoarde!!! > > There's just nothing like back home... I tell > everyone that the only reason why I moved here was > because my caveman husband clubbed me on the head, > threw me over his shoulders by the hair and dragged > me kicking and screaming to Steeler Country. The > Neanderthal. I had to learn how to say, " r " instead > of " ah " and everything! They all love the accent, > but by golly they couldn't understand a dang word I > said! LOL!!! And, as you well know, I'm sure, we > talk really fast up north, so that didn't help my > accent very much, either... The first year I lived > here I thought EVERYONE was cross-eyed and clueless! > When I started to get sick with the NS, I had no > idea - I simply thought I was just fitting right in > with the locals!!! LOL!! > > Have a great rest of the weekend - be safe and > keep dry! > > Hugs, > > Jeannie > > Debbie wrote: > Hi Jeannie. > I haven't heard about Salem at all, but I did > hear that Peabody had some very flooding. I live > about 45 mins away from the Salem and Danvers MA > area. We live right over the NH border. I know all > about those Noreasters! lol > > Jeanne Betters wrote: > Hi Debbie! > > We have family who are out of state right now who > live on the North Shore of Boston (Marblehead) and > Salem, MA.... Do you know if they got hit very > badly? I know whenever there's a Noreaster, they > get hit hard and in the winter ice is unbearable at > times. (I grew up in Massachusetts - Boston, Cape > Cod -and in Rhode Island... always love to hear > about " back home. " ) > > I'll be sure to keep you in my prayers... Say hi > to a seagull for me! > > Jeannie > > Debbie wrote: > Hi all, > Just thought you might like to know. We are in > the smack dab in the middle of the flooding in > southeast NH and northeast of Mass. area where all > the flooding is. THank God, our home is pretty much > okay. We have had water in our basement , but we > have pumping it out . Not like other families > around here where a lot of people are being > evacuated and losing a lot of their homes and > businesses are losing everything. Dams and rivers > are overflowing. I was in the middle of my > therapist's appt. yesterday and the fireman came > through yesterday and they had to evacuate the > building. I felt like saying " Hey wait a minute, > I'm not done yet! " LOL > But anyway , hopefully everything will start to > recede soon. the sun is suppose to come out soon. > It has been raining for about 10 days. Well , I > have gone on long enough. Debbie > > --------------------------------- > Yahoo! Messenger with Voice. Make PC-to-Phone > Calls to the US (and 30+ countries) for 2�/min or > less. > > __________________________________________________ > Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted May 25, 2006 Report Share Posted May 25, 2006 Amen, we are all special in our own ways, even if they be strange ways. Marla From: Neurosarcoidosis [mailto:Neurosarcoidosis ] On Behalf Of Jeanne Betters Sent: Thursday, May 25, 2006 1:12 AM To: Neurosarcoidosis Subject: RE: Re: crazy fans LOL!!! Yeah - I love Jeff Foxworthy!!! And I definitely give you props for the cricket thing - yikes!!! You GO girl! Did you guys win??? What do you win for cricket spittin'? That's hysterical! We don't eat crickets around here, but there are a lot of rednecks... Take my in-laws (puleeeeez!), for example: I'm a " damn yankee, " so to them I'm the oddball who drinks coffee cabinets, coffee milk and - heaven forbid! - iced coffee; who eats grindahs; who loves soda; who, when she's having a hissy, has the ability to talk like a drunken sailor to the extent that she'd make even the most experienced old salt blush; who can hook a worm with her eyes closed; who digs for clams (and I eat the bellies and all!); who makes the best stuffies in the world (oh, well, I guess maybe in PA, at least); who even dares to eat raw oystahs on occasion because her daddy taught her it'd put hair on her chest (much to my dismay - he was right!); and RELISHES diving into a whole boiled lobstah even if the eyes ah lookin' attah!!! ....This, of course, would be from the perspective of barechested fat men who drink beer from a hat with two straws, who swaller their chew with gusto, who think " y'ins " are people not a vegetable, who ride hogs both on the road AND in the pigpen, whose motto is " I like dirt and grease and grime, that's why I'm like this all the time! " who get their biceps from " pumpin' Iron " (Pittsburgh's famous Iron City Beer), who paint their bodies black and gold and parade around half naked during football season, who still wear those ever-so-fashionable mullets....I could go on, but these here are my " kin " ... LOL!! And who's really noticing around here anyway?! I guess what it all boils down to is we're all special in our own rights! LOL!!! Rose wrote: Jeanne, I don't know if you've ever listened to Jeff Foxworthy. He says that if you ever think your family is the " worst bunch of goobers " in the world, just go to a state fair, or a stock car race. It's true! I even saw some people sticking dead crickets in their mouths & spitting them for prizes at the Indiana State Fair. Oh, wait a minute, that was my granddaughter & me. Her best distance was 13', mine was only 9'. I was so proud! Ramblin' Rose Moderator Reply-To: Neurosarcoidosis To: Neurosarcoidosis Subject: Re: crazy fans Date: Tue, 23 May 2006 23:54:42 -0700 (PDT) LOL!!! Connie & Matt - It just occured to me that perhaps we are just really " normal " people amidst some real crazy, obnoxious people! LOL!!! Maybe when football season comes around again, we can all share stories and pics of the craziest fans we've seen - wouldn't that be fun!? Matt - I've been praying for you. I haven't emailed you, but you've been on my mind. I hope you're feeling a little better. My Grandfather always said that " Laughter is the best medicine! " Maybe a little crazy football fan contest will be just what the doctor should've ordered for us! Have a happy day! Jeannie Cohen wrote: I grew up in North Carolina between Duke and the Univ of N,Carolina and i am sure that Duke fans are the most obnoxious fans in america-MATT --- Connie Griffis wrote: > I know what you all are talking about, but mine is a > college rivalry to beat them all. I was born in > Florida and raised here, but I love Georgia and have > always been a Georgia Bulldog - Univ of GA Fan. I > live amongst the Gators much to my dismay. My > oldest daugher is a die hard gator fan- univ. of fl, > as is her husband. They keep telling me that my 5 > yr old granddaughter will be a gator cheerleader and > her 3 yr old brother will be a football player for > the team one day. To this I politely pronounce that > when the Fl-GA game comes up I will wear my GA > colors even if I am cheering for my grandson. My > daughter has told me to make sure I am riding in a > different car from them because I will get us all > killed in the swamp. I mess with her and tell her > I'm not afraid of " lizards " . (It's all in fun) But > on the serious side I have never known more serious > or obnoxious fans than Fl Gators. - they take it to > the max. In our town we have someone has a PT > Cruise painted blue > and orange with Fl Gator flags, and there was a > station wagon with all the paint covered in Fl Gator > bumper stickers - go figure. > Always, Connie > > Jeanne Betters wrote: > Wow - talk about a coincidence!!! My > stepbrother relocated from Cape Cod to Punxsutawney > about 3 years ago!! LOL!!! And man, did I notice > their accents! How funny!!! > > Yes, I live in Steelers Country. When the > Patriots played the Steelers in the Superbowl a > couple of years back, my stepbrother and > sister-in-law came down here for the game. There > were three of us " Yankees " in a room full of people > who bleed black-and-gold. When the Patriots won, > everyone in the room was absolutely speechless... > they left as silently as if it was a Maundy Thursday > service! LOL!! My step-brother, his wife and I > just looked at each other, winked and did a hidden > " thumbs up. " We were afraid for our lives! LOL!!! > I'm telling you, there is absolutely no fan in the > world like a Steelers fan. I actually started > bleeding black and gold about two years ago. This > year everyone wore black and gold throughout the > entire season. I have like one Steelers shirt that > is waaay too tight, but I wore it out of reverence > for my team. My sister lives in Denver (just > outside), so we had our own little rivalry building > up. Apparently Denver was inundated with > Steelers fans, so she eventually threw in the towel > and rooted for " the right " team. LOL!! > > Sorry to all you Denver fans... It's > indescribable what it's like out here in Steelers > Country. You either join em, or end up as feed at > the hog farm. LOL! > > Thanks for the stroll down memory lane, Debbie! > GO PATS!!! > > Love, > > Jeannie > > > > > > Debbie wrote: > Hi Jeanne, > I used to work with someone who grew up > in the same area in the Willows, isn't that a > coincidence? I haven't heard from him. He actually > lives in Lawrence now right near the Andover line. > My husbands family comes from Puxatwaney (sp?) PA > (Groundhog country) and he is a big Steeler fan . > Believe me , he does not get along with the Patriot > fans around here! > I know what you mean about the " ah's " and the > " r " s because his family used to make fun of me and > my accent but I poked fun at them because they moved > up here with their funny accent from Penn.! It must > have been hard for you to move down there . I feel > for you! LOL > Yes, the Christmas Tree shops are great , > aren't they? There are several within 15 miles of > me. Don't they have the little birds at Mc's > down there ? lol Hugs, Debbie > > > > Jeanne Betters wrote: > Hi Debbie! > > Our family's home is on a major fault line in > Marblehead, so we actually have always had concern > that they'd be hit by a freak earthquake rather than > flooding... Their home is literally a walk up the > street from the harbor. Our family and friends' in > Salem live in the Willows - literally 4 or 5 houses > from the shore... I'm guessing in both cases, it > might not be good news. I'm just really glad to > hear your safe! > > So, have you been to Christmas Tree Shops, then? > My favorite shopping spot of all time!! > > I have to tell you, too - sitting at a Mc's > during lunchtime in Western PA is nothing like being > in New England. Here they've got these little birds > that are " annoying " when it comes to begging for > fries... If they only could see the swooping fry > attack of a seagull hoarde!!! > > There's just nothing like back home... I tell > everyone that the only reason why I moved here was > because my caveman husband clubbed me on the head, > threw me over his shoulders by the hair and dragged > me kicking and screaming to Steeler Country. The > Neanderthal. I had to learn how to say, " r " instead > of " ah " and everything! They all love the accent, > but by golly they couldn't understand a dang word I > said! LOL!!! And, as you well know, I'm sure, we > talk really fast up north, so that didn't help my > accent very much, either... The first year I lived > here I thought EVERYONE was cross-eyed and clueless! > When I started to get sick with the NS, I had no > idea - I simply thought I was just fitting right in > with the locals!!! LOL!! > > Have a great rest of the weekend - be safe and > keep dry! > > Hugs, > > Jeannie > > Debbie wrote: > Hi Jeannie. > I haven't heard about Salem at all, but I did > hear that Peabody had some very flooding. I live > about 45 mins away from the Salem and Danvers MA > area. We live right over the NH border. I know all > about those Noreasters! lol > > Jeanne Betters wrote: > Hi Debbie! > > We have family who are out of state right now who > live on the North Shore of Boston (Marblehead) and > Salem, MA.... Do you know if they got hit very > badly? I know whenever there's a Noreaster, they > get hit hard and in the winter ice is unbearable at > times. (I grew up in Massachusetts - Boston, Cape > Cod -and in Rhode Island... always love to hear > about " back home. " ) > > I'll be sure to keep you in my prayers... Say hi > to a seagull for me! > > Jeannie > > Debbie wrote: > Hi all, > Just thought you might like to know. We are in > the smack dab in the middle of the flooding in > southeast NH and northeast of Mass. area where all > the flooding is. THank God, our home is pretty much > okay. We have had water in our basement , but we > have pumping it out . Not like other families > around here where a lot of people are being > evacuated and losing a lot of their homes and > businesses are losing everything. Dams and rivers > are overflowing. I was in the middle of my > therapist's appt. yesterday and the fireman came > through yesterday and they had to evacuate the > building. I felt like saying " Hey wait a minute, > I'm not done yet! " LOL > But anyway , hopefully everything will start to > recede soon. the sun is suppose to come out soon. > It has been raining for about 10 days. Well , I > have gone on long enough. Debbie > > --------------------------------- > Yahoo! Messenger with Voice. Make PC-to-Phone > Calls to the US (and 30+ countries) for 2�/min or > less. > > __________________________________________________ > Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted May 26, 2006 Report Share Posted May 26, 2006 What a nightmare! That must have been awful! The poor woman. Just like Matt had said, talk about creeping out, huh? DebbieJeanne Betters wrote: LOL!!! How DREADFUL!!! Well, since we're sharing - one of my girlfriends' husband and father-in-law had been doing some basement work while the city work crews were replacing a sewer line behind their home. They live just on the outskirts of a small local city - it's actually a pretty nice area. One night she was wakened by her hubby very gently. He calmly told her to move as slowly and quietly as possible out of the bed and not to scream. Of course, she thought there was a prowler and not being wide awake, she nonchalantly moved off of the bed and over to the door of the bedroom. Much to her horror when she flipped the light on, there was a HUGE sewer rat laying on her husband's pillow fast asleep. Apparently it decided to snuggle up to his hot head in the midst of the winter's chill! OH MY WORD! She and the kids slept at her Mom's house for four nights while her husband held vigil until the rat was caught. Unfortunately, it was a messy death, and they had to replace a brand new mattress set... She and I were just talking about that last night. They have never even had a mouse until then, and, thankfully that's the only rodent encounter they've ever experienced! I don't know how she can sleep there... I'd be a mess! I'm with you - I'd rather have Reese's Pieces than Meeces! LOL! Hugs, Jeannie Solberg wrote: Oh Jeanne, it's Your story also reminds me of a time when I was a teenager and woke up to see a mouse on the pillow next to my hand and I must have startled it cuz it bit me! Jeez! I wonder what all goes on during the night on our own beds?! Spiders and mices(lol) and dust mites??? oh MY! Jeanne, I blame my gray hairs on my husband but in reality 75% of it is probably from suffering from sarc. back to my chocolates and hugs S.Jeanne Betters wrote: OMG!!! MARY!! I wrote about my spider incident before reading yours!!! I'm sorry! If you haven't read it - DON'T!!! LOL! I'm sorry!!! - I actually got my first gray hair from a spider! LOL! Well, it could have been from our foster son, Adam, too... at least, I let him think it was his fault! LOL!! Hugs, Jeannie Solberg wrote: ! I'd have plopped a water balloon (or two)on your head if you had scared me with a fake poor Kath. I think my problems began as a child. We had an outhouse with spiders in it and our basement was so dark, dank and had creepy crawlies. Since I've been sick I'm even more jumpy. I get those creepy bug crawling feelings on my legs but there's almost never anything there. About 10 years ago I was bitten all over my back by a spider during the night and it was so darn painful. I had to use something from Watkins to suck the poison out of my system. Now I keep it on hand all the time. Two years ago there was a big black spider in the shower and i ran screaming out of there and started hyperventilating and my son had to go in and kill it for me. I guess I've had my share of bad spider experiences. Most people who have fears/phobias have had a bad experience or two with the thing they're afraid of. Maury Povich sure has a lot of screamers on his show. It's made me think that some of that stuff is fake or the people are encouraged to 'scream away' as you would have it. Yeah, being scared of a kitten is a bit much to me but who am I to judge... Hey, keep those spiders(real or fake) away from Kath. What goes around comes around. So what are you afraid of ? hugs S.GARY WOOLARD wrote: , Kathy has a "Phobia" about ALL KINDS OF BUGS LIKE YOURSELF. She knows when Reba or myself have our fingers do "walking" on her back that it's us doing that. But she says get "Sammy" or "Sammies" away from my me!!!!!!!!!!!!! Sammy like in Sammy the Spider, Sammy the Crock Roach, Sammy the Worm, etc. Reba had bought an rubber spider toy from a store. I tied it up to an metal handle for a heater vent in the living room. Kathy seen this that day and she FREAKED OUT AND SCREAMED!!!! I know I'am just nasty sometimes. This toy spider went out in the trash. This is just the horse playing around prankster that I've been once in awhile. You know on Maury Provich show they had people who were afraid of bugs like in the real kind, live snakes, a woman was SUCH A DIRER AFRAID OF ALUMINUM FOIL OF ALL THINGS. THE SOUND OF ALUMINUM FOIL BEING CRINKLED UP MADE HER SCREAM AND RUN ALL OVER THIS TV SHOW. They had an hympotist (mispelled?) put these people in a trance and they got over these Phobias. One woman was such a direr afraid of a cat, YES A CAT, in someways all this is funny. But NOT to people of these phobias. Solberg wrote: Oh, Rose! Not dead crickets! ug. What's wrong with watermelon seeds?! I have a phobia about bugs so I cringed when I read that. ooooo hugs S.Rose wrote: Jeanne, I don't know if you've ever listened to Jeff Foxworthy. He says that if you ever think your family is the "worst bunch of goobers" in the world, just go to a state fair, or a stock car race. It's true! I even saw some people sticking dead crickets in their mouths & spitting them for prizes at the Indiana State Fair. Oh, wait a minute, that was my granddaughter & me. Her best distance was 13', mine was only 9'. I was so proud! Ramblin' Rose Moderator Reply-To: Neurosarcoidosis To: Neurosarcoidosis Subject: Re: crazy fansDate: Tue, 23 May 2006 23:54:42 -0700 (PDT) LOL!!! Connie & Matt - It just occured to me that perhaps we are just really "normal" people amidst some real crazy, obnoxious people! LOL!!! Maybe when football season comes around again, we can all share stories and pics of the craziest fans we've seen - wouldn't that be fun!? Matt - I've been praying for you. I haven't emailed you, but you've been on my mind. I hope you're feeling a little better. My Grandfather always said that "Laughter is the best medicine!" Maybe a little crazy football fan contest will be just what the doctor should've ordered for us! Have a happy day! Jeannie Cohen wrote: I grew up in North Carolina between Duke and the Univof N,Carolina and i am sure that Duke fans are themost obnoxious fans in america-MATT--- Connie Griffis wrote:> I know what you all are talking about, but mine is a> college rivalry to beat them all. I was born in> Florida and raised here, but I love Georgia and have> always been a Georgia Bulldog - Univ of GA Fan. I> live amongst the Gators much to my dismay. My> oldest daugher is a die hard gator fan- univ. of fl,> as is her husband. They keep telling me that my 5> yr old granddaughter will be a gator cheerleader and> her 3 yr old brother will be a football player for> the team one day. To this I politely pronounce that> when the Fl-GA game comes up I will wear my GA> colors even if I am cheering for my grandson. My> daughter has told me to make sure I am riding in a> different car from them because I will get us all> killed in the swamp. I mess with her and tell her> I'm not afraid of "lizards". (It's all in fun) But> on the serious side I have never known more serious> or obnoxious fans than Fl Gators. - they take it to> the max. In our town we have someone has a PT> Cruise painted blue> and orange with Fl Gator flags, and there was a> station wagon with all the paint covered in Fl Gator> bumper stickers - go figure.> Always, Connie> > Jeanne Betters wrote:> Wow - talk about a coincidence!!! My> stepbrother relocated from Cape Cod to Punxsutawney> about 3 years ago!! LOL!!! And man, did I notice> their accents! How funny!!! > > Yes, I live in Steelers Country. When the> Patriots played the Steelers in the Superbowl a> couple of years back, my stepbrother and> sister-in-law came down here for the game. There> were three of us "Yankees" in a room full of people> who bleed black-and-gold. When the Patriots won,> everyone in the room was absolutely speechless...> they left as silently as if it was a Maundy Thursday> service! LOL!! My step-brother, his wife and I> just looked at each other, winked and did a hidden> "thumbs up." We were afraid for our lives! LOL!!! > I'm telling you, there is absolutely no fan in the> world like a Steelers fan. I actually started> bleeding black and gold about two years ago. This> year everyone wore black and gold throughout the> entire season. I have like one Steelers shirt that> is waaay too tight, but I wore it out of reverence> for my team. My sister lives in Denver (just> outside), so we had our own little rivalry building> up. Apparently Denver was inundated with> Steelers fans, so she eventually threw in the towel> and rooted for "the right" team. LOL!!> > Sorry to all you Denver fans... It's> indescribable what it's like out here in Steelers> Country. You either join em, or end up as feed at> the hog farm. LOL!> > Thanks for the stroll down memory lane, Debbie! > GO PATS!!!> > Love,> > Jeannie> > > > > > Debbie wrote:> Hi Jeanne,> I used to work with someone who grew up> in the same area in the Willows, isn't that a> coincidence? I haven't heard from him. He actually> lives in Lawrence now right near the Andover line.> My husbands family comes from Puxatwaney (sp?) PA> (Groundhog country) and he is a big Steeler fan . > Believe me , he does not get along with the Patriot> fans around here! > I know what you mean about the "ah's" and the> "r"s because his family used to make fun of me and> my accent but I poked fun at them because they moved> up here with their funny accent from Penn.! It must> have been hard for you to move down there . I feel> for you! LOL > Yes, the Christmas Tree shops are great ,> aren't they? There are several within 15 miles of> me. Don't they have the little birds at Mc's> down there ? lol Hugs, Debbie> > > > Jeanne Betters wrote: > Hi Debbie!> > Our family's home is on a major fault line in> Marblehead, so we actually have always had concern> that they'd be hit by a freak earthquake rather than> flooding... Their home is literally a walk up the> street from the harbor. Our family and friends' in> Salem live in the Willows - literally 4 or 5 houses> from the shore... I'm guessing in both cases, it> might not be good news. I'm just really glad to> hear your safe!> > So, have you been to Christmas Tree Shops, then? > My favorite shopping spot of all time!! > > I have to tell you, too - sitting at a Mc's> during lunchtime in Western PA is nothing like being> in New England. Here they've got these little birds> that are "annoying" when it comes to begging for> fries... If they only could see the swooping fry> attack of a seagull hoarde!!! > > There's just nothing like back home... I tell> everyone that the only reason why I moved here was> because my caveman husband clubbed me on the head,> threw me over his shoulders by the hair and dragged> me kicking and screaming to Steeler Country. The> Neanderthal. I had to learn how to say, "r" instead> of "ah" and everything! They all love the accent,> but by golly they couldn't understand a dang word I> said! LOL!!! And, as you well know, I'm sure, we> talk really fast up north, so that didn't help my> accent very much, either... The first year I lived> here I thought EVERYONE was cross-eyed and clueless!> When I started to get sick with the NS, I had no> idea - I simply thought I was just fitting right in> with the locals!!! LOL!! > > Have a great rest of the weekend - be safe and> keep dry!> > Hugs,> > Jeannie> > Debbie wrote:> Hi Jeannie.> I haven't heard about Salem at all, but I did> hear that Peabody had some very flooding. I live> about 45 mins away from the Salem and Danvers MA> area. We live right over the NH border. I know all> about those Noreasters! lol > > Jeanne Betters wrote: > Hi Debbie!> > We have family who are out of state right now who> live on the North Shore of Boston (Marblehead) and> Salem, MA.... Do you know if they got hit very> badly? I know whenever there's a Noreaster, they> get hit hard and in the winter ice is unbearable at> times. (I grew up in Massachusetts - Boston, Cape> Cod -and in Rhode Island... always love to hear> about "back home.") > > I'll be sure to keep you in my prayers... Say hi> to a seagull for me! > > Jeannie> > Debbie wrote:> Hi all,> Just thought you might like to know. We are in> the smack dab in the middle of the flooding in> southeast NH and northeast of Mass. area where all> the flooding is. THank God, our home is pretty much> okay. We have had water in our basement , but we> have pumping it out . Not like other families> around here where a lot of people are being> evacuated and losing a lot of their homes and> businesses are losing everything. Dams and rivers> are overflowing. I was in the middle of my> therapist's appt. yesterday and the fireman came> through yesterday and they had to evacuate the> building. I felt like saying "Hey wait a minute,> I'm not done yet!" LOL > But anyway , hopefully everything will start to> recede soon. the sun is suppose to come out soon. > It has been raining for about 10 days. Well , I> have gone on long enough. Debbie> > ---------------------------------> Yahoo! Messenger with Voice. Make PC-to-Phone> Calls to the US (and 30+ countries) for 2�/min or> less. > > __________________________________________________> Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted May 26, 2006 Report Share Posted May 26, 2006 What a nightmare! That must have been awful! The poor woman. Just like Matt had said, talk about creeping out, huh? DebbieJeanne Betters wrote: LOL!!! How DREADFUL!!! Well, since we're sharing - one of my girlfriends' husband and father-in-law had been doing some basement work while the city work crews were replacing a sewer line behind their home. They live just on the outskirts of a small local city - it's actually a pretty nice area. One night she was wakened by her hubby very gently. He calmly told her to move as slowly and quietly as possible out of the bed and not to scream. Of course, she thought there was a prowler and not being wide awake, she nonchalantly moved off of the bed and over to the door of the bedroom. Much to her horror when she flipped the light on, there was a HUGE sewer rat laying on her husband's pillow fast asleep. Apparently it decided to snuggle up to his hot head in the midst of the winter's chill! OH MY WORD! She and the kids slept at her Mom's house for four nights while her husband held vigil until the rat was caught. Unfortunately, it was a messy death, and they had to replace a brand new mattress set... She and I were just talking about that last night. They have never even had a mouse until then, and, thankfully that's the only rodent encounter they've ever experienced! I don't know how she can sleep there... I'd be a mess! I'm with you - I'd rather have Reese's Pieces than Meeces! LOL! Hugs, Jeannie Solberg wrote: Oh Jeanne, it's Your story also reminds me of a time when I was a teenager and woke up to see a mouse on the pillow next to my hand and I must have startled it cuz it bit me! Jeez! I wonder what all goes on during the night on our own beds?! Spiders and mices(lol) and dust mites??? oh MY! Jeanne, I blame my gray hairs on my husband but in reality 75% of it is probably from suffering from sarc. back to my chocolates and hugs S.Jeanne Betters wrote: OMG!!! MARY!! I wrote about my spider incident before reading yours!!! I'm sorry! If you haven't read it - DON'T!!! LOL! I'm sorry!!! - I actually got my first gray hair from a spider! LOL! Well, it could have been from our foster son, Adam, too... at least, I let him think it was his fault! LOL!! Hugs, Jeannie Solberg wrote: ! I'd have plopped a water balloon (or two)on your head if you had scared me with a fake poor Kath. I think my problems began as a child. We had an outhouse with spiders in it and our basement was so dark, dank and had creepy crawlies. Since I've been sick I'm even more jumpy. I get those creepy bug crawling feelings on my legs but there's almost never anything there. About 10 years ago I was bitten all over my back by a spider during the night and it was so darn painful. I had to use something from Watkins to suck the poison out of my system. Now I keep it on hand all the time. Two years ago there was a big black spider in the shower and i ran screaming out of there and started hyperventilating and my son had to go in and kill it for me. I guess I've had my share of bad spider experiences. Most people who have fears/phobias have had a bad experience or two with the thing they're afraid of. Maury Povich sure has a lot of screamers on his show. It's made me think that some of that stuff is fake or the people are encouraged to 'scream away' as you would have it. Yeah, being scared of a kitten is a bit much to me but who am I to judge... Hey, keep those spiders(real or fake) away from Kath. What goes around comes around. So what are you afraid of ? hugs S.GARY WOOLARD wrote: , Kathy has a "Phobia" about ALL KINDS OF BUGS LIKE YOURSELF. She knows when Reba or myself have our fingers do "walking" on her back that it's us doing that. But she says get "Sammy" or "Sammies" away from my me!!!!!!!!!!!!! Sammy like in Sammy the Spider, Sammy the Crock Roach, Sammy the Worm, etc. Reba had bought an rubber spider toy from a store. I tied it up to an metal handle for a heater vent in the living room. Kathy seen this that day and she FREAKED OUT AND SCREAMED!!!! I know I'am just nasty sometimes. This toy spider went out in the trash. This is just the horse playing around prankster that I've been once in awhile. You know on Maury Provich show they had people who were afraid of bugs like in the real kind, live snakes, a woman was SUCH A DIRER AFRAID OF ALUMINUM FOIL OF ALL THINGS. THE SOUND OF ALUMINUM FOIL BEING CRINKLED UP MADE HER SCREAM AND RUN ALL OVER THIS TV SHOW. They had an hympotist (mispelled?) put these people in a trance and they got over these Phobias. One woman was such a direr afraid of a cat, YES A CAT, in someways all this is funny. But NOT to people of these phobias. Solberg wrote: Oh, Rose! Not dead crickets! ug. What's wrong with watermelon seeds?! I have a phobia about bugs so I cringed when I read that. ooooo hugs S.Rose wrote: Jeanne, I don't know if you've ever listened to Jeff Foxworthy. He says that if you ever think your family is the "worst bunch of goobers" in the world, just go to a state fair, or a stock car race. It's true! I even saw some people sticking dead crickets in their mouths & spitting them for prizes at the Indiana State Fair. Oh, wait a minute, that was my granddaughter & me. Her best distance was 13', mine was only 9'. I was so proud! Ramblin' Rose Moderator Reply-To: Neurosarcoidosis To: Neurosarcoidosis Subject: Re: crazy fansDate: Tue, 23 May 2006 23:54:42 -0700 (PDT) LOL!!! Connie & Matt - It just occured to me that perhaps we are just really "normal" people amidst some real crazy, obnoxious people! LOL!!! Maybe when football season comes around again, we can all share stories and pics of the craziest fans we've seen - wouldn't that be fun!? Matt - I've been praying for you. I haven't emailed you, but you've been on my mind. I hope you're feeling a little better. My Grandfather always said that "Laughter is the best medicine!" Maybe a little crazy football fan contest will be just what the doctor should've ordered for us! Have a happy day! Jeannie Cohen wrote: I grew up in North Carolina between Duke and the Univof N,Carolina and i am sure that Duke fans are themost obnoxious fans in america-MATT--- Connie Griffis wrote:> I know what you all are talking about, but mine is a> college rivalry to beat them all. I was born in> Florida and raised here, but I love Georgia and have> always been a Georgia Bulldog - Univ of GA Fan. I> live amongst the Gators much to my dismay. My> oldest daugher is a die hard gator fan- univ. of fl,> as is her husband. They keep telling me that my 5> yr old granddaughter will be a gator cheerleader and> her 3 yr old brother will be a football player for> the team one day. To this I politely pronounce that> when the Fl-GA game comes up I will wear my GA> colors even if I am cheering for my grandson. My> daughter has told me to make sure I am riding in a> different car from them because I will get us all> killed in the swamp. I mess with her and tell her> I'm not afraid of "lizards". (It's all in fun) But> on the serious side I have never known more serious> or obnoxious fans than Fl Gators. - they take it to> the max. In our town we have someone has a PT> Cruise painted blue> and orange with Fl Gator flags, and there was a> station wagon with all the paint covered in Fl Gator> bumper stickers - go figure.> Always, Connie> > Jeanne Betters wrote:> Wow - talk about a coincidence!!! My> stepbrother relocated from Cape Cod to Punxsutawney> about 3 years ago!! LOL!!! And man, did I notice> their accents! How funny!!! > > Yes, I live in Steelers Country. When the> Patriots played the Steelers in the Superbowl a> couple of years back, my stepbrother and> sister-in-law came down here for the game. There> were three of us "Yankees" in a room full of people> who bleed black-and-gold. When the Patriots won,> everyone in the room was absolutely speechless...> they left as silently as if it was a Maundy Thursday> service! LOL!! My step-brother, his wife and I> just looked at each other, winked and did a hidden> "thumbs up." We were afraid for our lives! LOL!!! > I'm telling you, there is absolutely no fan in the> world like a Steelers fan. I actually started> bleeding black and gold about two years ago. This> year everyone wore black and gold throughout the> entire season. I have like one Steelers shirt that> is waaay too tight, but I wore it out of reverence> for my team. My sister lives in Denver (just> outside), so we had our own little rivalry building> up. Apparently Denver was inundated with> Steelers fans, so she eventually threw in the towel> and rooted for "the right" team. LOL!!> > Sorry to all you Denver fans... It's> indescribable what it's like out here in Steelers> Country. You either join em, or end up as feed at> the hog farm. LOL!> > Thanks for the stroll down memory lane, Debbie! > GO PATS!!!> > Love,> > Jeannie> > > > > > Debbie wrote:> Hi Jeanne,> I used to work with someone who grew up> in the same area in the Willows, isn't that a> coincidence? I haven't heard from him. He actually> lives in Lawrence now right near the Andover line.> My husbands family comes from Puxatwaney (sp?) PA> (Groundhog country) and he is a big Steeler fan . > Believe me , he does not get along with the Patriot> fans around here! > I know what you mean about the "ah's" and the> "r"s because his family used to make fun of me and> my accent but I poked fun at them because they moved> up here with their funny accent from Penn.! It must> have been hard for you to move down there . I feel> for you! LOL > Yes, the Christmas Tree shops are great ,> aren't they? There are several within 15 miles of> me. Don't they have the little birds at Mc's> down there ? lol Hugs, Debbie> > > > Jeanne Betters wrote: > Hi Debbie!> > Our family's home is on a major fault line in> Marblehead, so we actually have always had concern> that they'd be hit by a freak earthquake rather than> flooding... Their home is literally a walk up the> street from the harbor. Our family and friends' in> Salem live in the Willows - literally 4 or 5 houses> from the shore... I'm guessing in both cases, it> might not be good news. I'm just really glad to> hear your safe!> > So, have you been to Christmas Tree Shops, then? > My favorite shopping spot of all time!! > > I have to tell you, too - sitting at a Mc's> during lunchtime in Western PA is nothing like being> in New England. Here they've got these little birds> that are "annoying" when it comes to begging for> fries... If they only could see the swooping fry> attack of a seagull hoarde!!! > > There's just nothing like back home... I tell> everyone that the only reason why I moved here was> because my caveman husband clubbed me on the head,> threw me over his shoulders by the hair and dragged> me kicking and screaming to Steeler Country. The> Neanderthal. I had to learn how to say, "r" instead> of "ah" and everything! They all love the accent,> but by golly they couldn't understand a dang word I> said! LOL!!! And, as you well know, I'm sure, we> talk really fast up north, so that didn't help my> accent very much, either... The first year I lived> here I thought EVERYONE was cross-eyed and clueless!> When I started to get sick with the NS, I had no> idea - I simply thought I was just fitting right in> with the locals!!! LOL!! > > Have a great rest of the weekend - be safe and> keep dry!> > Hugs,> > Jeannie> > Debbie wrote:> Hi Jeannie.> I haven't heard about Salem at all, but I did> hear that Peabody had some very flooding. I live> about 45 mins away from the Salem and Danvers MA> area. We live right over the NH border. I know all> about those Noreasters! lol > > Jeanne Betters wrote: > Hi Debbie!> > We have family who are out of state right now who> live on the North Shore of Boston (Marblehead) and> Salem, MA.... Do you know if they got hit very> badly? I know whenever there's a Noreaster, they> get hit hard and in the winter ice is unbearable at> times. (I grew up in Massachusetts - Boston, Cape> Cod -and in Rhode Island... always love to hear> about "back home.") > > I'll be sure to keep you in my prayers... Say hi> to a seagull for me! > > Jeannie> > Debbie wrote:> Hi all,> Just thought you might like to know. We are in> the smack dab in the middle of the flooding in> southeast NH and northeast of Mass. area where all> the flooding is. THank God, our home is pretty much> okay. We have had water in our basement , but we> have pumping it out . Not like other families> around here where a lot of people are being> evacuated and losing a lot of their homes and> businesses are losing everything. Dams and rivers> are overflowing. I was in the middle of my> therapist's appt. yesterday and the fireman came> through yesterday and they had to evacuate the> building. I felt like saying "Hey wait a minute,> I'm not done yet!" LOL > But anyway , hopefully everything will start to> recede soon. the sun is suppose to come out soon. > It has been raining for about 10 days. Well , I> have gone on long enough. Debbie> > ---------------------------------> Yahoo! Messenger with Voice. Make PC-to-Phone> Calls to the US (and 30+ countries) for 2�/min or> less. > > __________________________________________________> Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted May 26, 2006 Report Share Posted May 26, 2006 What a nightmare! That must have been awful! The poor woman. Just like Matt had said, talk about creeping out, huh? DebbieJeanne Betters wrote: LOL!!! How DREADFUL!!! Well, since we're sharing - one of my girlfriends' husband and father-in-law had been doing some basement work while the city work crews were replacing a sewer line behind their home. They live just on the outskirts of a small local city - it's actually a pretty nice area. One night she was wakened by her hubby very gently. He calmly told her to move as slowly and quietly as possible out of the bed and not to scream. Of course, she thought there was a prowler and not being wide awake, she nonchalantly moved off of the bed and over to the door of the bedroom. Much to her horror when she flipped the light on, there was a HUGE sewer rat laying on her husband's pillow fast asleep. Apparently it decided to snuggle up to his hot head in the midst of the winter's chill! OH MY WORD! She and the kids slept at her Mom's house for four nights while her husband held vigil until the rat was caught. Unfortunately, it was a messy death, and they had to replace a brand new mattress set... She and I were just talking about that last night. They have never even had a mouse until then, and, thankfully that's the only rodent encounter they've ever experienced! I don't know how she can sleep there... I'd be a mess! I'm with you - I'd rather have Reese's Pieces than Meeces! LOL! Hugs, Jeannie Solberg wrote: Oh Jeanne, it's Your story also reminds me of a time when I was a teenager and woke up to see a mouse on the pillow next to my hand and I must have startled it cuz it bit me! Jeez! I wonder what all goes on during the night on our own beds?! Spiders and mices(lol) and dust mites??? oh MY! Jeanne, I blame my gray hairs on my husband but in reality 75% of it is probably from suffering from sarc. back to my chocolates and hugs S.Jeanne Betters wrote: OMG!!! MARY!! I wrote about my spider incident before reading yours!!! I'm sorry! If you haven't read it - DON'T!!! LOL! I'm sorry!!! - I actually got my first gray hair from a spider! LOL! Well, it could have been from our foster son, Adam, too... at least, I let him think it was his fault! LOL!! Hugs, Jeannie Solberg wrote: ! I'd have plopped a water balloon (or two)on your head if you had scared me with a fake poor Kath. I think my problems began as a child. We had an outhouse with spiders in it and our basement was so dark, dank and had creepy crawlies. Since I've been sick I'm even more jumpy. I get those creepy bug crawling feelings on my legs but there's almost never anything there. About 10 years ago I was bitten all over my back by a spider during the night and it was so darn painful. I had to use something from Watkins to suck the poison out of my system. Now I keep it on hand all the time. Two years ago there was a big black spider in the shower and i ran screaming out of there and started hyperventilating and my son had to go in and kill it for me. I guess I've had my share of bad spider experiences. Most people who have fears/phobias have had a bad experience or two with the thing they're afraid of. Maury Povich sure has a lot of screamers on his show. It's made me think that some of that stuff is fake or the people are encouraged to 'scream away' as you would have it. Yeah, being scared of a kitten is a bit much to me but who am I to judge... Hey, keep those spiders(real or fake) away from Kath. What goes around comes around. So what are you afraid of ? hugs S.GARY WOOLARD wrote: , Kathy has a "Phobia" about ALL KINDS OF BUGS LIKE YOURSELF. She knows when Reba or myself have our fingers do "walking" on her back that it's us doing that. But she says get "Sammy" or "Sammies" away from my me!!!!!!!!!!!!! Sammy like in Sammy the Spider, Sammy the Crock Roach, Sammy the Worm, etc. Reba had bought an rubber spider toy from a store. I tied it up to an metal handle for a heater vent in the living room. Kathy seen this that day and she FREAKED OUT AND SCREAMED!!!! I know I'am just nasty sometimes. This toy spider went out in the trash. This is just the horse playing around prankster that I've been once in awhile. You know on Maury Provich show they had people who were afraid of bugs like in the real kind, live snakes, a woman was SUCH A DIRER AFRAID OF ALUMINUM FOIL OF ALL THINGS. THE SOUND OF ALUMINUM FOIL BEING CRINKLED UP MADE HER SCREAM AND RUN ALL OVER THIS TV SHOW. They had an hympotist (mispelled?) put these people in a trance and they got over these Phobias. One woman was such a direr afraid of a cat, YES A CAT, in someways all this is funny. But NOT to people of these phobias. Solberg wrote: Oh, Rose! Not dead crickets! ug. What's wrong with watermelon seeds?! I have a phobia about bugs so I cringed when I read that. ooooo hugs S.Rose wrote: Jeanne, I don't know if you've ever listened to Jeff Foxworthy. He says that if you ever think your family is the "worst bunch of goobers" in the world, just go to a state fair, or a stock car race. It's true! I even saw some people sticking dead crickets in their mouths & spitting them for prizes at the Indiana State Fair. Oh, wait a minute, that was my granddaughter & me. Her best distance was 13', mine was only 9'. I was so proud! Ramblin' Rose Moderator Reply-To: Neurosarcoidosis To: Neurosarcoidosis Subject: Re: crazy fansDate: Tue, 23 May 2006 23:54:42 -0700 (PDT) LOL!!! Connie & Matt - It just occured to me that perhaps we are just really "normal" people amidst some real crazy, obnoxious people! LOL!!! Maybe when football season comes around again, we can all share stories and pics of the craziest fans we've seen - wouldn't that be fun!? Matt - I've been praying for you. I haven't emailed you, but you've been on my mind. I hope you're feeling a little better. My Grandfather always said that "Laughter is the best medicine!" Maybe a little crazy football fan contest will be just what the doctor should've ordered for us! Have a happy day! Jeannie Cohen wrote: I grew up in North Carolina between Duke and the Univof N,Carolina and i am sure that Duke fans are themost obnoxious fans in america-MATT--- Connie Griffis wrote:> I know what you all are talking about, but mine is a> college rivalry to beat them all. I was born in> Florida and raised here, but I love Georgia and have> always been a Georgia Bulldog - Univ of GA Fan. I> live amongst the Gators much to my dismay. My> oldest daugher is a die hard gator fan- univ. of fl,> as is her husband. They keep telling me that my 5> yr old granddaughter will be a gator cheerleader and> her 3 yr old brother will be a football player for> the team one day. To this I politely pronounce that> when the Fl-GA game comes up I will wear my GA> colors even if I am cheering for my grandson. My> daughter has told me to make sure I am riding in a> different car from them because I will get us all> killed in the swamp. I mess with her and tell her> I'm not afraid of "lizards". (It's all in fun) But> on the serious side I have never known more serious> or obnoxious fans than Fl Gators. - they take it to> the max. In our town we have someone has a PT> Cruise painted blue> and orange with Fl Gator flags, and there was a> station wagon with all the paint covered in Fl Gator> bumper stickers - go figure.> Always, Connie> > Jeanne Betters wrote:> Wow - talk about a coincidence!!! My> stepbrother relocated from Cape Cod to Punxsutawney> about 3 years ago!! LOL!!! And man, did I notice> their accents! How funny!!! > > Yes, I live in Steelers Country. When the> Patriots played the Steelers in the Superbowl a> couple of years back, my stepbrother and> sister-in-law came down here for the game. There> were three of us "Yankees" in a room full of people> who bleed black-and-gold. When the Patriots won,> everyone in the room was absolutely speechless...> they left as silently as if it was a Maundy Thursday> service! LOL!! My step-brother, his wife and I> just looked at each other, winked and did a hidden> "thumbs up." We were afraid for our lives! LOL!!! > I'm telling you, there is absolutely no fan in the> world like a Steelers fan. I actually started> bleeding black and gold about two years ago. This> year everyone wore black and gold throughout the> entire season. I have like one Steelers shirt that> is waaay too tight, but I wore it out of reverence> for my team. My sister lives in Denver (just> outside), so we had our own little rivalry building> up. Apparently Denver was inundated with> Steelers fans, so she eventually threw in the towel> and rooted for "the right" team. LOL!!> > Sorry to all you Denver fans... It's> indescribable what it's like out here in Steelers> Country. You either join em, or end up as feed at> the hog farm. LOL!> > Thanks for the stroll down memory lane, Debbie! > GO PATS!!!> > Love,> > Jeannie> > > > > > Debbie wrote:> Hi Jeanne,> I used to work with someone who grew up> in the same area in the Willows, isn't that a> coincidence? I haven't heard from him. He actually> lives in Lawrence now right near the Andover line.> My husbands family comes from Puxatwaney (sp?) PA> (Groundhog country) and he is a big Steeler fan . > Believe me , he does not get along with the Patriot> fans around here! > I know what you mean about the "ah's" and the> "r"s because his family used to make fun of me and> my accent but I poked fun at them because they moved> up here with their funny accent from Penn.! It must> have been hard for you to move down there . I feel> for you! LOL > Yes, the Christmas Tree shops are great ,> aren't they? There are several within 15 miles of> me. Don't they have the little birds at Mc's> down there ? lol Hugs, Debbie> > > > Jeanne Betters wrote: > Hi Debbie!> > Our family's home is on a major fault line in> Marblehead, so we actually have always had concern> that they'd be hit by a freak earthquake rather than> flooding... Their home is literally a walk up the> street from the harbor. Our family and friends' in> Salem live in the Willows - literally 4 or 5 houses> from the shore... I'm guessing in both cases, it> might not be good news. I'm just really glad to> hear your safe!> > So, have you been to Christmas Tree Shops, then? > My favorite shopping spot of all time!! > > I have to tell you, too - sitting at a Mc's> during lunchtime in Western PA is nothing like being> in New England. Here they've got these little birds> that are "annoying" when it comes to begging for> fries... If they only could see the swooping fry> attack of a seagull hoarde!!! > > There's just nothing like back home... I tell> everyone that the only reason why I moved here was> because my caveman husband clubbed me on the head,> threw me over his shoulders by the hair and dragged> me kicking and screaming to Steeler Country. The> Neanderthal. I had to learn how to say, "r" instead> of "ah" and everything! They all love the accent,> but by golly they couldn't understand a dang word I> said! LOL!!! And, as you well know, I'm sure, we> talk really fast up north, so that didn't help my> accent very much, either... The first year I lived> here I thought EVERYONE was cross-eyed and clueless!> When I started to get sick with the NS, I had no> idea - I simply thought I was just fitting right in> with the locals!!! LOL!! > > Have a great rest of the weekend - be safe and> keep dry!> > Hugs,> > Jeannie> > Debbie wrote:> Hi Jeannie.> I haven't heard about Salem at all, but I did> hear that Peabody had some very flooding. I live> about 45 mins away from the Salem and Danvers MA> area. We live right over the NH border. I know all> about those Noreasters! lol > > Jeanne Betters wrote: > Hi Debbie!> > We have family who are out of state right now who> live on the North Shore of Boston (Marblehead) and> Salem, MA.... Do you know if they got hit very> badly? I know whenever there's a Noreaster, they> get hit hard and in the winter ice is unbearable at> times. (I grew up in Massachusetts - Boston, Cape> Cod -and in Rhode Island... always love to hear> about "back home.") > > I'll be sure to keep you in my prayers... Say hi> to a seagull for me! > > Jeannie> > Debbie wrote:> Hi all,> Just thought you might like to know. We are in> the smack dab in the middle of the flooding in> southeast NH and northeast of Mass. area where all> the flooding is. THank God, our home is pretty much> okay. We have had water in our basement , but we> have pumping it out . Not like other families> around here where a lot of people are being> evacuated and losing a lot of their homes and> businesses are losing everything. Dams and rivers> are overflowing. I was in the middle of my> therapist's appt. yesterday and the fireman came> through yesterday and they had to evacuate the> building. I felt like saying "Hey wait a minute,> I'm not done yet!" LOL > But anyway , hopefully everything will start to> recede soon. the sun is suppose to come out soon. > It has been raining for about 10 days. Well , I> have gone on long enough. Debbie> > ---------------------------------> Yahoo! Messenger with Voice. Make PC-to-Phone> Calls to the US (and 30+ countries) for 2�/min or> less. > > __________________________________________________> Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted May 26, 2006 Report Share Posted May 26, 2006 Oh no you didn't.....(made me laugh though) ConnieRose wrote: You would prefer live crickets? Ramblin' Rose Moderator Reply-To: Neurosarcoidosis To: Neurosarcoidosis Subject: RE: Re: crazy fansDate: Wed, 24 May 2006 01:21:04 -0700 (PDT)Oh, Rose! Not dead crickets! ug. What's wrong with watermelon seeds?! I have a phobia about bugs so I cringed when I read that. ooooo hugs S.Rose wrote: Jeanne, I don't know if you've ever listened to Jeff Foxworthy. He says that if you ever think your family is the "worst bunch of goobers" in the world, just go to a state fair, or a stock car race. It's true! I even saw some people sticking dead crickets in their mouths & spitting them for prizes at the Indiana State Fair. Oh, wait a minute, that was my granddaughter & me. Her best distance was 13', mine was only 9'. I was so proud! Ramblin' Rose Moderator Reply-To: Neurosarcoidosis To: Neurosarcoidosis Subject: Re: crazy fansDate: Tue, 23 May 2006 23:54:42 -0700 (PDT) LOL!!! Connie & Matt - It just occured to me that perhaps we are just really "normal" people amidst some real crazy, obnoxious people! LOL!!! Maybe when football season comes around again, we can all share stories and pics of the craziest fans we've seen - wouldn't that be fun!? Matt - I've been praying for you. I haven't emailed you, but you've been on my mind. I hope you're feeling a little better. My Grandfather always said that "Laughter is the best medicine!" Maybe a little crazy football fan contest will be just what the doctor should've ordered for us! Have a happy day! Jeannie Cohen wrote: I grew up in North Carolina between Duke and the Univof N,Carolina and i am sure that Duke fans are themost obnoxious fans in america-MATT--- Connie Griffis wrote:> I know what you all are talking about, but mine is a> college rivalry to beat them all. I was born in> Florida and raised here, but I love Georgia and have> always been a Georgia Bulldog - Univ of GA Fan. I> live amongst the Gators much to my dismay. My> oldest daugher is a die hard gator fan- univ. of fl,> as is her husband. They keep telling me that my 5> yr old granddaughter will be a gator cheerleader and> her 3 yr old brother will be a football player for> the team one day. To this I politely pronounce that> when the Fl-GA game comes up I will wear my GA> colors even if I am cheering for my grandson. My> daughter has told me to make sure I am riding in a> different car from them because I will get us all> killed in the swamp. I mess with her and tell her> I'm not afraid of "lizards". (It's all in fun) But> on the serious side I have never known more serious> or obnoxious fans than Fl Gators. - they take it to> the max. In our town we have someone has a PT> Cruise painted blue> and orange with Fl Gator flags, and there was a> station wagon with all the paint covered in Fl Gator> bumper stickers - go figure.> Always, Connie> > Jeanne Betters wrote:> Wow - talk about a coincidence!!! My> stepbrother relocated from Cape Cod to Punxsutawney> about 3 years ago!! LOL!!! And man, did I notice> their accents! How funny!!! > > Yes, I live in Steelers Country. When the> Patriots played the Steelers in the Superbowl a> couple of years back, my stepbrother and> sister-in-law came down here for the game. There> were three of us "Yankees" in a room full of people> who bleed black-and-gold. When the Patriots won,> everyone in the room was absolutely speechless...> they left as silently as if it was a Maundy Thursday> service! LOL!! My step-brother, his wife and I> just looked at each other, winked and did a hidden> "thumbs up." We were afraid for our lives! LOL!!! > I'm telling you, there is absolutely no fan in the> world like a Steelers fan. I actually started> bleeding black and gold about two years ago. This> year everyone wore black and gold throughout the> entire season. I have like one Steelers shirt that> is waaay too tight, but I wore it out of reverence> for my team. My sister lives in Denver (just> outside), so we had our own little rivalry building> up. Apparently Denver was inundated with> Steelers fans, so she eventually threw in the towel> and rooted for "the right" team. LOL!!> > Sorry to all you Denver fans... It's> indescribable what it's like out here in Steelers> Country. You either join em, or end up as feed at> the hog farm. LOL!> > Thanks for the stroll down memory lane, Debbie! > GO PATS!!!> > Love,> > Jeannie> > > > > > Debbie wrote:> Hi Jeanne,> I used to work with someone who grew up> in the same area in the Willows, isn't that a> coincidence? I haven't heard from him. He actually> lives in Lawrence now right near the Andover line.> My husbands family comes from Puxatwaney (sp?) PA> (Groundhog country) and he is a big Steeler fan . > Believe me , he does not get along with the Patriot> fans around here! > I know what you mean about the "ah's" and the> "r"s because his family used to make fun of me and> my accent but I poked fun at them because they moved> up here with their funny accent from Penn.! It must> have been hard for you to move down there . I feel> for you! LOL > Yes, the Christmas Tree shops are great ,> aren't they? There are several within 15 miles of> me. Don't they have the little birds at Mc's> down there ? lol Hugs, Debbie> > > > Jeanne Betters wrote: > Hi Debbie!> > Our family's home is on a major fault line in> Marblehead, so we actually have always had concern> that they'd be hit by a freak earthquake rather than> flooding... Their home is literally a walk up the> street from the harbor. Our family and friends' in> Salem live in the Willows - literally 4 or 5 houses> from the shore... I'm guessing in both cases, it> might not be good news. I'm just really glad to> hear your safe!> > So, have you been to Christmas Tree Shops, then? > My favorite shopping spot of all time!! > > I have to tell you, too - sitting at a Mc's> during lunchtime in Western PA is nothing like being> in New England. Here they've got these little birds> that are "annoying" when it comes to begging for> fries... If they only could see the swooping fry> attack of a seagull hoarde!!! > > There's just nothing like back home... I tell> everyone that the only reason why I moved here was> because my caveman husband clubbed me on the head,> threw me over his shoulders by the hair and dragged> me kicking and screaming to Steeler Country. The> Neanderthal. I had to learn how to say, "r" instead> of "ah" and everything! They all love the accent,> but by golly they couldn't understand a dang word I> said! LOL!!! And, as you well know, I'm sure, we> talk really fast up north, so that didn't help my> accent very much, either... The first year I lived> here I thought EVERYONE was cross-eyed and clueless!> When I started to get sick with the NS, I had no> idea - I simply thought I was just fitting right in> with the locals!!! LOL!! > > Have a great rest of the weekend - be safe and> keep dry!> > Hugs,> > Jeannie> > Debbie wrote:> Hi Jeannie.> I haven't heard about Salem at all, but I did> hear that Peabody had some very flooding. I live> about 45 mins away from the Salem and Danvers MA> area. We live right over the NH border. I know all> about those Noreasters! lol > > Jeanne Betters wrote: > Hi Debbie!> > We have family who are out of state right now who> live on the North Shore of Boston (Marblehead) and> Salem, MA.... Do you know if they got hit very> badly? I know whenever there's a Noreaster, they> get hit hard and in the winter ice is unbearable at> times. (I grew up in Massachusetts - Boston, Cape> Cod -and in Rhode Island... always love to hear> about "back home.") > > I'll be sure to keep you in my prayers... Say hi> to a seagull for me! > > Jeannie> > Debbie wrote:> Hi all,> Just thought you might like to know. We are in> the smack dab in the middle of the flooding in> southeast NH and northeast of Mass. area where all> the flooding is. THank God, our home is pretty much> okay. We have had water in our basement , but we> have pumping it out . Not like other families> around here where a lot of people are being> evacuated and losing a lot of their homes and> businesses are losing everything. Dams and rivers> are overflowing. I was in the middle of my> therapist's appt. yesterday and the fireman came> through yesterday and they had to evacuate the> building. I felt like saying "Hey wait a minute,> I'm not done yet!" LOL > But anyway , hopefully everything will start to> recede soon. the sun is suppose to come out soon. > It has been raining for about 10 days. Well , I> have gone on long enough. Debbie> > ---------------------------------> Yahoo! Messenger with Voice. Make PC-to-Phone> Calls to the US (and 30+ countries) for 2�/min or> less. > > __________________________________________________> Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted May 26, 2006 Report Share Posted May 26, 2006 Oh no you didn't.....(made me laugh though) ConnieRose wrote: You would prefer live crickets? Ramblin' Rose Moderator Reply-To: Neurosarcoidosis To: Neurosarcoidosis Subject: RE: Re: crazy fansDate: Wed, 24 May 2006 01:21:04 -0700 (PDT)Oh, Rose! Not dead crickets! ug. What's wrong with watermelon seeds?! I have a phobia about bugs so I cringed when I read that. ooooo hugs S.Rose wrote: Jeanne, I don't know if you've ever listened to Jeff Foxworthy. He says that if you ever think your family is the "worst bunch of goobers" in the world, just go to a state fair, or a stock car race. It's true! I even saw some people sticking dead crickets in their mouths & spitting them for prizes at the Indiana State Fair. Oh, wait a minute, that was my granddaughter & me. Her best distance was 13', mine was only 9'. I was so proud! Ramblin' Rose Moderator Reply-To: Neurosarcoidosis To: Neurosarcoidosis Subject: Re: crazy fansDate: Tue, 23 May 2006 23:54:42 -0700 (PDT) LOL!!! Connie & Matt - It just occured to me that perhaps we are just really "normal" people amidst some real crazy, obnoxious people! LOL!!! Maybe when football season comes around again, we can all share stories and pics of the craziest fans we've seen - wouldn't that be fun!? Matt - I've been praying for you. I haven't emailed you, but you've been on my mind. I hope you're feeling a little better. My Grandfather always said that "Laughter is the best medicine!" Maybe a little crazy football fan contest will be just what the doctor should've ordered for us! Have a happy day! Jeannie Cohen wrote: I grew up in North Carolina between Duke and the Univof N,Carolina and i am sure that Duke fans are themost obnoxious fans in america-MATT--- Connie Griffis wrote:> I know what you all are talking about, but mine is a> college rivalry to beat them all. I was born in> Florida and raised here, but I love Georgia and have> always been a Georgia Bulldog - Univ of GA Fan. I> live amongst the Gators much to my dismay. My> oldest daugher is a die hard gator fan- univ. of fl,> as is her husband. They keep telling me that my 5> yr old granddaughter will be a gator cheerleader and> her 3 yr old brother will be a football player for> the team one day. To this I politely pronounce that> when the Fl-GA game comes up I will wear my GA> colors even if I am cheering for my grandson. My> daughter has told me to make sure I am riding in a> different car from them because I will get us all> killed in the swamp. I mess with her and tell her> I'm not afraid of "lizards". (It's all in fun) But> on the serious side I have never known more serious> or obnoxious fans than Fl Gators. - they take it to> the max. In our town we have someone has a PT> Cruise painted blue> and orange with Fl Gator flags, and there was a> station wagon with all the paint covered in Fl Gator> bumper stickers - go figure.> Always, Connie> > Jeanne Betters wrote:> Wow - talk about a coincidence!!! My> stepbrother relocated from Cape Cod to Punxsutawney> about 3 years ago!! LOL!!! And man, did I notice> their accents! How funny!!! > > Yes, I live in Steelers Country. When the> Patriots played the Steelers in the Superbowl a> couple of years back, my stepbrother and> sister-in-law came down here for the game. There> were three of us "Yankees" in a room full of people> who bleed black-and-gold. When the Patriots won,> everyone in the room was absolutely speechless...> they left as silently as if it was a Maundy Thursday> service! LOL!! My step-brother, his wife and I> just looked at each other, winked and did a hidden> "thumbs up." We were afraid for our lives! LOL!!! > I'm telling you, there is absolutely no fan in the> world like a Steelers fan. I actually started> bleeding black and gold about two years ago. This> year everyone wore black and gold throughout the> entire season. I have like one Steelers shirt that> is waaay too tight, but I wore it out of reverence> for my team. My sister lives in Denver (just> outside), so we had our own little rivalry building> up. Apparently Denver was inundated with> Steelers fans, so she eventually threw in the towel> and rooted for "the right" team. LOL!!> > Sorry to all you Denver fans... It's> indescribable what it's like out here in Steelers> Country. You either join em, or end up as feed at> the hog farm. LOL!> > Thanks for the stroll down memory lane, Debbie! > GO PATS!!!> > Love,> > Jeannie> > > > > > Debbie wrote:> Hi Jeanne,> I used to work with someone who grew up> in the same area in the Willows, isn't that a> coincidence? I haven't heard from him. He actually> lives in Lawrence now right near the Andover line.> My husbands family comes from Puxatwaney (sp?) PA> (Groundhog country) and he is a big Steeler fan . > Believe me , he does not get along with the Patriot> fans around here! > I know what you mean about the "ah's" and the> "r"s because his family used to make fun of me and> my accent but I poked fun at them because they moved> up here with their funny accent from Penn.! It must> have been hard for you to move down there . I feel> for you! LOL > Yes, the Christmas Tree shops are great ,> aren't they? There are several within 15 miles of> me. Don't they have the little birds at Mc's> down there ? lol Hugs, Debbie> > > > Jeanne Betters wrote: > Hi Debbie!> > Our family's home is on a major fault line in> Marblehead, so we actually have always had concern> that they'd be hit by a freak earthquake rather than> flooding... Their home is literally a walk up the> street from the harbor. Our family and friends' in> Salem live in the Willows - literally 4 or 5 houses> from the shore... I'm guessing in both cases, it> might not be good news. I'm just really glad to> hear your safe!> > So, have you been to Christmas Tree Shops, then? > My favorite shopping spot of all time!! > > I have to tell you, too - sitting at a Mc's> during lunchtime in Western PA is nothing like being> in New England. Here they've got these little birds> that are "annoying" when it comes to begging for> fries... If they only could see the swooping fry> attack of a seagull hoarde!!! > > There's just nothing like back home... I tell> everyone that the only reason why I moved here was> because my caveman husband clubbed me on the head,> threw me over his shoulders by the hair and dragged> me kicking and screaming to Steeler Country. The> Neanderthal. I had to learn how to say, "r" instead> of "ah" and everything! They all love the accent,> but by golly they couldn't understand a dang word I> said! LOL!!! And, as you well know, I'm sure, we> talk really fast up north, so that didn't help my> accent very much, either... The first year I lived> here I thought EVERYONE was cross-eyed and clueless!> When I started to get sick with the NS, I had no> idea - I simply thought I was just fitting right in> with the locals!!! LOL!! > > Have a great rest of the weekend - be safe and> keep dry!> > Hugs,> > Jeannie> > Debbie wrote:> Hi Jeannie.> I haven't heard about Salem at all, but I did> hear that Peabody had some very flooding. I live> about 45 mins away from the Salem and Danvers MA> area. We live right over the NH border. I know all> about those Noreasters! lol > > Jeanne Betters wrote: > Hi Debbie!> > We have family who are out of state right now who> live on the North Shore of Boston (Marblehead) and> Salem, MA.... Do you know if they got hit very> badly? I know whenever there's a Noreaster, they> get hit hard and in the winter ice is unbearable at> times. (I grew up in Massachusetts - Boston, Cape> Cod -and in Rhode Island... always love to hear> about "back home.") > > I'll be sure to keep you in my prayers... Say hi> to a seagull for me! > > Jeannie> > Debbie wrote:> Hi all,> Just thought you might like to know. We are in> the smack dab in the middle of the flooding in> southeast NH and northeast of Mass. area where all> the flooding is. THank God, our home is pretty much> okay. We have had water in our basement , but we> have pumping it out . Not like other families> around here where a lot of people are being> evacuated and losing a lot of their homes and> businesses are losing everything. Dams and rivers> are overflowing. I was in the middle of my> therapist's appt. yesterday and the fireman came> through yesterday and they had to evacuate the> building. I felt like saying "Hey wait a minute,> I'm not done yet!" LOL > But anyway , hopefully everything will start to> recede soon. the sun is suppose to come out soon. > It has been raining for about 10 days. Well , I> have gone on long enough. Debbie> > ---------------------------------> Yahoo! Messenger with Voice. Make PC-to-Phone> Calls to the US (and 30+ countries) for 2�/min or> less. > > __________________________________________________> Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted May 26, 2006 Report Share Posted May 26, 2006 Oh no you didn't.....(made me laugh though) ConnieRose wrote: You would prefer live crickets? Ramblin' Rose Moderator Reply-To: Neurosarcoidosis To: Neurosarcoidosis Subject: RE: Re: crazy fansDate: Wed, 24 May 2006 01:21:04 -0700 (PDT)Oh, Rose! Not dead crickets! ug. What's wrong with watermelon seeds?! I have a phobia about bugs so I cringed when I read that. ooooo hugs S.Rose wrote: Jeanne, I don't know if you've ever listened to Jeff Foxworthy. He says that if you ever think your family is the "worst bunch of goobers" in the world, just go to a state fair, or a stock car race. It's true! I even saw some people sticking dead crickets in their mouths & spitting them for prizes at the Indiana State Fair. Oh, wait a minute, that was my granddaughter & me. Her best distance was 13', mine was only 9'. I was so proud! Ramblin' Rose Moderator Reply-To: Neurosarcoidosis To: Neurosarcoidosis Subject: Re: crazy fansDate: Tue, 23 May 2006 23:54:42 -0700 (PDT) LOL!!! Connie & Matt - It just occured to me that perhaps we are just really "normal" people amidst some real crazy, obnoxious people! LOL!!! Maybe when football season comes around again, we can all share stories and pics of the craziest fans we've seen - wouldn't that be fun!? Matt - I've been praying for you. I haven't emailed you, but you've been on my mind. I hope you're feeling a little better. My Grandfather always said that "Laughter is the best medicine!" Maybe a little crazy football fan contest will be just what the doctor should've ordered for us! Have a happy day! Jeannie Cohen wrote: I grew up in North Carolina between Duke and the Univof N,Carolina and i am sure that Duke fans are themost obnoxious fans in america-MATT--- Connie Griffis wrote:> I know what you all are talking about, but mine is a> college rivalry to beat them all. I was born in> Florida and raised here, but I love Georgia and have> always been a Georgia Bulldog - Univ of GA Fan. I> live amongst the Gators much to my dismay. My> oldest daugher is a die hard gator fan- univ. of fl,> as is her husband. They keep telling me that my 5> yr old granddaughter will be a gator cheerleader and> her 3 yr old brother will be a football player for> the team one day. To this I politely pronounce that> when the Fl-GA game comes up I will wear my GA> colors even if I am cheering for my grandson. My> daughter has told me to make sure I am riding in a> different car from them because I will get us all> killed in the swamp. I mess with her and tell her> I'm not afraid of "lizards". (It's all in fun) But> on the serious side I have never known more serious> or obnoxious fans than Fl Gators. - they take it to> the max. In our town we have someone has a PT> Cruise painted blue> and orange with Fl Gator flags, and there was a> station wagon with all the paint covered in Fl Gator> bumper stickers - go figure.> Always, Connie> > Jeanne Betters wrote:> Wow - talk about a coincidence!!! My> stepbrother relocated from Cape Cod to Punxsutawney> about 3 years ago!! LOL!!! And man, did I notice> their accents! How funny!!! > > Yes, I live in Steelers Country. When the> Patriots played the Steelers in the Superbowl a> couple of years back, my stepbrother and> sister-in-law came down here for the game. There> were three of us "Yankees" in a room full of people> who bleed black-and-gold. When the Patriots won,> everyone in the room was absolutely speechless...> they left as silently as if it was a Maundy Thursday> service! LOL!! My step-brother, his wife and I> just looked at each other, winked and did a hidden> "thumbs up." We were afraid for our lives! LOL!!! > I'm telling you, there is absolutely no fan in the> world like a Steelers fan. I actually started> bleeding black and gold about two years ago. This> year everyone wore black and gold throughout the> entire season. I have like one Steelers shirt that> is waaay too tight, but I wore it out of reverence> for my team. My sister lives in Denver (just> outside), so we had our own little rivalry building> up. Apparently Denver was inundated with> Steelers fans, so she eventually threw in the towel> and rooted for "the right" team. LOL!!> > Sorry to all you Denver fans... It's> indescribable what it's like out here in Steelers> Country. You either join em, or end up as feed at> the hog farm. LOL!> > Thanks for the stroll down memory lane, Debbie! > GO PATS!!!> > Love,> > Jeannie> > > > > > Debbie wrote:> Hi Jeanne,> I used to work with someone who grew up> in the same area in the Willows, isn't that a> coincidence? I haven't heard from him. He actually> lives in Lawrence now right near the Andover line.> My husbands family comes from Puxatwaney (sp?) PA> (Groundhog country) and he is a big Steeler fan . > Believe me , he does not get along with the Patriot> fans around here! > I know what you mean about the "ah's" and the> "r"s because his family used to make fun of me and> my accent but I poked fun at them because they moved> up here with their funny accent from Penn.! It must> have been hard for you to move down there . I feel> for you! LOL > Yes, the Christmas Tree shops are great ,> aren't they? There are several within 15 miles of> me. Don't they have the little birds at Mc's> down there ? lol Hugs, Debbie> > > > Jeanne Betters wrote: > Hi Debbie!> > Our family's home is on a major fault line in> Marblehead, so we actually have always had concern> that they'd be hit by a freak earthquake rather than> flooding... Their home is literally a walk up the> street from the harbor. Our family and friends' in> Salem live in the Willows - literally 4 or 5 houses> from the shore... I'm guessing in both cases, it> might not be good news. I'm just really glad to> hear your safe!> > So, have you been to Christmas Tree Shops, then? > My favorite shopping spot of all time!! > > I have to tell you, too - sitting at a Mc's> during lunchtime in Western PA is nothing like being> in New England. Here they've got these little birds> that are "annoying" when it comes to begging for> fries... If they only could see the swooping fry> attack of a seagull hoarde!!! > > There's just nothing like back home... I tell> everyone that the only reason why I moved here was> because my caveman husband clubbed me on the head,> threw me over his shoulders by the hair and dragged> me kicking and screaming to Steeler Country. The> Neanderthal. I had to learn how to say, "r" instead> of "ah" and everything! They all love the accent,> but by golly they couldn't understand a dang word I> said! LOL!!! And, as you well know, I'm sure, we> talk really fast up north, so that didn't help my> accent very much, either... The first year I lived> here I thought EVERYONE was cross-eyed and clueless!> When I started to get sick with the NS, I had no> idea - I simply thought I was just fitting right in> with the locals!!! LOL!! > > Have a great rest of the weekend - be safe and> keep dry!> > Hugs,> > Jeannie> > Debbie wrote:> Hi Jeannie.> I haven't heard about Salem at all, but I did> hear that Peabody had some very flooding. I live> about 45 mins away from the Salem and Danvers MA> area. We live right over the NH border. I know all> about those Noreasters! lol > > Jeanne Betters wrote: > Hi Debbie!> > We have family who are out of state right now who> live on the North Shore of Boston (Marblehead) and> Salem, MA.... Do you know if they got hit very> badly? I know whenever there's a Noreaster, they> get hit hard and in the winter ice is unbearable at> times. (I grew up in Massachusetts - Boston, Cape> Cod -and in Rhode Island... always love to hear> about "back home.") > > I'll be sure to keep you in my prayers... Say hi> to a seagull for me! > > Jeannie> > Debbie wrote:> Hi all,> Just thought you might like to know. We are in> the smack dab in the middle of the flooding in> southeast NH and northeast of Mass. area where all> the flooding is. THank God, our home is pretty much> okay. We have had water in our basement , but we> have pumping it out . Not like other families> around here where a lot of people are being> evacuated and losing a lot of their homes and> businesses are losing everything. Dams and rivers> are overflowing. I was in the middle of my> therapist's appt. yesterday and the fireman came> through yesterday and they had to evacuate the> building. I felt like saying "Hey wait a minute,> I'm not done yet!" LOL > But anyway , hopefully everything will start to> recede soon. the sun is suppose to come out soon. > It has been raining for about 10 days. Well , I> have gone on long enough. Debbie> > ---------------------------------> Yahoo! Messenger with Voice. Make PC-to-Phone> Calls to the US (and 30+ countries) for 2�/min or> less. > > __________________________________________________> Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted May 26, 2006 Report Share Posted May 26, 2006 OK Rose, says no bugs, so I guess we go to worms///Connie Solberg wrote: I would prefer No Bugs!!! lol mary S.Rose wrote: You would prefer live crickets? Ramblin' Rose Moderator Reply-To: Neurosarcoidosis To: Neurosarcoidosis Subject: RE: Re: crazy fansDate: Wed, 24 May 2006 01:21:04 -0700 (PDT)Oh, Rose! Not dead crickets! ug. What's wrong with watermelon seeds?! I have a phobia about bugs so I cringed when I read that. ooooo hugs S.Rose wrote: Jeanne, I don't know if you've ever listened to Jeff Foxworthy. He says that if you ever think your family is the "worst bunch of goobers" in the world, just go to a state fair, or a stock car race. It's true! I even saw some people sticking dead crickets in their mouths & spitting them for prizes at the Indiana State Fair. Oh, wait a minute, that was my granddaughter & me. Her best distance was 13', mine was only 9'. I was so proud! Ramblin' Rose Moderator Reply-To: Neurosarcoidosis To: Neurosarcoidosis Subject: Re: crazy fansDate: Tue, 23 May 2006 23:54:42 -0700 (PDT) LOL!!! Connie & Matt - It just occured to me that perhaps we are just really "normal" people amidst some real crazy, obnoxious people! LOL!!! Maybe when football season comes around again, we can all share stories and pics of the craziest fans we've seen - wouldn't that be fun!? Matt - I've been praying for you. I haven't emailed you, but you've been on my mind. I hope you're feeling a little better. My Grandfather always said that "Laughter is the best medicine!" Maybe a little crazy football fan contest will be just what the doctor should've ordered for us! Have a happy day! Jeannie Cohen wrote: I grew up in North Carolina between Duke and the Univof N,Carolina and i am sure that Duke fans are themost obnoxious fans in america-MATT--- Connie Griffis wrote:> I know what you all are talking about, but mine is a> college rivalry to beat them all. I was born in> Florida and raised here, but I love Georgia and have> always been a Georgia Bulldog - Univ of GA Fan. I> live amongst the Gators much to my dismay. My> oldest daugher is a die hard gator fan- univ. of fl,> as is her husband. They keep telling me that my 5> yr old granddaughter will be a gator cheerleader and> her 3 yr old brother will be a football player for> the team one day. To this I politely pronounce that> when the Fl-GA game comes up I will wear my GA> colors even if I am cheering for my grandson. My> daughter has told me to make sure I am riding in a> different car from them because I will get us all> killed in the swamp. I mess with her and tell her> I'm not afraid of "lizards". (It's all in fun) But> on the serious side I have never known more serious> or obnoxious fans than Fl Gators. - they take it to> the max. In our town we have someone has a PT> Cruise painted blue> and orange with Fl Gator flags, and there was a> station wagon with all the paint covered in Fl Gator> bumper stickers - go figure.> Always, Connie> > Jeanne Betters wrote:> Wow - talk about a coincidence!!! My> stepbrother relocated from Cape Cod to Punxsutawney> about 3 years ago!! LOL!!! And man, did I notice> their accents! How funny!!! > > Yes, I live in Steelers Country. When the> Patriots played the Steelers in the Superbowl a> couple of years back, my stepbrother and> sister-in-law came down here for the game. There> were three of us "Yankees" in a room full of people> who bleed black-and-gold. When the Patriots won,> everyone in the room was absolutely speechless...> they left as silently as if it was a Maundy Thursday> service! LOL!! My step-brother, his wife and I> just looked at each other, winked and did a hidden> "thumbs up." We were afraid for our lives! LOL!!! > I'm telling you, there is absolutely no fan in the> world like a Steelers fan. I actually started> bleeding black and gold about two years ago. This> year everyone wore black and gold throughout the> entire season. I have like one Steelers shirt that> is waaay too tight, but I wore it out of reverence> for my team. My sister lives in Denver (just> outside), so we had our own little rivalry building> up. Apparently Denver was inundated with> Steelers fans, so she eventually threw in the towel> and rooted for "the right" team. LOL!!> > Sorry to all you Denver fans... It's> indescribable what it's like out here in Steelers> Country. You either join em, or end up as feed at> the hog farm. LOL!> > Thanks for the stroll down memory lane, Debbie! > GO PATS!!!> > Love,> > Jeannie> > > > > > Debbie wrote:> Hi Jeanne,> I used to work with someone who grew up> in the same area in the Willows, isn't that a> coincidence? I haven't heard from him. He actually> lives in Lawrence now right near the Andover line.> My husbands family comes from Puxatwaney (sp?) PA> (Groundhog country) and he is a big Steeler fan . > Believe me , he does not get along with the Patriot> fans around here! > I know what you mean about the "ah's" and the> "r"s because his family used to make fun of me and> my accent but I poked fun at them because they moved> up here with their funny accent from Penn.! It must> have been hard for you to move down there . I feel> for you! LOL > Yes, the Christmas Tree shops are great ,> aren't they? There are several within 15 miles of> me. Don't they have the little birds at Mc's> down there ? lol Hugs, Debbie> > > > Jeanne Betters wrote: > Hi Debbie!> > Our family's home is on a major fault line in> Marblehead, so we actually have always had concern> that they'd be hit by a freak earthquake rather than> flooding... Their home is literally a walk up the> street from the harbor. Our family and friends' in> Salem live in the Willows - literally 4 or 5 houses> from the shore... I'm guessing in both cases, it> might not be good news. I'm just really glad to> hear your safe!> > So, have you been to Christmas Tree Shops, then? > My favorite shopping spot of all time!! > > I have to tell you, too - sitting at a Mc's> during lunchtime in Western PA is nothing like being> in New England. Here they've got these little birds> that are "annoying" when it comes to begging for> fries... If they only could see the swooping fry> attack of a seagull hoarde!!! > > There's just nothing like back home... I tell> everyone that the only reason why I moved here was> because my caveman husband clubbed me on the head,> threw me over his shoulders by the hair and dragged> me kicking and screaming to Steeler Country. The> Neanderthal. I had to learn how to say, "r" instead> of "ah" and everything! They all love the accent,> but by golly they couldn't understand a dang word I> said! LOL!!! And, as you well know, I'm sure, we> talk really fast up north, so that didn't help my> accent very much, either... The first year I lived> here I thought EVERYONE was cross-eyed and clueless!> When I started to get sick with the NS, I had no> idea - I simply thought I was just fitting right in> with the locals!!! LOL!! > > Have a great rest of the weekend - be safe and> keep dry!> > Hugs,> > Jeannie> > Debbie wrote:> Hi Jeannie.> I haven't heard about Salem at all, but I did> hear that Peabody had some very flooding. I live> about 45 mins away from the Salem and Danvers MA> area. We live right over the NH border. I know all> about those Noreasters! lol > > Jeanne Betters wrote: > Hi Debbie!> > We have family who are out of state right now who> live on the North Shore of Boston (Marblehead) and> Salem, MA.... Do you know if they got hit very> badly? I know whenever there's a Noreaster, they> get hit hard and in the winter ice is unbearable at> times. (I grew up in Massachusetts - Boston, Cape> Cod -and in Rhode Island... always love to hear> about "back home.") > > I'll be sure to keep you in my prayers... Say hi> to a seagull for me! > > Jeannie> > Debbie wrote:> Hi all,> Just thought you might like to know. We are in> the smack dab in the middle of the flooding in> southeast NH and northeast of Mass. area where all> the flooding is. THank God, our home is pretty much> okay. We have had water in our basement , but we> have pumping it out . Not like other families> around here where a lot of people are being> evacuated and losing a lot of their homes and> businesses are losing everything. Dams and rivers> are overflowing. I was in the middle of my> therapist's appt. yesterday and the fireman came> through yesterday and they had to evacuate the> building. I felt like saying "Hey wait a minute,> I'm not done yet!" LOL > But anyway , hopefully everything will start to> recede soon. the sun is suppose to come out soon. > It has been raining for about 10 days. Well , I> have gone on long enough. Debbie> > ---------------------------------> Yahoo! Messenger with Voice. Make PC-to-Phone> Calls to the US (and 30+ countries) for 2�/min or> less. > > __________________________________________________> Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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