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Re: afraid of the surgery failing

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I am scheduled for my DS/lap with Dr gagner on June 5th, and although i am excited i am scared..I have failed at every diet i ever was on and was interested to know if anyone out there felt scared going into this thinking this might not get the weight off too..anyones comments are gladly welcomed..



, I was scared going in for the same reason. I am still scared -- that somehow I will stop losing and the surgery just won't work. After 20+

years of failed dieting what else could I expect... Every passing day that proves me wrong I am ever grateful for. Best wishes for a successful switch and a pain free recovery.


open ds 2-12-2001

down 45 lbs

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I think it would be more appropriate to ask if anyone *didn't* worry

they might fail at this as well ? *hugs* Everyone here is in the same

boat as you are, in where they have tried diet after diet and

different exercise programs and none of them have been successful in

keeping the weight off. I think it's natural when everyone worries

that it won't work for them and they'll be the exception. From what

I've seen so far, it's a lot harder to sabotage yourself with the

BPD/DS as you have the restrictive and the malabsorption portion.

There are many ppl who don't change their diet a whit and they are

still losing weight because they're eating smaller portions, instead

of fearfully watching that slow regain. The only thing that will

cure you (and everyone) of this, is when we have this surgery and we

see for ourselves.


Pre-pre-op in Denver

> Hi to everyone,


> my question is the following:


> I am scheduled for my DS/lap with Dr gagner on June 5th, and

although i am

> excited i am scared..I have failed at every diet i ever was on and


> interested to know if anyone out there felt scared going into this


> this might not get the weight off too..anyones comments are gladly



> thanks


> karen

> nyc pre-op

> surgery with dr gagner june 5th

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- You wrote:

" if anyone out there felt scared

going into this thinking

this might not get the weight off too " Next to

the fear that my insurance company will not pay, this is the second most

prevalent thought I have. HOWEVER - I've been researching and

thinking this through for years, and it seems to be a much better risk

than, say, failing at another diet, gaining more weight or dying of

obesity. If your last resort fails, then what? You find

another last resort. I really, really believe that this will work,

and I pray very hard that I won't have any complications. Beyond

the best that I can do (and I think DS is just that - the best that I can

do), its out of my hands, and in His. Good luck and keep us

posted! I'm sure that you'll be enjoying life on the " other

side " and I cant wait to join you! My consult with Dr. Ren is


Debbie in Philly

BMI 44

consult scheduled

At 01:33 AM 5/11/01 -0400, you wrote:

Hi to


my question is the following:

I am scheduled for my DS/lap with Dr gagner on June 5th, and although i


excited i am scared..I have failed at every diet i ever was on and was

interested to know if anyone out there felt scared going into this


this might not get the weight off too..anyones comments are gladly




nyc pre-op

surgery with dr gagner june 5th


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- You wrote:

" if anyone out there felt scared

going into this thinking

this might not get the weight off too " Next to

the fear that my insurance company will not pay, this is the second most

prevalent thought I have. HOWEVER - I've been researching and

thinking this through for years, and it seems to be a much better risk

than, say, failing at another diet, gaining more weight or dying of

obesity. If your last resort fails, then what? You find

another last resort. I really, really believe that this will work,

and I pray very hard that I won't have any complications. Beyond

the best that I can do (and I think DS is just that - the best that I can

do), its out of my hands, and in His. Good luck and keep us

posted! I'm sure that you'll be enjoying life on the " other

side " and I cant wait to join you! My consult with Dr. Ren is


Debbie in Philly

BMI 44

consult scheduled

At 01:33 AM 5/11/01 -0400, you wrote:

Hi to


my question is the following:

I am scheduled for my DS/lap with Dr gagner on June 5th, and although i


excited i am scared..I have failed at every diet i ever was on and was

interested to know if anyone out there felt scared going into this


this might not get the weight off too..anyones comments are gladly




nyc pre-op

surgery with dr gagner june 5th


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- You wrote:

" if anyone out there felt scared

going into this thinking

this might not get the weight off too " Next to

the fear that my insurance company will not pay, this is the second most

prevalent thought I have. HOWEVER - I've been researching and

thinking this through for years, and it seems to be a much better risk

than, say, failing at another diet, gaining more weight or dying of

obesity. If your last resort fails, then what? You find

another last resort. I really, really believe that this will work,

and I pray very hard that I won't have any complications. Beyond

the best that I can do (and I think DS is just that - the best that I can

do), its out of my hands, and in His. Good luck and keep us

posted! I'm sure that you'll be enjoying life on the " other

side " and I cant wait to join you! My consult with Dr. Ren is


Debbie in Philly

BMI 44

consult scheduled

At 01:33 AM 5/11/01 -0400, you wrote:

Hi to


my question is the following:

I am scheduled for my DS/lap with Dr gagner on June 5th, and although i


excited i am scared..I have failed at every diet i ever was on and was

interested to know if anyone out there felt scared going into this


this might not get the weight off too..anyones comments are gladly




nyc pre-op

surgery with dr gagner june 5th


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Me too! Me too!

Add to this the fact that I had a stomach stapling nearly 20 years ago which,

in fact, did not work. I lost maybe 40 lb, tops, and then nothing. And, of

course, I've tried every diet known to humankind, starting probably around

age 10, and I'm 39 now. (During my DS, while Dr. A. was revising my previous

surgery he stated the staples had all opened up, right in a row, which I had

in fact felt about 8 weeks after the stapling surgery).

And I know I've seen others write of having plateaus and such, and feeling

that the surgery would not work for them.

So, I am sure this is very normal.

It is a weird feeling, to me, to see the pounds go off and to realize they

won't come back. I've lost pounds so many times, only to see it come right

back on (and invite friends to join, apparently!). It is an odd concept, to

me, that the pounds that are now melting away will STAY gone. I like the

idea, but it will take some time to get used to.


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Me too! Me too!

Add to this the fact that I had a stomach stapling nearly 20 years ago which,

in fact, did not work. I lost maybe 40 lb, tops, and then nothing. And, of

course, I've tried every diet known to humankind, starting probably around

age 10, and I'm 39 now. (During my DS, while Dr. A. was revising my previous

surgery he stated the staples had all opened up, right in a row, which I had

in fact felt about 8 weeks after the stapling surgery).

And I know I've seen others write of having plateaus and such, and feeling

that the surgery would not work for them.

So, I am sure this is very normal.

It is a weird feeling, to me, to see the pounds go off and to realize they

won't come back. I've lost pounds so many times, only to see it come right

back on (and invite friends to join, apparently!). It is an odd concept, to

me, that the pounds that are now melting away will STAY gone. I like the

idea, but it will take some time to get used to.


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Me too! Me too!

Add to this the fact that I had a stomach stapling nearly 20 years ago which,

in fact, did not work. I lost maybe 40 lb, tops, and then nothing. And, of

course, I've tried every diet known to humankind, starting probably around

age 10, and I'm 39 now. (During my DS, while Dr. A. was revising my previous

surgery he stated the staples had all opened up, right in a row, which I had

in fact felt about 8 weeks after the stapling surgery).

And I know I've seen others write of having plateaus and such, and feeling

that the surgery would not work for them.

So, I am sure this is very normal.

It is a weird feeling, to me, to see the pounds go off and to realize they

won't come back. I've lost pounds so many times, only to see it come right

back on (and invite friends to join, apparently!). It is an odd concept, to

me, that the pounds that are now melting away will STAY gone. I like the

idea, but it will take some time to get used to.


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Hi Ladies;

Let me impart a wee bit of post-op wisdom!

The reason you will not fail this time is because this isn't nor will it ever be a DIET!!! Forget the word! Forget the concept! NOT A DIET! NO MORE DIET!

You will be given a tool that will allow your body to do what it was made to do process food effectively! You will lose weight because there isn't any reason for you not to and you will reach your goals.

As a note all the above will be negated if you insist on sitting down daily and seeing how much sugary food stuffs you can pour into your body but other than that....

You will not fail because you will have been given the tool you need to make your system function.

You were not a failure before the surgery you were a victim of the diet industry that told you over and over again that you were a failure, that you didn't try hard enough but if you would only BUY the next fad of diet weight loss, you would not fail and could be thin and perfect!

They however did not mention that you were already strong and the failure was them not you.



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Hi Ladies;

Let me impart a wee bit of post-op wisdom!

The reason you will not fail this time is because this isn't nor will it ever be a DIET!!! Forget the word! Forget the concept! NOT A DIET! NO MORE DIET!

You will be given a tool that will allow your body to do what it was made to do process food effectively! You will lose weight because there isn't any reason for you not to and you will reach your goals.

As a note all the above will be negated if you insist on sitting down daily and seeing how much sugary food stuffs you can pour into your body but other than that....

You will not fail because you will have been given the tool you need to make your system function.

You were not a failure before the surgery you were a victim of the diet industry that told you over and over again that you were a failure, that you didn't try hard enough but if you would only BUY the next fad of diet weight loss, you would not fail and could be thin and perfect!

They however did not mention that you were already strong and the failure was them not you.



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Hi Ladies;

Let me impart a wee bit of post-op wisdom!

The reason you will not fail this time is because this isn't nor will it ever be a DIET!!! Forget the word! Forget the concept! NOT A DIET! NO MORE DIET!

You will be given a tool that will allow your body to do what it was made to do process food effectively! You will lose weight because there isn't any reason for you not to and you will reach your goals.

As a note all the above will be negated if you insist on sitting down daily and seeing how much sugary food stuffs you can pour into your body but other than that....

You will not fail because you will have been given the tool you need to make your system function.

You were not a failure before the surgery you were a victim of the diet industry that told you over and over again that you were a failure, that you didn't try hard enough but if you would only BUY the next fad of diet weight loss, you would not fail and could be thin and perfect!

They however did not mention that you were already strong and the failure was them not you.



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I am having my surgery in 23 days in nyc and i can relate to the fear of failure,, everything always didnt work for me not one diet, always been fat ,,now fatter, this is my last chance i hope it is not in vain...



ds/lap dr gagner june 5th

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" Amen! "

--- IWriteOnTwo@... wrote:

> Hi Ladies;


> Let me impart a wee bit of post-op wisdom!

> The reason you will not fail this time is because this isn't nor will

> it

> ever be a DIET!!! Forget the word! Forget the concept! NOT A DIET! NO



> You will be given a tool that will allow your body to do what it was

> made

> to do process food effectively! You will lose weight because there isn't

> any

> reason for you not to and you will reach your goals.

> As a note all the above will be negated if you insist on sitting down

> daily

> and seeing how much sugary food stuffs you can pour into your body but

> other

> than that....

> You will not fail because you will have been given the tool you need

> to

> make your system function.

> You were not a failure before the surgery you were a victim of the

> diet

> industry that told you over and over again that you were a failure, that

> you

> didn't try hard enough but if you would only BUY the next fad of diet

> weight

> loss, you would not fail and could be thin and perfect!

> They however did not mention that you were already strong and the

> failure

> was them not you.


> Huggles,

> Tiger



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" Amen! "

--- IWriteOnTwo@... wrote:

> Hi Ladies;


> Let me impart a wee bit of post-op wisdom!

> The reason you will not fail this time is because this isn't nor will

> it

> ever be a DIET!!! Forget the word! Forget the concept! NOT A DIET! NO



> You will be given a tool that will allow your body to do what it was

> made

> to do process food effectively! You will lose weight because there isn't

> any

> reason for you not to and you will reach your goals.

> As a note all the above will be negated if you insist on sitting down

> daily

> and seeing how much sugary food stuffs you can pour into your body but

> other

> than that....

> You will not fail because you will have been given the tool you need

> to

> make your system function.

> You were not a failure before the surgery you were a victim of the

> diet

> industry that told you over and over again that you were a failure, that

> you

> didn't try hard enough but if you would only BUY the next fad of diet

> weight

> loss, you would not fail and could be thin and perfect!

> They however did not mention that you were already strong and the

> failure

> was them not you.


> Huggles,

> Tiger



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" Amen! "

--- IWriteOnTwo@... wrote:

> Hi Ladies;


> Let me impart a wee bit of post-op wisdom!

> The reason you will not fail this time is because this isn't nor will

> it

> ever be a DIET!!! Forget the word! Forget the concept! NOT A DIET! NO



> You will be given a tool that will allow your body to do what it was

> made

> to do process food effectively! You will lose weight because there isn't

> any

> reason for you not to and you will reach your goals.

> As a note all the above will be negated if you insist on sitting down

> daily

> and seeing how much sugary food stuffs you can pour into your body but

> other

> than that....

> You will not fail because you will have been given the tool you need

> to

> make your system function.

> You were not a failure before the surgery you were a victim of the

> diet

> industry that told you over and over again that you were a failure, that

> you

> didn't try hard enough but if you would only BUY the next fad of diet

> weight

> loss, you would not fail and could be thin and perfect!

> They however did not mention that you were already strong and the

> failure

> was them not you.


> Huggles,

> Tiger



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Let me impart a wee bit of post-op wisdom! The reason you will not fail this time is because this isn't nor will it ever be a DIET!!! Forget the word! Forget the concept! NOT A DIET! NO MORE DIET! You will be given a tool that will allow your body to do what it was made to do process food effectively! You will lose weight because there isn't any reason for you not to and you will reach your goals. As a note all the above will be negated if you insist on sitting down daily and seeing how much sugary food stuffs you can pour into your body but other than that.... You will not fail because you will have been given the tool you need to make your system function. You were not a failure before the surgery you were a victim of the diet industry that told you over and over again that you were a failure, that you didn't try hard enough but if you would only BUY the next fad of diet weight loss, you would not fail and could be thin and perfect! They however did not mention that you were already strong and the failure was them not you.

Tiger, Once again your post is just what the Dr. ordered. I so appreciated you being here for everyone and sharing your wisdom and experience.

Thank you.


open ds 2-12-01

Dr J Macura, Staten Island, NY

down 48 lbs a/o today (3 mo anni)

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Dear :

Stop that!!!!!!!!! You will do wonderfully and you will succeed! So you just be strong and start making that list of things you want to do that you haven't been able to because you will be doing it all.

I remind everyone to please get your measurements just before surgery and put them away and then every month on the same day, (remember I only weighed myself once a month after my first couple of post-op visits to the doc and he said he would see me in 3 months and then 6 months so I only weighed once a month always on the same day and also redid my measurements at that time. I cannot tell you how huge a thrill it is to see your body melting away inches by inches.



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I'm looking into Mt Sinai too. Has anyone tried getting approval for this from Oxford LIBERTY Plan?

Re: afraid of the surgery failing

I am having my surgery in 23 days in nyc and i can relate to the fear of failure,, everything always didnt work for me not one diet, always been fat ,,now fatter, this is my last chance i hope it is not in vain... karen pre-op ds/lap dr gagner june 5th ----------------------------------------------------------------------

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Hello Lynette,

I also have the Oxford Liberty Plan, From what I have

heard Mt. Sinai does not participate in the Oxford

Liberty Plan so you will have to pick up the cost for

going out of network.



--- Lynette Settles lgsettles@...> wrote:

> I'm looking into Mt Sinai too. Has anyone tried

> getting approval for this from Oxford LIBERTY Plan?

> Re: afraid of the

> surgery failing



> I am having my surgery in 23 days in nyc and i can

> relate to the fear of

> failure,, everything always didnt work for me not

> one diet, always been fat

> ,,now fatter, this is my last chance i hope it is

> not in vain...


> karen

> pre-op

> ds/lap dr gagner june 5th





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O noooo! Have any idea what a ballpark cost would be for out of network


Re: afraid of the surgery failing

> Hello Lynette,

> I also have the Oxford Liberty Plan, From what I have

> heard Mt. Sinai does not participate in the Oxford

> Liberty Plan so you will have to pick up the cost for

> going out of network.


> ww,


> Lisbeth


> --- Lynette Settles lgsettles@...> wrote:

> > I'm looking into Mt Sinai too. Has anyone tried

> > getting approval for this from Oxford LIBERTY Plan?

> > ----- Original Message -----

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