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Re: Caroline's Departure from the USC Support Group

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>> I take issue with the manner in which you departed

the Dr. Anthone / Dr. Crookes support group. <<

If I ever saw an issue more appropriate for PRIVATE EMAIL,

I can't remember it.

-Sherry (Lake Marcel, WA)

BPD/DS Feb. 2, 2001


5'5 " / 344 pounds / 33 years old

Lost 9 pounds in pre-op weight loss efforts

Have lost 67 pounds since surgery!

Total of 76 pounds gone forEVER!


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>> I take issue with the manner in which you departed

the Dr. Anthone / Dr. Crookes support group. <<

If I ever saw an issue more appropriate for PRIVATE EMAIL,

I can't remember it.

-Sherry (Lake Marcel, WA)

BPD/DS Feb. 2, 2001


5'5 " / 344 pounds / 33 years old

Lost 9 pounds in pre-op weight loss efforts

Have lost 67 pounds since surgery!

Total of 76 pounds gone forEVER!


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At 07:090 +0000 4/30/01, shelters@... wrote:

> >> I take issue with the manner in which you departed

>the Dr. Anthone / Dr. Crookes support group. <<


>If I ever saw an issue more appropriate for PRIVATE EMAIL,

>I can't remember it.

ITA...I can't believe an issue from another separate group is being

raised here. How very inappropriate.

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Perhaps you didn't see it but everyone was asked to take this topic to

private e-mail rather than putting it on the list by , the list

owner. This has every potential

of becoming an out and out flame war if it hasn't already. So I know

everyone here would appreciate it very much if you could send further

messages privately rather than burdening everyone else with your seemingly

legitimate disagreements.

Thank you in advance.

Joe Frost, old gentleman, not old fart

San , TX, 60 years old

Surgery 11/29/00 by Dr. Welker

Lateral Gastrectomy with Duodenal Switch

340 starting weight, currently 250


Caroline's Departure from the USC Support Group

> Caroline:


> I take issue with the manner in which you departed

> the Dr. Anthone / Dr. Crookes support group.


> Issue One:


> You asked for our support, and we gave it to you as

> best we could. In addition, we tried to explain to

> you how to get what you wanted from the office.


> Specifically:


> 1. To find out why Dr. Anthone refused to perform

> your DS, all you need do is dial 1-800-USC-CARE

> and ask the operator to PAGE Dr. Anthone to call

> you back.


> 2. In order to get your test results and xrays

> returned, you will, apparently, have to pay for

> the postage. Is it " right " that you should have

> to pay for the postage? Probably not. But it's

> the reality, and there is nothing that Angie can

> do about that.


> If you had taken our advice, these issues would

> most likely be in the past by now.



> Issue Two:


> You keep alluding to people on the USC list " attacking "

> you or " flaming " you, when no such thing occured.


> It is true that, when you repeatedly attacked Dr. Anthone,

> we who have actually MET the man felt the need to point

> out what we saw as the inaccuracies in your posts. If

> we had responded to you using the same type of inflammatory

> language that you directed toward Dr. Anthone, then you

> would indeed have a reason to feel wronged. But we did

> no such thing.


> Nan, in particular, put herself on the line trying to help

> you by signing her post " Nan E. (an angry and difficult

> woman learning to chill.) "


> Far from flaming you, she was using herself as an example

> of someone with a problem, and suggesting that, perhaps,

> you might either have a similar problem, or be perceived

> by doctors as having a similar problem.


> Is there anyone on this list who doesn't have a lot of

> anger built up inside them -- particularly around issues

> having to do with weight and the medical profession?

> If we are honest, I think that we all do, because we've

> spent most of our lives being told, by doctors, that our

> obesity is a result of our lack of backbone and/or moral

> character.


> So, is it really so devastating to suggest that doctors

> may see your anger and not want to deal with it? I think

> not.


> Between my panniculectomy and my DS I had two surgeries to

> clean out an infection that had developed beneath my

> panniculectomy incision. Afterward, my surgeon gave me

> a copy of his operative notes and asked me to convey a

> copy to Dr. Anthone as a professional curtesy. When I

> read them, what did I find? I found that the surgeon, as

> well as both of the anesthesiologists, made comments about

> how I was to deal with as a patient. I suspect that this

> is a fairly universal practice.


> All Nan suggested was that, if at some time you have

> betrayed your anger toward medical personnel, there may

> well be notations to that effect somewhere in your medical

> records, and this may make a difference in how you are

> perceived by new doctors and their staffs.



> Issue Three:


> You keep blaming Dr. Anthone personally for the fact that

> you have been unhappy in your dealings with his staff,

> despite the fact that you yourself refuse to call Dr.

> Anthone to find out why he thinks you are not a good

> candidate for the DS.


> You accused him of hiding behind his staff in order not

> to have to answer questions from patients, (why you

> think he would do this I have no idea). You stated:


> > I can not believe that Dr. A has been in

> > that office for 10 years and has no idea what is going

> > on. And if not, why not? Perhaps, like so many other

> > doctors today, he DEPENDS on them protecting him and

> > standing between himself and prospective patients with

> > their questions.


> I think this statement is probably partly correct. That

> is, I'm certain that Dr. Anthone relies on the office

> staff to take care of those things that do not require

> his attention. Perhaps they shield him from too much.

> You certainly seem to think so. But, even if so, how

> is he going to find out about it (and thus be able to

> do anything about it) if you refuse to tell him?



> > I don't mind kissing a little butt either in order

> > to obtain a desired end result, but when it comes to

> > my life depending on people who operate in that

> > manner, I have to take a second look. Am I willing to

> > depend on a staff for whom evasion, lack of courtesy

> > and nonprofessionalism is the code of the day? NOPE,

> > I AM NOT.......


> ly, I don't understand this statement.


> In the first place, as I stated before, your life in no

> way depends on the office staff. All they do is push

> paper around.


> On the other hand, if you mean to imply that Dr. Anthone

> is unprofessional and/or would endanger your life, I can

> only say that your anger at being turned down for surgery

> is no excuse for libeling a man you've never met, spoken

> to, or even corresponded with.



> Finally, I will once again urge you to call Dr. Anthone,

> (at 1-800-USC-CARE), and have him paged to call you, so

> that you may find out why he thinks you are not a good

> candidate for the DS. It could be that you have a

> medical problem which you, as well as whichever doctor

> winds up doing your DS, need to know about.


> Good luck with Dr. Maguire,


> Tom










> ----------------------------------------------------------------------


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