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Re: To all of you who have taken spills..............

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Hi Pam -

You think maybe they'll make a movie out of this???

Naaahh. It'd wouldn't be believable.

Oh my God.

At least you managed to keep your chin up!



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!!! I still cannot believe what happened in there today!!

I'd swear it was all a setup!! I

ahhhhh no I can't believe it either Pam, what a bummer.

I hate when embarrasing things happen to us MO people I think it is just double the embarrasment.

Sorry that happened Pam.


Dr. Elariny

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!!! I still cannot believe what happened in there today!!

I'd swear it was all a setup!! I

ahhhhh no I can't believe it either Pam, what a bummer.

I hate when embarrasing things happen to us MO people I think it is just double the embarrasment.

Sorry that happened Pam.


Dr. Elariny

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Subject: To all of you who have taken spills..............

Hi everyone.

I just finished reading a bunch of your posts talking about the different

times that you have fallen down, and were not within five feet of a DECENT

human being to help you. Well, all I can say is, although that has never

happened to me personally, I find it un------- believable that people can be

so cold hearted. Actually, the truth be told, I DON'T find it unbelievable,

because as it relates to obesity, I have had my share of humiliating

experiences also.

And now..........speaking of humiliating experiences, I am, hopefully, about

to add some humor to your day!!! This is one of those

" I-can't-really-believe-this-happened-to-me " sort of experiences. Today, I

went to the grocery store to do some shopping. I went down the isle where

all the condiments are, and I picked up a jar of pickles. Well, for some

reason (and for the LIFE of me I cannot think of what that reason WAS!!) I

stood there HOLDING the jar of pickles instead of putting it in my cart. I

was glancing over some of the other things on the shelf (still holding the

pickle jar in my hand) when this woman who was passing by asked me if I knew

where the vinegar was. I said, " yep, sure do. " And with that, I lifted my

hand with the pickle jar in it to point the direction out to her, and, you

may have guessed this, the pickle jar went FLYING!! And then of course


was the sound of crashing and crackling as the pickle jar went careening to

the floor, pickles, juice, and little shards of glass EVERYWHERE. So, while

I waited for my face to return to a NORMAL shade, they called for a clean up

in the isle. So, I calmed down a bit, and continued on my way. I had to go

over to the deli next to get some cheese. Well, wouldn't you know it, the

deli was very busy, as it was around lunch time, and they make sandwiches


such at the deli counter. So, I noticed that everyone there was taking a

number, so I made my way over to the little number-taker thing. Well, I

excused myself as I stepped between two women to get my ticket, and,

unbeknownst to me, there was a little packet of mustard laying on the floor.

So, as I took that last step to grab my ticket, you guessed it, I stepped on

the mustard packet!! And guess what? It splattered open, and all over the

pants of one of the two ladies that I had stepped in between!! ABSOLUTELY

UNBELIEVABLE!! I thought to myself, " This CAN'T be happening " !! Could I BE

more humiliated? Well, the answer to that, my friends, is YES, I could!!!

Because this story is NOT over!!! I apologized up one side and down the

other to this woman, and thank God, she was totally understanding. So, I


what I needed from the deli, and was about to head on up to the checkout

stand when I realized that I had forgotten to get some oranges. So, I


on back to the produce section to get my oranges. I stood there looking


over thinking to myself that they didn't really look that nice this time,


when I found one that looked nice, I picked it up to look at it. Well, that

made the orange next to it tumble down, but luckily I caught it and put it

back. Then another orange started tumbling and I was able to catch that,

too. Well, of COURSE, this, for SOME REASON started an AVALANCHE of falling

oranges!! I swear, all I could think to myself was, " This can't be

happening. For SURE there is a CANDID CAMERA person in this store


about to come out and make his/herself known to me. But, alas, no Candid

Camera personnel to be seen anywhere. There was, however, a produce manager

standing right nearby who had the benefit of watching my show!!! I JUST

WANTED TO DIE!!!! Thank God that this man had a sense of humor!! He came

over and assisted me in picking up the oranges and said to me, (sensing my

embarrassment, I'm sure) " What? You can't JUGGLE? " I said that no, I

couldn't, but if he stuck around awhile longer, he was SURELY going to

witness another one of my in-store performances!!! He just laughed, and I

thanked him for his help, and began my journey to the checkout stand.

Although it was about a minute away, it was agonizing, as I was SURE that

something else was going to happen along the way!! Well, I made it safely


the checkout stand WITHOUT being thrown out of the store!!!!

So, my friends, my point in all of this is that humiliation comes in many

different forms!!! I still cannot believe what happened in there today!!

I'd swear it was all a setup!! I came home and called my husband and he

laughed so hard I thought he was gonna die!!! He said, " Oh honey, that


only happen to YOU. " I laughed too, because, sadly, I have to AGREE!!!!

So, my dear fellow WLS'ers, I thought that I would share that with you all

and hopefully make you smile. I thank you all for your honestly and

willingness to share your experiences with everyone. I have to admit, I

don't know if I would have had the nerve to tell you all this if we were

sitting in a room face to face!!! At least not without having somewhere to

CRAWL and hide!!!

Well, sorry this was so long!! Thanks for letting me share.


Pre-op in MD>>>

pam....I know that was embarrassing, but it was hilarious...it is usually me

who knocks down the produce (usually apples) and I shop at 3am because i

work nights...the store is pretty empty but boy does that crash echo!

thanks for the laughs

denise in N.Y.

preop dr. gagner

bmi 61.5

waiting for a date

Dr. Vanguri

Surgery date July 9, 2001

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As soon as I can remember one of my ummm " stellar

performances " *LOL* I will email them to you! But I

must say that you have alot of grace and class most

people would have *itchted and taken it out on

someone, so here is to you and your interesting day

*raising my glass of water to you*



--- pamjams2@... wrote:

> Hi everyone.


> I just finished reading a bunch of your posts

> talking about the different

> times that you have fallen down, and were not within

> five feet of a DECENT

> human being to help you. Well, all I can say is,

> although that has never

> happened to me personally, I find it un-------

> believable that people can be

> so cold hearted. Actually, the truth be told, I

> DON'T find it unbelievable,

> because as it relates to obesity, I have had my

> share of humiliating

> experiences also.


> And now..........speaking of humiliating

> experiences, I am, hopefully, about

> to add some humor to your day!!! This is one of

> those

> " I-can't-really-believe-this-happened-to-me " sort of

> experiences. Today, I

> went to the grocery store to do some shopping. I

> went down the isle where

> all the condiments are, and I picked up a jar of

> pickles. Well, for some

> reason (and for the LIFE of me I cannot think of

> what that reason WAS!!) I

> stood there HOLDING the jar of pickles instead of

> putting it in my cart. I

> was glancing over some of the other things on the

> shelf (still holding the

> pickle jar in my hand) when this woman who was

> passing by asked me if I knew

> where the vinegar was. I said, " yep, sure do. "

> And with that, I lifted my

> hand with the pickle jar in it to point the

> direction out to her, and, you

> may have guessed this, the pickle jar went FLYING!!

> And then of course there

> was the sound of crashing and crackling as the

> pickle jar went careening to

> the floor, pickles, juice, and little shards of

> glass EVERYWHERE. So, while

> I waited for my face to return to a NORMAL shade,

> they called for a clean up

> in the isle. So, I calmed down a bit, and continued

> on my way. I had to go

> over to the deli next to get some cheese. Well,

> wouldn't you know it, the

> deli was very busy, as it was around lunch time, and

> they make sandwiches and

> such at the deli counter. So, I noticed that

> everyone there was taking a

> number, so I made my way over to the little

> number-taker thing. Well, I

> excused myself as I stepped between two women to get

> my ticket, and,

> unbeknownst to me, there was a little packet of

> mustard laying on the floor.

> So, as I took that last step to grab my ticket, you

> guessed it, I stepped on

> the mustard packet!! And guess what? It splattered

> open, and all over the

> pants of one of the two ladies that I had stepped in

> between!! ABSOLUTELY

> UNBELIEVABLE!! I thought to myself, " This CAN'T be

> happening " !! Could I BE

> more humiliated? Well, the answer to that, my

> friends, is YES, I could!!!

> Because this story is NOT over!!! I apologized up

> one side and down the

> other to this woman, and thank God, she was totally

> understanding. So, I got

> what I needed from the deli, and was about to head

> on up to the checkout

> stand when I realized that I had forgotten to get

> some oranges. So, I headed

> on back to the produce section to get my oranges. I

> stood there looking them

> over thinking to myself that they didn't really look

> that nice this time, and

> when I found one that looked nice, I picked it up to

> look at it. Well, that

> made the orange next to it tumble down, but luckily

> I caught it and put it

> back. Then another orange started tumbling and I

> was able to catch that,

> too. Well, of COURSE, this, for SOME REASON started

> an AVALANCHE of falling

> oranges!! I swear, all I could think to myself was,

> " This can't be

> happening. For SURE there is a CANDID CAMERA person

> in this store somewhere,

> about to come out and make his/herself known to me.

> But, alas, no Candid

> Camera personnel to be seen anywhere. There was,

> however, a produce manager

> standing right nearby who had the benefit of

> watching my show!!! I JUST

> WANTED TO DIE!!!! Thank God that this man had a

> sense of humor!! He came

> over and assisted me in picking up the oranges and

> said to me, (sensing my

> embarrassment, I'm sure) " What? You can't JUGGLE? "

> I said that no, I

> couldn't, but if he stuck around awhile longer, he

> was SURELY going to

> witness another one of my in-store performances!!!

> He just laughed, and I

> thanked him for his help, and began my journey to

> the checkout stand.

> Although it was about a minute away, it was

> agonizing, as I was SURE that

> something else was going to happen along the way!!

> Well, I made it safely to

> the checkout stand WITHOUT being thrown out of the

> store!!!!


> So, my friends, my point in all of this is that

> humiliation comes in many

> different forms!!! I still cannot believe what

> happened in there today!!

> I'd swear it was all a setup!! I came home and

> called my husband and he

> laughed so hard I thought he was gonna die!!! He

> said, " Oh honey, that could

> only happen to YOU. " I laughed too, because, sadly,

> I have to AGREE!!!!


> So, my dear fellow WLS'ers, I thought that I would

> share that with you all

> and hopefully make you smile. I thank you all for

> your honestly and

> willingness to share your experiences with everyone.

> I have to admit, I

> don't know if I would have had the nerve to tell you

> all this if we were

> sitting in a room face to face!!! At least not

> without having somewhere to

> CRAWL and hide!!!


> Well, sorry this was so long!! Thanks for letting

> me share.



> Pam

> Pre-op in MD

> Dr. Vanguri

> Surgery date July 9, 2001



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Oh my gosh Pam!

That story sounds like a page out of my own life! I

thought things like that only happens to me. You're

right, it did make me laugh. I'm sure it wasn't so

funny when it happened, but I'm so glad you were able

to appreciate the humor of the situation. When we can

look at the humorous side of things it goes a long way

to making a sometimes difficult or embarassing event

seem not so traumatizing. Thanks so much for sharing

that experience with us and more over, thanks for

showing us how to find humor in things. Angel

--- denise hughes slantdiva@...> wrote:

> <<

Date: Tue, 15 May 2001 15:55:20 EDT

> From: pamjams2@...

> Subject: To all of you who have taken

> spills..............


> Hi everyone.


> I just finished reading a bunch of your posts

> talking about the different

> times that you have fallen down, and were not within

> five feet of a DECENT

> human being to help you. Well, all I can say is,

> although that has never

> happened to me personally, I find it un-------

> believable that people can be

> so cold hearted. Actually, the truth be told, I

> DON'T find it unbelievable,

> because as it relates to obesity, I have had my

> share of humiliating

> experiences also.


> And now..........speaking of humiliating

> experiences, I am, hopefully, about

> to add some humor to your day!!! This is one of

> those

> " I-can't-really-believe-this-happened-to-me " sort of

> experiences. Today, I

> went to the grocery store to do some shopping. I

> went down the isle where

> all the condiments are, and I picked up a jar of

> pickles. Well, for some

> reason (and for the LIFE of me I cannot think of

> what that reason WAS!!) I

> stood there HOLDING the jar of pickles instead of

> putting it in my cart. I

> was glancing over some of the other things on the

> shelf (still holding the

> pickle jar in my hand) when this woman who was

> passing by asked me if I knew

> where the vinegar was. I said, " yep, sure do. "

> And with that, I lifted my

> hand with the pickle jar in it to point the

> direction out to her, and, you

> may have guessed this, the pickle jar went FLYING!!

> And then of course

> there

> was the sound of crashing and crackling as the

> pickle jar went careening to

> the floor, pickles, juice, and little shards of

> glass EVERYWHERE. So, while

> I waited for my face to return to a NORMAL shade,

> they called for a clean up

> in the isle. So, I calmed down a bit, and continued

> on my way. I had to go

> over to the deli next to get some cheese. Well,

> wouldn't you know it, the

> deli was very busy, as it was around lunch time, and

> they make sandwiches

> and

> such at the deli counter. So, I noticed that

> everyone there was taking a

> number, so I made my way over to the little

> number-taker thing. Well, I

> excused myself as I stepped between two women to get

> my ticket, and,

> unbeknownst to me, there was a little packet of

> mustard laying on the floor.

> So, as I took that last step to grab my ticket, you

> guessed it, I stepped on

> the mustard packet!! And guess what? It splattered

> open, and all over the

> pants of one of the two ladies that I had stepped in

> between!! ABSOLUTELY

> UNBELIEVABLE!! I thought to myself, " This CAN'T be

> happening " !! Could I BE

> more humiliated? Well, the answer to that, my

> friends, is YES, I could!!!

> Because this story is NOT over!!! I apologized up

> one side and down the

> other to this woman, and thank God, she was totally

> understanding. So, I

> got

> what I needed from the deli, and was about to head

> on up to the checkout

> stand when I realized that I had forgotten to get

> some oranges. So, I

> headed

> on back to the produce section to get my oranges. I

> stood there looking

> them

> over thinking to myself that they didn't really look

> that nice this time,

> and

> when I found one that looked nice, I picked it up to

> look at it. Well, that

> made the orange next to it tumble down, but luckily

> I caught it and put it

> back. Then another orange started tumbling and I

> was able to catch that,

> too. Well, of COURSE, this, for SOME REASON started

> an AVALANCHE of falling

> oranges!! I swear, all I could think to myself was,

> " This can't be

> happening. For SURE there is a CANDID CAMERA person

> in this store

> somewhere,

> about to come out and make his/herself known to me.

> But, alas, no Candid

> Camera personnel to be seen anywhere. There was,

> however, a produce manager

> standing right nearby who had the benefit of

> watching my show!!! I JUST

> WANTED TO DIE!!!! Thank God that this man had a

> sense of humor!! He came

> over and assisted me in picking up the oranges and

> said to me, (sensing my

> embarrassment, I'm sure) " What? You can't JUGGLE? "

> I said that no, I

> couldn't, but if he stuck around awhile longer, he

> was SURELY going to

> witness another one of my in-store performances!!!

> He just laughed, and I

> thanked him for his help, and began my journey to

> the checkout stand.

> Although it was about a minute away, it was

> agonizing, as I was SURE that

> something else was going to happen along the way!!

> Well, I made it safely

> to

> the checkout stand WITHOUT being thrown out of the

> store!!!!


> So, my friends, my point in all of this is that

> humiliation comes in many

> different forms!!! I still cannot believe what

> happened in there today!!

> I'd swear it was all a setup!! I came home and

> called my husband and he

> laughed so hard I thought he was gonna die!!! He

> said, " Oh honey, that

> could

> only happen to YOU. " I laughed too, because, sadly,

> I have to AGREE!!!!


> So, my dear fellow WLS'ers, I thought that I would

> share that with you all

> and hopefully make you smile. I thank you all for

> your honestly and

> willingness to share your experiences with everyone.

> I have to admit, I

> don't know if I would have had the nerve to tell you

> all this if we were

> sitting in a room face to face!!! At least not

> without having somewhere to

> CRAWL and hide!!!


> Well, sorry this was so long!! Thanks for letting

> me share.



> Pam

> Pre-op in MD>>>



> pam....I know that was embarrassing, but it was

> hilarious...it is usually me

> who knocks down the produce (usually apples) and I

> shop at 3am because i

> work nights...the store is pretty empty but boy does

> that crash echo!

> thanks for the laughs


> denise in N.Y.

> preop dr. gagner

> bmi 61.5

> waiting for a date

> Dr. Vanguri

> Surgery date July 9, 2001



> [This message contained attachments]





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> http://explorer.msn.com






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oh, Pam...what a day for you! Sounds just like a plot for the I love Lucy

show! Flying pickles, squirting mustard, tumbling oranges.....next time

you go to the market, the manager just might ask you for your list, and do

the shopping for you!!! :0)


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I then pick it up and stuff it in my purse. I then look the three people who are dead in front of me

and staring in the eyes and say as perkily as possible "how embarrassing!"

Oh Nan that is too funny, I was cracking up just thinking of that response.

Thanks for the laugh.

Kathy B

Dr. Elariny

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I then pick it up and stuff it in my purse. I then look the three people who are dead in front of me

and staring in the eyes and say as perkily as possible "how embarrassing!"

Oh Nan that is too funny, I was cracking up just thinking of that response.

Thanks for the laugh.

Kathy B

Dr. Elariny

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I then pick it up and stuff it in my purse. I then look the three people who are dead in front of me

and staring in the eyes and say as perkily as possible "how embarrassing!"

Oh Nan that is too funny, I was cracking up just thinking of that response.

Thanks for the laugh.

Kathy B

Dr. Elariny

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You are entirely welcome! I am still working up to the man hole cover at the Art museum in the rain ... not quite as funny as the hopping up and down one... Nan E.

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