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Seeking info on GERD/Ulcer

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I have diagnosis of GERD with 2ndary ulcer (I hope that's all it is). My nervous

system is on fire and I am afraid to eat anything, so just doing chicken broth

and vegetable juicing. Is there a link to information about GERD/ulcers? I am

on a tx plan with Monolaurin, Mastica, liquid Cal-Mag, and Deglycerized

licorish. Is this the right group for me, or not? Thanks!

SCD 2 months


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Hi. Snowcrystal,I've been on the SCD for almost a year now, and I was diagnosed with mild GERD and a small ulcerstion 3 months ago. SCD didn't fix my GERD, but it sure got rid of my lower GI issues.

After almost 3 months on Prilosec, I don't have any pain anymore.  Other things that worked for me:sleeping on my left side, not reclining after eating, and not eating anything 3 hrs before bedtime. You might also try elevating the head of your bed 6 inches or so. I also limit tea, tomatoes, and pickles--all acidic foods. Cola just kills me, so I try to avoid it, and cayenne is not for me, but I can eat mild chili powder or salsa now.  There are a lot of good web sites  that cover dealing w/GERD that you can find by googling " GERD. "  The Mayo clinic and WebMD sites are pretty good.

Other people may have other experiences with the SCD and GERD, but those things have helped me.--

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, thanks so much for responding, with some helpful ideas on GERD, like

sleeping on the left side with head elevated. I think I'll be able to heal it

up. I'm still on chicken broth pureed with cooked vegetables and veg juicing,

and some fruit. I also joined a Yahoo group called GERD Support, and the

moderator emailed me some very helpful articles, including one explaining how

you have to temporarily decrease your stomach acid to heal up the ulcer, then

raise the stomach acid to fix the problem longterm. There's a lot of

misinformation out there and a lot to learn. My guts are my teacher. Step One is

to heal the ulcer up to some extent, then there are a lot of other healing

remedies like cabbage juice, which is supposed to restore the mucosal lining.

Good luck and good eating. Link to GERD support group:



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Ulcer and GERD are not serious illness - Not usually, unless they are left untreated and get worse. For example, a bad case of GERD might lead to Barrett's Esophagus.  I think how effective the medication is depends on the person. The Prilosec has worked in my case (mild), but I'm going to continue with the lifestyle changes now that I am almost done with my course of medication.


Dear friend,


I am a chronic sufferer of GERD and ulcer.


I was on Nexium (Esomeprazole) for 6 months, also Motilium, now no more , I have switched to Homeopathy. Nexium is so far the best med for ulcer and it works. It cured my ulcer, but not GERD.


things to remember


Cabbage, carrot juice very good (thay have natural Vit A )

Elevate your bed while sleeping,

Finish your dinner at least 3 hours before sleeping

Say No to oily food,

No cola , no pepsi.

No stress

No alcohol


Ulcer and GERD are not serious illness, they get healed easily, no surgery required. Medicines, right type of food and correct life style help, even YOGA and MEDITATION help. 


I am no more scared of these diseases, as they have already attacked me several times and I feel friendly with them now. I am sure you will call me mad.   


Sandhyachronic GERD, gastritis, deodenal ulcer



Subject: Seeking info on GERD/Ulcer

To: BTVC-SCD Date: Friday, August 14, 2009, 10:03 PM


I have diagnosis of GERD with 2ndary ulcer (I hope that's all it is). My nervous system is on fire and I am afraid to eat anything, so just doing chicken broth and vegetable juicing. Is there a link to information about GERD/ulcers? I am on a tx plan with Monolaurin, Mastica, liquid Cal-Mag, and Deglycerized licorish. Is this the right group for me, or not? Thanks!

SCD 2 monthsSnowcrystal

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Thanks for the link. I've been eating a lot of cabbage lately, and have a recipe for cabbage soup that I'd like to try. I hope that this is not too off-topic, but would you mind sharing the links to the articles that the moderator sent you?

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Thanks for the link. I've been eating a lot of cabbage lately, and have a recipe for cabbage soup that I'd like to try. I hope that this is not too off-topic, but would you mind sharing the links to the articles that the moderator sent you?

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Thanks for the link. I've been eating a lot of cabbage lately, and have a recipe for cabbage soup that I'd like to try. I hope that this is not too off-topic, but would you mind sharing the links to the articles that the moderator sent you?

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