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Re: Re: Sugery 6/28!!

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Wonderful!! I'm so glad you are starting to feel a little more at ease. It was the only major surgery I have ever had, so I had the same apprehensions as I got a little closer. Pam can tell you, I was peppering her with questions CONSTANTLY. So, as I said, i was quite surprised at how easy it all was!

I am so happy for you, and I'm really glad you are going to do some writing. It helped me a lot. First of all, I reiterated in all of my letters not only how much I loved them...but the fact that I was doing this for ME. Because I'm not happy the way I am...fearing everything I ever read about my future. You know, "Obesity causes cancer, heart disease, sexual problems, depression" blah blah blah. It was terrifying. And I felt hopeless, like there was just no way for me to get this thing under control. It was like a double whammy: on the one hand, I was fat, and had to suffer the indignity, self-esteem morass. And then, I also had the gift that keeps on giving: a fear of cancer and other dread diseases that this flab carries with it. Great. Thanks.

So, now I have hope. Hope for the future. Hope for health, for happiness, for a bite at the proverbial apple (no skin, and heated up for now..LOL). This is my shot, and I had to take it. I needed hope in my life. I needed to take this step.

Good job, girly girl!! Now, start writing...and guess what? Tomorrow...you will be on your path to health. Isn't that amazing????

Robynnspecialkmix2000 wrote:

Hi Robynn!I just got my call from the surgery dept. Tomorrow I go in at 11:30 and go to the OR at 1. YAHOO!! Kinda sucks that it wasn't first thing in the am, but at least I can sleep in for once(?). I am sure I will be up till 1 or 2 tonight. I usually can't sleep just for a flight out of town. lol So I know I am in for a long night. Anyway, thank you for the tips! I wrote down the cream of wheat receipe. Sounds good. :-) That is so nice you have your mommy to take care of you. Mine is letting my husband do all that pampering instead. But he is a close second to her, so all is good. You really inspired me to write letters to loved ones. I think that is the nagging feeling I am having. You hit it on the head when you said, "ultimately my only fear about death is the effect on those I love who I would leave

behind". I am going to take quiet time tonight and write to everyone, and even to symbolicly start "new" with my life, getting rid of the emotional baggage is a great idea. I haven't used a journal as a tool in a long time and I think I will buy a really nice looking one after work on the way home. I am glad to hear that the pain is managable. I just don't like not konwing what to expect. I wouldn't feel so apprehensive if I had some other surgery that I had gone through previously. Hearing your experience has REALLY put me at ease and I can't thank you enough. I have printed out what you wrote to remind myself to stick to my resolve that I can DO this! lol NO wimpy whiney girl for sure! I can't believe it, but you answered all my questions and now I feel really confident, secure and READY for surgery!!Take care, KayOh I will post after I am back home that I made it safely to the "other side". I just

can't wait!You go girl on your progress! You are awesome and a great inspiration!> > > > Hi All,> > > > I have been lurking for quite some time now. I have been > > approved > > > for > > > > surgery with Dr Baggs, I actually go in on 6/28! The time has > > > flown > > > > by once that date was set a few weeks ago! I think I was still > > in > > > > denial for awhile, I

stalled for about a year, thinking I could > > do > > > > this weight loss one last time without the surgery as my new > > tool > > > for > > > > the rest of my life. Finally I saw the light and am comfortable > > > with > > > > the pending surgery. :-) > > > > > > > > I am wondering on those of you post op- is there any advise you > > > can > > > > offer on my getting settled once back home from the hospital?> > > > Are there things you found helpful? > > > > What was the best way you divided up time for taking the vites? > > > > > > > > I will be at the next group meeting, but that isn't until after > > my > > > > surgery to ask all the questions I have.> > > > Any help now would be really

appreciated!> > > > > > > > Orientation- 336 (lost 10 lbs prior to that)> > > > 6/7/05- 297.5 (every ounce counts)> > > > Dr. Baggs- Richmond Kaiser.> > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > ---------------------------------> > > >

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Guest guest

COngrats on your surgery tomorrow!! How exciting.


--- specialkmix2000 specialkmix2000@...> wrote:

> Hi Robynn!

> I just got my call from the surgery dept. Tomorrow I

> go in at 11:30

> and go to the OR at 1. YAHOO!!

> Kinda sucks that it wasn't first thing in the am,

> but at least I can

> sleep in for once(?). I am sure I will be up till 1

> or 2 tonight. I

> usually can't sleep just for a flight out of town.

> lol So I know I

> am in for a long night.


> Anyway, thank you for the tips! I wrote down the

> cream of wheat

> receipe. Sounds good. :-) That is so nice you have

> your mommy to take

> care of you. Mine is letting my husband do all that

> pampering

> instead. But he is a close second to her, so all is

> good.


> You really inspired me to write letters to loved

> ones. I think that

> is the nagging feeling I am having. You hit it on

> the head when you

> said, " ultimately my only fear about death is the

> effect on those I

> love who I would leave behind " . I am going to take

> quiet time tonight

> and write to everyone, and even to symbolicly start

> " new " with my

> life, getting rid of the emotional baggage is a

> great idea. I haven't

> used a journal as a tool in a long time and I think

> I will buy a

> really nice looking one after work on the way home.


> I am glad to hear that the pain is managable. I just

> don't like not

> konwing what to expect. I wouldn't feel so

> apprehensive if I had some

> other surgery that I had gone through previously.

> Hearing your

> experience has REALLY put me at ease and I can't

> thank you enough. I

> have printed out what you wrote to remind myself to

> stick to my

> resolve that I can DO this! lol NO wimpy whiney girl

> for sure!


> I can't believe it, but you answered all my

> questions and now I feel

> really confident, secure and READY for surgery!!


> Take care,

> Kay


> Oh I will post after I am back home that I made it

> safely to

> the " other side " . I just can't wait!


> You go girl on your progress! You are awesome and a

> great inspiration!







> > Hey there...

> > Ok, for the Cream of Wheat, I just used Nabisco

> brand (it's the

> original.) My mom would make the one ounce of that,

> heat up some

> unsweetened applesauce, and add one packet of

> Splenda...and mix it

> all together. It actually was pretty tasty.

> >

> > As for nerves...hmmm...once I got to the hospital,

> I wasn't really

> nervous anymore. They were so professional, and I

> really felt like I

> was in good hands. I prayed for the surgeon, the

> anesthesiologist,

> the CRNA, the RNs and LVNs...and I prayed that God

> would guide their

> hands, keep them alert and skillful....that my body

> would cooperate,

> and that He would sustain me during the operation.

> That worked.

> >

> > Plus, I have had a life well-lived, you know? I

> mean, sure there

> are lots of things I want to do yet...particularly

> back in a thin

> body...but, ultimately my only fear about death is

> the effect on

> those I love who I would leave behind. I wrote

> letters to my key

> loved ones, and put it in a big envelope and gave it

> to one of my

> close friends. I asked her to give them back to me

> when I was out

> and ok. I wrote an e-mail to my ex-boyfriend, from

> whom I had been

> recently estranged, telling him that I forgave him

> for certain things

> that happened, and telling him that I would always

> care about him as

> a person...that I wished the best for him. I needed

> to do that,

> because I felt i had unfinished business with him.

> >

> > But, I decided to dwell on the positives. The

> afterwards. The

> weightloss. Ultimately, NONE of it was as scary as

> I thought it

> would be: the surgery, the post-surgery pain, even

> the inability to

> eat. All of it was quite manageable...not

> overwhelming, at all. And

> having my mommy there to help me was really great.

> We have a

> great/horrible relationship...and she's at her best

> when she is

> reallly needed. I enjoyed being pampered by her!

> >

> > I think having a positive attitude is important.

> You need to start

> just ASSUMING that you'll be ok. Tomorrow, just

> tell yourself...'OK,

> and now my dream begins!! " I wasn't as excited or

> as elated as some

> of the people on the board were...I must confess.

> Partly, it's

> because I only had about 8 days between making my

> weight and getting

> operated on...and I had a lot of stuff to attend to

> at work. Lots of

> last minute stuff to do...it kept me occupied in the

> practical

> realm...and I didn't have a lot of time to think

> until the day

> before. Tell yourself that you are going to get up

> and walk as soon

> as they ask you...and that you are going to push

> yourself a little

> bit. That you are young and strong and athletic,

> and that you can DO

> this. Decide to have a positive attitude with the

> staff. Decide

> that any pain you may feel is just temporary, to be

> expected, and

> you'll be JUST fine. Go in deciding that you are

> going to be the

> model patient.

> >

> > That's what I did...and I think I wound up having

> less pain because

> of it. I don't know about you, but when I dwell on

> pain, it gets

> worse!! Whereas, if I tell myself, " Buck up, girl!

> You are made of

> healthy peasant stock...no whiny wimps allowed!! " I

> start to believe

> that...and I feel better.

> >

> > As for bras, the shelf bra is a good idea. I

> didn't wear a bra

> home. (I'm not huge in that region, so it wasn't a

> big deal...I'm

> only a C. Barely now!) I haven't worn a bra very

> often, and when I

> do, I wear an athletic one that is made of tee

> shirt/lycra type

> material...And my incision between my breasts (just

> underneath the

> breasts) is the smallest and least noticeable...so,

> I think it

> wouldn't have been super irritated, anyway. I think

> it's best to try

> and go without for the first week or so, if

> possible, to give it time

> to heal. I'm finding the wasteband is the most

> difficult with

> regards to the incisions.

> >

> > Let's see....I'm not sure if I slept with my legs

> propped up. I

> was so out of it for a while, I have no memory (I'm

> a cheap date, so

> the anesthesia really put me under for a long time).

> Sometimes I

> propped up my news in the hospital afterwards.


> BEAR, or something soft and stuffed. Holding onto

> him was a big

> comfort, and helped me sleep even on my back. As

> for

=== message truncated ===


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Guest guest

COngrats on your surgery tomorrow!! How exciting.


--- specialkmix2000 specialkmix2000@...> wrote:

> Hi Robynn!

> I just got my call from the surgery dept. Tomorrow I

> go in at 11:30

> and go to the OR at 1. YAHOO!!

> Kinda sucks that it wasn't first thing in the am,

> but at least I can

> sleep in for once(?). I am sure I will be up till 1

> or 2 tonight. I

> usually can't sleep just for a flight out of town.

> lol So I know I

> am in for a long night.


> Anyway, thank you for the tips! I wrote down the

> cream of wheat

> receipe. Sounds good. :-) That is so nice you have

> your mommy to take

> care of you. Mine is letting my husband do all that

> pampering

> instead. But he is a close second to her, so all is

> good.


> You really inspired me to write letters to loved

> ones. I think that

> is the nagging feeling I am having. You hit it on

> the head when you

> said, " ultimately my only fear about death is the

> effect on those I

> love who I would leave behind " . I am going to take

> quiet time tonight

> and write to everyone, and even to symbolicly start

> " new " with my

> life, getting rid of the emotional baggage is a

> great idea. I haven't

> used a journal as a tool in a long time and I think

> I will buy a

> really nice looking one after work on the way home.


> I am glad to hear that the pain is managable. I just

> don't like not

> konwing what to expect. I wouldn't feel so

> apprehensive if I had some

> other surgery that I had gone through previously.

> Hearing your

> experience has REALLY put me at ease and I can't

> thank you enough. I

> have printed out what you wrote to remind myself to

> stick to my

> resolve that I can DO this! lol NO wimpy whiney girl

> for sure!


> I can't believe it, but you answered all my

> questions and now I feel

> really confident, secure and READY for surgery!!


> Take care,

> Kay


> Oh I will post after I am back home that I made it

> safely to

> the " other side " . I just can't wait!


> You go girl on your progress! You are awesome and a

> great inspiration!







> > Hey there...

> > Ok, for the Cream of Wheat, I just used Nabisco

> brand (it's the

> original.) My mom would make the one ounce of that,

> heat up some

> unsweetened applesauce, and add one packet of

> Splenda...and mix it

> all together. It actually was pretty tasty.

> >

> > As for nerves...hmmm...once I got to the hospital,

> I wasn't really

> nervous anymore. They were so professional, and I

> really felt like I

> was in good hands. I prayed for the surgeon, the

> anesthesiologist,

> the CRNA, the RNs and LVNs...and I prayed that God

> would guide their

> hands, keep them alert and skillful....that my body

> would cooperate,

> and that He would sustain me during the operation.

> That worked.

> >

> > Plus, I have had a life well-lived, you know? I

> mean, sure there

> are lots of things I want to do yet...particularly

> back in a thin

> body...but, ultimately my only fear about death is

> the effect on

> those I love who I would leave behind. I wrote

> letters to my key

> loved ones, and put it in a big envelope and gave it

> to one of my

> close friends. I asked her to give them back to me

> when I was out

> and ok. I wrote an e-mail to my ex-boyfriend, from

> whom I had been

> recently estranged, telling him that I forgave him

> for certain things

> that happened, and telling him that I would always

> care about him as

> a person...that I wished the best for him. I needed

> to do that,

> because I felt i had unfinished business with him.

> >

> > But, I decided to dwell on the positives. The

> afterwards. The

> weightloss. Ultimately, NONE of it was as scary as

> I thought it

> would be: the surgery, the post-surgery pain, even

> the inability to

> eat. All of it was quite manageable...not

> overwhelming, at all. And

> having my mommy there to help me was really great.

> We have a

> great/horrible relationship...and she's at her best

> when she is

> reallly needed. I enjoyed being pampered by her!

> >

> > I think having a positive attitude is important.

> You need to start

> just ASSUMING that you'll be ok. Tomorrow, just

> tell yourself...'OK,

> and now my dream begins!! " I wasn't as excited or

> as elated as some

> of the people on the board were...I must confess.

> Partly, it's

> because I only had about 8 days between making my

> weight and getting

> operated on...and I had a lot of stuff to attend to

> at work. Lots of

> last minute stuff to do...it kept me occupied in the

> practical

> realm...and I didn't have a lot of time to think

> until the day

> before. Tell yourself that you are going to get up

> and walk as soon

> as they ask you...and that you are going to push

> yourself a little

> bit. That you are young and strong and athletic,

> and that you can DO

> this. Decide to have a positive attitude with the

> staff. Decide

> that any pain you may feel is just temporary, to be

> expected, and

> you'll be JUST fine. Go in deciding that you are

> going to be the

> model patient.

> >

> > That's what I did...and I think I wound up having

> less pain because

> of it. I don't know about you, but when I dwell on

> pain, it gets

> worse!! Whereas, if I tell myself, " Buck up, girl!

> You are made of

> healthy peasant stock...no whiny wimps allowed!! " I

> start to believe

> that...and I feel better.

> >

> > As for bras, the shelf bra is a good idea. I

> didn't wear a bra

> home. (I'm not huge in that region, so it wasn't a

> big deal...I'm

> only a C. Barely now!) I haven't worn a bra very

> often, and when I

> do, I wear an athletic one that is made of tee

> shirt/lycra type

> material...And my incision between my breasts (just

> underneath the

> breasts) is the smallest and least noticeable...so,

> I think it

> wouldn't have been super irritated, anyway. I think

> it's best to try

> and go without for the first week or so, if

> possible, to give it time

> to heal. I'm finding the wasteband is the most

> difficult with

> regards to the incisions.

> >

> > Let's see....I'm not sure if I slept with my legs

> propped up. I

> was so out of it for a while, I have no memory (I'm

> a cheap date, so

> the anesthesia really put me under for a long time).

> Sometimes I

> propped up my news in the hospital afterwards.


> BEAR, or something soft and stuffed. Holding onto

> him was a big

> comfort, and helped me sleep even on my back. As

> for

=== message truncated ===


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Guest guest

COngrats on your surgery tomorrow!! How exciting.


--- specialkmix2000 specialkmix2000@...> wrote:

> Hi Robynn!

> I just got my call from the surgery dept. Tomorrow I

> go in at 11:30

> and go to the OR at 1. YAHOO!!

> Kinda sucks that it wasn't first thing in the am,

> but at least I can

> sleep in for once(?). I am sure I will be up till 1

> or 2 tonight. I

> usually can't sleep just for a flight out of town.

> lol So I know I

> am in for a long night.


> Anyway, thank you for the tips! I wrote down the

> cream of wheat

> receipe. Sounds good. :-) That is so nice you have

> your mommy to take

> care of you. Mine is letting my husband do all that

> pampering

> instead. But he is a close second to her, so all is

> good.


> You really inspired me to write letters to loved

> ones. I think that

> is the nagging feeling I am having. You hit it on

> the head when you

> said, " ultimately my only fear about death is the

> effect on those I

> love who I would leave behind " . I am going to take

> quiet time tonight

> and write to everyone, and even to symbolicly start

> " new " with my

> life, getting rid of the emotional baggage is a

> great idea. I haven't

> used a journal as a tool in a long time and I think

> I will buy a

> really nice looking one after work on the way home.


> I am glad to hear that the pain is managable. I just

> don't like not

> konwing what to expect. I wouldn't feel so

> apprehensive if I had some

> other surgery that I had gone through previously.

> Hearing your

> experience has REALLY put me at ease and I can't

> thank you enough. I

> have printed out what you wrote to remind myself to

> stick to my

> resolve that I can DO this! lol NO wimpy whiney girl

> for sure!


> I can't believe it, but you answered all my

> questions and now I feel

> really confident, secure and READY for surgery!!


> Take care,

> Kay


> Oh I will post after I am back home that I made it

> safely to

> the " other side " . I just can't wait!


> You go girl on your progress! You are awesome and a

> great inspiration!







> > Hey there...

> > Ok, for the Cream of Wheat, I just used Nabisco

> brand (it's the

> original.) My mom would make the one ounce of that,

> heat up some

> unsweetened applesauce, and add one packet of

> Splenda...and mix it

> all together. It actually was pretty tasty.

> >

> > As for nerves...hmmm...once I got to the hospital,

> I wasn't really

> nervous anymore. They were so professional, and I

> really felt like I

> was in good hands. I prayed for the surgeon, the

> anesthesiologist,

> the CRNA, the RNs and LVNs...and I prayed that God

> would guide their

> hands, keep them alert and skillful....that my body

> would cooperate,

> and that He would sustain me during the operation.

> That worked.

> >

> > Plus, I have had a life well-lived, you know? I

> mean, sure there

> are lots of things I want to do yet...particularly

> back in a thin

> body...but, ultimately my only fear about death is

> the effect on

> those I love who I would leave behind. I wrote

> letters to my key

> loved ones, and put it in a big envelope and gave it

> to one of my

> close friends. I asked her to give them back to me

> when I was out

> and ok. I wrote an e-mail to my ex-boyfriend, from

> whom I had been

> recently estranged, telling him that I forgave him

> for certain things

> that happened, and telling him that I would always

> care about him as

> a person...that I wished the best for him. I needed

> to do that,

> because I felt i had unfinished business with him.

> >

> > But, I decided to dwell on the positives. The

> afterwards. The

> weightloss. Ultimately, NONE of it was as scary as

> I thought it

> would be: the surgery, the post-surgery pain, even

> the inability to

> eat. All of it was quite manageable...not

> overwhelming, at all. And

> having my mommy there to help me was really great.

> We have a

> great/horrible relationship...and she's at her best

> when she is

> reallly needed. I enjoyed being pampered by her!

> >

> > I think having a positive attitude is important.

> You need to start

> just ASSUMING that you'll be ok. Tomorrow, just

> tell yourself...'OK,

> and now my dream begins!! " I wasn't as excited or

> as elated as some

> of the people on the board were...I must confess.

> Partly, it's

> because I only had about 8 days between making my

> weight and getting

> operated on...and I had a lot of stuff to attend to

> at work. Lots of

> last minute stuff to do...it kept me occupied in the

> practical

> realm...and I didn't have a lot of time to think

> until the day

> before. Tell yourself that you are going to get up

> and walk as soon

> as they ask you...and that you are going to push

> yourself a little

> bit. That you are young and strong and athletic,

> and that you can DO

> this. Decide to have a positive attitude with the

> staff. Decide

> that any pain you may feel is just temporary, to be

> expected, and

> you'll be JUST fine. Go in deciding that you are

> going to be the

> model patient.

> >

> > That's what I did...and I think I wound up having

> less pain because

> of it. I don't know about you, but when I dwell on

> pain, it gets

> worse!! Whereas, if I tell myself, " Buck up, girl!

> You are made of

> healthy peasant stock...no whiny wimps allowed!! " I

> start to believe

> that...and I feel better.

> >

> > As for bras, the shelf bra is a good idea. I

> didn't wear a bra

> home. (I'm not huge in that region, so it wasn't a

> big deal...I'm

> only a C. Barely now!) I haven't worn a bra very

> often, and when I

> do, I wear an athletic one that is made of tee

> shirt/lycra type

> material...And my incision between my breasts (just

> underneath the

> breasts) is the smallest and least noticeable...so,

> I think it

> wouldn't have been super irritated, anyway. I think

> it's best to try

> and go without for the first week or so, if

> possible, to give it time

> to heal. I'm finding the wasteband is the most

> difficult with

> regards to the incisions.

> >

> > Let's see....I'm not sure if I slept with my legs

> propped up. I

> was so out of it for a while, I have no memory (I'm

> a cheap date, so

> the anesthesia really put me under for a long time).

> Sometimes I

> propped up my news in the hospital afterwards.


> BEAR, or something soft and stuffed. Holding onto

> him was a big

> comfort, and helped me sleep even on my back. As

> for

=== message truncated ===


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