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Five 1/2 month update/Brigid

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Hello everyone,

I just wanted to keep you posted. As I have been proclaiming all

over the internet Fiber Con has changed my life. Since I've

incooperated this into my daily pill popping I have had major change

in bm's. By the way never in my life did I ever think I would be so

public(literally) with this topic, but honestly I was desperate. So

to all those pre-ops out there forget the Metumical biscuits take

Fiber con for results! There's my add for them of course I know every

one is different, but seriously if you not finding results with

bananas, rice, metamucil and whatever else you have tried give it a


Okay on to blood I reached out to post-op probs regarding my energy

level last week.A couple of you suggested that I might be low on iron

and what do you know that's exactly what it was. My pcp labelled it

mild/stable anemia and Delphine suggested iron supplement which I

started immediatly and will let you know how that goes I am hoping

that too will bind me up.

Weight loss as of today I weigh 191, my highest was 280, sugery

day 268 so that makes for a loss of 77 pounds! I am very happy with

this lose. I'm wearing sizes 16/18. I can't wait to get into my size

14's. I have a lot of old size 14's. I feel good, but not healthy

Yet. This energy thing is definetly going to take a while to conquer

so I hope in time I will be posting that I feel like a lost 77 pounds

and not feel more tired than when I had the weight:(

My personal life is changing drastically I live in San Diego now,

but I am moving back to the midwest. I am very happy about the move

and plan on moving in with my parents for six months or so before I

make a more permenant move. I would like to go back to school the

following year so we'll see where I get accepted. The weight loss is

a major factor in my decision to get my masters. Being obese and

working/school and such is so difficult. I did it before and I'm

glad, but can't wait to try it thin. I also can't wait to be around

people again. I live here in San Diego alone with no family or

friends nearby so I honestly feel that had a lot to do with my slow

recovery compared to others. I had no support just this list/post-op

prob and a very large phone bill to my parents/friends.

With my move back to my home town I plan on allowing myself this

time to truly heal and renergize before I take on the task of

work/school. I think that being around family/friends along with

bring me back to health will truly help me appreciate the weight

loss. I know they'll be amazed at the loss already.

I will be in Western Michigan next week . That soon so if there is

any support groups in the Grand Rapids area let me know and I'm

there :0) Thanks for all your support and thanks for reading this



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