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Something About CYNTHIA

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This is a reprint of yesterday's message. If you've read it, please

forgive me and go on to another message. The reason I'm

repeating it is that I neglected to post a subject yesterday. It's

come to my attention that there may be some folks who missed


Hi Everyone!

I finally heard from 's sister. She put off sending me an

update because a brother and sister-in-law came in from out of

town and her time away from was still tied up with family


You can see for yourselves how much your posts and

messages have meant to her. I am convinced they have

speeded her through the worst. However, she's going to be there

for TWO MORE WEEKS!!!!! She's going to go stir crazy. You know

the cure for that don't you? Visits, posts, messages, cards . . .

Anything to capture her attention and send her the message that

we care very much for our 'limping' angel. Let's keep hovering

near her folks and thank you from the bottom of my heart '-)


" Sometimes We Never Know How We Influence the Lives of

Others, Yet We Touch Those Lives Just the Same "

Here is another letter that her sister sent me.

Date: Sat, 28 Apr 2001 21:41:21 PDT [show full headers]

Subject: Saturday update on

Hi Gobo,

Sorry I have not gotten back to you before this.  My brother and

sister-in-law came down yesterday and we went up to see

.  She was sounding so much better yesterday..still has

the infection and I don't know when they are going to get that

cleared up.  

We went to see her today and they had removed that tube they

had been feeding her with, I think I told you that it had been

blocked and nothing going through it..well, when they

removed it, it was filled with pus..so no wonder nothing would go

through it. She did get up and walk to the nurses station, but was

really weak and tired.  

I printed out all of the posts that you sent and she was " thrilled " .

She read everyone of them and even cried to think that people

cared so much. Thank you and the support group, I appreciate

each and every one of you to take the time to write such

wonderful things to my sister.

We were waiting to see Dr. Deveny, but he never showed up.

She has the Angel that you sent her Gobo, right in front of her.

People have been sending her such thoughtful gifts.  

They still have not sewed  up her incision and I dont think they

will until they have the infection under control.  She has been

getting up and going to the bathroom by herself and she could

not have done that before. The doctor said she may be there

another 2 weeks.

I will see her again tomorrow and will let you know more then.

Thanks again for all you have done and continue to do.



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