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CONGRATS TO YOU on your twins.

All you guys are REALLY scaring me!! All these twins of post-WLS patients!!

Yikes!! I already have 3, this one was a surprise, and I would just flip out

if there turns out to be 2 in here!! LOL

Too many twins in my family already. Grandmother (mother's side) had 1 set

of twins. Grandmother's sister (father's side) had 1 set of twins. My

husband's grandmother (his father's side) is a twin. My husband's grandmother


mother's side) had 3 sets of twins!! Scary, scary, scary!! (although I've

heard his side has NOTHING to do with it --- I have a friend who is married to

a twin, they have twins, his twin brother has twins, and he and his twin

brother's father is a twin....a little too much for coincidence for me!!) LOL


Mandi in Concord, NC

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OMG, I am ssoooo happy for you. I have twins and they are AWESOME :) I can't

wait for you to tell your hubby,lol... It's kind of shocking isn't it, I could

not believe it until I gave birth :) aaawww, Congratulations ;)


Age- 41

Due Date- #4 July 27th, 2004






Mom to:


7 1/2 year twin boys and

Madison age 5

Miscarraige August 2001

Miscarraige August 2003

Married to Pup:

15 years this

Halloween : )

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My boys are identical and were born early at 32 weeks, I lost my water so I

had to be induced. They were 4#10 17 1/2 inches long and 3#10 16 1/2 inches

long. The smallest one only had to stay in NICU for 13 days for low blood sugar,

his brother was out in the regular nursery after spending the night in NICU

to be checked over but was released from the hospital in 5 days. They did

awesome but did not eat alot at first so I was up alot to feed them. I did get


exhausted because I had NO help from anyone with them and NO SLEEP. I learned

to get them on a schedule together so they would sleep at the same time. At

first I got up every time one cried and let the other one sleep, then I

realized I needed to wake the other up too and feed him too so they would sleep


the same time. I would out their car seats side by side on the coffee table and

prop one baby up with his bottle while I held and fed the other and after an

ounce of so ( all they could handle at first) I would burp the one I was

holding then set him in his seat and pick up the brother and burp him and then


feed him while he drank his bottle. It wasn't that bad after they got a couple

months old and slept a little longer. You will do fine. I had a vaginal

birth with them but I was induced with Pitocin and they took awhile coming out


I was begging for a csection by then, lol....Twins are ssoo cool to watch,

they will entertain each other, feed each other, kiss each other, bite each


lol, but they always love each other. Mine are in a pile on the floor right

now with their sister wrestling like hell and making tons of noise. I am trying

to ignore them. Next is bathtime x3, ughhhh!!!! Good Luck, you will do fine

and oh yeah, wait to you feel 2 of them moving in there, way too cool, mine

were wrestling then and have never stopped :)


Age- 41

Due Date- #4 July 27th, 2004






Mom to:


7 1/2 year twin boys and

Madison age 5

Miscarraige August 2001

Miscarraige August 2003

Married to Pup:

15 years this

Halloween : )

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I thought I was being silly for being freaked out by all the twin

talk. I have been told by a few people that my HCG levels are real

high and I may want them to check for twins. I think NO WAY!! Twins

do not run on either side of the family. Well my 2nd cousin has

twins, but no one else in the family. I go for my 12 week check up

on the 27th and they are going to listen for the heartbeat, I guess

we will see then???

Congrats on your big news!!!

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  • 1 year later...
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You are not going to believe this. My son and daughterinlaw got to the

hospital for the induction and the doctor on call wont do it!! I told

my son to insist they call 's doctor, but as it stands right

now...no baby yet. Sigh


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What a mess! Hope things resolve themselves soon, I would be kicking ass

and taking names right about now, and I hope they are too. LaWanda At

10:38 AM 7/16/05, you wrote:

>You are not going to believe this. My son and daughterinlaw got to the

>hospital for the induction and the doctor on call wont do it!! I told

>my son to insist they call 's doctor, but as it stands right

>now...no baby yet. Sigh










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