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Re: O.T. Low Cost Spay/Neuter

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Please post your pet advice to an appropriate group. It is inconsiderate to expect people with a focus on WLS to spend time reading posts totally off-topic.


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Guest guest


Please post your pet advice to an appropriate group. It is inconsiderate to expect people with a focus on WLS to spend time reading posts totally off-topic.


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Also, if you have a Fund for Animals clinic in your town, Spaying &

neutering is free during May, as long as the animal has its rabies

shot. The vaccine costs 15-25 dollars & can be given on the day of

surgery. PLEASE neuter your pets! We learned this the hard way, when

someone asked to " adopt " one of our kittens, then used it to blood a

pit bull. Please neuter & spay your pets.. its important.

> Spaying or neutering your pet is important -- to keep the

> world from being over-run by unwanted animals -- but it can

> be expensive. If the cost to spay or neuter your pet is

> holding you back, now there's no excuse. More than six

> thousand veterinarians across the country cooperate in

> Spay/USA. The voluntary, non-profit program started from

> the North Shore Animal League of New York, with support

> from the Geraldine R. Dodge Foundation.


> Spay/USA will send you the names of participating vets in

> your area and a coupon worth a third to a half off the cost

> of the procedure. To get started, just call 1-800-248-SPAY.


> -From the college of Veterinary Medicine at Cornell University


> -Sherry (Lake Marcel, WA)

> BPD/DS Feb. 2, 2001

> self-pay

> 5'5 " / 338 pounds / 33 years old

> Lost 9 pounds in pre-op weight loss efforts

> Have lost 73 pounds since surgery!

> Total of 82 pounds gone forEVER!

> http://www.fluffynet.com/wls/

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Also, if you have a Fund for Animals clinic in your town, Spaying &

neutering is free during May, as long as the animal has its rabies

shot. The vaccine costs 15-25 dollars & can be given on the day of

surgery. PLEASE neuter your pets! We learned this the hard way, when

someone asked to " adopt " one of our kittens, then used it to blood a

pit bull. Please neuter & spay your pets.. its important.

> Spaying or neutering your pet is important -- to keep the

> world from being over-run by unwanted animals -- but it can

> be expensive. If the cost to spay or neuter your pet is

> holding you back, now there's no excuse. More than six

> thousand veterinarians across the country cooperate in

> Spay/USA. The voluntary, non-profit program started from

> the North Shore Animal League of New York, with support

> from the Geraldine R. Dodge Foundation.


> Spay/USA will send you the names of participating vets in

> your area and a coupon worth a third to a half off the cost

> of the procedure. To get started, just call 1-800-248-SPAY.


> -From the college of Veterinary Medicine at Cornell University


> -Sherry (Lake Marcel, WA)

> BPD/DS Feb. 2, 2001

> self-pay

> 5'5 " / 338 pounds / 33 years old

> Lost 9 pounds in pre-op weight loss efforts

> Have lost 73 pounds since surgery!

> Total of 82 pounds gone forEVER!

> http://www.fluffynet.com/wls/

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Also, if you have a Fund for Animals clinic in your town, Spaying &

neutering is free during May, as long as the animal has its rabies

shot. The vaccine costs 15-25 dollars & can be given on the day of

surgery. PLEASE neuter your pets! We learned this the hard way, when

someone asked to " adopt " one of our kittens, then used it to blood a

pit bull. Please neuter & spay your pets.. its important.

> Spaying or neutering your pet is important -- to keep the

> world from being over-run by unwanted animals -- but it can

> be expensive. If the cost to spay or neuter your pet is

> holding you back, now there's no excuse. More than six

> thousand veterinarians across the country cooperate in

> Spay/USA. The voluntary, non-profit program started from

> the North Shore Animal League of New York, with support

> from the Geraldine R. Dodge Foundation.


> Spay/USA will send you the names of participating vets in

> your area and a coupon worth a third to a half off the cost

> of the procedure. To get started, just call 1-800-248-SPAY.


> -From the college of Veterinary Medicine at Cornell University


> -Sherry (Lake Marcel, WA)

> BPD/DS Feb. 2, 2001

> self-pay

> 5'5 " / 338 pounds / 33 years old

> Lost 9 pounds in pre-op weight loss efforts

> Have lost 73 pounds since surgery!

> Total of 82 pounds gone forEVER!

> http://www.fluffynet.com/wls/

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At 10:100 -0400 5/17/01, wwonli@... wrote:

>Please post your pet advice to an appropriate group. It is inconsiderate to

>expect people with a focus on WLS to spend time reading posts totally


Hey, the post had OT in the subject; if you don't want to read OT

posts then delete them unread. Anyway, it's up to the list moderator

to determine what is or isn't worthy on this list.

Just this fat lady's opinion...

--stella <--has 4 cats and 2 dogs, all spayed or neutered


Stella in west Tennessee )O(

" Remember...No matter where you go, there you are. " -- Engelbreit

Abbie bel Gershwin Louie

^,,^ ^,,^ =^.,.^= =^.,.^= >^.,.^< >^.,.^<

Westie Westie dilute tortie red tabby black dsh tiger tabby

see their pictures: http://albums.photopoint.com/j/AlbumList?u=1503950

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At 10:100 -0400 5/17/01, wwonli@... wrote:

>Please post your pet advice to an appropriate group. It is inconsiderate to

>expect people with a focus on WLS to spend time reading posts totally


Hey, the post had OT in the subject; if you don't want to read OT

posts then delete them unread. Anyway, it's up to the list moderator

to determine what is or isn't worthy on this list.

Just this fat lady's opinion...

--stella <--has 4 cats and 2 dogs, all spayed or neutered


Stella in west Tennessee )O(

" Remember...No matter where you go, there you are. " -- Engelbreit

Abbie bel Gershwin Louie

^,,^ ^,,^ =^.,.^= =^.,.^= >^.,.^< >^.,.^<

Westie Westie dilute tortie red tabby black dsh tiger tabby

see their pictures: http://albums.photopoint.com/j/AlbumList?u=1503950

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At 10:100 -0400 5/17/01, wwonli@... wrote:

>Please post your pet advice to an appropriate group. It is inconsiderate to

>expect people with a focus on WLS to spend time reading posts totally


Hey, the post had OT in the subject; if you don't want to read OT

posts then delete them unread. Anyway, it's up to the list moderator

to determine what is or isn't worthy on this list.

Just this fat lady's opinion...

--stella <--has 4 cats and 2 dogs, all spayed or neutered


Stella in west Tennessee )O(

" Remember...No matter where you go, there you are. " -- Engelbreit

Abbie bel Gershwin Louie

^,,^ ^,,^ =^.,.^= =^.,.^= >^.,.^< >^.,.^<

Westie Westie dilute tortie red tabby black dsh tiger tabby

see their pictures: http://albums.photopoint.com/j/AlbumList?u=1503950

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Guest guest


Just for your future edification, " O.T. " in the subject line

means " Off Topic " and it is there for the benefit of those

who do not want to read " Off Topic " posts.

Hope that helps you in the future.

-Sherry (Lake Marcel, WA)

BPD/DS Feb. 2, 2001


5'5 " / 338 pounds / 33 years old

Lost 9 pounds in pre-op weight loss efforts

Have lost 73 pounds since surgery!

Total of 82 pounds gone forEVER!


> Sherry-

> Please post your pet advice to an appropriate group. It is

inconsiderate to

> expect people with a focus on WLS to spend time reading posts


> off-topic.

> WW

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Hey, I want to thank you all for the feedback and saying it

was ok for me to post that info. I actually wasn't sure if

it was maybe too off-topic, but I thought it was important

enough information to maybe take the risk.

I'm glad to see that more benefitted from it than were offended

by it.

-Sherry (Lake Marcel, WA)

BPD/DS Feb. 2, 2001


5'5 " / 338 pounds / 33 years old

Lost 9 pounds in pre-op weight loss efforts

Have lost 73 pounds since surgery!

Total of 82 pounds gone forEVER!


> >Please post your pet advice to an appropriate group. It is

inconsiderate to

> >expect people with a focus on WLS to spend time reading posts


> >off-topic.


> Hey, the post had OT in the subject; if you don't want to read OT

> posts then delete them unread. Anyway, it's up to the list


> to determine what is or isn't worthy on this list.


> Just this fat lady's opinion...


> --stella <--has 4 cats and 2 dogs, all spayed or neutered

> --

> Stella in west Tennessee )O(

> " Remember...No matter where you go, there you are. " --


> Abbie bel Gershwin Louie

> ^,,^ ^,,^ =^.,.^= =^.,.^= >^.,.^< >^.,.^<

> Westie Westie dilute tortie red tabby black dsh tiger tabby

> see their pictures: http://albums.photopoint.com/j/AlbumList?


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Unfortunately, not in my town but the next town over pet owners are

horrible with their dogs. The animal control goes to the landfills

(dumps) everyday to collect puppies dumped there by the owners.

Puppies picked up by the side of the road because their mother was run

over and dragged to the side the puppies will stay with their mother

even if she is dead. Puppies are put in burlap bags and thrown over

the fence at the shelter, even though there is a night puppy drop off


Every summer my back yard is filled with pound puppies I foster for

the shelter. ing puppies frees up cages at the shelter so that

other dogs have a chance. I provide food, water, toys, and plenty of

room to play. Shelters can be frightening place for puppies, the

barking, cramped quarters. homes are places that give puppies

a chance to be around a family and get used to being with people.

These puppies are lucky they are part of a program where they are sent

to states with no kill shelters and great spay/neuter programs. There

is actually a demand for puppies. Not every puppy makes it out,

hundreds are killed every month, and almost every grown dog in the

shelter too.

> In a message dated 5/17/01 10:09:12 AM Pacific Daylight Time,

> eontheedge@e... writes:



> > ww, this isn't the first or last ot post to this list. and

considering the

> > millions of dogs and cats that are killed every year because they


> > unwanted, i think it's a very valuable post. i for one jotted

down the

> > number immediately and plan to pass it out to all of the

irresponsible pet

> > owners i know. pretty uncool for you to call her inconsiderate

when she's

> > just thinking of the millions of innocent animals who suffer at

our hands

> > and who can't speak for themselves.

> >

> > thanks for the great information, sherry!

> >

> >


> I also jotted the number down because I was thinking about getting


> dalmation done but it was like 92 bucks! I had no problem with the


> either! Thanks for the info. (and it was marked OT so I had a

choice to

> read it or not)


> ~~* AJ *~~

> BMI 58

> NW Washington Medical

> DR Heap, Richmond WA

> Working on 1st appeal

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