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Re: I'm Home!

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Gwen, I will pray for you! Waiting for insurance is the worst. I was a self

pay. My insurance company doesn't cover anything except tummy tucks..go

figure. After I have one way down the road I am switching to a kinder

one..Is there one? lol Good luck!!! It is worth the wait!

Trisha Lanman

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Gwen, I will pray for you! Waiting for insurance is the worst. I was a self

pay. My insurance company doesn't cover anything except tummy tucks..go

figure. After I have one way down the road I am switching to a kinder

one..Is there one? lol Good luck!!! It is worth the wait!

Trisha Lanman

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Gwen, I will pray for you! Waiting for insurance is the worst. I was a self

pay. My insurance company doesn't cover anything except tummy tucks..go

figure. After I have one way down the road I am switching to a kinder

one..Is there one? lol Good luck!!! It is worth the wait!

Trisha Lanman

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Dear Trisha,

I am sorry someone felt it necessary to contact you with such a negative

attitude, since they have no idea what you do or don't do in the privacy of your

own life. Who knows you may be sitting and using a " Thigh Master " as you e-mail.

And how do they know for sure you are fat, they only know what you tell them and

you may really be a size 5 just lending support to those of us who are not. All

kidding aside how would they know that you are spending time on this site if

they weren't spending time there themselves, maybe they should take a walk to

clear their head.

Keep up the good " E's " right now I am living for the conversations on this

site, as I await word from my Ins. One minute I feel so sure that I will get

approval and then the next minute I am scared to death I won't. I am a living,

breathing, walking anxiety attack.

Love reading all of your stories.

Thanx for your Words

Seeking the Other Side



iWon.com http://www.iwon.com why wouldn't you?


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Dear Trisha,

I am sorry someone felt it necessary to contact you with such a negative

attitude, since they have no idea what you do or don't do in the privacy of your

own life. Who knows you may be sitting and using a " Thigh Master " as you e-mail.

And how do they know for sure you are fat, they only know what you tell them and

you may really be a size 5 just lending support to those of us who are not. All

kidding aside how would they know that you are spending time on this site if

they weren't spending time there themselves, maybe they should take a walk to

clear their head.

Keep up the good " E's " right now I am living for the conversations on this

site, as I await word from my Ins. One minute I feel so sure that I will get

approval and then the next minute I am scared to death I won't. I am a living,

breathing, walking anxiety attack.

Love reading all of your stories.

Thanx for your Words

Seeking the Other Side



iWon.com http://www.iwon.com why wouldn't you?


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Dear Trisha,

I am sorry someone felt it necessary to contact you with such a negative

attitude, since they have no idea what you do or don't do in the privacy of your

own life. Who knows you may be sitting and using a " Thigh Master " as you e-mail.

And how do they know for sure you are fat, they only know what you tell them and

you may really be a size 5 just lending support to those of us who are not. All

kidding aside how would they know that you are spending time on this site if

they weren't spending time there themselves, maybe they should take a walk to

clear their head.

Keep up the good " E's " right now I am living for the conversations on this

site, as I await word from my Ins. One minute I feel so sure that I will get

approval and then the next minute I am scared to death I won't. I am a living,

breathing, walking anxiety attack.

Love reading all of your stories.

Thanx for your Words

Seeking the Other Side



iWon.com http://www.iwon.com why wouldn't you?


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and Mommy, Glad your home safely! take it easy don't push it. and

quit smoking..lol Do I sound like your Mom. It was fun meeting the two of

you. My Husband will be relieved that you made it home safely. See he

worries about everyone and everything. I remember in the middle of the night

him saying while your walking lets check on & no offense but I

think I gave him the look and said go for it I can barely make it back to my

room. Well, littermate do you feel lighter and are your close getting lose?

Take Care you Rebel,

Trish Lanman

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and Mommy, Glad your home safely! take it easy don't push it. and

quit smoking..lol Do I sound like your Mom. It was fun meeting the two of

you. My Husband will be relieved that you made it home safely. See he

worries about everyone and everything. I remember in the middle of the night

him saying while your walking lets check on & no offense but I

think I gave him the look and said go for it I can barely make it back to my

room. Well, littermate do you feel lighter and are your close getting lose?

Take Care you Rebel,

Trish Lanman

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and Mommy, Glad your home safely! take it easy don't push it. and

quit smoking..lol Do I sound like your Mom. It was fun meeting the two of

you. My Husband will be relieved that you made it home safely. See he

worries about everyone and everything. I remember in the middle of the night

him saying while your walking lets check on & no offense but I

think I gave him the look and said go for it I can barely make it back to my

room. Well, littermate do you feel lighter and are your close getting lose?

Take Care you Rebel,

Trish Lanman

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  • 2 years later...
Guest guest

((((((((Sara and Raphael))))))))

WELCOME HOME!!! I am soooo excited and happy for you Sara and glad to hear you

didn't have a rough time at the hospital. It can be intimidating when you have

your own ideas of how you'd like the birth to go but you did it!!!


Debbie E


Date: 2003/05/09 Fri PM 05:54:15 EDT

To: " pa " parenting_autism >

Subject: I'm home!


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((((((((Sara and Raphael))))))))

WELCOME HOME!!! I am soooo excited and happy for you Sara and glad to hear you

didn't have a rough time at the hospital. It can be intimidating when you have

your own ideas of how you'd like the birth to go but you did it!!!


Debbie E


Date: 2003/05/09 Fri PM 05:54:15 EDT

To: " pa " parenting_autism >

Subject: I'm home!


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((((((((Sara and Raphael))))))))

WELCOME HOME!!! I am soooo excited and happy for you Sara and glad to hear you

didn't have a rough time at the hospital. It can be intimidating when you have

your own ideas of how you'd like the birth to go but you did it!!!


Debbie E


Date: 2003/05/09 Fri PM 05:54:15 EDT

To: " pa " parenting_autism >

Subject: I'm home!


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Welcome home Sara! Glad to hear you and Raphael are settling in nicely.

We missed you.

Debbie with twins

- Jordan (ASD) 2.5yo

- (NT) 2.5yo

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welcome home - congratulations again sara!

M.G.mum to

Sebastian, 11 kinda quirky(NT)

Rowan, 6 extra quirky (ASD)

married to and living in Northern Ontario

I'm home!

Hi everybody. It's actually me, Sara. I know you missed me! ;)

They let me go home today about noon. Baby Raphael is doing well. Bit of a

rocky start with nursing but we're getting there...just takes some

patience...and my milk is already coming in so I know we're doing

*something* right! ;)

My bp is still up a bit (140-90ish) and I am still very swollen, though much

improved...they want me to take it very easy (post-Cesarean discharge

instructions) and come to the clinic in a week to be checked.

Everyone at the hospital was SOO NICE!!! I was just blown away at how well

we were treated. Amazing.

insists it is his turn on the computer now so away I go! TTYL,


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Welcome home Sara and Raphael. I missed you!



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Welcome home Sara! And welcome to the world baby Raph!

Tuna :D


> They let me go home today about noon. Baby Raphael

> is doing well.



mom to:

, 8, ASD

, 4, NT

Normal is just a setting on the washing machine.

- Whoopi Goldberg


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Welcome home Sara! And welcome to the world baby Raph!

Tuna :D


> They let me go home today about noon. Baby Raphael

> is doing well.



mom to:

, 8, ASD

, 4, NT

Normal is just a setting on the washing machine.

- Whoopi Goldberg


Post your free ad now! http://personals.yahoo.ca

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> Everyone at the hospital was SOO NICE!!! I was just blown away at how


> we were treated. Amazing.


I'm SO glad, Sara. I know you didn't expect that. :-)

Welcome home!


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> Everyone at the hospital was SOO NICE!!! I was just blown away at how


> we were treated. Amazing.


I'm SO glad, Sara. I know you didn't expect that. :-)

Welcome home!


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