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Re: liquid diet

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Have you looked up info on dysphagia, for example:


Did they determine that the gastroparesis is less of an issue with

liquids (or is it always?)?

Same website has info on gastroparesis:


If you think of the diet change as temporary (even if there is a

chance it might not be), it might help you cope better.

I understand about being at conferences and feeling funny if you

can't eat the same as everyone else. I had an all-day mouth

appliance that I could only take out at meals, and it was somewhat

embarassing to deal with that at work. I ate at my desk a lot. If

you'll be at the same conference all week, maybe you can talk to them

about pureeing you some soup or something to get a bit of variety.

I'm glad they found out what they think is causing your bouncing

blood sugars, and I hope you'll see some improvement on the liquid

diet. You might want to find out what you can do if you crave food -

can you get some sugar free hard candy (although Ensure is full of

sugar, so maybe regular hard candy is okay) or mints to help you

through that? It is harder with kids, as they need to eat real food

and it is tempting when you have to prepare it for them...

Take care,


> Hi, I'm home. I went in on Tuesday because my blood sugars were


> over the place and I was having more trouble walking. I got a


> thorough neuro workup to rule out all kinds of scary things like

> tumors and ALS. Well, thankfully, my MRI was normal. Basically my

> neuro diagnosis is " hypotonia and pathological hyperreflexia and

> multifactorial movement disorder, secondary to metabolic disorder "

> which, loosely translated, means " You walk funny and we don't know

> why, but it's probably because you have mito. " So they fitted me


> a walker, shrugged, and scheduled a follow-up in a few months.


> did do a MRS so hopefully we may get some answers there.


> Well, we found out why my blood sugars are all over the place. I

> have gastroparesis. They did a gastric emptying study and after 1

> hour I had only emptied 4%. They had me get up and move around and

> they finally gave up at 3 hours. I watched the whole tape of " The

> Green Mile " , which I've wanted to see, so it wasn't a total loss.


> swallowing is a problem too but they couldn't schedule the swallow

> eval till next week so I'm having it done closer to home. Thin

> liquids are more of a problem but whatever I drink, I need to rest


> between sips. So, now I'm on a liquid diet, ensure for nutrition, 4-


> oz every 1/2 to 1 hour. Sheesh. How do other people manage that


> still have a life? I'm going to a seminar next week, a place that

> has fabulous food, and I'll have to sit there drinking " old lady

> juice? " It's bad enough that I'm using a walker or a scooter and

> I'll be with people that I was out working with in January. How do


> explain that for the " short version? "


> My nutrition turns out to be poor. I'm a fat starving person. I'm

> trying to be positive- this is kind of like slimfast, a

> very...intense... slimfast.


> My GI has just about jumped ship. The metabolism doc got in touch

> with him, looking for recommendations, and apparently dysmotility


> folks with mito is so complicated that he recommend I go to a

> subspecialist. So I'll be seen by the same doctor that


> to. Nothing like Family Medicine!


> Does anyone know where I can get a list of what is considered a

> liquid? They told me cream of wheat is liquid but oatmeal isn't.

> How about baby food oatmeal? Does it work if you chew/suck on food

> and then spit it out? (sorry for the visual)


> Thanks guys

> Heidi

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I'm glad you are home, but the GI problems are not good to hear.

I do know that Jello is considered a liquid and it least it has some

feel of being solid and can be gotten in restaurants. Not a steak, but

at least on some menues. Broth would be liquid, but milk and ice cream

are not. Of course, I am no doctor and don't have personal experience

with a liquid diet other than preps for procedures more times than I

want to think about.

Thinking of you,


> Hi, I'm home. I went in on Tuesday because my blood sugars were all

> over the place and I was having more trouble walking. I got a pretty

> thorough neuro workup to rule out all kinds of scary things like

> tumors and ALS. Well, thankfully, my MRI was normal. Basically my

> neuro diagnosis is " hypotonia and pathological hyperreflexia and

> multifactorial movement disorder, secondary to metabolic disorder "

> which, loosely translated, means " You walk funny and we don't know

> why, but it's probably because you have mito. " So they fitted me for

> a walker, shrugged, and scheduled a follow-up in a few months. They

> did do a MRS so hopefully we may get some answers there.


> Well, we found out why my blood sugars are all over the place. I

> have gastroparesis. They did a gastric emptying study and after 1

> hour I had only emptied 4%. They had me get up and move around and

> they finally gave up at 3 hours. I watched the whole tape of " The

> Green Mile " , which I've wanted to see, so it wasn't a total loss. My

> swallowing is a problem too but they couldn't schedule the swallow

> eval till next week so I'm having it done closer to home. Thin

> liquids are more of a problem but whatever I drink, I need to rest in

> between sips. So, now I'm on a liquid diet, ensure for nutrition, 4-6

> oz every 1/2 to 1 hour. Sheesh. How do other people manage that and

> still have a life? I'm going to a seminar next week, a place that

> has fabulous food, and I'll have to sit there drinking " old lady

> juice? " It's bad enough that I'm using a walker or a scooter and

> I'll be with people that I was out working with in January. How do I

> explain that for the " short version? "


> My nutrition turns out to be poor. I'm a fat starving person. I'm

> trying to be positive- this is kind of like slimfast, a

> very...intense... slimfast.


> My GI has just about jumped ship. The metabolism doc got in touch

> with him, looking for recommendations, and apparently dysmotility in

> folks with mito is so complicated that he recommend I go to a

> subspecialist. So I'll be seen by the same doctor that goes

> to. Nothing like Family Medicine!


> Does anyone know where I can get a list of what is considered a

> liquid? They told me cream of wheat is liquid but oatmeal isn't.

> How about baby food oatmeal? Does it work if you chew/suck on food

> and then spit it out? (sorry for the visual)


> Thanks guys

> Heidi








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  • 1 month later...
Guest guest

Try drinking liquid protein, that will help. wrote:

Was wondering did anybody have problems being on a liquid diet before surgery? I started today since my surgery is on Wed. 06/22/05 and I'm getting dizzy spells. All I had all day was clear chicken broth, decaf teas, sugarfree jello and egg drop soup without veggies. I'm not looking forward to tomorrow when I go back to work and have the same diet.

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--I'd suggest a liquid protein like clear Isopure. They told

me that any clear non-dairy liquid like that is OK on the liquid

diet. If you can see through it, it is considered clear (even if it

is colored).

Was wondering did anybody have

problems being on a liquid diet before

> surgery? I started today since my surgery is on Wed. 06/22/05 and


> getting dizzy spells. All I had all day was clear chicken broth,


> teas, sugarfree jello and egg drop soup without veggies. I'm not

> looking forward to tomorrow when I go back to work and have the


> diet.





> ---------------------------------


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