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Re: Get well

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What a journey. Thank you for sharing the whole

process. What a great sense of humor you have!


--- Robynn VanPatten robynnsf@...> wrote:

> Actually, I just think Pammagail is adorable...like

> " nightingale " or something. Yes, I had my surgery

> on Wednesday a.m. i suppose I should use this

> opportunity to recount the whole thing for those of

> you who are still waiting.


> OK...so I was referred by my PCP in November, I

> think. I was approved in early December. Because I

> was going through Richmond, and they don't count

> your weightloss until AFTER they weight you in at

> the orientation, I anxiously awaited the orientation

> date. I called a couple of times to inquire about

> it, even though I probably shouldn't have (given the

> instructions on the tape). i was just so darned

> eager!!


> So, my orientation was in January. I weighed in at

> 261, and I am 5'6 " . I'm now 41 years old, I turned

> 41 in April.


> In February, I had my nutrition class, and I had to

> meet with the new staff psychologist, even though I

> already met with a wonderful woman named

> Villareal at the Oakland facility. She gave me some

> very good behavioural things to think about in my

> upcoming surgery. If you look at a past post by me,

> baci in January, it may have 's name in the

> post...I listed some of the advice she gave.


> In March, I think I had some other class or

> something (the memory is fuzzy). but, I was

> incredibly busy at work, and while I had lost 19

> lbs., the remaining 7 lbs. were stubborn. My friend

> from France came, and we walked around a lot, and I

> couldn't eat much around him...so I lost a few more

> lbs. But, my birthday came and went (I was aiming

> to have the surgery by my birthday, or by the end of

> April), and I still had those last three lbs. or so.

> They kept going up and down. Up and down. Very

> frustrating.


> Finally, in May, I thought 'enough is enough. " So,

> I started doing protein shakes twice a day, and

> salad with tuna in it at night. i upped my workouts

> to a couple of hours every day (between walking, the

> elliptical trainer, Pilates and weightlifting)...and

> finally...at the end of May I reached goal.


> I called the office, and they were able to get me in

> two days later! I went in, and weighed in on their

> scale and I was a half a lb. below goal. I nearly

> starved myself in the two days before that meeting,

> because I wasn't positive how my scale and their

> scales correlated. That was on a Thursday. I met

> goal, and they gave me a surgery date for June 8th,

> which was less than two weeks out! I was shocked,

> thinking I would have to wait four to six weeks, at

> least!


> So the next few days were a flurry of activity,

> doing all of my tests, trying to get stuff done at

> work...getting an airline ticket for my mom to be

> here with me...etc..


> I had to go in the following Tuesday for some tests

> and the pre-op class. They weighed me in, which I

> hadn't really expected. I was wearing a rather

> heavy outfit, and I had gained FIVE lbs. I hadn't

> done anything to merit that weight gain...just my

> body going nuts. I was totally stressed, and I was

> told that unless I was at goal on thursday (when I

> had to be there for my final round of tests) they

> may cancel the surgery.


> I freaked...and did everything I could to lose the

> weight. I went in, and thank God, I was at goal

> (actually a half of a lb. above.)


> On the day of surgery, they weighed me again, and I

> was at 235, the goal weight. (I had lost the final

> half lb.) So, I didn't have any " final meal " ,

> although on Friday p.m., Steve and I went to my

> favorite Indonesian restaurant, and we had what we

> would ordinarily have...only I had no alcohol, and

> we shared a dessert (I only had two bites). That

> gave me Saturday, Sunday, Monday, Tuesday to be

> hyper diligent before weigh in. I worked out, and

> mainly, I just didn't stress about it. I figured it

> would happen, I would get there.


> So, the day before the surgery, I had been told to

> call the same day surgery line, and they would tell

> me when to arrive at the hospital. I called during

> the requisite time period 1-3, and the message said

> they would call me before 5. I did my final

> errands...like had a pedicure and manicure (to

> remove all polish, because you can't wear any in the

> hospital), and I had them buff out my nails. Picked

> up some flowers for my mom. Tried to find that

> yoghurt everyone is talking about that is " Atkins "

> approved. Bought Cream of wheat, and other stuff

> I'd need for stage 2. Ordered my Bariatric

> advantage vitamins, and paid extra to have them

> delivered overnight. You know...


> No phone call. I called back right before 5.

> Called the bariatric clinic, and they were already

> gone. Called the surgery department. Finally, I

> reached somebody who said they had left a message on

> my machine (nope. no message on MY machine), and

> they told me to be there at 7 a.m. I was first on

> the board.


> I was glad about that, because the doctors are more

> fresh when they are on their first one. So, I

> wasn't worried about getting up on time. but then,

> my garage door wouldn't open, and we had a bit of a

> drama...but I figured out how to manual override it

> (damn landlord...but that's a different story), and

> we were on our way...that rainy, rainy morning.


> When I got there, I checked in. The wonderful Ricky

> , RN, came out to the lobby and explained to my

> mother and my husband what to expect, when they

> would hear from him about my progress, etc.. He was

> great. Really great and calming and reassuring. He

> took me back to the back, and they settled me into a

> very comfy recliner. He asked me questions,

> inserted an IV (no big thang...he was good), had me

> do some oxygen inhalations (I have asthma, so he

> wanted to open my air passages), and he chatted with

> me. I wasn't nervous at all, and he had a lot to do

> with that. Just a steller human being. Really.


> The CRNA (certified registered nurse anesthetist)

> came and sat down and talked to me. (I had met with

> an anesthesiologist a few days before, but he came

> and spoke with me anyway.) He asked about my

> history, figured out I was allergic to Latex...and

> learned that my sister had had a very bad reaction

> to anesthesia in the past. And it is something that

> can be genetic. (Find out if anyone in your family

> has had malignant hypothermia). It may be

> hyperthermia, not sure. Anyway, he called over the

> chief of anesthesia to participate, and he asked

> questions, too. They satisfied themselves, and

> determined a protocol together. They were very

> professional.


> They walked me into the surgery room, and Dr. Fisher

> appeared. I asked him whether he had slept well, if

> he was still hung over from a bender the night

> before...if he had consumed a reasonable amount of

> coffee (I asked the anesthesiologist if he was

> bringing a book into the operating room, if he was

> on any cold medication, and if he had enough sleep

> the night before, too. He said he was still drunk,

> but other than that, he'd be perfectly attentive.

> smart ass. It was funny.) Dr. Fisher was in fine

> form. I layed down on a table, and they tied my

> arms...a little like Jesus on the cross, you know,

> with your arms stretched out. No disrespect

> intended.


> The last thing I remember saying is, " Dr.

> Fisher...when you are making those little holes in

> me, go gentle will you? Remember, the whole point

> of this surgery is that I want to look damned good

> naked! " Everybody laughed and that's the last thing

> I remember. I think I went in at around 8 a.m.,

> maybe 8:30.


> The procedure took 2 and a half hours, and Dr.

> Fisher went out and spoke to my mom, hubby and

> brother to let them know I was fine, and in

> recovery.


> I think I got back into my room at around 2 or so.

> I took a while coming out of anesthesia. I always

> have been a cheap date...it doesn't take much to put

> me under.


> I had a private room (as did Pam and back when

> I visited them). I was very out of it

> initially...it was like people were speaking Swahili

> to me. The two funny stories coming out of it is

> that at one point I said to my mother, " That doesn't

> even make sense in English! " And also, I spoke very

> intelligently about building hospitals for about

> five minutes, and I guess I was talking about Henry

> J. Kaiser. ANd then I said, " And of course his

> tricks, too. " My brother said, " Tricks? you mean

> in archetecture? " I got really mad and said, " No,

> his airplane tricks. He's a stunt flyer. " I have

> no idea what the hell I was talking about.


> So, I got up and walked a few times. Had the Foley

> catheter in (most uncomfortable) just for the first

> walk, and then begged them to take it out. They

> told me that if they took it out, and I didn't pee,

> they'd have to reinsert it. I said, 'Fine, I'll

> take

=== message truncated ===


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Well, Jeez , if they had split me open like a Christmas turkey, you can be assured I would have been mainlining herion. Not exactly wimpy to have pain during an open, girlfriend!

Robynn Diane Duenas wrote:

WOW RobynnNicely Put..brings back soooo many memories. Except everyone says they didnt have much pain and rarely used their pain meds, I feel like a whimp cuz I used mine alot...but then again I had open!Huggles> > Robyn,> > I've read that you just got out of the hospital. I hope you are > doing > > well. I was telling my husband that it was really good to read the > > messages of people who are in different stages. I am fine with the > > name Pammagail so I won't confuse you in your state of confusion. > > Pammagail> > > > > > > > > > ---------------------------------> >

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Well, Jeez , if they had split me open like a Christmas turkey, you can be assured I would have been mainlining herion. Not exactly wimpy to have pain during an open, girlfriend!

Robynn Diane Duenas wrote:

WOW RobynnNicely Put..brings back soooo many memories. Except everyone says they didnt have much pain and rarely used their pain meds, I feel like a whimp cuz I used mine alot...but then again I had open!Huggles> > Robyn,> > I've read that you just got out of the hospital. I hope you are > doing > > well. I was telling my husband that it was really good to read the > > messages of people who are in different stages. I am fine with the > > name Pammagail so I won't confuse you in your state of confusion. > > Pammagail> > > > > > > > > > ---------------------------------> >

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