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WLS 12 Step Mailing List

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Hi folks. Some of you may know that I had started a mailing list called WLS-OArecovery some months ago. It was to provide a place for weight loss surgery patients who wanted to continue to follow the Overeaters Anonymous principles to gather and share support. I tried and tried to make this list active all to no avail. Then I decided to back off and let God do it if that was His will. And things took off. Then as we were just beginning a step study the list was deleted from Yahoo. To date I have received no meaningful explanation from Yahoo as to why or how this was done.

I commented that this appeared to be God's way of hitting me up side the head with the metaphorical 2X4 to let me know that I'm not in charge. I'm supposed to do the footwork and He'll take care of the results. I ranted and raved at Yahoo for a few days and finally decided to just re-instate the list, this time changing the name slightly but not the principles. It is now WLS-12StepRecovery. It is still open to any WLS patients, RNY, mini-gastric bypass, banding, and of course DS which is what I had. And we have all represented there. We don't argue for our surgery but discuss our OA healing. Our objective is for those who want to follow the OA principles for their healing with WLS as one of their key tools of recovery to come and get support. It is open for pre and post op patients.

Several have said that one of the main reasons they chose the DS was so they wouldn't have to go through the OA type of stuff. And I respect that. But I've gotten lots of emotional and spiritual healing from OA, though not much physical, at least in the last ten years or so. I don't want to throw the baby out with the bath water so if any of you feel the same way, come on over! Yahoo's search capability seems to be out of whack at the moment but if you should want to join send a message to:


That should get you on the list. You can then go to the Yahoo Groups web site and set your delivery options however you want. Hopefully in the next few days the step study we were doing will get back underway.


Joe Frost, food addictSan , TX, 60 years oldDr. WelkerLateral Gastrectomy with Duodenal Switch340 starting weight, currently 260http://www.duodenalswitch.com/Patients/Joe/joe.html

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