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Re: Odor Question

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In a message dated 4/6/01 3:14:04 AM, duodenalswitch writes:

<< I had my pre-op appt. with my surgeon (Dr. Heap) today. My surgery is

scheduled for Monday. He gave me a booklet that tells what to expect

during and after surgery (I am having the BPD/DS). This booklet has

really made an issue of what your gas and bathroom odor is going to be

like and it is worrying me somewhat. I work full time in a small office,

and I don't want to offend my co-workers as well as my family.


Hi, Lori: I think that odor and gas can always be a big problem after

BPD/DS, but it doesn't HAVE to be. I was prepared for the worst, too -- but

I haven't had anything near that experience (Yet?). My gas can be pretty

'thick' and nasty at times... but it isn't regularly like this. Usually it

is pretty average or less than average in terms of strong odor. A lot of

times the people around me aren't even aware of it! :)

As far as the bathroom is concerned, I haven't noticed any real significant

change in that department, either. It is pretty 'mild smelling'...... I

don't think my experience is necessesarily the norm, but I just wanted to

tell you that not EVERYONE has such extreme experiences with this issue

post-op. :)

There is also ozium and devrom (one is a pill to be taken internally; the

other is a freshener). I've heard that many people have really had success

with these. Also, matches. I haven't tried any of these options (yet?) and

I've also heard about the ionizer machine.... I think Bob Bowers

(robertbowers@...) was thinking of purchasing one -- maybe he has one

and can give a mini-review? LOL

All the best and you'll be in my thoughts and prayers with your

upcoming surgery,

laparoscopic BPD/DS with gallbladder removal

Dr. Gagner/Dr. Quinn assisting/MT. Sinai/NYC

January 25, 2001

75 days post-op and still feelin' fab!

pre-op: 307 lbs/bmi 45 (5'9 " )

now: 269.5 lbs (still losing, man!)/ bmi 40

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In a message dated 4/6/01 3:14:04 AM, duodenalswitch writes:

<< I had my pre-op appt. with my surgeon (Dr. Heap) today. My surgery is

scheduled for Monday. He gave me a booklet that tells what to expect

during and after surgery (I am having the BPD/DS). This booklet has

really made an issue of what your gas and bathroom odor is going to be

like and it is worrying me somewhat. I work full time in a small office,

and I don't want to offend my co-workers as well as my family.


Hi, Lori: I think that odor and gas can always be a big problem after

BPD/DS, but it doesn't HAVE to be. I was prepared for the worst, too -- but

I haven't had anything near that experience (Yet?). My gas can be pretty

'thick' and nasty at times... but it isn't regularly like this. Usually it

is pretty average or less than average in terms of strong odor. A lot of

times the people around me aren't even aware of it! :)

As far as the bathroom is concerned, I haven't noticed any real significant

change in that department, either. It is pretty 'mild smelling'...... I

don't think my experience is necessesarily the norm, but I just wanted to

tell you that not EVERYONE has such extreme experiences with this issue

post-op. :)

There is also ozium and devrom (one is a pill to be taken internally; the

other is a freshener). I've heard that many people have really had success

with these. Also, matches. I haven't tried any of these options (yet?) and

I've also heard about the ionizer machine.... I think Bob Bowers

(robertbowers@...) was thinking of purchasing one -- maybe he has one

and can give a mini-review? LOL

All the best and you'll be in my thoughts and prayers with your

upcoming surgery,

laparoscopic BPD/DS with gallbladder removal

Dr. Gagner/Dr. Quinn assisting/MT. Sinai/NYC

January 25, 2001

75 days post-op and still feelin' fab!

pre-op: 307 lbs/bmi 45 (5'9 " )

now: 269.5 lbs (still losing, man!)/ bmi 40

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In a message dated 4/6/01 3:14:04 AM, duodenalswitch writes:

<< I had my pre-op appt. with my surgeon (Dr. Heap) today. My surgery is

scheduled for Monday. He gave me a booklet that tells what to expect

during and after surgery (I am having the BPD/DS). This booklet has

really made an issue of what your gas and bathroom odor is going to be

like and it is worrying me somewhat. I work full time in a small office,

and I don't want to offend my co-workers as well as my family.


Hi, Lori: I think that odor and gas can always be a big problem after

BPD/DS, but it doesn't HAVE to be. I was prepared for the worst, too -- but

I haven't had anything near that experience (Yet?). My gas can be pretty

'thick' and nasty at times... but it isn't regularly like this. Usually it

is pretty average or less than average in terms of strong odor. A lot of

times the people around me aren't even aware of it! :)

As far as the bathroom is concerned, I haven't noticed any real significant

change in that department, either. It is pretty 'mild smelling'...... I

don't think my experience is necessesarily the norm, but I just wanted to

tell you that not EVERYONE has such extreme experiences with this issue

post-op. :)

There is also ozium and devrom (one is a pill to be taken internally; the

other is a freshener). I've heard that many people have really had success

with these. Also, matches. I haven't tried any of these options (yet?) and

I've also heard about the ionizer machine.... I think Bob Bowers

(robertbowers@...) was thinking of purchasing one -- maybe he has one

and can give a mini-review? LOL

All the best and you'll be in my thoughts and prayers with your

upcoming surgery,

laparoscopic BPD/DS with gallbladder removal

Dr. Gagner/Dr. Quinn assisting/MT. Sinai/NYC

January 25, 2001

75 days post-op and still feelin' fab!

pre-op: 307 lbs/bmi 45 (5'9 " )

now: 269.5 lbs (still losing, man!)/ bmi 40

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I work full time in a small office, and I don't want to offend my co-

workers as well as my family.

Lori, wait and see how you react before spending any money! I

certainly can have some stinky gas and BMs. I also work in a busy

office and share the restroom with a lot of people. I have found

that use of the " courtesy flush " at the start or middle of an office

BM eliminates any lingering odor problem for me. I seldom have a

large BM at work, they occur first thing in the morning. I have my

own office, and have not had anyone gagging or retching or even

making faces when they walk in my door, so I am guessing the gas I

occasionally release is not a problem. If necessary, my gas is

controllable and I can wait.

I would definitely *not* worry about it at this point - direct that

energy towards positive healing thoughts!


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I agree, flush, flush, and flush again. I do not use any special

sprays. Mine is Glade Cinamin Sticks and close the door. Go back in

and all you smell is cinamin.

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I agree, flush, flush, and flush again. I do not use any special

sprays. Mine is Glade Cinamin Sticks and close the door. Go back in

and all you smell is cinamin.

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I agree, flush, flush, and flush again. I do not use any special

sprays. Mine is Glade Cinamin Sticks and close the door. Go back in

and all you smell is cinamin.

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Lori and other pre-ops,

I'm not going to sugar coat it (at least from my stand point). It

can be bad!!!! I know when I was deciding between RNY and the DS I

had to get my priorities clear in my head before I made the final

decision. I didn't find the results of the RNY as long term and to be

totatally honest that is by far the main reason I went with the Ds.

I knew that part of the reason why this procedure has such terrific

and PERMENANT results is due to the malabsorption. Due due to this

people have looser stools (and they mean totally loose) and stinky

stink bombs and they mean you ain't dropping it and walking away it's

going to be around for awhile.

I know I am not alone when I say your bm's WILL most likely be

loosier in the beginning and tended for me to firm up. I'm about 4

months out and I'm already finding releif from that. Dairy care

played a integral role in that. Okay, also as for stinky, stink,

stink bombs..well....that's another story. I don't work in an

environment like yours and there has been MANY times in the past four

months that I have thanked GOd that I didn't. Adjusting to the bm's

and gas is really, really hard. But in my own experience and almost

everyone else on here(I said almost) it gets better over time. I

know working in a small office will be difficult during your

recovery, but if it was me and I had to do it I would do it. I would

be armed with everything before hand and just be prepared. Try the

devrom have it on hand before hand. I haven't tried it, but it's on

my to do list today to order it. I know some people say that their

bm's and such don't change I find that hard to believe, but I do

believe them (it's just hard). So, there is a slight chance you

might be one of them, but honestly don't count on it..Be prepared

mentally for what is probably going to happen. Don't be prepared for

the " miracles " .

I am happy with my losses so far, but honestly this is my major

complaint right now and even then it's not that bad. It's not

uncontrollable, but it is a problem just be prepared. I think

knowing these things before hand and the TRUTH is so important to a

quick and happy recovery. I think even with all my research I was

head in the sand..a bit in denial. I think your right to be

concerned, but I personally don't think it's a deal breaker. Good

luck either way!


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Lori and other pre-ops,

I'm not going to sugar coat it (at least from my stand point). It

can be bad!!!! I know when I was deciding between RNY and the DS I

had to get my priorities clear in my head before I made the final

decision. I didn't find the results of the RNY as long term and to be

totatally honest that is by far the main reason I went with the Ds.

I knew that part of the reason why this procedure has such terrific

and PERMENANT results is due to the malabsorption. Due due to this

people have looser stools (and they mean totally loose) and stinky

stink bombs and they mean you ain't dropping it and walking away it's

going to be around for awhile.

I know I am not alone when I say your bm's WILL most likely be

loosier in the beginning and tended for me to firm up. I'm about 4

months out and I'm already finding releif from that. Dairy care

played a integral role in that. Okay, also as for stinky, stink,

stink bombs..well....that's another story. I don't work in an

environment like yours and there has been MANY times in the past four

months that I have thanked GOd that I didn't. Adjusting to the bm's

and gas is really, really hard. But in my own experience and almost

everyone else on here(I said almost) it gets better over time. I

know working in a small office will be difficult during your

recovery, but if it was me and I had to do it I would do it. I would

be armed with everything before hand and just be prepared. Try the

devrom have it on hand before hand. I haven't tried it, but it's on

my to do list today to order it. I know some people say that their

bm's and such don't change I find that hard to believe, but I do

believe them (it's just hard). So, there is a slight chance you

might be one of them, but honestly don't count on it..Be prepared

mentally for what is probably going to happen. Don't be prepared for

the " miracles " .

I am happy with my losses so far, but honestly this is my major

complaint right now and even then it's not that bad. It's not

uncontrollable, but it is a problem just be prepared. I think

knowing these things before hand and the TRUTH is so important to a

quick and happy recovery. I think even with all my research I was

head in the sand..a bit in denial. I think your right to be

concerned, but I personally don't think it's a deal breaker. Good

luck either way!


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Lori and other pre-ops,

I'm not going to sugar coat it (at least from my stand point). It

can be bad!!!! I know when I was deciding between RNY and the DS I

had to get my priorities clear in my head before I made the final

decision. I didn't find the results of the RNY as long term and to be

totatally honest that is by far the main reason I went with the Ds.

I knew that part of the reason why this procedure has such terrific

and PERMENANT results is due to the malabsorption. Due due to this

people have looser stools (and they mean totally loose) and stinky

stink bombs and they mean you ain't dropping it and walking away it's

going to be around for awhile.

I know I am not alone when I say your bm's WILL most likely be

loosier in the beginning and tended for me to firm up. I'm about 4

months out and I'm already finding releif from that. Dairy care

played a integral role in that. Okay, also as for stinky, stink,

stink bombs..well....that's another story. I don't work in an

environment like yours and there has been MANY times in the past four

months that I have thanked GOd that I didn't. Adjusting to the bm's

and gas is really, really hard. But in my own experience and almost

everyone else on here(I said almost) it gets better over time. I

know working in a small office will be difficult during your

recovery, but if it was me and I had to do it I would do it. I would

be armed with everything before hand and just be prepared. Try the

devrom have it on hand before hand. I haven't tried it, but it's on

my to do list today to order it. I know some people say that their

bm's and such don't change I find that hard to believe, but I do

believe them (it's just hard). So, there is a slight chance you

might be one of them, but honestly don't count on it..Be prepared

mentally for what is probably going to happen. Don't be prepared for

the " miracles " .

I am happy with my losses so far, but honestly this is my major

complaint right now and even then it's not that bad. It's not

uncontrollable, but it is a problem just be prepared. I think

knowing these things before hand and the TRUTH is so important to a

quick and happy recovery. I think even with all my research I was

head in the sand..a bit in denial. I think your right to be

concerned, but I personally don't think it's a deal breaker. Good

luck either way!


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In a message dated 04/06/2001 12:13:31 PM Central Daylight Time,

ruisha@... writes:

<< I think that odor and gas can always be a big problem after

BPD/DS, but it doesn't HAVE to be. >>

O.K. here is my input on my experience with the odor issue. In my case I

believe my bm's have a distinct or different odor from before. It is not

necessarily worse, but it is definitely unique to me (and possibly other

dsers). I would say I have less gas than pre-op. The only time I usually

have gas is if it is time for a bm. I can always decide to contain the any

gas that I have. I always have a can of ozium with me in my purse " just in

case " and rarely need to use it but feel very secure having it with me!


Dr. Hess


267 to 165

size 22 to size 10

no more high blood pressure or sore feet!

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In a message dated 04/06/2001 12:13:31 PM Central Daylight Time,

ruisha@... writes:

<< I think that odor and gas can always be a big problem after

BPD/DS, but it doesn't HAVE to be. >>

O.K. here is my input on my experience with the odor issue. In my case I

believe my bm's have a distinct or different odor from before. It is not

necessarily worse, but it is definitely unique to me (and possibly other

dsers). I would say I have less gas than pre-op. The only time I usually

have gas is if it is time for a bm. I can always decide to contain the any

gas that I have. I always have a can of ozium with me in my purse " just in

case " and rarely need to use it but feel very secure having it with me!


Dr. Hess


267 to 165

size 22 to size 10

no more high blood pressure or sore feet!

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