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Good morning to you Rory! Thanks for this reminder.

We need to read stuff like this more often than not.

Take care and THANK YOU! :>)

Pam Marsh

--- " Rory G. " rorman212@...> wrote:

> Hi everyone!

> With all of the recent accomplishments ( and

> Francisco's

> marathon, Tawny's bike ride, all of the THOUSANDS OF

> POUNDS we have

> all lost...) I took a few minutes to think.

> What I thought was: we are all pretty damn amazing

> people, full of

> courage, hope and an uncanny ability to succeed

> under even the most

> adverse conditions. Think of all we have

> accomplished as " LARGE and

> IN CHARGE " people....many of us are married. Many

> of us have

> children. Many of us have excellent jobs that we

> are succeeding

> in. And we have done all of this WHILE

> " Fluffy " ...there is NO limit

> to what we can accomplish. Will it be hard? HELL

> YES! Can we do

> it? NO DOUBT! I watch far too many posts in here

> that whine and

> worry about what is happening --- maybe they should

> be replaced with

> the reminders of the blessings we all have, if we

> are just willing

> to stop and find them! We are all amazing people,

> on a journey to

> save and improve our lives. You can't get to where

> you are going by

> not seeing, focusing and remembering from where you

> came.

> Do you wish you had better luck? Then stop wishing

> and start making

> it so.

> Good luck does not just randomly appear. Good luck

> comes to those

> who attract it.

> Live this day as if it is the most precious and

> important day in

> your life, and you'll make yourself lucky. Seek ways

> to provide

> real, lasting value to others, and you'll make

> yourself lucky.

> Be anxious to learn, to explore, to hone your skills

> and you'll make

> yourself lucky. Live with patience, discipline,

> integrity and a

> commitment to truth, and you'll make yourself lucky.

> Focus on the positive possibilities, and you'll make

> yourself lucky.

> Take the actions that will manifest the best of

> those possibilities

> into reality, and you'll make yourself lucky.

> There's no limit to the amount of good luck you can

> enjoy when you

> take the positive, productive actions that will

> bring it your way.

> Make yourself lucky, and experience for yourself how

> great it can be.

> Your problems are real and demanding. Yet they are

> tiny when

> compared to all the positive possibilities for your

> life in this

> moment.

> You have fallen short in the past. Yet the past is

> over, and you are

> free to choose a new and more fulfilling direction,

> right now.

> There are difficult challenges that you now face.

> And right

> alongside those challenges, intertwined and

> intermingled with them,

> there are stunningly magnificent opportunities.

> This is your time to grasp those opportunities.

> Whatever may try to

> hold you back is trivial and of little consequence

> when compared to

> what you can gain by moving forward.

> The difficulties this moment may hold are far

> outnumbered by the

> possibilities for achievement, learning, love, joy

> and fulfillment.

> Focus your mind, focus your energy on the best of

> those

> possibilities.

> In this very moment you are free to choose any

> thought, any action,

> any path you wish. Choose to step confidently

> forward on the path to

> the best place and the best life you can possibly

> imagine.

> Love yourself and love one another!


> Rory

> -240








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PREACH IT, BROTHER. I mean, seriously, how blessed are we to have this life-saving surgery available to us. I look at my own brother, the sweetest, greatest guy I've ever known...and he doesn't have insurance. He's very very heavy, and I worry about his health...but he quite simply doesn't have the means to pay for this operation...and at present, he doesn't have the courage even if he was covered. I'm praying that he'll get there....and he just started a job where he will have some insurance coverage in three months.

So, I am going to count my blessings. Out loud. Let's see: I have this amazingly supportive family and group of friends, who all love me very much. They are not threatened or jealous by my weight loss...they were never judgmental about my weight gain. They just love me, and want the best for me. Always. They are as excited as I am about my body in transformation. They cheer me on, urge me on, and all of them have told me that they have nothing but admiration for the courage I've had in making such a difficult decision to "limit" myself in this way for the rest of my life.

I've never heard the words, "Isn't that taking the easy way out?" Every single one of them went out and educated themselves (and I'm talking about 25 people or more) about the procedure...enough so that they know what I can and cannot eat...they know not to offer me alcohol...they know that I need constant hydration...and they tell me over and over again how proud they are of me, of my efforts. They worry when I throw up...they worry when I'm tired...but at the same time, they are literally moved to tears when they think about the fact that I may be someday free from the tyranny of this extra weight.

My best friend, , who is very thin (although naturally thin, she is very athletic and eats very healthily) burst into tears when I called her and told her about the upcoming surgery. She said that she worried about me all of the time....she worried about all of the dreaded diseases that I was at increased risk to contract if I continued to be overweight. She was so proud of me, and so happy about my decision. She has routinely called me from Chicago, checking up on me. She sent me some books several times during my recovery. She's really been there for me (all while dealing with morning sickness, as she is now four months pregnant!)

Praise God, praise life, for bringing such beautiful people into my life. People who I don't need to worry about losing because they are threatened by the "thinner" version of myself. I am blessed that I have been surrounded by people who love me, support me, want the best for me.

But, like Rory said...I made my own luck, there. I invest a lot in my friendships, and I give them the same level of unconditional love that they are now giving me. And so, I have a sense of pride in the high quality of my friendships. The investment has really paid off...and I have quality, quality people in my world.

And then, there is . The magic man. Wow. That I was able to find him...6,000 miles away from me, different country, different culture, different language (although I'm relatively fluent in French, and he's pretty decent in Engligh) is amazing. The guy is my emotional twin. He's so warm and loving and sweet and handsome and romantic and considerate, and amazing. He stopped smoking, because he told me that he would never want to expose me to second hand smoke. That if we have children, he wants to make sure that they have a good example about smoking. That, now that he finally found me, he wants to make sure that we have many healthy and happy years together. Wow. What a wonderful thing, you know?

(Little side note: he sent me these gorgeous Italian shoes...they finally arrived. They are a soft rose color, because he knows I wear pink alot). High high heels..and they fit! Yahoo! His package was filled with sweet little things...things that we had talked about at one time or another...like a DVD of a movie that he had mentioned, some hazelnut oil...which he uses on salads, and which I've never seen in the U.S....it's fabulous, by the way. But most amazingly...he sent me his sketch pad. I told him that I understood it was only for me to look at, and that I would take great care of it...but he said, "No, this is for you. I love you, and it is my gift for you." Can you believe it? I was so incredibly moved...that's a very very personal thing for an artist. And here's the cool thing: there was a drawing of a woman who looks a lot like me. A LOT. And he drew it ten years ago.


So, I'm really happy with him. Really happy.

I've got some trials in my life, too...I'm realizing that I need to take the next step in my separation from my husband. that is very very painful. I love him, he's family. I don't want to hurt him...and it's very hard. But, at the same time, he's a very handsome, capable, sweet, intelligent man....and I have no doubt that he will find somebody who is passionately in love with him in a blink of an eye. that's hard to think about, sometimes. Because I've been his number one for 12 years. But he deserves to be loved passionately. And I'm getting to the place where I can be a little less selfish...clinging to him like a security blanket a little less...and releasing him to go out into the universe and find his soul mate. And who knows? Life may bring him back to me, and maybe I'll be in a different space. I thank God for bringing him into my life when he did...because there were so many things I learned in that

relationship...and Steve really brought me a level of confidence that I enver had before. I will always love me for that. Always.

I have a job with wonderful coverage, I didn't pay a dime for this surgery. I am proud of Kaiser, I am glad to be working for it. I have some difficult clients, but others who are wonderful. One of them (one of the difficult ones) made me homemade soups during my recovery, and refused to talk to me about work when he came to visit. My clients in the Northwest completely babied me on my recent trip up there (I had to do a major negotiation). They picked me up at the hotel...made me go take naps, waited on me hand and foot...and were just angels to me. i am really blessed to have a challenging job that pays me very well...

I am blessed to live in a gorgeous neighborhood, in a fabulous apartment. So close to chrissy field that I can take a walk and view the Bay and the Golden Gate bridge and Alcatraz every single day of my life. It's just breathtaking, and fills me with joy and wonder every time I'm out there.

And of course, I have the best little furry daughter ever...my kitty cat. She stays right beside me whenever I'm not feeling good...and sometimes takes her little paw and strokes my face with tender concern if I've had a yucking up session. She really is wonderful, and I'm very lucky to have her in my life...someone warm and soft to kiss and hold when I'm feeling lonely.

So, hats off Rory...what a wonderful life we have. I'm starting Salsa lessons this week. I'm going to live life to its fullest.

I'm looking forward to Olivier and his two madcap friends visiting me from France in September...and then coming in October. I'm looking forward to spending Christmas in Paris (he already bought me airline tickets) and Lyon...and then in his little stone vacation farmhouse in the Rhones-Alpes...right near Chamonix...and ski slopes (yay!!!!)

And here I am, Miss Thang, weighing less than 200 lbs...never to see that weight again...

Life, my friends, is good. And I for one, am eating it up.



Starting weight 261.5 (orientatation) BMI 42.5

Weight at surgery: 235.5

Current weight: 198 (BMI 31)

Goal: 145"Rory G." wrote:

Hi everyone!With all of the recent accomplishments ( and Francisco's marathon, Tawny's bike ride, all of the THOUSANDS OF POUNDS we have all lost...) I took a few minutes to think.What I thought was: we are all pretty damn amazing people, full of courage, hope and an uncanny ability to succeed under even the most adverse conditions. Think of all we have accomplished as "LARGE and IN CHARGE" people....many of us are married. Many of us have children. Many of us have excellent jobs that we are succeeding in. And we have done all of this WHILE "Fluffy"...there is NO limit to what we can accomplish. Will it be hard? HELL YES! Can we do it? NO DOUBT! I watch far too many posts in here that whine and worry about what is happening --- maybe they should be replaced with

the reminders of the blessings we all have, if we are just willing to stop and find them! We are all amazing people, on a journey to save and improve our lives. You can't get to where you are going by not seeing, focusing and remembering from where you came.Do you wish you had better luck? Then stop wishing and start making it so.Good luck does not just randomly appear. Good luck comes to those who attract it.Live this day as if it is the most precious and important day in your life, and you'll make yourself lucky. Seek ways to provide real, lasting value to others, and you'll make yourself lucky.Be anxious to learn, to explore, to hone your skills and you'll make yourself lucky. Live with patience, discipline, integrity and a commitment to truth, and you'll make yourself lucky.Focus on the positive possibilities, and you'll make yourself lucky. Take the actions that will manifest the best of those

possibilities into reality, and you'll make yourself lucky.There's no limit to the amount of good luck you can enjoy when you take the positive, productive actions that will bring it your way. Make yourself lucky, and experience for yourself how great it can be.Your problems are real and demanding. Yet they are tiny when compared to all the positive possibilities for your life in this moment.You have fallen short in the past. Yet the past is over, and you are free to choose a new and more fulfilling direction, right now.There are difficult challenges that you now face. And right alongside those challenges, intertwined and intermingled with them, there are stunningly magnificent opportunities.This is your time to grasp those opportunities. Whatever may try to hold you back is trivial and of little consequence when compared to what you can gain by moving forward.The difficulties this moment may hold are far outnumbered by

the possibilities for achievement, learning, love, joy and fulfillment. Focus your mind, focus your energy on the best of those possibilities.In this very moment you are free to choose any thought, any action, any path you wish. Choose to step confidently forward on the path to the best place and the best life you can possibly imagine.Love yourself and love one another!Rory-240

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Wow Rory,

That was wonderful! It sounded like what I heard at church this

Sunday. The topic was Availability, how available are you to the

good stuff in your life?


You are going to a party and before you even go you just know you're

not going to like anyone there?

Or, you go out to eat and someone says hey try this and you go noooo

way I won't like that! Without even trying it.

There is ALWAYS something bad to find out in this world, so why not

look for the good stuff, why not be happy with every moment we have.

She also asked, has anything ever happen to you that at the time

you thought was so bad,,,yet down the road you could sit back and

laugh at it. She said how wonderful could it be to see the folly of

it while it was happening and to not be so serious.

She said life could be like Disneyland every day if we were open to

it lol,,,

It was a great service.


> Hi everyone!

> With all of the recent accomplishments ( and Francisco's

> marathon, Tawny's bike ride, all of the THOUSANDS OF POUNDS we


> all lost...) I took a few minutes to think.

> What I thought was: we are all pretty damn amazing people, full


> courage, hope and an uncanny ability to succeed under even the


> adverse conditions. Think of all we have accomplished as " LARGE


> IN CHARGE " people....many of us are married. Many of us have

> children. Many of us have excellent jobs that we are succeeding

> in. And we have done all of this WHILE " Fluffy " ...there is NO


> to what we can accomplish. Will it be hard? HELL YES! Can we do

> it? NO DOUBT! I watch far too many posts in here that whine and

> worry about what is happening --- maybe they should be replaced


> the reminders of the blessings we all have, if we are just willing

> to stop and find them! We are all amazing people, on a journey to

> save and improve our lives. You can't get to where you are going


> not seeing, focusing and remembering from where you came.

> Do you wish you had better luck? Then stop wishing and start


> it so.

> Good luck does not just randomly appear. Good luck comes to those

> who attract it.

> Live this day as if it is the most precious and important day in

> your life, and you'll make yourself lucky. Seek ways to provide

> real, lasting value to others, and you'll make yourself lucky.

> Be anxious to learn, to explore, to hone your skills and you'll


> yourself lucky. Live with patience, discipline, integrity and a

> commitment to truth, and you'll make yourself lucky.

> Focus on the positive possibilities, and you'll make yourself


> Take the actions that will manifest the best of those


> into reality, and you'll make yourself lucky.

> There's no limit to the amount of good luck you can enjoy when you

> take the positive, productive actions that will bring it your way.

> Make yourself lucky, and experience for yourself how great it can


> Your problems are real and demanding. Yet they are tiny when

> compared to all the positive possibilities for your life in this

> moment.

> You have fallen short in the past. Yet the past is over, and you


> free to choose a new and more fulfilling direction, right now.

> There are difficult challenges that you now face. And right

> alongside those challenges, intertwined and intermingled with


> there are stunningly magnificent opportunities.

> This is your time to grasp those opportunities. Whatever may try


> hold you back is trivial and of little consequence when compared


> what you can gain by moving forward.

> The difficulties this moment may hold are far outnumbered by the

> possibilities for achievement, learning, love, joy and


> Focus your mind, focus your energy on the best of those

> possibilities.

> In this very moment you are free to choose any thought, any


> any path you wish. Choose to step confidently forward on the path


> the best place and the best life you can possibly imagine.

> Love yourself and love one another!


> Rory

> -240

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Guest guest

You are indeed blessed, Robynn!! You have an amazing

life; one that I am sure you worked hard to have. I am

happy for you!


(WOW! Christmas in Paris!!)

--- Robynn VanPatten robynnsf@...> wrote:

> PREACH IT, BROTHER. I mean, seriously, how blessed

> are we to have this life-saving surgery available to

> us. I look at my own brother, the sweetest,

> greatest guy I've ever known...and he doesn't have

> insurance. He's very very heavy, and I worry about

> his health...but he quite simply doesn't have the

> means to pay for this operation...and at present, he

> doesn't have the courage even if he was covered.

> I'm praying that he'll get there....and he just

> started a job where he will have some insurance

> coverage in three months.


> So, I am going to count my blessings. Out loud.

> Let's see: I have this amazingly supportive family

> and group of friends, who all love me very much.

> They are not threatened or jealous by my weight

> loss...they were never judgmental about my weight

> gain. They just love me, and want the best for me.

> Always. They are as excited as I am about my body

> in transformation. They cheer me on, urge me on,

> and all of them have told me that they have nothing

> but admiration for the courage I've had in making

> such a difficult decision to " limit " myself in this

> way for the rest of my life.


> I've never heard the words, " Isn't that taking the

> easy way out? " Every single one of them went out

> and educated themselves (and I'm talking about 25

> people or more) about the procedure...enough so that

> they know what I can and cannot eat...they know not

> to offer me alcohol...they know that I need constant

> hydration...and they tell me over and over again how

> proud they are of me, of my efforts. They worry

> when I throw up...they worry when I'm tired...but at

> the same time, they are literally moved to tears

> when they think about the fact that I may be someday

> free from the tyranny of this extra weight.


> My best friend, , who is very thin (although

> naturally thin, she is very athletic and eats very

> healthily) burst into tears when I called her and

> told her about the upcoming surgery. She said that

> she worried about me all of the time....she worried

> about all of the dreaded diseases that I was at

> increased risk to contract if I continued to be

> overweight. She was so proud of me, and so happy

> about my decision. She has routinely called me from

> Chicago, checking up on me. She sent me some books

> several times during my recovery. She's really been

> there for me (all while dealing with morning

> sickness, as she is now four months pregnant!)


> Praise God, praise life, for bringing such beautiful

> people into my life. People who I don't need to

> worry about losing because they are threatened by

> the " thinner " version of myself. I am blessed that

> I have been surrounded by people who love me,

> support me, want the best for me.


> But, like Rory said...I made my own luck, there. I

> invest a lot in my friendships, and I give them the

> same level of unconditional love that they are now

> giving me. And so, I have a sense of pride in the

> high quality of my friendships. The investment has

> really paid off...and I have quality, quality people

> in my world.


> And then, there is . The magic man. Wow. That

> I was able to find him...6,000 miles away from me,

> different country, different culture, different

> language (although I'm relatively fluent in French,

> and he's pretty decent in Engligh) is amazing. The

> guy is my emotional twin. He's so warm and loving

> and sweet and handsome and romantic and considerate,

> and amazing. He stopped smoking, because he told me

> that he would never want to expose me to second hand

> smoke. That if we have children, he wants to make

> sure that they have a good example about smoking.

> That, now that he finally found me, he wants to make

> sure that we have many healthy and happy years

> together. Wow. What a wonderful thing, you know?


> (Little side note: he sent me these gorgeous

> Italian shoes...they finally arrived. They are a

> soft rose color, because he knows I wear pink alot).

> High high heels..and they fit! Yahoo! His package

> was filled with sweet little things...things that we

> had talked about at one time or another...like a DVD

> of a movie that he had mentioned, some hazelnut

> oil...which he uses on salads, and which I've never

> seen in the U.S....it's fabulous, by the way. But

> most amazingly...he sent me his sketch pad. I told

> him that I understood it was only for me to look at,

> and that I would take great care of it...but he

> said, " No, this is for you. I love you, and it is

> my gift for you. " Can you believe it? I was so

> incredibly moved...that's a very very personal thing

> for an artist. And here's the cool thing: there

> was a drawing of a woman who looks a lot like me. A

> LOT. And he drew it ten years ago. Wow.)


> So, I'm really happy with him. Really happy.


> I've got some trials in my life, too...I'm realizing

> that I need to take the next step in my separation

> from my husband. that is very very painful. I love

> him, he's family. I don't want to hurt him...and

> it's very hard. But, at the same time, he's a very

> handsome, capable, sweet, intelligent man....and I

> have no doubt that he will find somebody who is

> passionately in love with him in a blink of an eye.

> that's hard to think about, sometimes. Because I've

> been his number one for 12 years. But he deserves

> to be loved passionately. And I'm getting to the

> place where I can be a little less

> selfish...clinging to him like a security blanket a

> little less...and releasing him to go out into the

> universe and find his soul mate. And who knows?

> Life may bring him back to me, and maybe I'll be in

> a different space. I thank God for bringing him

> into my life when he did...because there were so

> many things I learned in that relationship...and

> Steve really brought me a level of confidence

> that I enver had before. I will always love me for

> that. Always.


> I have a job with wonderful coverage, I didn't pay a

> dime for this surgery. I am proud of Kaiser, I am

> glad to be working for it. I have some difficult

> clients, but others who are wonderful. One of them

> (one of the difficult ones) made me homemade soups

> during my recovery, and refused to talk to me about

> work when he came to visit. My clients in the

> Northwest completely babied me on my recent trip up

> there (I had to do a major negotiation). They

> picked me up at the hotel...made me go take naps,

> waited on me hand and foot...and were just angels to

> me. i am really blessed to have a challenging job

> that pays me very well...


> I am blessed to live in a gorgeous neighborhood, in

> a fabulous apartment. So close to chrissy field

> that I can take a walk and view the Bay and the

> Golden Gate bridge and Alcatraz every single day of

> my life. It's just breathtaking, and fills me with

> joy and wonder every time I'm out there.


> And of course, I have the best little furry daughter

> ever...my kitty cat. She stays right beside me

> whenever I'm not feeling good...and sometimes takes

> her little paw and strokes my face with tender

> concern if I've had a yucking up session. She

> really is wonderful, and I'm very lucky to have her

> in my life...someone warm and soft to kiss and hold

> when I'm feeling lonely.


> So, hats off Rory...what a wonderful life we have.

> I'm starting Salsa lessons this week. I'm going to

> live life to its fullest.


> I'm looking forward to Olivier and his two madcap

> friends visiting me from France in September...and

> then coming in October. I'm looking forward to

> spending Christmas in Paris (he already bought me

> airline tickets) and Lyon...and then in his little

> stone vacation farmhouse in the Rhones-Alpes...right

> near Chamonix...and ski slopes (yay!!!!)


> And here I am, Miss Thang, weighing less than 200

> lbs...never to see that weight again...


> Life, my friends, is good. And I for one, am eating

> it up.


> Robynn

> 5'6 "

> Starting weight 261.5 (orientatation) BMI 42.5

> Weight at surgery: 235.5

> Current weight: 198 (BMI 31)

> Goal: 145


> " Rory G. " rorman212@...> wrote:

> Hi everyone!

> With all of the recent accomplishments ( and

> Francisco's

> marathon, Tawny's bike ride, all of the THOUSANDS OF

> POUNDS we have

> all lost...) I took a few minutes to think.

> What I thought was: we are all pretty damn amazing

> people, full of

> courage, hope and an uncanny ability to succeed

> under even the most

> adverse conditions. Think of all we have

> accomplished as " LARGE and

> IN CHARGE " people....many of us are married. Many

> of us have

> children. Many of us have excellent jobs that we

> are succeeding

> in. And we have done all of this WHILE

> " Fluffy " ...there is NO limit

> to what we can accomplish. Will it be hard? HELL

> YES!

=== message truncated ===


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Guest guest

You are indeed blessed, Robynn!! You have an amazing

life; one that I am sure you worked hard to have. I am

happy for you!


(WOW! Christmas in Paris!!)

--- Robynn VanPatten robynnsf@...> wrote:

> PREACH IT, BROTHER. I mean, seriously, how blessed

> are we to have this life-saving surgery available to

> us. I look at my own brother, the sweetest,

> greatest guy I've ever known...and he doesn't have

> insurance. He's very very heavy, and I worry about

> his health...but he quite simply doesn't have the

> means to pay for this operation...and at present, he

> doesn't have the courage even if he was covered.

> I'm praying that he'll get there....and he just

> started a job where he will have some insurance

> coverage in three months.


> So, I am going to count my blessings. Out loud.

> Let's see: I have this amazingly supportive family

> and group of friends, who all love me very much.

> They are not threatened or jealous by my weight

> loss...they were never judgmental about my weight

> gain. They just love me, and want the best for me.

> Always. They are as excited as I am about my body

> in transformation. They cheer me on, urge me on,

> and all of them have told me that they have nothing

> but admiration for the courage I've had in making

> such a difficult decision to " limit " myself in this

> way for the rest of my life.


> I've never heard the words, " Isn't that taking the

> easy way out? " Every single one of them went out

> and educated themselves (and I'm talking about 25

> people or more) about the procedure...enough so that

> they know what I can and cannot eat...they know not

> to offer me alcohol...they know that I need constant

> hydration...and they tell me over and over again how

> proud they are of me, of my efforts. They worry

> when I throw up...they worry when I'm tired...but at

> the same time, they are literally moved to tears

> when they think about the fact that I may be someday

> free from the tyranny of this extra weight.


> My best friend, , who is very thin (although

> naturally thin, she is very athletic and eats very

> healthily) burst into tears when I called her and

> told her about the upcoming surgery. She said that

> she worried about me all of the time....she worried

> about all of the dreaded diseases that I was at

> increased risk to contract if I continued to be

> overweight. She was so proud of me, and so happy

> about my decision. She has routinely called me from

> Chicago, checking up on me. She sent me some books

> several times during my recovery. She's really been

> there for me (all while dealing with morning

> sickness, as she is now four months pregnant!)


> Praise God, praise life, for bringing such beautiful

> people into my life. People who I don't need to

> worry about losing because they are threatened by

> the " thinner " version of myself. I am blessed that

> I have been surrounded by people who love me,

> support me, want the best for me.


> But, like Rory said...I made my own luck, there. I

> invest a lot in my friendships, and I give them the

> same level of unconditional love that they are now

> giving me. And so, I have a sense of pride in the

> high quality of my friendships. The investment has

> really paid off...and I have quality, quality people

> in my world.


> And then, there is . The magic man. Wow. That

> I was able to find him...6,000 miles away from me,

> different country, different culture, different

> language (although I'm relatively fluent in French,

> and he's pretty decent in Engligh) is amazing. The

> guy is my emotional twin. He's so warm and loving

> and sweet and handsome and romantic and considerate,

> and amazing. He stopped smoking, because he told me

> that he would never want to expose me to second hand

> smoke. That if we have children, he wants to make

> sure that they have a good example about smoking.

> That, now that he finally found me, he wants to make

> sure that we have many healthy and happy years

> together. Wow. What a wonderful thing, you know?


> (Little side note: he sent me these gorgeous

> Italian shoes...they finally arrived. They are a

> soft rose color, because he knows I wear pink alot).

> High high heels..and they fit! Yahoo! His package

> was filled with sweet little things...things that we

> had talked about at one time or another...like a DVD

> of a movie that he had mentioned, some hazelnut

> oil...which he uses on salads, and which I've never

> seen in the U.S....it's fabulous, by the way. But

> most amazingly...he sent me his sketch pad. I told

> him that I understood it was only for me to look at,

> and that I would take great care of it...but he

> said, " No, this is for you. I love you, and it is

> my gift for you. " Can you believe it? I was so

> incredibly moved...that's a very very personal thing

> for an artist. And here's the cool thing: there

> was a drawing of a woman who looks a lot like me. A

> LOT. And he drew it ten years ago. Wow.)


> So, I'm really happy with him. Really happy.


> I've got some trials in my life, too...I'm realizing

> that I need to take the next step in my separation

> from my husband. that is very very painful. I love

> him, he's family. I don't want to hurt him...and

> it's very hard. But, at the same time, he's a very

> handsome, capable, sweet, intelligent man....and I

> have no doubt that he will find somebody who is

> passionately in love with him in a blink of an eye.

> that's hard to think about, sometimes. Because I've

> been his number one for 12 years. But he deserves

> to be loved passionately. And I'm getting to the

> place where I can be a little less

> selfish...clinging to him like a security blanket a

> little less...and releasing him to go out into the

> universe and find his soul mate. And who knows?

> Life may bring him back to me, and maybe I'll be in

> a different space. I thank God for bringing him

> into my life when he did...because there were so

> many things I learned in that relationship...and

> Steve really brought me a level of confidence

> that I enver had before. I will always love me for

> that. Always.


> I have a job with wonderful coverage, I didn't pay a

> dime for this surgery. I am proud of Kaiser, I am

> glad to be working for it. I have some difficult

> clients, but others who are wonderful. One of them

> (one of the difficult ones) made me homemade soups

> during my recovery, and refused to talk to me about

> work when he came to visit. My clients in the

> Northwest completely babied me on my recent trip up

> there (I had to do a major negotiation). They

> picked me up at the hotel...made me go take naps,

> waited on me hand and foot...and were just angels to

> me. i am really blessed to have a challenging job

> that pays me very well...


> I am blessed to live in a gorgeous neighborhood, in

> a fabulous apartment. So close to chrissy field

> that I can take a walk and view the Bay and the

> Golden Gate bridge and Alcatraz every single day of

> my life. It's just breathtaking, and fills me with

> joy and wonder every time I'm out there.


> And of course, I have the best little furry daughter

> ever...my kitty cat. She stays right beside me

> whenever I'm not feeling good...and sometimes takes

> her little paw and strokes my face with tender

> concern if I've had a yucking up session. She

> really is wonderful, and I'm very lucky to have her

> in my life...someone warm and soft to kiss and hold

> when I'm feeling lonely.


> So, hats off Rory...what a wonderful life we have.

> I'm starting Salsa lessons this week. I'm going to

> live life to its fullest.


> I'm looking forward to Olivier and his two madcap

> friends visiting me from France in September...and

> then coming in October. I'm looking forward to

> spending Christmas in Paris (he already bought me

> airline tickets) and Lyon...and then in his little

> stone vacation farmhouse in the Rhones-Alpes...right

> near Chamonix...and ski slopes (yay!!!!)


> And here I am, Miss Thang, weighing less than 200

> lbs...never to see that weight again...


> Life, my friends, is good. And I for one, am eating

> it up.


> Robynn

> 5'6 "

> Starting weight 261.5 (orientatation) BMI 42.5

> Weight at surgery: 235.5

> Current weight: 198 (BMI 31)

> Goal: 145


> " Rory G. " rorman212@...> wrote:

> Hi everyone!

> With all of the recent accomplishments ( and

> Francisco's

> marathon, Tawny's bike ride, all of the THOUSANDS OF

> POUNDS we have

> all lost...) I took a few minutes to think.

> What I thought was: we are all pretty damn amazing

> people, full of

> courage, hope and an uncanny ability to succeed

> under even the most

> adverse conditions. Think of all we have

> accomplished as " LARGE and

> IN CHARGE " people....many of us are married. Many

> of us have

> children. Many of us have excellent jobs that we

> are succeeding

> in. And we have done all of this WHILE

> " Fluffy " ...there is NO limit

> to what we can accomplish. Will it be hard? HELL

> YES!

=== message truncated ===


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