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Hey I made it! Whoo hoo! Wish I felt good as that sounds tho. I

got to come home from the hospital today. It feels awesome to

finally get some good sleep on my nice big recliners.My hubbys all

worried cause I cant seem to get enough liquids in. I have trouble,

evertime i drink water or anything, it bout makes me feel sick! That

is not like me as I can down waters of bottle like no bodys

business. Is this normal? I've read alot of posts but dont

remember. I am trying to eat a popsicle right now. I know I HAVE to

eat something. I tried some campbles chicken broth but the smell

about makes me sick. I thought about using the chicken nooodle sooup

and not eating the noodles and chicken.I guess right now my biggest

thing seems to be eating. I have all these pill and vitamins and just

know i wont be able to take them without drinking.

As far as the surgery, it went fine. I had to a greenfield filter

put in place before surgery to avoid risks of blood clots (due to my

med. history I guess) But that is why my surgery didnt start on

time. The anesth. people were doing that.Left one heck of a bruise

too! My hospital visit was some good, some bad, but more about that

later. For now just wanted to thank you all for your concerns and

let you know I was home. Praise the lord!by the way..If anyone can

help with the food issue, please send me an email privately if you

dont mind. I hate to clog up he group with these newbie messages,

plus I dont have time to catch up on all the email i have,dont feel

great enough to sit here that long. (Please understand!)


" Itchy Stitches Girl "

BPD/DS Dr.Hess 4/11/01

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Guest guest


Congratulations on getting through to the other side. Know that while things are really lousy now they will get better. That sounds a bit hollow when you are really feeling bad and things aren't working but believe me it really will happen. Getting the fluids down is critical the first week or two. Try all the things you've seen suggested here. The popsicle is a good start. Try water with a bit of lemon or orange squeezed into it. We have a shaved ice machine and make ourselves snowcones. Joy flavors hers with non-cal flavorings and I use concentrated Crystal Lite to flavor mine. I also drink a lot of regular Crystal Lite. They have lots of flavors but I like the Lemonade best. But whatever you do keep at it. Try soft foods like scrambled eggs, beef or chicken broth and things like that. Joy ate lots of baby foods, she likes that junk. I couldn't handle that.

As to vitamins, Dr. Welker has me on a pre-natal vitamin plus an ADEK a day. And my blood levels have turned out just fine. To start, rather than a swallowable vitamin you can take a handful of chewable children's vitamins like Fred Flintstones. You have to take like 6 a day but it is easier at first than swallowing. And you will get all the necessary water soluble vitamins that way.

Don't worry about "clogging up the list" with newby messages. That's what the list is for.

Again, congratulations on being on the other side.


Joe Frost, old gentleman, not old fartSan , TX, 60 years oldDr. Welker Lateral Gastrectomy with Duodenal Switch340 starting weight, currently 257http://www.duodenalswitch.com/Patients/Joe/joe.html


> Hey I made it! Whoo hoo! Wish I felt good as that sounds tho. I > got to come home from the hospital today. It feels awesome to > finally get some good sleep on my nice big recliners.My hubbys all > worried cause I cant seem to get enough liquids in. I have trouble, > evertime i drink water or anything, it bout makes me feel sick! That > is not like me as I can down waters of bottle like no bodys > business. Is this normal? I've read alot of posts but dont > remember. I am trying to eat a popsicle right now. I know I HAVE to > eat something. I tried some campbles chicken broth but the smell > about makes me sick. I thought about using the chicken nooodle sooup > and not eating the noodles and chicken.I guess right now my biggest > thing seems to be eating. I have all these pill and vitamins and just > know i wont be able to take them without drinking.> As far as the surgery, it went fine. I had to a greenfield filter > put in place before surgery to avoid risks of blood clots (due to my > med. history I guess) But that is why my surgery didnt start on > time. The anesth. people were doing that.Left one heck of a bruise > too! My hospital visit was some good, some bad, but more about that > later. For now just wanted to thank you all for your concerns and > let you know I was home. Praise the lord!by the way..If anyone can > help with the food issue, please send me an email privately if you > dont mind. I hate to clog up he group with these newbie messages, > plus I dont have time to catch up on all the email i have,dont feel > great enough to sit here that long. (Please understand!)> a> "Itchy Stitches Girl"> BPD/DS Dr.Hess 4/11/01> > > ---------------------------------------------------------------------->

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Guest guest


Congratulations on getting through to the other side. Know that while things are really lousy now they will get better. That sounds a bit hollow when you are really feeling bad and things aren't working but believe me it really will happen. Getting the fluids down is critical the first week or two. Try all the things you've seen suggested here. The popsicle is a good start. Try water with a bit of lemon or orange squeezed into it. We have a shaved ice machine and make ourselves snowcones. Joy flavors hers with non-cal flavorings and I use concentrated Crystal Lite to flavor mine. I also drink a lot of regular Crystal Lite. They have lots of flavors but I like the Lemonade best. But whatever you do keep at it. Try soft foods like scrambled eggs, beef or chicken broth and things like that. Joy ate lots of baby foods, she likes that junk. I couldn't handle that.

As to vitamins, Dr. Welker has me on a pre-natal vitamin plus an ADEK a day. And my blood levels have turned out just fine. To start, rather than a swallowable vitamin you can take a handful of chewable children's vitamins like Fred Flintstones. You have to take like 6 a day but it is easier at first than swallowing. And you will get all the necessary water soluble vitamins that way.

Don't worry about "clogging up the list" with newby messages. That's what the list is for.

Again, congratulations on being on the other side.


Joe Frost, old gentleman, not old fartSan , TX, 60 years oldDr. Welker Lateral Gastrectomy with Duodenal Switch340 starting weight, currently 257http://www.duodenalswitch.com/Patients/Joe/joe.html


> Hey I made it! Whoo hoo! Wish I felt good as that sounds tho. I > got to come home from the hospital today. It feels awesome to > finally get some good sleep on my nice big recliners.My hubbys all > worried cause I cant seem to get enough liquids in. I have trouble, > evertime i drink water or anything, it bout makes me feel sick! That > is not like me as I can down waters of bottle like no bodys > business. Is this normal? I've read alot of posts but dont > remember. I am trying to eat a popsicle right now. I know I HAVE to > eat something. I tried some campbles chicken broth but the smell > about makes me sick. I thought about using the chicken nooodle sooup > and not eating the noodles and chicken.I guess right now my biggest > thing seems to be eating. I have all these pill and vitamins and just > know i wont be able to take them without drinking.> As far as the surgery, it went fine. I had to a greenfield filter > put in place before surgery to avoid risks of blood clots (due to my > med. history I guess) But that is why my surgery didnt start on > time. The anesth. people were doing that.Left one heck of a bruise > too! My hospital visit was some good, some bad, but more about that > later. For now just wanted to thank you all for your concerns and > let you know I was home. Praise the lord!by the way..If anyone can > help with the food issue, please send me an email privately if you > dont mind. I hate to clog up he group with these newbie messages, > plus I dont have time to catch up on all the email i have,dont feel > great enough to sit here that long. (Please understand!)> a> "Itchy Stitches Girl"> BPD/DS Dr.Hess 4/11/01> > > ---------------------------------------------------------------------->

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Guest guest


Congratulations on getting through to the other side. Know that while things are really lousy now they will get better. That sounds a bit hollow when you are really feeling bad and things aren't working but believe me it really will happen. Getting the fluids down is critical the first week or two. Try all the things you've seen suggested here. The popsicle is a good start. Try water with a bit of lemon or orange squeezed into it. We have a shaved ice machine and make ourselves snowcones. Joy flavors hers with non-cal flavorings and I use concentrated Crystal Lite to flavor mine. I also drink a lot of regular Crystal Lite. They have lots of flavors but I like the Lemonade best. But whatever you do keep at it. Try soft foods like scrambled eggs, beef or chicken broth and things like that. Joy ate lots of baby foods, she likes that junk. I couldn't handle that.

As to vitamins, Dr. Welker has me on a pre-natal vitamin plus an ADEK a day. And my blood levels have turned out just fine. To start, rather than a swallowable vitamin you can take a handful of chewable children's vitamins like Fred Flintstones. You have to take like 6 a day but it is easier at first than swallowing. And you will get all the necessary water soluble vitamins that way.

Don't worry about "clogging up the list" with newby messages. That's what the list is for.

Again, congratulations on being on the other side.


Joe Frost, old gentleman, not old fartSan , TX, 60 years oldDr. Welker Lateral Gastrectomy with Duodenal Switch340 starting weight, currently 257http://www.duodenalswitch.com/Patients/Joe/joe.html


> Hey I made it! Whoo hoo! Wish I felt good as that sounds tho. I > got to come home from the hospital today. It feels awesome to > finally get some good sleep on my nice big recliners.My hubbys all > worried cause I cant seem to get enough liquids in. I have trouble, > evertime i drink water or anything, it bout makes me feel sick! That > is not like me as I can down waters of bottle like no bodys > business. Is this normal? I've read alot of posts but dont > remember. I am trying to eat a popsicle right now. I know I HAVE to > eat something. I tried some campbles chicken broth but the smell > about makes me sick. I thought about using the chicken nooodle sooup > and not eating the noodles and chicken.I guess right now my biggest > thing seems to be eating. I have all these pill and vitamins and just > know i wont be able to take them without drinking.> As far as the surgery, it went fine. I had to a greenfield filter > put in place before surgery to avoid risks of blood clots (due to my > med. history I guess) But that is why my surgery didnt start on > time. The anesth. people were doing that.Left one heck of a bruise > too! My hospital visit was some good, some bad, but more about that > later. For now just wanted to thank you all for your concerns and > let you know I was home. Praise the lord!by the way..If anyone can > help with the food issue, please send me an email privately if you > dont mind. I hate to clog up he group with these newbie messages, > plus I dont have time to catch up on all the email i have,dont feel > great enough to sit here that long. (Please understand!)> a> "Itchy Stitches Girl"> BPD/DS Dr.Hess 4/11/01> > > ---------------------------------------------------------------------->

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Guest guest

Dear a,

Welcome home! Don't feel you have to respond to this

e-mail, as you're still not up to par. I just wanted

to let you know I'm thinking of you and wishing a very

quick recovery. I know you'll feel better soon.

Lot's of sympathy, Angel

--- Joe Frost joefrost@...> wrote:

> a:


> Congratulations on getting through to the other

> side. Know that while things are really lousy now

> they will get better. That sounds a bit hollow when

> you are really feeling bad and things aren't working

> but believe me it really will happen. Getting the

> fluids down is critical the first week or two. Try

> all the things you've seen suggested here. The

> popsicle is a good start. Try water with a bit of

> lemon or orange squeezed into it. We have a shaved

> ice machine and make ourselves snowcones. Joy

> flavors hers with non-cal flavorings and I use

> concentrated Crystal Lite to flavor mine. I also

> drink a lot of regular Crystal Lite. They have lots

> of flavors but I like the Lemonade best. But

> whatever you do keep at it. Try soft foods like

> scrambled eggs, beef or chicken broth and things

> like that. Joy ate lots of baby foods, she likes

> that junk. I couldn't handle that.


> As to vitamins, Dr. Welker has me on a pre-natal

> vitamin plus an ADEK a day. And my blood levels

> have turned out just fine. To start, rather than a

> swallowable vitamin you can take a handful of

> chewable children's vitamins like Fred Flintstones.

> You have to take like 6 a day but it is easier at

> first than swallowing. And you will get all the

> necessary water soluble vitamins that way.


> Don't worry about " clogging up the list " with newby

> messages. That's what the list is for.


> Again, congratulations on being on the other side.


> Regards.


> Joe Frost, old gentleman, not old fart

> San , TX, 60 years old

> Dr. Welker

> Lateral Gastrectomy with Duodenal Switch

> 340 starting weight, currently 257

> http://www.duodenalswitch.com/Patients/Joe/joe.html



> Switched!



> > Hey I made it! Whoo hoo! Wish I felt good as

> that sounds tho. I

> > got to come home from the hospital today. It

> feels awesome to

> > finally get some good sleep on my nice big

> recliners.My hubbys all

> > worried cause I cant seem to get enough liquids

> in. I have trouble,

> > evertime i drink water or anything, it bout makes

> me feel sick! That

> > is not like me as I can down waters of bottle like

> no bodys

> > business. Is this normal? I've read alot of posts

> but dont

> > remember. I am trying to eat a popsicle right

> now. I know I HAVE to

> > eat something. I tried some campbles chicken

> broth but the smell

> > about makes me sick. I thought about using the

> chicken nooodle sooup

> > and not eating the noodles and chicken.I guess

> right now my biggest

> > thing seems to be eating. I have all these pill

> and vitamins and just

> > know i wont be able to take them without drinking.

> > As far as the surgery, it went fine. I had to a

> greenfield filter

> > put in place before surgery to avoid risks of

> blood clots (due to my

> > med. history I guess) But that is why my surgery

> didnt start on

> > time. The anesth. people were doing that.Left one

> heck of a bruise

> > too! My hospital visit was some good, some bad,

> but more about that

> > later. For now just wanted to thank you all for

> your concerns and

> > let you know I was home. Praise the lord!by the

> way..If anyone can

> > help with the food issue, please send me an email

> privately if you

> > dont mind. I hate to clog up he group with these

> newbie messages,

> > plus I dont have time to catch up on all the

> email i have,dont feel

> > great enough to sit here that long. (Please

> understand!)

> > a

> > " Itchy Stitches Girl "

> > BPD/DS Dr.Hess 4/11/01

> >

> >

> >



> >

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Guest guest

Dear a,

Welcome home! Don't feel you have to respond to this

e-mail, as you're still not up to par. I just wanted

to let you know I'm thinking of you and wishing a very

quick recovery. I know you'll feel better soon.

Lot's of sympathy, Angel

--- Joe Frost joefrost@...> wrote:

> a:


> Congratulations on getting through to the other

> side. Know that while things are really lousy now

> they will get better. That sounds a bit hollow when

> you are really feeling bad and things aren't working

> but believe me it really will happen. Getting the

> fluids down is critical the first week or two. Try

> all the things you've seen suggested here. The

> popsicle is a good start. Try water with a bit of

> lemon or orange squeezed into it. We have a shaved

> ice machine and make ourselves snowcones. Joy

> flavors hers with non-cal flavorings and I use

> concentrated Crystal Lite to flavor mine. I also

> drink a lot of regular Crystal Lite. They have lots

> of flavors but I like the Lemonade best. But

> whatever you do keep at it. Try soft foods like

> scrambled eggs, beef or chicken broth and things

> like that. Joy ate lots of baby foods, she likes

> that junk. I couldn't handle that.


> As to vitamins, Dr. Welker has me on a pre-natal

> vitamin plus an ADEK a day. And my blood levels

> have turned out just fine. To start, rather than a

> swallowable vitamin you can take a handful of

> chewable children's vitamins like Fred Flintstones.

> You have to take like 6 a day but it is easier at

> first than swallowing. And you will get all the

> necessary water soluble vitamins that way.


> Don't worry about " clogging up the list " with newby

> messages. That's what the list is for.


> Again, congratulations on being on the other side.


> Regards.


> Joe Frost, old gentleman, not old fart

> San , TX, 60 years old

> Dr. Welker

> Lateral Gastrectomy with Duodenal Switch

> 340 starting weight, currently 257

> http://www.duodenalswitch.com/Patients/Joe/joe.html



> Switched!



> > Hey I made it! Whoo hoo! Wish I felt good as

> that sounds tho. I

> > got to come home from the hospital today. It

> feels awesome to

> > finally get some good sleep on my nice big

> recliners.My hubbys all

> > worried cause I cant seem to get enough liquids

> in. I have trouble,

> > evertime i drink water or anything, it bout makes

> me feel sick! That

> > is not like me as I can down waters of bottle like

> no bodys

> > business. Is this normal? I've read alot of posts

> but dont

> > remember. I am trying to eat a popsicle right

> now. I know I HAVE to

> > eat something. I tried some campbles chicken

> broth but the smell

> > about makes me sick. I thought about using the

> chicken nooodle sooup

> > and not eating the noodles and chicken.I guess

> right now my biggest

> > thing seems to be eating. I have all these pill

> and vitamins and just

> > know i wont be able to take them without drinking.

> > As far as the surgery, it went fine. I had to a

> greenfield filter

> > put in place before surgery to avoid risks of

> blood clots (due to my

> > med. history I guess) But that is why my surgery

> didnt start on

> > time. The anesth. people were doing that.Left one

> heck of a bruise

> > too! My hospital visit was some good, some bad,

> but more about that

> > later. For now just wanted to thank you all for

> your concerns and

> > let you know I was home. Praise the lord!by the

> way..If anyone can

> > help with the food issue, please send me an email

> privately if you

> > dont mind. I hate to clog up he group with these

> newbie messages,

> > plus I dont have time to catch up on all the

> email i have,dont feel

> > great enough to sit here that long. (Please

> understand!)

> > a

> > " Itchy Stitches Girl "

> > BPD/DS Dr.Hess 4/11/01

> >

> >

> >



> >

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Guest guest

Dear a,

Welcome home! Don't feel you have to respond to this

e-mail, as you're still not up to par. I just wanted

to let you know I'm thinking of you and wishing a very

quick recovery. I know you'll feel better soon.

Lot's of sympathy, Angel

--- Joe Frost joefrost@...> wrote:

> a:


> Congratulations on getting through to the other

> side. Know that while things are really lousy now

> they will get better. That sounds a bit hollow when

> you are really feeling bad and things aren't working

> but believe me it really will happen. Getting the

> fluids down is critical the first week or two. Try

> all the things you've seen suggested here. The

> popsicle is a good start. Try water with a bit of

> lemon or orange squeezed into it. We have a shaved

> ice machine and make ourselves snowcones. Joy

> flavors hers with non-cal flavorings and I use

> concentrated Crystal Lite to flavor mine. I also

> drink a lot of regular Crystal Lite. They have lots

> of flavors but I like the Lemonade best. But

> whatever you do keep at it. Try soft foods like

> scrambled eggs, beef or chicken broth and things

> like that. Joy ate lots of baby foods, she likes

> that junk. I couldn't handle that.


> As to vitamins, Dr. Welker has me on a pre-natal

> vitamin plus an ADEK a day. And my blood levels

> have turned out just fine. To start, rather than a

> swallowable vitamin you can take a handful of

> chewable children's vitamins like Fred Flintstones.

> You have to take like 6 a day but it is easier at

> first than swallowing. And you will get all the

> necessary water soluble vitamins that way.


> Don't worry about " clogging up the list " with newby

> messages. That's what the list is for.


> Again, congratulations on being on the other side.


> Regards.


> Joe Frost, old gentleman, not old fart

> San , TX, 60 years old

> Dr. Welker

> Lateral Gastrectomy with Duodenal Switch

> 340 starting weight, currently 257

> http://www.duodenalswitch.com/Patients/Joe/joe.html



> Switched!



> > Hey I made it! Whoo hoo! Wish I felt good as

> that sounds tho. I

> > got to come home from the hospital today. It

> feels awesome to

> > finally get some good sleep on my nice big

> recliners.My hubbys all

> > worried cause I cant seem to get enough liquids

> in. I have trouble,

> > evertime i drink water or anything, it bout makes

> me feel sick! That

> > is not like me as I can down waters of bottle like

> no bodys

> > business. Is this normal? I've read alot of posts

> but dont

> > remember. I am trying to eat a popsicle right

> now. I know I HAVE to

> > eat something. I tried some campbles chicken

> broth but the smell

> > about makes me sick. I thought about using the

> chicken nooodle sooup

> > and not eating the noodles and chicken.I guess

> right now my biggest

> > thing seems to be eating. I have all these pill

> and vitamins and just

> > know i wont be able to take them without drinking.

> > As far as the surgery, it went fine. I had to a

> greenfield filter

> > put in place before surgery to avoid risks of

> blood clots (due to my

> > med. history I guess) But that is why my surgery

> didnt start on

> > time. The anesth. people were doing that.Left one

> heck of a bruise

> > too! My hospital visit was some good, some bad,

> but more about that

> > later. For now just wanted to thank you all for

> your concerns and

> > let you know I was home. Praise the lord!by the

> way..If anyone can

> > help with the food issue, please send me an email

> privately if you

> > dont mind. I hate to clog up he group with these

> newbie messages,

> > plus I dont have time to catch up on all the

> email i have,dont feel

> > great enough to sit here that long. (Please

> understand!)

> > a

> > " Itchy Stitches Girl "

> > BPD/DS Dr.Hess 4/11/01

> >

> >

> >



> >

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