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Re: Re: Vitamin QuestionKay

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It is something that you will be prescribed post

surgery to coat your stomach. Usually you take it one

hour before meals. Not sure if all surgeons prescribe

it but I know mines did at KP Richmond.

Pam Marsh

--- bczion13@... wrote:



> Hi Kay,

> This is cool thank you for posting! Im still learing

> What is carafate?

> Thank You.......

> Caryl



> Hi Miriam,

> COngrats on your being on the " other side " !! Sorry

> to hear you had an

> extented stay in the hospital. Hope you feel better

> today? Each day

> you will get better and feel stronger!


> I take my vits as follows.It works better to take

> the calcium before

> the carafate, I tried taking the multi vite first

> and it wasn't

> working. Plus the iron and calcium complete for

> abosorbtion so it is

> best to seperate by 2 hours. The b-12 can be taken

> at any time with

> food, without, or in combination with other vites

> or calcium. :-) The

> carafate also has drug interacations so there has to

> be a two hour

> window when taking the iron or vits.


> 6am- calcium

> 7am carafate

> 8am breakfast

> 10am mulit vit

> 12 cafarte

> 1 lunch

> 2:30 calcium

> 5 carafate

> 6 dinner

> 7 mulit vite and iron

> 9 calcium

> 10 carafate

> bed.


> When I spoke with Beth at Richmond she was

> impressed that I was able

> to keep the vits all spread out pretty evenly. You

> will find you get

> more energy by spreading them out as well. How are

> you feeling today?

> give us an update! Are you walking? How is the gas?

> Take care,

> Kay


> > Hello

> > I have a question?

> > Can i get some schedules on how some of you take

> your

> > daily vitamins.

> > I am finding a hard time trying to make mine

> work.

> >

> > Thanks

> > Miriam

> >

> >

> >

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> Caryl DeHerrera

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Hi Kay,

Thank you for answering my question. I see you just had the surgery. How are you doing?

What do you feel like? Do you feel different at all? Sorry if Im bothering you with all the questions. Im pretty sensitive and kinda want to know what people feel......

Thank You, Glad its yourlast day of drinking the chalky stuff :):)

Big Hugs


Hi Caryl,Carafate is the liquidy/chalky stuff they give you to drink post-op. It coats your new pouch and keeps it feeling good. Usually you take that for about 2 weeks post op. Today is my last day to take it. Yay!It tasted pretty good at the beginning, but now I can hardly swallow the stuff. The nutritionalist said that will happen when you don't need to take it any more.If you have any other questions on your journey, feel free to ask! Welcome to the group!KayDr Baggs, 6/28/05- 290270 TODAY! 7/13/05> > Hello > > I have a question?> > Can i get some schedules on how some of you take your > > daily vitamins.> > I am finding a hard time trying to make mine work.> > > > Thanks > > Miriam > > > > > > __________________________________________________> > Do You Yahoo!?> > Tired of spam? Yahoo! Mail has the best spam protection around > > http://mail.yahoo.com> > > > > > Yahoo! Groups Links> > > > > > > > > > > Caryl DeHerrera> _www.Fantasyinart.net_ (http://www.fantasyinart.net/)

Caryl DeHerrerawww.Fantasyinart.net

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