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Hi everyone!

With all of the recent accomplishments ( and Francisco's

marathon, Tawny's bike ride, all of the THOUSANDS OF POUNDS we have

all lost...) I took a few minutes to think.

What I thought was: we are all pretty damn amazing people, full of

courage, hope and an uncanny ability to succeed under even the most

adverse conditions. Think of all we have accomplished as " LARGE and

IN CHARGE " people....many of us are married. Many of us have

children. Many of us have excellent jobs that we are succeeding

in. And we have done all of this WHILE " Fluffy " ...there is NO limit

to what we can accomplish. Will it be hard? HELL YES! Can we do

it? NO DOUBT! I watch far too many posts in here that whine and

worry about what is happening --- maybe they should be replaced with

the reminders of the blessings we all have, if we are just willing

to stop and find them! We are all amazing people, on a journey to

save and improve our lives. You can't get to where you are going by

not seeing, focusing and remembering from where you came.

Do you wish you had better luck? Then stop wishing and start making

it so.

Good luck does not just randomly appear. Good luck comes to those

who attract it.

Live this day as if it is the most precious and important day in

your life, and you'll make yourself lucky. Seek ways to provide

real, lasting value to others, and you'll make yourself lucky.

Be anxious to learn, to explore, to hone your skills and you'll make

yourself lucky. Live with patience, discipline, integrity and a

commitment to truth, and you'll make yourself lucky.

Focus on the positive possibilities, and you'll make yourself lucky.

Take the actions that will manifest the best of those possibilities

into reality, and you'll make yourself lucky.

There's no limit to the amount of good luck you can enjoy when you

take the positive, productive actions that will bring it your way.

Make yourself lucky, and experience for yourself how great it can be.

Your problems are real and demanding. Yet they are tiny when

compared to all the positive possibilities for your life in this


You have fallen short in the past. Yet the past is over, and you are

free to choose a new and more fulfilling direction, right now.

There are difficult challenges that you now face. And right

alongside those challenges, intertwined and intermingled with them,

there are stunningly magnificent opportunities.

This is your time to grasp those opportunities. Whatever may try to

hold you back is trivial and of little consequence when compared to

what you can gain by moving forward.

The difficulties this moment may hold are far outnumbered by the

possibilities for achievement, learning, love, joy and fulfillment.

Focus your mind, focus your energy on the best of those


In this very moment you are free to choose any thought, any action,

any path you wish. Choose to step confidently forward on the path to

the best place and the best life you can possibly imagine.

Love yourself and love one another!



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