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Re: In need of your support/alice

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so i had to go for a non-walking stress test (worst test i ever had in my life!)

what do they have you do?

~~* AJ *~~

BMI 58

NW Washington Medical

DR Heap, Richmond WA

Working on 1st appeal

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so i had to go for a non-walking stress test (worst test i ever had in my life!)

what do they have you do?

~~* AJ *~~

BMI 58

NW Washington Medical

DR Heap, Richmond WA

Working on 1st appeal

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dunno. but if it was very serious, they would have had me in the office asap for treatment i'm sure.

My uncle did a tread mill test and was having open heart surgery in less than an hour. I think you'd have gotten a call as soon as they saw a problem if it was serious. We'll cross our fingers for you!

~~* AJ *~~

BMI 58

NW Washington Medical

DR Heap, Richmond WA

Working on 1st appeal

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dunno. but if it was very serious, they would have had me in the office asap for treatment i'm sure.

My uncle did a tread mill test and was having open heart surgery in less than an hour. I think you'd have gotten a call as soon as they saw a problem if it was serious. We'll cross our fingers for you!

~~* AJ *~~

BMI 58

NW Washington Medical

DR Heap, Richmond WA

Working on 1st appeal

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dunno. but if it was very serious, they would have had me in the office asap for treatment i'm sure.

My uncle did a tread mill test and was having open heart surgery in less than an hour. I think you'd have gotten a call as soon as they saw a problem if it was serious. We'll cross our fingers for you!

~~* AJ *~~

BMI 58

NW Washington Medical

DR Heap, Richmond WA

Working on 1st appeal

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hi alice:

i know how you feel having a monkey wrench thrown in the works. i

went for some blood tests and found out i was borderline anemic.

that led to a colonoscopy to see if i was bleeding internally, had

cancer, polyps,???? that checked out fine.

then i had my ekg. never had a bad one in my life.....til now of

course! something looked funny so i had to go for a non-walking

stress test (worst test i ever had in my life!) i'm still waiting to

hear the results of that. possibly narrowed arteries? dunno. but if

it was very serious, they would have had me in the office asap for

treatment i'm sure. i have one more round of blood tests and then

i'll be done with all pre-op testing. i pray that nothing new crops

up to complicate things.

so you are not alone. just take good care of yourself from now until

you get your surgery, whenever that may be. the healthier you are

before surgery, i think it will be a smoother road during recovery.

that's what i am counting on.

good luck!

mary y st. louis

> Hi Everyone....

> Yesterday, my husband and I traveled to NYC from Albany for my long-


> consult with Dr. Gagner. Unfortunately, I did NOT come away with a

date for

> surgery. I had brought with me a copy of bloodwork done in

February, and Dr.

> Gagner was very concerned about my low protein and albumin levels.

He was

> unable to approve my having any wls until we explore the reason for


> values, and (hopefully) rule out any kidney or liver problems. He

was very

> nice, and could see my disappointment, and he did agree to see me

again in

> the future after I have some tests done. Needless to say, I was


> BLOWN AWAY. We were not expecting anything at all of this nature,

and we took

> the train back to Albany in a state of shock, each of us thinking

the worst.

> Dr. Gagner suggested that I contact my primary physician

immediately, so

> that's just what I did. I went to see her today, and she ordered

all the

> additional tests. She is confident that everything will turn out OK

and that

> I will be able to have my surgery. She is " absolutely certain " that

I do NOT

> have any serious problems because all my other labs are fine. She

thinks that

> the low results are probably the result of a glitch at the lab.

I'll be

> having the new tests next week. I am trying to be optimistic and

praying that

> everything will turn out OK.

> Has anyone out there had a similar experience? If so, I'd like to

know about

> it. Please keep me in your prayers; I want this so much.

> Alice in Upstate New York

> Age 52

> Mother of 5

> 5'1 " 272 lbs. BMI: 51

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Hey AJ:

First of all when is the next meeting? My brain has been fuzzier than normal, I guess because I have been feeling so bad from this damn bronchitis!

Secondly did our friend have her surgery??? And if so how is she and where is she?? (fuzzy brain again)

And last of all I have now had my second non walking stress test, (i.e., chemically induced and I found that both of them were no problem and although I could feel my heart beating somewhat faster I actually talked all the way through it and seemed to amaze the tech. She kept asking me how I could talk so easily with the feeling of an elephant sitting on my chest! LOL I did explain to her that I felt no such thing, she muttered something about a strong heart. Anyway I haven't gotten the test results back yet, I see the doc on the 29th for interpretation.

I guess my point was that it bothers some people and not others and before surgery I know I would never had been able to do the treadmill stress test as even trying to climb the stairs made my heart pound.

Most of the test while not the most pleasant things I could think of to do are not so bad. I did not have to have an endscope thankfully as I am claustrophobic and knew they would have to knock me out and goddess bless the man Dr. A is understanding and actually listens when you talk to him so if I had to have that he would have sedated me.

When he came into the OR he reminded the anesthesiologist that he needed to put me out first with the penathol before they used any kind of mask. I do love the man!!

So see everyone is different as is each experience you will be fine also please remember that if you ever need anyone to go with you for tests just give me a call.



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