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Re: fat q..food fat that is

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My understanding is the " fat malabsorption " part of the surgery will work one

of two ways

1) If you eat fat, it will give you diarrhea and so you will avoid fat.

2) If you eat fat, you body will handle it, but you won't absorb it (or all

of it). Therefore it won't make you gain weight.

Now I personally define diarrhea as urgent, uncontrollable bms. I do not

have this. I fall under number 2 above (thank you, thank you, thank you.) I

have 2 to three bm a day (not that I don't have an occassional day with more

but I had that much variance preop). They are definately of different

consistency and odor. But this has all been very managable.


Dr. Hess, Bowling Green, OH



267 to 165

size 22 to size 10

have made size goal, weight goal may need to be adjusted.

no more high blood pressure, sore feet, or dieting!

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I think I might fall under Dawns # 1. I ate butter one of very few

times in past five months. I was gurgling, gassey, and eventually

cramping with the " runs " . SO far me it results in painful diarhea

with cramps...I know yuck and it sucks, but that's my reality.

So at this time I try to eat as low fat as possible, but I DO still

eat fat don't get me wrong I just pay dearly the next day.


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I think I might fall under Dawns # 1. I ate butter one of very few

times in past five months. I was gurgling, gassey, and eventually

cramping with the " runs " . SO far me it results in painful diarhea

with cramps...I know yuck and it sucks, but that's my reality.

So at this time I try to eat as low fat as possible, but I DO still

eat fat don't get me wrong I just pay dearly the next day.


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I think I might fall under Dawns # 1. I ate butter one of very few

times in past five months. I was gurgling, gassey, and eventually

cramping with the " runs " . SO far me it results in painful diarhea

with cramps...I know yuck and it sucks, but that's my reality.

So at this time I try to eat as low fat as possible, but I DO still

eat fat don't get me wrong I just pay dearly the next day.


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I was told before I got my surgery that I would only absorb about 30% or less of the fat I ate so not to worry about it. I do find that when I eat lots of fat my diarrhea does increase. But I have been losing weight at more than an acceptable rate (90 pounds in less than 5 months). When you were told that fats wouldn't cause problems I suppose it depends on whether you consider diarrhea a problem.

I use Miracle Whip rather than Mayo simply because I prefer the taste. It does NOT have less fat than Mayo, at least the regular doesn't. They both come in a low fat version. I'd suggest eating what you like concerning fats, modifying it if you have any symptom that YOU consider a problem.


Joe Frost, old gentleman, not old fartSan , TX, 60 years oldSurgery 11/29/00 by Dr. Welker Lateral Gastrectomy with Duodenal Switch340 starting weight, currently 250http://www.duodenalswitch.com/Patients/Joe/joe.html

fat q..food fat that is

> I have a q for all post~ops.....> Do you find you have a problem with "fat" post~op? Food fat that is.> > I read something on the web that stated basically hey go ahead and eat fat > that it will not harm you...yadda yadda.. However, I have also read that it > can cause loose stools, etc....which is true?? What is your experiences??> > The reason for the q is that I have read everyone who has their tuna, > sandwiches, etc with {~shudder~} Miracle Whip. YUCK!! I do prefer Helman's > Mayo, for taste reasons and cannot handle the NO Fat mayo....~~another > shudder~~. I know that when I do use it it is not that much, but I was also > wondering due to other things that do contain fat like butter, etc...> > No matter how hard a bear tries,> he WILL NOT lose weight without exercise!!> ~Winnie the Pooh> Lots Of Love....> lynn> > _________________________________________________________________> Get your FREE download of MSN Explorer at http://explorer.msn.com> > > ---------------------------------------------------------------------->

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I was told before I got my surgery that I would only absorb about 30% or less of the fat I ate so not to worry about it. I do find that when I eat lots of fat my diarrhea does increase. But I have been losing weight at more than an acceptable rate (90 pounds in less than 5 months). When you were told that fats wouldn't cause problems I suppose it depends on whether you consider diarrhea a problem.

I use Miracle Whip rather than Mayo simply because I prefer the taste. It does NOT have less fat than Mayo, at least the regular doesn't. They both come in a low fat version. I'd suggest eating what you like concerning fats, modifying it if you have any symptom that YOU consider a problem.


Joe Frost, old gentleman, not old fartSan , TX, 60 years oldSurgery 11/29/00 by Dr. Welker Lateral Gastrectomy with Duodenal Switch340 starting weight, currently 250http://www.duodenalswitch.com/Patients/Joe/joe.html

fat q..food fat that is

> I have a q for all post~ops.....> Do you find you have a problem with "fat" post~op? Food fat that is.> > I read something on the web that stated basically hey go ahead and eat fat > that it will not harm you...yadda yadda.. However, I have also read that it > can cause loose stools, etc....which is true?? What is your experiences??> > The reason for the q is that I have read everyone who has their tuna, > sandwiches, etc with {~shudder~} Miracle Whip. YUCK!! I do prefer Helman's > Mayo, for taste reasons and cannot handle the NO Fat mayo....~~another > shudder~~. I know that when I do use it it is not that much, but I was also > wondering due to other things that do contain fat like butter, etc...> > No matter how hard a bear tries,> he WILL NOT lose weight without exercise!!> ~Winnie the Pooh> Lots Of Love....> lynn> > _________________________________________________________________> Get your FREE download of MSN Explorer at http://explorer.msn.com> > > ---------------------------------------------------------------------->

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on 04/22/2001 11:59 PM, Blanshan at stephs_dolphin@... wrote:

I read something on the web that stated basically hey go ahead and eat fat

that it will not harm you...yadda yadda.. However, I have also read that it

can cause loose stools, etc....which is true?? What is your experiences??

The reason for the q is that I have read everyone who has their tuna,

sandwiches, etc with {~shudder~} Miracle Whip. YUCK!! I do prefer Helman's

Mayo, for taste reasons and cannot handle the NO Fat mayo....~~another

shudder~~. I know that when I do use it it is not that much, but I was also

wondering due to other things that do contain fat like butter, etc...

Hi there ;-)

Just my two cents....I have REAL butter....REAL cheese....real anything. I can't stand the light/fat free stuff....BLAH! I, like dawn consider urget totally liquid BM's as diahrea or loose stools....and I haven't had many problems with those that i've noticed....once in a while...but not every time I eat fat! :-) Woohoo! :-)

Hope this helps...




Post-Op BPD/DS---->Tuesday, October 17, 2000

Dr. D. S. Hess, Bowling Green, Ohio


Pre-op Stats: Height 6'0 " Weight 448lbs BMI 60.8

10-31-00 416lbs BMI 56.4 -32lbs

11-14-00 409lbs BMI 55.5 -39lbs

11-27-00 399lbs BMI 54.1 -49lbs

12-12-00 392lbs BMI 53.2 -56lbs

12-28-00 387lbs BMI 52.5 -61lbs

01-07-01 377lbs BMI 51.1 -71lbs

01-27-01 367lbs BMI 49.8 -81lbs

02-26-01 353lbs BMI 47.9 -95lbs

03-17-01 343lbs BMI 46.5 -105lbs

04-17-01 333lbs BMI 45.2 -115 lbs in 6 months!!:::HAPPY WIGGLE:::

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on 04/22/2001 11:59 PM, Blanshan at stephs_dolphin@... wrote:

I read something on the web that stated basically hey go ahead and eat fat

that it will not harm you...yadda yadda.. However, I have also read that it

can cause loose stools, etc....which is true?? What is your experiences??

The reason for the q is that I have read everyone who has their tuna,

sandwiches, etc with {~shudder~} Miracle Whip. YUCK!! I do prefer Helman's

Mayo, for taste reasons and cannot handle the NO Fat mayo....~~another

shudder~~. I know that when I do use it it is not that much, but I was also

wondering due to other things that do contain fat like butter, etc...

Hi there ;-)

Just my two cents....I have REAL butter....REAL cheese....real anything. I can't stand the light/fat free stuff....BLAH! I, like dawn consider urget totally liquid BM's as diahrea or loose stools....and I haven't had many problems with those that i've noticed....once in a while...but not every time I eat fat! :-) Woohoo! :-)

Hope this helps...




Post-Op BPD/DS---->Tuesday, October 17, 2000

Dr. D. S. Hess, Bowling Green, Ohio


Pre-op Stats: Height 6'0 " Weight 448lbs BMI 60.8

10-31-00 416lbs BMI 56.4 -32lbs

11-14-00 409lbs BMI 55.5 -39lbs

11-27-00 399lbs BMI 54.1 -49lbs

12-12-00 392lbs BMI 53.2 -56lbs

12-28-00 387lbs BMI 52.5 -61lbs

01-07-01 377lbs BMI 51.1 -71lbs

01-27-01 367lbs BMI 49.8 -81lbs

02-26-01 353lbs BMI 47.9 -95lbs

03-17-01 343lbs BMI 46.5 -105lbs

04-17-01 333lbs BMI 45.2 -115 lbs in 6 months!!:::HAPPY WIGGLE:::

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Hi Brigid:

Tiger here we haven't spoken for a while, how ya doing?

In regard to your fat questions, we all know I am the fat intake queen but in your case I would start out the same way I did a little at a time so your system will adjust to it. I eat slab bacon everyday and it doesn't bother me in the least and what little chicken I am able to eat, (wings only and not the drumette part) I eat with the skin on as a matter of fact I pull the skin off of my DH's chicken when I can and eat that and it also doesn't bother me as well as the fat on chops and roast but the fats I don't eat as often, baked ham or corn beef will give me gas and looser bowels and I still have more trouble than it is worth with Mayo and I am sorry it does because I just love crab salad and macaroni salad and sometimes tuna salad.

Try one new fat at a time and try to stick with that one for at least a week and then either increase the amount or introduce another fat. I eat oleo or butter on almost everything everytime I eat so the oleo doesn't bother me at all and I find it interesting that although I cook with canola oil I can't eat Mayo which is oil and eggs.

I am over 2 years now (sometimes I can't believe it) and I still crave proteins before anything and I also still find myself putting down a sweet and picking up a protein because my body demands it.

I love my body!!! I went shopping last week to get some last minute things for my DH before he went on deployment for 6 months, (leaves Tues. 24th) and I saw this really nice sage green pair of jeans at K-mart by Wrangler so I grabbed a pair of 16 because that was the last pair I bought and the exciting part for me was they came in tall which in Wranglers is a 34in inseam!!! I can not tell you how rare it is to actually find pants that are long enough in woman sizes in a regular store. Anyway I went in to try on the 16 and they were baggy so I came back out and my dear hubby handed me another pair and said try these so I went back in and they fit really nice, they were a 14! This surgery rocks and I am so blessed to have had a great surgeon give me my life back.

So now I am the proud owner of a pair of size 14/34 jeans, I think the manufactures are crazy when it comes to sizes, each brand is different for instance I buy a lot of my pants at the thrift store here in Oak Harbor because they are military jeans and I have always loved Navy pants and besides I can always find them long enough and a lot of them aren't even hemmed yet, in men's I wear a 34 but in woman's the very smallest I can squeeze into are 18's and that is if I don't breath to deeply, the woman's military jeans are really cut small. I also have wanted a pair of the dress blue pants with the 13 buttons and they lace up the back so the fit is great but I did not want to pay the 50.00 they cost at the exchange but I found a pair at the thrift store for 9.99! I was so jazzed! and they fit great except that I have to take them to the military tailor to tighten them around the thighs and let the hem out about an inch but even with that they are still a great buy.

Okay I will quit babbling for now I am probably not only boring you but everyone else. LOL


Tiger Lake

163lbs BMI 22

6' - 53yrs young

Dr. Anthone@USC So. Calif.

Surgery 1/13/99 384lbs BMI 51.21

4/20/99 315.5 BMI 42.07

7/19/99 274.8 BMI 36.64

9/03/99 259.3 BMI 34.54

10/29/99 231lbs BMI 31

11/20/99 223lbs BMI 30

12/20/99 217.5lbs BMI 30

1/20/00 211lbs BMI 29

2/20/00 195.4lbs BMI 27

3/20/00 190lbs BMI 26

4/20/00 182lbs BMI 25

5/20/00 170lbs BMI 23

Hernia Repair Dr. Anthone@USCUH

Plastic Surgery w/Dr. Downey @USCUH

Tummy Tuck & Breast Reduction Loss from surgery 6lbs

6/20/00 160lbs BMI 22

7/20/00 156lbs BMI 21

8/20/00 165lbs BMI 22

12/20/00 162lbs BMI 22

3/20/01 163lbs BMI 22

Total inches lost 154.5 inches Yeah!!!

http://www.duodenalswitch.com (our groups very own web site)

http://www.WLS_duodenalswitch (another DS group list)

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Hi Brigid:

Tiger here we haven't spoken for a while, how ya doing?

In regard to your fat questions, we all know I am the fat intake queen but in your case I would start out the same way I did a little at a time so your system will adjust to it. I eat slab bacon everyday and it doesn't bother me in the least and what little chicken I am able to eat, (wings only and not the drumette part) I eat with the skin on as a matter of fact I pull the skin off of my DH's chicken when I can and eat that and it also doesn't bother me as well as the fat on chops and roast but the fats I don't eat as often, baked ham or corn beef will give me gas and looser bowels and I still have more trouble than it is worth with Mayo and I am sorry it does because I just love crab salad and macaroni salad and sometimes tuna salad.

Try one new fat at a time and try to stick with that one for at least a week and then either increase the amount or introduce another fat. I eat oleo or butter on almost everything everytime I eat so the oleo doesn't bother me at all and I find it interesting that although I cook with canola oil I can't eat Mayo which is oil and eggs.

I am over 2 years now (sometimes I can't believe it) and I still crave proteins before anything and I also still find myself putting down a sweet and picking up a protein because my body demands it.

I love my body!!! I went shopping last week to get some last minute things for my DH before he went on deployment for 6 months, (leaves Tues. 24th) and I saw this really nice sage green pair of jeans at K-mart by Wrangler so I grabbed a pair of 16 because that was the last pair I bought and the exciting part for me was they came in tall which in Wranglers is a 34in inseam!!! I can not tell you how rare it is to actually find pants that are long enough in woman sizes in a regular store. Anyway I went in to try on the 16 and they were baggy so I came back out and my dear hubby handed me another pair and said try these so I went back in and they fit really nice, they were a 14! This surgery rocks and I am so blessed to have had a great surgeon give me my life back.

So now I am the proud owner of a pair of size 14/34 jeans, I think the manufactures are crazy when it comes to sizes, each brand is different for instance I buy a lot of my pants at the thrift store here in Oak Harbor because they are military jeans and I have always loved Navy pants and besides I can always find them long enough and a lot of them aren't even hemmed yet, in men's I wear a 34 but in woman's the very smallest I can squeeze into are 18's and that is if I don't breath to deeply, the woman's military jeans are really cut small. I also have wanted a pair of the dress blue pants with the 13 buttons and they lace up the back so the fit is great but I did not want to pay the 50.00 they cost at the exchange but I found a pair at the thrift store for 9.99! I was so jazzed! and they fit great except that I have to take them to the military tailor to tighten them around the thighs and let the hem out about an inch but even with that they are still a great buy.

Okay I will quit babbling for now I am probably not only boring you but everyone else. LOL


Tiger Lake

163lbs BMI 22

6' - 53yrs young

Dr. Anthone@USC So. Calif.

Surgery 1/13/99 384lbs BMI 51.21

4/20/99 315.5 BMI 42.07

7/19/99 274.8 BMI 36.64

9/03/99 259.3 BMI 34.54

10/29/99 231lbs BMI 31

11/20/99 223lbs BMI 30

12/20/99 217.5lbs BMI 30

1/20/00 211lbs BMI 29

2/20/00 195.4lbs BMI 27

3/20/00 190lbs BMI 26

4/20/00 182lbs BMI 25

5/20/00 170lbs BMI 23

Hernia Repair Dr. Anthone@USCUH

Plastic Surgery w/Dr. Downey @USCUH

Tummy Tuck & Breast Reduction Loss from surgery 6lbs

6/20/00 160lbs BMI 22

7/20/00 156lbs BMI 21

8/20/00 165lbs BMI 22

12/20/00 162lbs BMI 22

3/20/01 163lbs BMI 22

Total inches lost 154.5 inches Yeah!!!

http://www.duodenalswitch.com (our groups very own web site)

http://www.WLS_duodenalswitch (another DS group list)

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Guest guest

Hi Brigid:

Tiger here we haven't spoken for a while, how ya doing?

In regard to your fat questions, we all know I am the fat intake queen but in your case I would start out the same way I did a little at a time so your system will adjust to it. I eat slab bacon everyday and it doesn't bother me in the least and what little chicken I am able to eat, (wings only and not the drumette part) I eat with the skin on as a matter of fact I pull the skin off of my DH's chicken when I can and eat that and it also doesn't bother me as well as the fat on chops and roast but the fats I don't eat as often, baked ham or corn beef will give me gas and looser bowels and I still have more trouble than it is worth with Mayo and I am sorry it does because I just love crab salad and macaroni salad and sometimes tuna salad.

Try one new fat at a time and try to stick with that one for at least a week and then either increase the amount or introduce another fat. I eat oleo or butter on almost everything everytime I eat so the oleo doesn't bother me at all and I find it interesting that although I cook with canola oil I can't eat Mayo which is oil and eggs.

I am over 2 years now (sometimes I can't believe it) and I still crave proteins before anything and I also still find myself putting down a sweet and picking up a protein because my body demands it.

I love my body!!! I went shopping last week to get some last minute things for my DH before he went on deployment for 6 months, (leaves Tues. 24th) and I saw this really nice sage green pair of jeans at K-mart by Wrangler so I grabbed a pair of 16 because that was the last pair I bought and the exciting part for me was they came in tall which in Wranglers is a 34in inseam!!! I can not tell you how rare it is to actually find pants that are long enough in woman sizes in a regular store. Anyway I went in to try on the 16 and they were baggy so I came back out and my dear hubby handed me another pair and said try these so I went back in and they fit really nice, they were a 14! This surgery rocks and I am so blessed to have had a great surgeon give me my life back.

So now I am the proud owner of a pair of size 14/34 jeans, I think the manufactures are crazy when it comes to sizes, each brand is different for instance I buy a lot of my pants at the thrift store here in Oak Harbor because they are military jeans and I have always loved Navy pants and besides I can always find them long enough and a lot of them aren't even hemmed yet, in men's I wear a 34 but in woman's the very smallest I can squeeze into are 18's and that is if I don't breath to deeply, the woman's military jeans are really cut small. I also have wanted a pair of the dress blue pants with the 13 buttons and they lace up the back so the fit is great but I did not want to pay the 50.00 they cost at the exchange but I found a pair at the thrift store for 9.99! I was so jazzed! and they fit great except that I have to take them to the military tailor to tighten them around the thighs and let the hem out about an inch but even with that they are still a great buy.

Okay I will quit babbling for now I am probably not only boring you but everyone else. LOL


Tiger Lake

163lbs BMI 22

6' - 53yrs young

Dr. Anthone@USC So. Calif.

Surgery 1/13/99 384lbs BMI 51.21

4/20/99 315.5 BMI 42.07

7/19/99 274.8 BMI 36.64

9/03/99 259.3 BMI 34.54

10/29/99 231lbs BMI 31

11/20/99 223lbs BMI 30

12/20/99 217.5lbs BMI 30

1/20/00 211lbs BMI 29

2/20/00 195.4lbs BMI 27

3/20/00 190lbs BMI 26

4/20/00 182lbs BMI 25

5/20/00 170lbs BMI 23

Hernia Repair Dr. Anthone@USCUH

Plastic Surgery w/Dr. Downey @USCUH

Tummy Tuck & Breast Reduction Loss from surgery 6lbs

6/20/00 160lbs BMI 22

7/20/00 156lbs BMI 21

8/20/00 165lbs BMI 22

12/20/00 162lbs BMI 22

3/20/01 163lbs BMI 22

Total inches lost 154.5 inches Yeah!!!

http://www.duodenalswitch.com (our groups very own web site)

http://www.WLS_duodenalswitch (another DS group list)

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Miracle Whip has 7 grams of fat per tablespoon. Dukes Mayo has 12 grams of

fat per tablespoon. So Mayo does have a bit more fat than Miracle Whip but I

like either in tuna and I don't like the low fat kind and definitely not the

no fat kind...YUCK! I usually eat tuna loaded with miracle whip and have no

problems unless I have eaten a lot of fat throughout the day.

Janet in VA

Open Rny - distal

DR. Neil Hutcher


5'4 " , 260lbs.


5'4 " , 153

107 lbs gone!!!

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Hi. I'm 11 weeks post-op. I haven't seemed to have any problems

with the fat. I try to limit it, but I've used regular mayo when I

had to. Since surgery, I buy the light mayo. In a lot of the " fat-

free " products, they have to add something to take it's place, which

is usually sugar.

They say we can eat fat & all, but I'd prefer not to get into those

bad habits again. I'm having a tough enough time keeping from some

of them as it is. You'll probably have to experiment for yourself.

Just listen to your body.

Hope that helps a little.

> I have a q for all post~ops.....

> Do you find you have a problem with " fat " post~op? Food fat that



> I read something on the web that stated basically hey go ahead and

eat fat

> that it will not harm you...yadda yadda.. However, I have also

read that it

> can cause loose stools, etc....which is true?? What is your



> The reason for the q is that I have read everyone who has their


> sandwiches, etc with {~shudder~} Miracle Whip. YUCK!! I do prefer


> Mayo, for taste reasons and cannot handle the NO Fat


> shudder~~. I know that when I do use it it is not that much, but I

was also

> wondering due to other things that do contain fat like butter,



> No matter how hard a bear tries,

> he WILL NOT lose weight without exercise!!

> ~Winnie the Pooh

> Lots Of Love....

> lynn


> _________________________________________________________________

> Get your FREE download of MSN Explorer at http://explorer.msn.com

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Hi. I'm 11 weeks post-op. I haven't seemed to have any problems

with the fat. I try to limit it, but I've used regular mayo when I

had to. Since surgery, I buy the light mayo. In a lot of the " fat-

free " products, they have to add something to take it's place, which

is usually sugar.

They say we can eat fat & all, but I'd prefer not to get into those

bad habits again. I'm having a tough enough time keeping from some

of them as it is. You'll probably have to experiment for yourself.

Just listen to your body.

Hope that helps a little.

> I have a q for all post~ops.....

> Do you find you have a problem with " fat " post~op? Food fat that



> I read something on the web that stated basically hey go ahead and

eat fat

> that it will not harm you...yadda yadda.. However, I have also

read that it

> can cause loose stools, etc....which is true?? What is your



> The reason for the q is that I have read everyone who has their


> sandwiches, etc with {~shudder~} Miracle Whip. YUCK!! I do prefer


> Mayo, for taste reasons and cannot handle the NO Fat


> shudder~~. I know that when I do use it it is not that much, but I

was also

> wondering due to other things that do contain fat like butter,



> No matter how hard a bear tries,

> he WILL NOT lose weight without exercise!!

> ~Winnie the Pooh

> Lots Of Love....

> lynn


> _________________________________________________________________

> Get your FREE download of MSN Explorer at http://explorer.msn.com

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Guest guest

Hi. I'm 11 weeks post-op. I haven't seemed to have any problems

with the fat. I try to limit it, but I've used regular mayo when I

had to. Since surgery, I buy the light mayo. In a lot of the " fat-

free " products, they have to add something to take it's place, which

is usually sugar.

They say we can eat fat & all, but I'd prefer not to get into those

bad habits again. I'm having a tough enough time keeping from some

of them as it is. You'll probably have to experiment for yourself.

Just listen to your body.

Hope that helps a little.

> I have a q for all post~ops.....

> Do you find you have a problem with " fat " post~op? Food fat that



> I read something on the web that stated basically hey go ahead and

eat fat

> that it will not harm you...yadda yadda.. However, I have also

read that it

> can cause loose stools, etc....which is true?? What is your



> The reason for the q is that I have read everyone who has their


> sandwiches, etc with {~shudder~} Miracle Whip. YUCK!! I do prefer


> Mayo, for taste reasons and cannot handle the NO Fat


> shudder~~. I know that when I do use it it is not that much, but I

was also

> wondering due to other things that do contain fat like butter,



> No matter how hard a bear tries,

> he WILL NOT lose weight without exercise!!

> ~Winnie the Pooh

> Lots Of Love....

> lynn


> _________________________________________________________________

> Get your FREE download of MSN Explorer at http://explorer.msn.com

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