Guest guest Posted April 18, 2001 Report Share Posted April 18, 2001 Debi: I'm sure you will get answers from some patients of Dr. Ren. I have definitely heard her spoken of here. There was one very negative comment about her at one point and then following a flood of VERY satisfied patients. I would have no problems going to her whatever but hopefully you'll get some personal testimonies from her patients. Regards. Joe Frost, old gentleman, not old fartSan , TX, 60 years oldDr. Welker Lateral Gastrectomy with Duodenal Switch340 starting weight, currently 257 Dr Ren > Has anyone used Dr Ren at NYU ? I called her office and found I could get a consult within days, which I thought was a little strange. I just checked her page at the Assoc. for Morbid Obesity, and found only a few of which was horrible ! Any info would be greatly appreciated since my appt is for next Wed.> > > ----------------------------------------------------------------------> Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted April 18, 2001 Report Share Posted April 18, 2001 Debi: I'm sure you will get answers from some patients of Dr. Ren. I have definitely heard her spoken of here. There was one very negative comment about her at one point and then following a flood of VERY satisfied patients. I would have no problems going to her whatever but hopefully you'll get some personal testimonies from her patients. Regards. Joe Frost, old gentleman, not old fartSan , TX, 60 years oldDr. Welker Lateral Gastrectomy with Duodenal Switch340 starting weight, currently 257 Dr Ren > Has anyone used Dr Ren at NYU ? I called her office and found I could get a consult within days, which I thought was a little strange. I just checked her page at the Assoc. for Morbid Obesity, and found only a few of which was horrible ! Any info would be greatly appreciated since my appt is for next Wed.> > > ----------------------------------------------------------------------> Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted April 18, 2001 Report Share Posted April 18, 2001 Debi: I'm sure you will get answers from some patients of Dr. Ren. I have definitely heard her spoken of here. There was one very negative comment about her at one point and then following a flood of VERY satisfied patients. I would have no problems going to her whatever but hopefully you'll get some personal testimonies from her patients. Regards. Joe Frost, old gentleman, not old fartSan , TX, 60 years oldDr. Welker Lateral Gastrectomy with Duodenal Switch340 starting weight, currently 257 Dr Ren > Has anyone used Dr Ren at NYU ? I called her office and found I could get a consult within days, which I thought was a little strange. I just checked her page at the Assoc. for Morbid Obesity, and found only a few of which was horrible ! Any info would be greatly appreciated since my appt is for next Wed.> > > ----------------------------------------------------------------------> Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted April 18, 2001 Report Share Posted April 18, 2001 I am responding in regard to this thread. I had surgery at NYU with Ren on 1/24/01. I was suppose to have the DS/BPD. What she ended up doing was excising my pyloric region, including my pylorus, and my duodenal remnant. This surgery that I have is not an accepted WLS, but simply the results of her efforts to save her botch job. At no time during pre op correspondence or discussion was the possibility that the DS could not be performed nor any alternative surgical procedures discussed. I asked on several occasions in e-mail and in verbal discussion if the previous open gallbladder surgery I had had some 14 years prior would pose a problem, I was repeatedly assured that it simply meant the surgery would take a little longer. I had assigned a health care proxy to make decisions fro me in the event that I was unable to do so, my health care proxy was never utilized. Ren has chosen to talk about my case with perspective patients. This a direct violation of doctor/patient confidentiality. Her disregard for many tenets that are the basis a health care practice has been numerous. She has told perspective patients that she " saved my life " what she fails to mention is that as a direct result of her actions, arterial blood supply was severed, and that she failed to identify needed arteries prior to proceeding with the division of my duodenum. The DS/BPD can and is done in two parts. There are tests that could have ascertained the blood vessels, tests such as an angiogram/arteriogram, or a DCEMRI, dynamic contrast enhanced MRI. When I asked her why she didn't reconnect my duodenum after losing the blood supply, I was told two things, that she could not find a vein or artery, and then " I thought you wanted a WLS. " When I asked what was the blood supply prior to dividing the duodenum, she responded that she did not know, that is came from lower on the duodenum, when I asked where lower, she responded that she did not know, she never looked for it. She has described DS/BPD patients as control oriented and obsessed with the details of their anatomy. I guess I am control oriented, I think maybe nature or God is too, since they made things like the pyloric valve. Given her attitude concerning DS/BPD patients anatomy, she must have enjoyed destroying my control, I hope it made her feel real powerful. I walk around feeling like I was date raped, except instead of using the date rape drug, " Rolfies, " general anesthesia was used instead. The sense of violation and mutilation is great. I feel like my life got destroyed on 1/24/01. Dr. Ren has repeatedly, whether in legal documentation, in e-mail correspondence, or in discussion denied that any complications occurred. She does not view the loss of my pyloric region or duodenal remnant as a complication. She has further suggested that this happens sometimes when the DS is performed, like it is a dark secret of DS surgeons, and she was just more honest to tell me that this occurred. NYU hospital has acknowledged what they deem to be " an unforeseen complication, not readily detailed in the medical literature by those performing the DS/BPS procedures. " I have written or spoken with some 13 DS surgeons around the country and world. Included in feedback was Dr. Hess who has performed perhaps more DS surgeries that any doctor in the world, as he pioneered the procedure, Ren also called him, he has never had this problem. I spoke with Dr. Gagner, as did she, he has never had this problem. This problem was the direct result of what is called in medicine a iatrogenic injury, that means, " doctor caused. " I live on a daily basis with dumping syndrome. This is not the result of eating concentrated sugars or even sugars at all, but simply has to do with the passage of food from the tube like stomach pouch I was left with, into my intestines. That means chills, postural hypotension, the need to recline or lie down after eating, extreme tiredness, with me falling asleep if it is a bad episode, epigastric pain that radiates to my back. So much for quality of life or the ability to function well, or at all, in the various roles I am required to fill. I can look forward to an increased risk of stomach cancer as many studies suggest that 'the remnant stomach provides the environment that enhances the development of gastric cancer. Mixed acid is more harmful than acid reflux alone with possible toxic synergism existing between the taurine conjugates and acid, this is called double reflux. " " There is a relationship of stomach motor activity and food digestion and absorption, esp in later years. As I age there will be a negative correlation of orocecal transit time as the distal stomach and pylorus most likely exert an important inhibitory mechanism in regulation of this movement. " The surgery I did end up with is not an accepted WLS, though she has tried to sell it to me as Scopinero's BPD, which has quite a few differences. NYU and Ren has tried to suggest that the means justify the end. I am here to say that that is simply not true. We might as well say that the Nazi's actions were justified as they no doubt led to the formation of the state of Israel. A section of the informed consent form that I signed states, " The nature and purpose and/or procedures, the necessity therefore, the possible alternative methods of treatment, the risks involved and the possibility of complication in the treatment have been fully explained to me and I understand the same. " I was not informed of any possible alternatives or of this complication prior to going into surgery. Since either the dark secret of DS surgery needs to be brought out into the light so other potential DS/BPD patients can be made aware of this potential complication and be given the benefit of making an informed consent or Ren needs to own her mistakes. I have worked in health care since 1987, I have owned my mistakes and accepted the consequences of delivering less than the accepted " standard of care " during that 14 year course. I do not seek to justify or rationalize nor minimize my actions and there potential ramifications to those charged to my care. It means I am responsible to my patients and for my actions, and it means I will not accept less than that standard of character and practice from other health care providers. My stance on this issue is not so rare or lofty, as I have had the example of other individuals and institutions that have preceded and hold to such standards of responsibility. I live with the consequences of a series of choices I have made on a daily basis and the events that surrounded those choices. Deb Ren, NYU, is now being investigated by ST. of NY office of Medical Misconduct, State of NY Board of Health, Bureau of hospital affairs, JCAHO, Nurses are being investigated via New York State Education Dept., Office of Professions. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted April 18, 2001 Report Share Posted April 18, 2001 I am responding in regard to this thread. I had surgery at NYU with Ren on 1/24/01. I was suppose to have the DS/BPD. What she ended up doing was excising my pyloric region, including my pylorus, and my duodenal remnant. This surgery that I have is not an accepted WLS, but simply the results of her efforts to save her botch job. At no time during pre op correspondence or discussion was the possibility that the DS could not be performed nor any alternative surgical procedures discussed. I asked on several occasions in e-mail and in verbal discussion if the previous open gallbladder surgery I had had some 14 years prior would pose a problem, I was repeatedly assured that it simply meant the surgery would take a little longer. I had assigned a health care proxy to make decisions fro me in the event that I was unable to do so, my health care proxy was never utilized. Ren has chosen to talk about my case with perspective patients. This a direct violation of doctor/patient confidentiality. Her disregard for many tenets that are the basis a health care practice has been numerous. She has told perspective patients that she " saved my life " what she fails to mention is that as a direct result of her actions, arterial blood supply was severed, and that she failed to identify needed arteries prior to proceeding with the division of my duodenum. The DS/BPD can and is done in two parts. There are tests that could have ascertained the blood vessels, tests such as an angiogram/arteriogram, or a DCEMRI, dynamic contrast enhanced MRI. When I asked her why she didn't reconnect my duodenum after losing the blood supply, I was told two things, that she could not find a vein or artery, and then " I thought you wanted a WLS. " When I asked what was the blood supply prior to dividing the duodenum, she responded that she did not know, that is came from lower on the duodenum, when I asked where lower, she responded that she did not know, she never looked for it. She has described DS/BPD patients as control oriented and obsessed with the details of their anatomy. I guess I am control oriented, I think maybe nature or God is too, since they made things like the pyloric valve. Given her attitude concerning DS/BPD patients anatomy, she must have enjoyed destroying my control, I hope it made her feel real powerful. I walk around feeling like I was date raped, except instead of using the date rape drug, " Rolfies, " general anesthesia was used instead. The sense of violation and mutilation is great. I feel like my life got destroyed on 1/24/01. Dr. Ren has repeatedly, whether in legal documentation, in e-mail correspondence, or in discussion denied that any complications occurred. She does not view the loss of my pyloric region or duodenal remnant as a complication. She has further suggested that this happens sometimes when the DS is performed, like it is a dark secret of DS surgeons, and she was just more honest to tell me that this occurred. NYU hospital has acknowledged what they deem to be " an unforeseen complication, not readily detailed in the medical literature by those performing the DS/BPS procedures. " I have written or spoken with some 13 DS surgeons around the country and world. Included in feedback was Dr. Hess who has performed perhaps more DS surgeries that any doctor in the world, as he pioneered the procedure, Ren also called him, he has never had this problem. I spoke with Dr. Gagner, as did she, he has never had this problem. This problem was the direct result of what is called in medicine a iatrogenic injury, that means, " doctor caused. " I live on a daily basis with dumping syndrome. This is not the result of eating concentrated sugars or even sugars at all, but simply has to do with the passage of food from the tube like stomach pouch I was left with, into my intestines. That means chills, postural hypotension, the need to recline or lie down after eating, extreme tiredness, with me falling asleep if it is a bad episode, epigastric pain that radiates to my back. So much for quality of life or the ability to function well, or at all, in the various roles I am required to fill. I can look forward to an increased risk of stomach cancer as many studies suggest that 'the remnant stomach provides the environment that enhances the development of gastric cancer. Mixed acid is more harmful than acid reflux alone with possible toxic synergism existing between the taurine conjugates and acid, this is called double reflux. " " There is a relationship of stomach motor activity and food digestion and absorption, esp in later years. As I age there will be a negative correlation of orocecal transit time as the distal stomach and pylorus most likely exert an important inhibitory mechanism in regulation of this movement. " The surgery I did end up with is not an accepted WLS, though she has tried to sell it to me as Scopinero's BPD, which has quite a few differences. NYU and Ren has tried to suggest that the means justify the end. I am here to say that that is simply not true. We might as well say that the Nazi's actions were justified as they no doubt led to the formation of the state of Israel. A section of the informed consent form that I signed states, " The nature and purpose and/or procedures, the necessity therefore, the possible alternative methods of treatment, the risks involved and the possibility of complication in the treatment have been fully explained to me and I understand the same. " I was not informed of any possible alternatives or of this complication prior to going into surgery. Since either the dark secret of DS surgery needs to be brought out into the light so other potential DS/BPD patients can be made aware of this potential complication and be given the benefit of making an informed consent or Ren needs to own her mistakes. I have worked in health care since 1987, I have owned my mistakes and accepted the consequences of delivering less than the accepted " standard of care " during that 14 year course. I do not seek to justify or rationalize nor minimize my actions and there potential ramifications to those charged to my care. It means I am responsible to my patients and for my actions, and it means I will not accept less than that standard of character and practice from other health care providers. My stance on this issue is not so rare or lofty, as I have had the example of other individuals and institutions that have preceded and hold to such standards of responsibility. I live with the consequences of a series of choices I have made on a daily basis and the events that surrounded those choices. Deb Ren, NYU, is now being investigated by ST. of NY office of Medical Misconduct, State of NY Board of Health, Bureau of hospital affairs, JCAHO, Nurses are being investigated via New York State Education Dept., Office of Professions. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted April 18, 2001 Report Share Posted April 18, 2001 I am responding in regard to this thread. I had surgery at NYU with Ren on 1/24/01. I was suppose to have the DS/BPD. What she ended up doing was excising my pyloric region, including my pylorus, and my duodenal remnant. This surgery that I have is not an accepted WLS, but simply the results of her efforts to save her botch job. At no time during pre op correspondence or discussion was the possibility that the DS could not be performed nor any alternative surgical procedures discussed. I asked on several occasions in e-mail and in verbal discussion if the previous open gallbladder surgery I had had some 14 years prior would pose a problem, I was repeatedly assured that it simply meant the surgery would take a little longer. I had assigned a health care proxy to make decisions fro me in the event that I was unable to do so, my health care proxy was never utilized. Ren has chosen to talk about my case with perspective patients. This a direct violation of doctor/patient confidentiality. Her disregard for many tenets that are the basis a health care practice has been numerous. She has told perspective patients that she " saved my life " what she fails to mention is that as a direct result of her actions, arterial blood supply was severed, and that she failed to identify needed arteries prior to proceeding with the division of my duodenum. The DS/BPD can and is done in two parts. There are tests that could have ascertained the blood vessels, tests such as an angiogram/arteriogram, or a DCEMRI, dynamic contrast enhanced MRI. When I asked her why she didn't reconnect my duodenum after losing the blood supply, I was told two things, that she could not find a vein or artery, and then " I thought you wanted a WLS. " When I asked what was the blood supply prior to dividing the duodenum, she responded that she did not know, that is came from lower on the duodenum, when I asked where lower, she responded that she did not know, she never looked for it. She has described DS/BPD patients as control oriented and obsessed with the details of their anatomy. I guess I am control oriented, I think maybe nature or God is too, since they made things like the pyloric valve. Given her attitude concerning DS/BPD patients anatomy, she must have enjoyed destroying my control, I hope it made her feel real powerful. I walk around feeling like I was date raped, except instead of using the date rape drug, " Rolfies, " general anesthesia was used instead. The sense of violation and mutilation is great. I feel like my life got destroyed on 1/24/01. Dr. Ren has repeatedly, whether in legal documentation, in e-mail correspondence, or in discussion denied that any complications occurred. She does not view the loss of my pyloric region or duodenal remnant as a complication. She has further suggested that this happens sometimes when the DS is performed, like it is a dark secret of DS surgeons, and she was just more honest to tell me that this occurred. NYU hospital has acknowledged what they deem to be " an unforeseen complication, not readily detailed in the medical literature by those performing the DS/BPS procedures. " I have written or spoken with some 13 DS surgeons around the country and world. Included in feedback was Dr. Hess who has performed perhaps more DS surgeries that any doctor in the world, as he pioneered the procedure, Ren also called him, he has never had this problem. I spoke with Dr. Gagner, as did she, he has never had this problem. This problem was the direct result of what is called in medicine a iatrogenic injury, that means, " doctor caused. " I live on a daily basis with dumping syndrome. This is not the result of eating concentrated sugars or even sugars at all, but simply has to do with the passage of food from the tube like stomach pouch I was left with, into my intestines. That means chills, postural hypotension, the need to recline or lie down after eating, extreme tiredness, with me falling asleep if it is a bad episode, epigastric pain that radiates to my back. So much for quality of life or the ability to function well, or at all, in the various roles I am required to fill. I can look forward to an increased risk of stomach cancer as many studies suggest that 'the remnant stomach provides the environment that enhances the development of gastric cancer. Mixed acid is more harmful than acid reflux alone with possible toxic synergism existing between the taurine conjugates and acid, this is called double reflux. " " There is a relationship of stomach motor activity and food digestion and absorption, esp in later years. As I age there will be a negative correlation of orocecal transit time as the distal stomach and pylorus most likely exert an important inhibitory mechanism in regulation of this movement. " The surgery I did end up with is not an accepted WLS, though she has tried to sell it to me as Scopinero's BPD, which has quite a few differences. NYU and Ren has tried to suggest that the means justify the end. I am here to say that that is simply not true. We might as well say that the Nazi's actions were justified as they no doubt led to the formation of the state of Israel. A section of the informed consent form that I signed states, " The nature and purpose and/or procedures, the necessity therefore, the possible alternative methods of treatment, the risks involved and the possibility of complication in the treatment have been fully explained to me and I understand the same. " I was not informed of any possible alternatives or of this complication prior to going into surgery. Since either the dark secret of DS surgery needs to be brought out into the light so other potential DS/BPD patients can be made aware of this potential complication and be given the benefit of making an informed consent or Ren needs to own her mistakes. I have worked in health care since 1987, I have owned my mistakes and accepted the consequences of delivering less than the accepted " standard of care " during that 14 year course. I do not seek to justify or rationalize nor minimize my actions and there potential ramifications to those charged to my care. It means I am responsible to my patients and for my actions, and it means I will not accept less than that standard of character and practice from other health care providers. My stance on this issue is not so rare or lofty, as I have had the example of other individuals and institutions that have preceded and hold to such standards of responsibility. I live with the consequences of a series of choices I have made on a daily basis and the events that surrounded those choices. Deb Ren, NYU, is now being investigated by ST. of NY office of Medical Misconduct, State of NY Board of Health, Bureau of hospital affairs, JCAHO, Nurses are being investigated via New York State Education Dept., Office of Professions. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted April 18, 2001 Report Share Posted April 18, 2001 DEB--just wanted you to know Dr Ren is a wonderful DR. She did my surgery 17 months ago when at Mt Sinai. She is not only a gifted surgeon but a wonderful caring person---I would trust her with my life (infact I did) at any time without any hesitation!!!!! RegardsMaxine Seibert Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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