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Re: kevin lynn status & apology

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Dear ,

We've never had the chance to meet, I joined this

group probably after you stopped posting. But I wanted

to drop you a note and let you know I was touched by

your post. Life can be bittersweet at times. I am so

sorry for your losses. Nothing ever replaces those

we've loved and lost. I am grateful for fond memories

I carry with me always of those loved ones in my life

that I too have lost. I pray you'll derive some

comfort from your good memories too.

What a blessing that you've been able to do so much

for the physical you. Whenever you can do that it

seems to translate into a uplifted outlook to life's

challenges. I wish you continued good health and

peace, and I'm glad to meet you. Sincerely, Angel

pre-op Dr. Oakley

--- Lynn klynn@...> wrote:

> life has been crazy since the last time I wrote

> (right now I'm

> sure that a lot of people on this list don't know

> who I am it

> has been so long).. sometimes it seems like just

> when things are starting

> to get even better you get smacked down by something

> you never would have

> expected..


> Physically I'm doing great.. I've started working

> out 6 days a week, doing

> aerobic workouts on 3-4 days, weight lifting on 3

> days, and training in

> martial arts again 3 days a week. Overall I'd say

> I'm probably spending

> only 11 or 12 hours per week in a gym of some sort

> and the changes have

> been amazing.


> I actually stopped regularly tracking my weight a

> while back when my

> siltek scale broke and started tracking my body fat

> percentage instead. So

> this may seem kind've strange to some of you but let

> me give you some info

> on how I've changed over the last 15 months.


> I've gone from being 55% body fat to being 28.2

> percent body fat. What's

> even more striking is that in the last 3-4 weeks

> since I started working

> out my body fat has dropped some 3.5% and I've

> actually gained some 5 lbs

> of muscle.


> I remember early on hearing people say that working

> out makes the

> difference and it's true that in the first 6 months

> after the surgery I

> didn't break my diet and I worked out consistently..

> I'm sure a lot of

> people remember how gungho I was.. " totally

> insufferable " is how some

> people put it recently. In the past 9 months I've

> still been losing very

> steadily and at a pretty good clip but I haven't

> stuck to the diet or to

> the working out except for the past 5 weeks.


> Life has been good that way.. and in others it's

> hurting.

> I'm sorry to those of you that have tried to write

> me in the past 2 months

> or so and not recieved a reply. I've just about

> dropped off the planet and

> I'd like to explain..


> About 6 weeks ago my dad had a major heart attack on

> a flight

> to NYC to see my grandma. He survived but had to

> have a quadruple bypass

> done and that in itself threw my life into some

> kind've turmoil.. I

> haven't been the same since although I think I'm

> starting to come around

> finally and get my head above the surface again. I

> had never had to ponder

> losing someone so close to me before, never had to

> think about what I

> would do if my dad died. It definitely scared me..

> got me to thinking

> about life and everything else. Seemed like stuff

> was finally coming

> around..


> Last Friday my grandma died.. I knew for so long it

> was going to happen

> but that couldn't really prepare me for the shock of

> realizing I'll never

> see her again. In a way I'm glad it's over with and

> yet I feel so guilty

> that I am relieved it is. She wanted to die, had

> said she was ready

> to and would probably be irritated at me if she knew

> I was so sad

> about it. Life sure can be confusing..


> So anyways.. if you know me and I haven't called

> you, written you back, or

> been in touch.. I hope you can understand..


> Miss ya all a bunch..


> Lynn


> (and Dr. Rabkin, Delphine, or any of his staff that

> read this.. yes I do

> plan on coming in for a checkup.. i'm just a bit

> preoccupied.. and you

> better not have that dang broken scale the next time

> I go in.. :P )







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