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pain relief

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well geez, sounds like you found the cure. what are we all doing just sitting

around and tapping our fingers on keyboards for?

: )

Better tell the doctors to put away the test tubes and beekers because all that

college learning and all was useless too. Yahoo for Yahoo! Another instant

boullion cure for all! you don't suppose these products are free for the

taking, do you?



Dear Friends,

I have suffered from fibromyalgia since 1984. It was diagnosed about

five years ago. I don't think, in all of those 18 years, I've ever

been able to say " I don't hurt somewhere. " It has affected my life

enough so that I have not been able to work for the past three years.

About three weeks ago, I learned about a concept having to do with

glyconutrients and cellular communication. Ten days ago, I started

taking their products. The next day, I woke up and got out of bed -

without having to hold onto things for balance, work in agony to

straighten up my back, or walk with painful steps to the bathroom. I

was truly, astonishingly and completely out of pain. It has been ten

days and is still holding true.

The simple truth is that I want every fibromite all over the world to

know about this stuff. It is so overwhelming that I start to cry

with the enormity of what this relief from pain means to me. But I

don't want to be accused of spamming, so I'm not going to say what

the products are. If you'd like to find out what it is, then I'd

love to hear from you. You're welcome to write me - does this list

publish the addresses of the members? Mine is

luasagefisher@..., which by the way, is my name.



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well geez, sounds like you found the cure. what are we all doing just sitting

around and tapping our fingers on keyboards for?

: )

Better tell the doctors to put away the test tubes and beekers because all that

college learning and all was useless too. Yahoo for Yahoo! Another instant

boullion cure for all! you don't suppose these products are free for the

taking, do you?



Dear Friends,

I have suffered from fibromyalgia since 1984. It was diagnosed about

five years ago. I don't think, in all of those 18 years, I've ever

been able to say " I don't hurt somewhere. " It has affected my life

enough so that I have not been able to work for the past three years.

About three weeks ago, I learned about a concept having to do with

glyconutrients and cellular communication. Ten days ago, I started

taking their products. The next day, I woke up and got out of bed -

without having to hold onto things for balance, work in agony to

straighten up my back, or walk with painful steps to the bathroom. I

was truly, astonishingly and completely out of pain. It has been ten

days and is still holding true.

The simple truth is that I want every fibromite all over the world to

know about this stuff. It is so overwhelming that I start to cry

with the enormity of what this relief from pain means to me. But I

don't want to be accused of spamming, so I'm not going to say what

the products are. If you'd like to find out what it is, then I'd

love to hear from you. You're welcome to write me - does this list

publish the addresses of the members? Mine is

luasagefisher@..., which by the way, is my name.



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This is a lovely story but is like most stories I read of this nature and

the happy ending evolves into something called " Spam. " Now, I never said

that " Spam " was a good or bad thing, so do not get irritated by my lack of

objectivity and openness when it comes to hearing about new cures. But if

indeed there were cures, wouldn't our doctors be the first ones to tell us

or do you think our doctors intentionally keep things like this from us to

make more money? After all, if there were cures such as these, they would be

without " us " for patirents. So I ask you, is there any support in " Spam, " or

is it merely the dollar signs I read, and not the quotations of successful


Just curious how everyone feels about this posting.



Dear Harley,

I've been a bit overwhelmed by the response to my

posting about pain relief and it's taken some time to

figure out how to answer. First, I'd like to

introduce myself and tell you a bit about me. This is

basically because one of the letters I received was

rude, sarcastic, and distrusting. I realized that the

guy has been through the mill with people who have

sold him down the river with cures that didn't cure -

most likely over and over again. I know I have. And

every time one of those 'cures' didn't cure me - it

was somehow my fault.

Anyway, my name is Lua Fisher and I live with my

husband in the mountains of Colorado. We are three

miles from the nearest electric or phone lines, live

at the end of a dead end, dirt road that is four miles

off the highway, and it's as close to wilderness

living as you can get, while still being only 30 miles

from the city. I have three grown children, they are

all married, and each has children, for a total of

eight grandchildren.

I have been diagnosed with hypoglycemia, fibromyalgia,

chronic fatigue syndrome, multifacial pain disorder,

multiple chemical sensitivities, menier's disease - I

used to say that they would pin every fad disease that

came along on me to explain away my fatigue, pain and

depression. I even had a doctor decide to label me

agoraphobic (fear of open places) because I hated to

come down out of the mountains into town. A while

back I gave up on allopathic medicine. It was only

making me more depressed and I refused their

psychotropic medications so they didn't have much use

for me anyway.

I came to live full time in the mountains and feel a

whole lot better mentally up here than I did down in

the pollution. But the pain was still getting

consistently worse. Last spring it was so bad that I

really didn't even want to be alive, even with a new

husband (married in Jan of 2001), grandchildren being

born on a regular basis, a family that was supportive

and loving - it just wasn't worth the pain.

Which brings me up to this summer. Right this minute,

I'm sitting in a very small sheepherders trailer. My

computer is powered with a small generator and I'm

getting Internet access with a satellite connection.

My computer is networked with my son's who lives

across the road, and we share a Satellite Hookup. My

husband and I are building a small straw-bale cabin.

It is 3/4ths stuccoed on the outside and, hopefully

we'll finish this weekend.

We did the first 3/4ths two weeks ago. I couldn't

help. I managed, with enormous difficulty, to prepare

a meal for the six people helping with the project.

The only way I managed even that was by preparing all

the vegetables for the tacos the day before. I had a

friend who showed up to help put the meal on the

table, and she did the clean-up alone afterwards while

I laid in the hammock, watching my friends do my work

for me.

Today, I am typing this letter early in the morning,

and have every expectation of being in there with my

husband as he starts mixing new cement. I won't do as

much as he will - I still have some residual soreness

that feels bad in my right knee, and I'm still getting

exhausted very easily, so have to sit down often. But

- I am actually planning to hold a trowel in my hand

while I scrape stucco cement onto the walls of my


This is a miracle to me. I have tears running down my

cheeks as I write this. Because of a very simple

addition to my diet, I'm going to be part of this

process instead of being an onlooker.

I have a friend who showed up on the mountain about a

month ago to tell me about yet one more multi-level

marketing company she'd gotten involved with. It was

about the tenth one in as many years that she'd tried

to con me into getting into, and I finally blew my

stack at her. I actually shouted - " don't even TELL

me about it, Jan - I don't want to hear it. I'm sick

of your MLM schemes! " I'm not kidding. I wasn't

gentle. It was really very bad of me, because she has

a hard enough time communicating with people as it is.

She is extremely deaf, has hearing aids in both ears

that only help her hear some of the time. But, really

- enough is enough, and I was truly sick of hearing

about MLM's.

But, she persevered. She insisted that I look at some

pictures. Because I was a little ashamed about

yelling at her, I looked. Have you ever known someone

with Down's Syndrome? It's a very specific form of

birth defect, and is immediately obvious when looking

at a Downs person. Well, there were two pictures

right next to each other of a little girl with Downs,

taken in 1998, and in 2001. The first picture was

obviously Downs. The second picture was clearly the

same child - but you couldn't tell she had Downs

Syndrome. I dropped my mouth open in astonishment.

She had been in and out of hospitals from birth with

asthma and all kinds of health difficulties. In 2001,

she had been completely healthy for a couple of years,

was an honor roll student in her school, and was

happy, glowing with health - unbelievable.

So, I had to start reading. Here's what I learned.

On the outside of our cells, we have glycoconjugates

that are the communicators between cells. There can

be an unbelievable quantity (I can't remember right

now if it's 200,000 or 2 billion) different

combinations of various kinds of sugars and proteins

(glycoproteins) or sugars and fats (glycolipids) that

make up these glycoconjugates.

These communicators must have eight Essential Sugars

(essential in the same way you hear about Essential

Fatty Acids) to form the correct messages. If these

sugars are missing, the messages will be incorrect. A

cell could be screaming " I'm hungry " and the nutrition

could be passing right on by in the blood stream

because the rest of the cells see " I'm full " as the

message. Or, a cell could be saying " I'm weak, defend

me " and instead the body hears " I'm an enemy of the

body, destroy me " which is why we have autoimmune

diseases where the body starts attacking itself.

We only get two of these sugars in our diets - glucose

and sucrose. The rest can be made from glucose, but

it is an exhaustive process, depletes your body's

resources, and if you're too weak, it won't happen.

Well, I read enough to be convinced that I had to try

these essential sugars to find out if it would help

reduce my pain levels. I still didn't want anything

to do with an MLM, so I started looking for another

source of glyconutrients. I went to every health food

store in two towns and kept hearing the same story -

" Oh, yes, I've heard of glyconutrients - it's the

newest science and is very important in our bodies. "

But they didn't have the products. So, finally, I

gave up, called Jan, and asked her to bring me an

application and some products. The application was

because as much as I despised MLM's I wasn't about to

pay retail prices.

The company is Mannatech, and the eight essential

sugars are in their product called Ambrotose. At

first, I wanted to take the straight bulk product of

just the essential sugars. But, I talked to Jan's

upline - who knew a whole lot more about the stuff

than Jan did - and she convinced me to try their

" Optimal Health Pack " which is four products, each

with some ambrotose in them that address other health

aspects in our bodies. So, I did.

I started it on Monday morning - the day after our

stucco party.

I woke up Tuesday morning and got out of bed. It was

astonishing. I twisted and turned. I bent over. I

flexed my fingers. I actively looked for pain. It

wasn't there.

I have never experienced anything so overwhelmingly

mindboggling in my entire life. And, it's kind of

funny as I look back on it (from my ancient history

position of two weeks, LOL) but for some reason, I

didn't distrust what had happened. I didn't think to

myself - oh, it'll come back. Maybe that's part of

the reason it didn't.

Now, I'm not going to try to con anyone into thinking

that this 54-year-old body suddenly turned into a

20-year-old super athlete. I'm grossly obese, have

some residual pain in my right knee right now, have a

bit of stiffness in my neck, and have to rest

frequently. But, the miracle that putting these eight

essential sugars into my system has done for me cannot

be overstated.

By Friday, I knew I wanted to shout out about this

stuff to the world. I kept reading, listening to

tapes Jan gave me, and researching online. I learned

that there are people in other parts of the world

where they can use words like " heal " and " cure "

without worrying about the medical junta coming down

on them, where people are claiming cures from AIDS

with the eight essential sugars. And, people with

cancer are claiming the same - and MS, ADHD, Celiac

disease - the list is exhaustive!

But, it isn't only stories. There are more than

20,000 research papers, case studies, and scientific

validation for the effects of the essential sugars.

So, I decided to build an MLM business. Me - who

despises anything to do with MLM. But, there's no

other way to achieve my newly established goal and

mission in life. I, personally, want to be the direct

reason for 5,000 people finding relief from pain and

illness and I want to be the indirect reason for

100,000 people finding relief from pain and illness.

Yes, I'm going to make money along the way - and I'm

kind of looking forward to that as well, since my

illness has had me living in poverty for the past

twenty years. But, the passion in my life is to tell

people about these eight essential sugars and to get

them started on the road to pain relief.

I've already found two - and one of them in a most

surprising place. My brother started on the products

yesterday. I didn't know he was in so much pain,

until he finally admitted to me that he hurt so bad he

could hardly walk up his front steps with an

alternating step instead of one-legged. When he saw

the changes in me, he decided he had to try it

himself. I can hardly wait to see what happens with


Ok, that's my story. I hope you can be helped. I

truly do. I understand about Internet hoaxes, and

people who have been through the mill and sold a bill

of goods just to line the pocketbooks of those who

don't care who they hurt as long as they make a buck.

And, I agree about being super cautious when being

approached by someone online.

I have a cell phone that I can use to call anywhere in

the continental United States for free after 8 p.m.

mountain time, and on weekends. I'd be happy to call

you and talk to you in person if you'd like. I know

I'd be more comfortable by having a one-on-one

conversation rather than communicating only through

letters. So, if you'd like me to call and talk to

you, send me your number and a good time to call

during those times. My number is , but

it's not likely you'd get more than my message machine

if you call me. I have to drive about a mile down the

road to get to the point where our cell phones work

around the mountain, so mostly I receive messages and

then make calls.

I gave you the name of the company and the product for

one specific reason. If you want to contact the

company, you'll be able to, without having anything to

do with me. I'd like to do business with you, but I

don't want you feeling like you got conned into

something. So, you're free to go either direction -

with me or without me.

You can also do some research online if you'd like at


http://www.glycoinformation.com and


That's about it. Thank you for listening,



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This is a lovely story but is like most stories I read of this nature and

the happy ending evolves into something called " Spam. " Now, I never said

that " Spam " was a good or bad thing, so do not get irritated by my lack of

objectivity and openness when it comes to hearing about new cures. But if

indeed there were cures, wouldn't our doctors be the first ones to tell us

or do you think our doctors intentionally keep things like this from us to

make more money? After all, if there were cures such as these, they would be

without " us " for patirents. So I ask you, is there any support in " Spam, " or

is it merely the dollar signs I read, and not the quotations of successful


Just curious how everyone feels about this posting.



Dear Harley,

I've been a bit overwhelmed by the response to my

posting about pain relief and it's taken some time to

figure out how to answer. First, I'd like to

introduce myself and tell you a bit about me. This is

basically because one of the letters I received was

rude, sarcastic, and distrusting. I realized that the

guy has been through the mill with people who have

sold him down the river with cures that didn't cure -

most likely over and over again. I know I have. And

every time one of those 'cures' didn't cure me - it

was somehow my fault.

Anyway, my name is Lua Fisher and I live with my

husband in the mountains of Colorado. We are three

miles from the nearest electric or phone lines, live

at the end of a dead end, dirt road that is four miles

off the highway, and it's as close to wilderness

living as you can get, while still being only 30 miles

from the city. I have three grown children, they are

all married, and each has children, for a total of

eight grandchildren.

I have been diagnosed with hypoglycemia, fibromyalgia,

chronic fatigue syndrome, multifacial pain disorder,

multiple chemical sensitivities, menier's disease - I

used to say that they would pin every fad disease that

came along on me to explain away my fatigue, pain and

depression. I even had a doctor decide to label me

agoraphobic (fear of open places) because I hated to

come down out of the mountains into town. A while

back I gave up on allopathic medicine. It was only

making me more depressed and I refused their

psychotropic medications so they didn't have much use

for me anyway.

I came to live full time in the mountains and feel a

whole lot better mentally up here than I did down in

the pollution. But the pain was still getting

consistently worse. Last spring it was so bad that I

really didn't even want to be alive, even with a new

husband (married in Jan of 2001), grandchildren being

born on a regular basis, a family that was supportive

and loving - it just wasn't worth the pain.

Which brings me up to this summer. Right this minute,

I'm sitting in a very small sheepherders trailer. My

computer is powered with a small generator and I'm

getting Internet access with a satellite connection.

My computer is networked with my son's who lives

across the road, and we share a Satellite Hookup. My

husband and I are building a small straw-bale cabin.

It is 3/4ths stuccoed on the outside and, hopefully

we'll finish this weekend.

We did the first 3/4ths two weeks ago. I couldn't

help. I managed, with enormous difficulty, to prepare

a meal for the six people helping with the project.

The only way I managed even that was by preparing all

the vegetables for the tacos the day before. I had a

friend who showed up to help put the meal on the

table, and she did the clean-up alone afterwards while

I laid in the hammock, watching my friends do my work

for me.

Today, I am typing this letter early in the morning,

and have every expectation of being in there with my

husband as he starts mixing new cement. I won't do as

much as he will - I still have some residual soreness

that feels bad in my right knee, and I'm still getting

exhausted very easily, so have to sit down often. But

- I am actually planning to hold a trowel in my hand

while I scrape stucco cement onto the walls of my


This is a miracle to me. I have tears running down my

cheeks as I write this. Because of a very simple

addition to my diet, I'm going to be part of this

process instead of being an onlooker.

I have a friend who showed up on the mountain about a

month ago to tell me about yet one more multi-level

marketing company she'd gotten involved with. It was

about the tenth one in as many years that she'd tried

to con me into getting into, and I finally blew my

stack at her. I actually shouted - " don't even TELL

me about it, Jan - I don't want to hear it. I'm sick

of your MLM schemes! " I'm not kidding. I wasn't

gentle. It was really very bad of me, because she has

a hard enough time communicating with people as it is.

She is extremely deaf, has hearing aids in both ears

that only help her hear some of the time. But, really

- enough is enough, and I was truly sick of hearing

about MLM's.

But, she persevered. She insisted that I look at some

pictures. Because I was a little ashamed about

yelling at her, I looked. Have you ever known someone

with Down's Syndrome? It's a very specific form of

birth defect, and is immediately obvious when looking

at a Downs person. Well, there were two pictures

right next to each other of a little girl with Downs,

taken in 1998, and in 2001. The first picture was

obviously Downs. The second picture was clearly the

same child - but you couldn't tell she had Downs

Syndrome. I dropped my mouth open in astonishment.

She had been in and out of hospitals from birth with

asthma and all kinds of health difficulties. In 2001,

she had been completely healthy for a couple of years,

was an honor roll student in her school, and was

happy, glowing with health - unbelievable.

So, I had to start reading. Here's what I learned.

On the outside of our cells, we have glycoconjugates

that are the communicators between cells. There can

be an unbelievable quantity (I can't remember right

now if it's 200,000 or 2 billion) different

combinations of various kinds of sugars and proteins

(glycoproteins) or sugars and fats (glycolipids) that

make up these glycoconjugates.

These communicators must have eight Essential Sugars

(essential in the same way you hear about Essential

Fatty Acids) to form the correct messages. If these

sugars are missing, the messages will be incorrect. A

cell could be screaming " I'm hungry " and the nutrition

could be passing right on by in the blood stream

because the rest of the cells see " I'm full " as the

message. Or, a cell could be saying " I'm weak, defend

me " and instead the body hears " I'm an enemy of the

body, destroy me " which is why we have autoimmune

diseases where the body starts attacking itself.

We only get two of these sugars in our diets - glucose

and sucrose. The rest can be made from glucose, but

it is an exhaustive process, depletes your body's

resources, and if you're too weak, it won't happen.

Well, I read enough to be convinced that I had to try

these essential sugars to find out if it would help

reduce my pain levels. I still didn't want anything

to do with an MLM, so I started looking for another

source of glyconutrients. I went to every health food

store in two towns and kept hearing the same story -

" Oh, yes, I've heard of glyconutrients - it's the

newest science and is very important in our bodies. "

But they didn't have the products. So, finally, I

gave up, called Jan, and asked her to bring me an

application and some products. The application was

because as much as I despised MLM's I wasn't about to

pay retail prices.

The company is Mannatech, and the eight essential

sugars are in their product called Ambrotose. At

first, I wanted to take the straight bulk product of

just the essential sugars. But, I talked to Jan's

upline - who knew a whole lot more about the stuff

than Jan did - and she convinced me to try their

" Optimal Health Pack " which is four products, each

with some ambrotose in them that address other health

aspects in our bodies. So, I did.

I started it on Monday morning - the day after our

stucco party.

I woke up Tuesday morning and got out of bed. It was

astonishing. I twisted and turned. I bent over. I

flexed my fingers. I actively looked for pain. It

wasn't there.

I have never experienced anything so overwhelmingly

mindboggling in my entire life. And, it's kind of

funny as I look back on it (from my ancient history

position of two weeks, LOL) but for some reason, I

didn't distrust what had happened. I didn't think to

myself - oh, it'll come back. Maybe that's part of

the reason it didn't.

Now, I'm not going to try to con anyone into thinking

that this 54-year-old body suddenly turned into a

20-year-old super athlete. I'm grossly obese, have

some residual pain in my right knee right now, have a

bit of stiffness in my neck, and have to rest

frequently. But, the miracle that putting these eight

essential sugars into my system has done for me cannot

be overstated.

By Friday, I knew I wanted to shout out about this

stuff to the world. I kept reading, listening to

tapes Jan gave me, and researching online. I learned

that there are people in other parts of the world

where they can use words like " heal " and " cure "

without worrying about the medical junta coming down

on them, where people are claiming cures from AIDS

with the eight essential sugars. And, people with

cancer are claiming the same - and MS, ADHD, Celiac

disease - the list is exhaustive!

But, it isn't only stories. There are more than

20,000 research papers, case studies, and scientific

validation for the effects of the essential sugars.

So, I decided to build an MLM business. Me - who

despises anything to do with MLM. But, there's no

other way to achieve my newly established goal and

mission in life. I, personally, want to be the direct

reason for 5,000 people finding relief from pain and

illness and I want to be the indirect reason for

100,000 people finding relief from pain and illness.

Yes, I'm going to make money along the way - and I'm

kind of looking forward to that as well, since my

illness has had me living in poverty for the past

twenty years. But, the passion in my life is to tell

people about these eight essential sugars and to get

them started on the road to pain relief.

I've already found two - and one of them in a most

surprising place. My brother started on the products

yesterday. I didn't know he was in so much pain,

until he finally admitted to me that he hurt so bad he

could hardly walk up his front steps with an

alternating step instead of one-legged. When he saw

the changes in me, he decided he had to try it

himself. I can hardly wait to see what happens with


Ok, that's my story. I hope you can be helped. I

truly do. I understand about Internet hoaxes, and

people who have been through the mill and sold a bill

of goods just to line the pocketbooks of those who

don't care who they hurt as long as they make a buck.

And, I agree about being super cautious when being

approached by someone online.

I have a cell phone that I can use to call anywhere in

the continental United States for free after 8 p.m.

mountain time, and on weekends. I'd be happy to call

you and talk to you in person if you'd like. I know

I'd be more comfortable by having a one-on-one

conversation rather than communicating only through

letters. So, if you'd like me to call and talk to

you, send me your number and a good time to call

during those times. My number is , but

it's not likely you'd get more than my message machine

if you call me. I have to drive about a mile down the

road to get to the point where our cell phones work

around the mountain, so mostly I receive messages and

then make calls.

I gave you the name of the company and the product for

one specific reason. If you want to contact the

company, you'll be able to, without having anything to

do with me. I'd like to do business with you, but I

don't want you feeling like you got conned into

something. So, you're free to go either direction -

with me or without me.

You can also do some research online if you'd like at


http://www.glycoinformation.com and


That's about it. Thank you for listening,



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Dear Harley,

I’ve been a bit overwhelmed by the response to my

posting about pain relief and it’s taken some time to

figure out how to answer. First, I’d like to

introduce myself and tell you a bit about me. This is

basically because one of the letters I received was

rude, sarcastic, and distrusting. I realized that the

guy has been through the mill with people who have

sold him down the river with cures that didn’t cure –

most likely over and over again. I know I have. And

every time one of those ‘cures’ didn’t cure me – it

was somehow my fault.

Anyway, my name is Lua Fisher and I live with my

husband in the mountains of Colorado. We are three

miles from the nearest electric or phone lines, live

at the end of a dead end, dirt road that is four miles

off the highway, and it’s as close to wilderness

living as you can get, while still being only 30 miles

from the city. I have three grown children, they are

all married, and each has children, for a total of

eight grandchildren.

I have been diagnosed with hypoglycemia, fibromyalgia,

chronic fatigue syndrome, multifacial pain disorder,

multiple chemical sensitivities, menier’s disease – I

used to say that they would pin every fad disease that

came along on me to explain away my fatigue, pain and

depression. I even had a doctor decide to label me

agoraphobic (fear of open places) because I hated to

come down out of the mountains into town. A while

back I gave up on allopathic medicine. It was only

making me more depressed and I refused their

psychotropic medications so they didn’t have much use

for me anyway.

I came to live full time in the mountains and feel a

whole lot better mentally up here than I did down in

the pollution. But the pain was still getting

consistently worse. Last spring it was so bad that I

really didn’t even want to be alive, even with a new

husband (married in Jan of 2001), grandchildren being

born on a regular basis, a family that was supportive

and loving – it just wasn’t worth the pain.

Which brings me up to this summer. Right this minute,

I’m sitting in a very small sheepherders trailer. My

computer is powered with a small generator and I’m

getting Internet access with a satellite connection.

My computer is networked with my son’s who lives

across the road, and we share a Satellite Hookup. My

husband and I are building a small straw-bale cabin.

It is 3/4ths stuccoed on the outside and, hopefully

we’ll finish this weekend.

We did the first 3/4ths two weeks ago. I couldn’t

help. I managed, with enormous difficulty, to prepare

a meal for the six people helping with the project.

The only way I managed even that was by preparing all

the vegetables for the tacos the day before. I had a

friend who showed up to help put the meal on the

table, and she did the clean-up alone afterwards while

I laid in the hammock, watching my friends do my work

for me.

Today, I am typing this letter early in the morning,

and have every expectation of being in there with my

husband as he starts mixing new cement. I won’t do as

much as he will – I still have some residual soreness

that feels bad in my right knee, and I’m still getting

exhausted very easily, so have to sit down often. But

– I am actually planning to hold a trowel in my hand

while I scrape stucco cement onto the walls of my


This is a miracle to me. I have tears running down my

cheeks as I write this. Because of a very simple

addition to my diet, I’m going to be part of this

process instead of being an onlooker.

I have a friend who showed up on the mountain about a

month ago to tell me about yet one more multi-level

marketing company she’d gotten involved with. It was

about the tenth one in as many years that she’d tried

to con me into getting into, and I finally blew my

stack at her. I actually shouted – “don’t even TELL

me about it, Jan – I don’t want to hear it. I’m sick

of your MLM schemes!” I’m not kidding. I wasn’t

gentle. It was really very bad of me, because she has

a hard enough time communicating with people as it is.

She is extremely deaf, has hearing aids in both ears

that only help her hear some of the time. But, really

– enough is enough, and I was truly sick of hearing

about MLM’s.

But, she persevered. She insisted that I look at some

pictures. Because I was a little ashamed about

yelling at her, I looked. Have you ever known someone

with Down’s Syndrome? It’s a very specific form of

birth defect, and is immediately obvious when looking

at a Downs person. Well, there were two pictures

right next to each other of a little girl with Downs,

taken in 1998, and in 2001. The first picture was

obviously Downs. The second picture was clearly the

same child – but you couldn’t tell she had Downs

Syndrome. I dropped my mouth open in astonishment.

She had been in and out of hospitals from birth with

asthma and all kinds of health difficulties. In 2001,

she had been completely healthy for a couple of years,

was an honor roll student in her school, and was

happy, glowing with health – unbelievable.

So, I had to start reading. Here’s what I learned.

On the outside of our cells, we have glycoconjugates

that are the communicators between cells. There can

be an unbelievable quantity (I can’t remember right

now if it’s 200,000 or 2 billion) different

combinations of various kinds of sugars and proteins

(glycoproteins) or sugars and fats (glycolipids) that

make up these glycoconjugates.

These communicators must have eight Essential Sugars

(essential in the same way you hear about Essential

Fatty Acids) to form the correct messages. If these

sugars are missing, the messages will be incorrect. A

cell could be screaming “I’m hungry” and the nutrition

could be passing right on by in the blood stream

because the rest of the cells see “I’m full” as the

message. Or, a cell could be saying “I’m weak, defend

me” and instead the body hears “I’m an enemy of the

body, destroy me” which is why we have autoimmune

diseases where the body starts attacking itself.

We only get two of these sugars in our diets – glucose

and sucrose. The rest can be made from glucose, but

it is an exhaustive process, depletes your body’s

resources, and if you’re too weak, it won’t happen.

Well, I read enough to be convinced that I had to try

these essential sugars to find out if it would help

reduce my pain levels. I still didn’t want anything

to do with an MLM, so I started looking for another

source of glyconutrients. I went to every health food

store in two towns and kept hearing the same story –

“Oh, yes, I’ve heard of glyconutrients – it’s the

newest science and is very important in our bodies.”

But they didn’t have the products. So, finally, I

gave up, called Jan, and asked her to bring me an

application and some products. The application was

because as much as I despised MLM’s I wasn’t about to

pay retail prices.

The company is Mannatech, and the eight essential

sugars are in their product called Ambrotose. At

first, I wanted to take the straight bulk product of

just the essential sugars. But, I talked to Jan’s

upline – who knew a whole lot more about the stuff

than Jan did – and she convinced me to try their

“Optimal Health Pack” which is four products, each

with some ambrotose in them that address other health

aspects in our bodies. So, I did.

I started it on Monday morning – the day after our

stucco party.

I woke up Tuesday morning and got out of bed. It was

astonishing. I twisted and turned. I bent over. I

flexed my fingers. I actively looked for pain. It

wasn’t there.

I have never experienced anything so overwhelmingly

mindboggling in my entire life. And, it’s kind of

funny as I look back on it (from my ancient history

position of two weeks, LOL) but for some reason, I

didn’t distrust what had happened. I didn’t think to

myself – oh, it’ll come back. Maybe that’s part of

the reason it didn’t.

Now, I’m not going to try to con anyone into thinking

that this 54-year-old body suddenly turned into a

20-year-old super athlete. I’m grossly obese, have

some residual pain in my right knee right now, have a

bit of stiffness in my neck, and have to rest

frequently. But, the miracle that putting these eight

essential sugars into my system has done for me cannot

be overstated.

By Friday, I knew I wanted to shout out about this

stuff to the world. I kept reading, listening to

tapes Jan gave me, and researching online. I learned

that there are people in other parts of the world

where they can use words like “heal” and “cure”

without worrying about the medical junta coming down

on them, where people are claiming cures from AIDS

with the eight essential sugars. And, people with

cancer are claiming the same – and MS, ADHD, Celiac

disease – the list is exhaustive!

But, it isn’t only stories. There are more than

20,000 research papers, case studies, and scientific

validation for the effects of the essential sugars.

So, I decided to build an MLM business. Me – who

despises anything to do with MLM. But, there’s no

other way to achieve my newly established goal and

mission in life. I, personally, want to be the direct

reason for 5,000 people finding relief from pain and

illness and I want to be the indirect reason for

100,000 people finding relief from pain and illness.

Yes, I’m going to make money along the way – and I’m

kind of looking forward to that as well, since my

illness has had me living in poverty for the past

twenty years. But, the passion in my life is to tell

people about these eight essential sugars and to get

them started on the road to pain relief.

I’ve already found two – and one of them in a most

surprising place. My brother started on the products

yesterday. I didn’t know he was in so much pain,

until he finally admitted to me that he hurt so bad he

could hardly walk up his front steps with an

alternating step instead of one-legged. When he saw

the changes in me, he decided he had to try it

himself. I can hardly wait to see what happens with


Ok, that’s my story. I hope you can be helped. I

truly do. I understand about Internet hoaxes, and

people who have been through the mill and sold a bill

of goods just to line the pocketbooks of those who

don’t care who they hurt as long as they make a buck.

And, I agree about being super cautious when being

approached by someone online.

I have a cell phone that I can use to call anywhere in

the continental United States for free after 8 p.m.

mountain time, and on weekends. I’d be happy to call

you and talk to you in person if you’d like. I know

I’d be more comfortable by having a one-on-one

conversation rather than communicating only through

letters. So, if you’d like me to call and talk to

you, send me your number and a good time to call

during those times. My number is , but

it’s not likely you’d get more than my message machine

if you call me. I have to drive about a mile down the

road to get to the point where our cell phones work

around the mountain, so mostly I receive messages and

then make calls.

I gave you the name of the company and the product for

one specific reason. If you want to contact the

company, you’ll be able to, without having anything to

do with me. I’d like to do business with you, but I

don’t want you feeling like you got conned into

something. So, you’re free to go either direction –

with me or without me.

You can also do some research online if you’d like at


http://www.glycoinformation.com and


That’s about it. Thank you for listening,




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Dear Harley,

I’ve been a bit overwhelmed by the response to my

posting about pain relief and it’s taken some time to

figure out how to answer. First, I’d like to

introduce myself and tell you a bit about me. This is

basically because one of the letters I received was

rude, sarcastic, and distrusting. I realized that the

guy has been through the mill with people who have

sold him down the river with cures that didn’t cure –

most likely over and over again. I know I have. And

every time one of those ‘cures’ didn’t cure me – it

was somehow my fault.

Anyway, my name is Lua Fisher and I live with my

husband in the mountains of Colorado. We are three

miles from the nearest electric or phone lines, live

at the end of a dead end, dirt road that is four miles

off the highway, and it’s as close to wilderness

living as you can get, while still being only 30 miles

from the city. I have three grown children, they are

all married, and each has children, for a total of

eight grandchildren.

I have been diagnosed with hypoglycemia, fibromyalgia,

chronic fatigue syndrome, multifacial pain disorder,

multiple chemical sensitivities, menier’s disease – I

used to say that they would pin every fad disease that

came along on me to explain away my fatigue, pain and

depression. I even had a doctor decide to label me

agoraphobic (fear of open places) because I hated to

come down out of the mountains into town. A while

back I gave up on allopathic medicine. It was only

making me more depressed and I refused their

psychotropic medications so they didn’t have much use

for me anyway.

I came to live full time in the mountains and feel a

whole lot better mentally up here than I did down in

the pollution. But the pain was still getting

consistently worse. Last spring it was so bad that I

really didn’t even want to be alive, even with a new

husband (married in Jan of 2001), grandchildren being

born on a regular basis, a family that was supportive

and loving – it just wasn’t worth the pain.

Which brings me up to this summer. Right this minute,

I’m sitting in a very small sheepherders trailer. My

computer is powered with a small generator and I’m

getting Internet access with a satellite connection.

My computer is networked with my son’s who lives

across the road, and we share a Satellite Hookup. My

husband and I are building a small straw-bale cabin.

It is 3/4ths stuccoed on the outside and, hopefully

we’ll finish this weekend.

We did the first 3/4ths two weeks ago. I couldn’t

help. I managed, with enormous difficulty, to prepare

a meal for the six people helping with the project.

The only way I managed even that was by preparing all

the vegetables for the tacos the day before. I had a

friend who showed up to help put the meal on the

table, and she did the clean-up alone afterwards while

I laid in the hammock, watching my friends do my work

for me.

Today, I am typing this letter early in the morning,

and have every expectation of being in there with my

husband as he starts mixing new cement. I won’t do as

much as he will – I still have some residual soreness

that feels bad in my right knee, and I’m still getting

exhausted very easily, so have to sit down often. But

– I am actually planning to hold a trowel in my hand

while I scrape stucco cement onto the walls of my


This is a miracle to me. I have tears running down my

cheeks as I write this. Because of a very simple

addition to my diet, I’m going to be part of this

process instead of being an onlooker.

I have a friend who showed up on the mountain about a

month ago to tell me about yet one more multi-level

marketing company she’d gotten involved with. It was

about the tenth one in as many years that she’d tried

to con me into getting into, and I finally blew my

stack at her. I actually shouted – “don’t even TELL

me about it, Jan – I don’t want to hear it. I’m sick

of your MLM schemes!” I’m not kidding. I wasn’t

gentle. It was really very bad of me, because she has

a hard enough time communicating with people as it is.

She is extremely deaf, has hearing aids in both ears

that only help her hear some of the time. But, really

– enough is enough, and I was truly sick of hearing

about MLM’s.

But, she persevered. She insisted that I look at some

pictures. Because I was a little ashamed about

yelling at her, I looked. Have you ever known someone

with Down’s Syndrome? It’s a very specific form of

birth defect, and is immediately obvious when looking

at a Downs person. Well, there were two pictures

right next to each other of a little girl with Downs,

taken in 1998, and in 2001. The first picture was

obviously Downs. The second picture was clearly the

same child – but you couldn’t tell she had Downs

Syndrome. I dropped my mouth open in astonishment.

She had been in and out of hospitals from birth with

asthma and all kinds of health difficulties. In 2001,

she had been completely healthy for a couple of years,

was an honor roll student in her school, and was

happy, glowing with health – unbelievable.

So, I had to start reading. Here’s what I learned.

On the outside of our cells, we have glycoconjugates

that are the communicators between cells. There can

be an unbelievable quantity (I can’t remember right

now if it’s 200,000 or 2 billion) different

combinations of various kinds of sugars and proteins

(glycoproteins) or sugars and fats (glycolipids) that

make up these glycoconjugates.

These communicators must have eight Essential Sugars

(essential in the same way you hear about Essential

Fatty Acids) to form the correct messages. If these

sugars are missing, the messages will be incorrect. A

cell could be screaming “I’m hungry” and the nutrition

could be passing right on by in the blood stream

because the rest of the cells see “I’m full” as the

message. Or, a cell could be saying “I’m weak, defend

me” and instead the body hears “I’m an enemy of the

body, destroy me” which is why we have autoimmune

diseases where the body starts attacking itself.

We only get two of these sugars in our diets – glucose

and sucrose. The rest can be made from glucose, but

it is an exhaustive process, depletes your body’s

resources, and if you’re too weak, it won’t happen.

Well, I read enough to be convinced that I had to try

these essential sugars to find out if it would help

reduce my pain levels. I still didn’t want anything

to do with an MLM, so I started looking for another

source of glyconutrients. I went to every health food

store in two towns and kept hearing the same story –

“Oh, yes, I’ve heard of glyconutrients – it’s the

newest science and is very important in our bodies.”

But they didn’t have the products. So, finally, I

gave up, called Jan, and asked her to bring me an

application and some products. The application was

because as much as I despised MLM’s I wasn’t about to

pay retail prices.

The company is Mannatech, and the eight essential

sugars are in their product called Ambrotose. At

first, I wanted to take the straight bulk product of

just the essential sugars. But, I talked to Jan’s

upline – who knew a whole lot more about the stuff

than Jan did – and she convinced me to try their

“Optimal Health Pack” which is four products, each

with some ambrotose in them that address other health

aspects in our bodies. So, I did.

I started it on Monday morning – the day after our

stucco party.

I woke up Tuesday morning and got out of bed. It was

astonishing. I twisted and turned. I bent over. I

flexed my fingers. I actively looked for pain. It

wasn’t there.

I have never experienced anything so overwhelmingly

mindboggling in my entire life. And, it’s kind of

funny as I look back on it (from my ancient history

position of two weeks, LOL) but for some reason, I

didn’t distrust what had happened. I didn’t think to

myself – oh, it’ll come back. Maybe that’s part of

the reason it didn’t.

Now, I’m not going to try to con anyone into thinking

that this 54-year-old body suddenly turned into a

20-year-old super athlete. I’m grossly obese, have

some residual pain in my right knee right now, have a

bit of stiffness in my neck, and have to rest

frequently. But, the miracle that putting these eight

essential sugars into my system has done for me cannot

be overstated.

By Friday, I knew I wanted to shout out about this

stuff to the world. I kept reading, listening to

tapes Jan gave me, and researching online. I learned

that there are people in other parts of the world

where they can use words like “heal” and “cure”

without worrying about the medical junta coming down

on them, where people are claiming cures from AIDS

with the eight essential sugars. And, people with

cancer are claiming the same – and MS, ADHD, Celiac

disease – the list is exhaustive!

But, it isn’t only stories. There are more than

20,000 research papers, case studies, and scientific

validation for the effects of the essential sugars.

So, I decided to build an MLM business. Me – who

despises anything to do with MLM. But, there’s no

other way to achieve my newly established goal and

mission in life. I, personally, want to be the direct

reason for 5,000 people finding relief from pain and

illness and I want to be the indirect reason for

100,000 people finding relief from pain and illness.

Yes, I’m going to make money along the way – and I’m

kind of looking forward to that as well, since my

illness has had me living in poverty for the past

twenty years. But, the passion in my life is to tell

people about these eight essential sugars and to get

them started on the road to pain relief.

I’ve already found two – and one of them in a most

surprising place. My brother started on the products

yesterday. I didn’t know he was in so much pain,

until he finally admitted to me that he hurt so bad he

could hardly walk up his front steps with an

alternating step instead of one-legged. When he saw

the changes in me, he decided he had to try it

himself. I can hardly wait to see what happens with


Ok, that’s my story. I hope you can be helped. I

truly do. I understand about Internet hoaxes, and

people who have been through the mill and sold a bill

of goods just to line the pocketbooks of those who

don’t care who they hurt as long as they make a buck.

And, I agree about being super cautious when being

approached by someone online.

I have a cell phone that I can use to call anywhere in

the continental United States for free after 8 p.m.

mountain time, and on weekends. I’d be happy to call

you and talk to you in person if you’d like. I know

I’d be more comfortable by having a one-on-one

conversation rather than communicating only through

letters. So, if you’d like me to call and talk to

you, send me your number and a good time to call

during those times. My number is , but

it’s not likely you’d get more than my message machine

if you call me. I have to drive about a mile down the

road to get to the point where our cell phones work

around the mountain, so mostly I receive messages and

then make calls.

I gave you the name of the company and the product for

one specific reason. If you want to contact the

company, you’ll be able to, without having anything to

do with me. I’d like to do business with you, but I

don’t want you feeling like you got conned into

something. So, you’re free to go either direction –

with me or without me.

You can also do some research online if you’d like at


http://www.glycoinformation.com and


That’s about it. Thank you for listening,




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Dear Harley,

I’ve been a bit overwhelmed by the response to my

posting about pain relief and it’s taken some time to

figure out how to answer. First, I’d like to

introduce myself and tell you a bit about me. This is

basically because one of the letters I received was

rude, sarcastic, and distrusting. I realized that the

guy has been through the mill with people who have

sold him down the river with cures that didn’t cure –

most likely over and over again. I know I have. And

every time one of those ‘cures’ didn’t cure me – it

was somehow my fault.

Anyway, my name is Lua Fisher and I live with my

husband in the mountains of Colorado. We are three

miles from the nearest electric or phone lines, live

at the end of a dead end, dirt road that is four miles

off the highway, and it’s as close to wilderness

living as you can get, while still being only 30 miles

from the city. I have three grown children, they are

all married, and each has children, for a total of

eight grandchildren.

I have been diagnosed with hypoglycemia, fibromyalgia,

chronic fatigue syndrome, multifacial pain disorder,

multiple chemical sensitivities, menier’s disease – I

used to say that they would pin every fad disease that

came along on me to explain away my fatigue, pain and

depression. I even had a doctor decide to label me

agoraphobic (fear of open places) because I hated to

come down out of the mountains into town. A while

back I gave up on allopathic medicine. It was only

making me more depressed and I refused their

psychotropic medications so they didn’t have much use

for me anyway.

I came to live full time in the mountains and feel a

whole lot better mentally up here than I did down in

the pollution. But the pain was still getting

consistently worse. Last spring it was so bad that I

really didn’t even want to be alive, even with a new

husband (married in Jan of 2001), grandchildren being

born on a regular basis, a family that was supportive

and loving – it just wasn’t worth the pain.

Which brings me up to this summer. Right this minute,

I’m sitting in a very small sheepherders trailer. My

computer is powered with a small generator and I’m

getting Internet access with a satellite connection.

My computer is networked with my son’s who lives

across the road, and we share a Satellite Hookup. My

husband and I are building a small straw-bale cabin.

It is 3/4ths stuccoed on the outside and, hopefully

we’ll finish this weekend.

We did the first 3/4ths two weeks ago. I couldn’t

help. I managed, with enormous difficulty, to prepare

a meal for the six people helping with the project.

The only way I managed even that was by preparing all

the vegetables for the tacos the day before. I had a

friend who showed up to help put the meal on the

table, and she did the clean-up alone afterwards while

I laid in the hammock, watching my friends do my work

for me.

Today, I am typing this letter early in the morning,

and have every expectation of being in there with my

husband as he starts mixing new cement. I won’t do as

much as he will – I still have some residual soreness

that feels bad in my right knee, and I’m still getting

exhausted very easily, so have to sit down often. But

– I am actually planning to hold a trowel in my hand

while I scrape stucco cement onto the walls of my


This is a miracle to me. I have tears running down my

cheeks as I write this. Because of a very simple

addition to my diet, I’m going to be part of this

process instead of being an onlooker.

I have a friend who showed up on the mountain about a

month ago to tell me about yet one more multi-level

marketing company she’d gotten involved with. It was

about the tenth one in as many years that she’d tried

to con me into getting into, and I finally blew my

stack at her. I actually shouted – “don’t even TELL

me about it, Jan – I don’t want to hear it. I’m sick

of your MLM schemes!” I’m not kidding. I wasn’t

gentle. It was really very bad of me, because she has

a hard enough time communicating with people as it is.

She is extremely deaf, has hearing aids in both ears

that only help her hear some of the time. But, really

– enough is enough, and I was truly sick of hearing

about MLM’s.

But, she persevered. She insisted that I look at some

pictures. Because I was a little ashamed about

yelling at her, I looked. Have you ever known someone

with Down’s Syndrome? It’s a very specific form of

birth defect, and is immediately obvious when looking

at a Downs person. Well, there were two pictures

right next to each other of a little girl with Downs,

taken in 1998, and in 2001. The first picture was

obviously Downs. The second picture was clearly the

same child – but you couldn’t tell she had Downs

Syndrome. I dropped my mouth open in astonishment.

She had been in and out of hospitals from birth with

asthma and all kinds of health difficulties. In 2001,

she had been completely healthy for a couple of years,

was an honor roll student in her school, and was

happy, glowing with health – unbelievable.

So, I had to start reading. Here’s what I learned.

On the outside of our cells, we have glycoconjugates

that are the communicators between cells. There can

be an unbelievable quantity (I can’t remember right

now if it’s 200,000 or 2 billion) different

combinations of various kinds of sugars and proteins

(glycoproteins) or sugars and fats (glycolipids) that

make up these glycoconjugates.

These communicators must have eight Essential Sugars

(essential in the same way you hear about Essential

Fatty Acids) to form the correct messages. If these

sugars are missing, the messages will be incorrect. A

cell could be screaming “I’m hungry” and the nutrition

could be passing right on by in the blood stream

because the rest of the cells see “I’m full” as the

message. Or, a cell could be saying “I’m weak, defend

me” and instead the body hears “I’m an enemy of the

body, destroy me” which is why we have autoimmune

diseases where the body starts attacking itself.

We only get two of these sugars in our diets – glucose

and sucrose. The rest can be made from glucose, but

it is an exhaustive process, depletes your body’s

resources, and if you’re too weak, it won’t happen.

Well, I read enough to be convinced that I had to try

these essential sugars to find out if it would help

reduce my pain levels. I still didn’t want anything

to do with an MLM, so I started looking for another

source of glyconutrients. I went to every health food

store in two towns and kept hearing the same story –

“Oh, yes, I’ve heard of glyconutrients – it’s the

newest science and is very important in our bodies.”

But they didn’t have the products. So, finally, I

gave up, called Jan, and asked her to bring me an

application and some products. The application was

because as much as I despised MLM’s I wasn’t about to

pay retail prices.

The company is Mannatech, and the eight essential

sugars are in their product called Ambrotose. At

first, I wanted to take the straight bulk product of

just the essential sugars. But, I talked to Jan’s

upline – who knew a whole lot more about the stuff

than Jan did – and she convinced me to try their

“Optimal Health Pack” which is four products, each

with some ambrotose in them that address other health

aspects in our bodies. So, I did.

I started it on Monday morning – the day after our

stucco party.

I woke up Tuesday morning and got out of bed. It was

astonishing. I twisted and turned. I bent over. I

flexed my fingers. I actively looked for pain. It

wasn’t there.

I have never experienced anything so overwhelmingly

mindboggling in my entire life. And, it’s kind of

funny as I look back on it (from my ancient history

position of two weeks, LOL) but for some reason, I

didn’t distrust what had happened. I didn’t think to

myself – oh, it’ll come back. Maybe that’s part of

the reason it didn’t.

Now, I’m not going to try to con anyone into thinking

that this 54-year-old body suddenly turned into a

20-year-old super athlete. I’m grossly obese, have

some residual pain in my right knee right now, have a

bit of stiffness in my neck, and have to rest

frequently. But, the miracle that putting these eight

essential sugars into my system has done for me cannot

be overstated.

By Friday, I knew I wanted to shout out about this

stuff to the world. I kept reading, listening to

tapes Jan gave me, and researching online. I learned

that there are people in other parts of the world

where they can use words like “heal” and “cure”

without worrying about the medical junta coming down

on them, where people are claiming cures from AIDS

with the eight essential sugars. And, people with

cancer are claiming the same – and MS, ADHD, Celiac

disease – the list is exhaustive!

But, it isn’t only stories. There are more than

20,000 research papers, case studies, and scientific

validation for the effects of the essential sugars.

So, I decided to build an MLM business. Me – who

despises anything to do with MLM. But, there’s no

other way to achieve my newly established goal and

mission in life. I, personally, want to be the direct

reason for 5,000 people finding relief from pain and

illness and I want to be the indirect reason for

100,000 people finding relief from pain and illness.

Yes, I’m going to make money along the way – and I’m

kind of looking forward to that as well, since my

illness has had me living in poverty for the past

twenty years. But, the passion in my life is to tell

people about these eight essential sugars and to get

them started on the road to pain relief.

I’ve already found two – and one of them in a most

surprising place. My brother started on the products

yesterday. I didn’t know he was in so much pain,

until he finally admitted to me that he hurt so bad he

could hardly walk up his front steps with an

alternating step instead of one-legged. When he saw

the changes in me, he decided he had to try it

himself. I can hardly wait to see what happens with


Ok, that’s my story. I hope you can be helped. I

truly do. I understand about Internet hoaxes, and

people who have been through the mill and sold a bill

of goods just to line the pocketbooks of those who

don’t care who they hurt as long as they make a buck.

And, I agree about being super cautious when being

approached by someone online.

I have a cell phone that I can use to call anywhere in

the continental United States for free after 8 p.m.

mountain time, and on weekends. I’d be happy to call

you and talk to you in person if you’d like. I know

I’d be more comfortable by having a one-on-one

conversation rather than communicating only through

letters. So, if you’d like me to call and talk to

you, send me your number and a good time to call

during those times. My number is , but

it’s not likely you’d get more than my message machine

if you call me. I have to drive about a mile down the

road to get to the point where our cell phones work

around the mountain, so mostly I receive messages and

then make calls.

I gave you the name of the company and the product for

one specific reason. If you want to contact the

company, you’ll be able to, without having anything to

do with me. I’d like to do business with you, but I

don’t want you feeling like you got conned into

something. So, you’re free to go either direction –

with me or without me.

You can also do some research online if you’d like at


http://www.glycoinformation.com and


That’s about it. Thank you for listening,




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--I am a very hard person to sell to, but I do believe that nature is

a better way to treat our bodies than what the drug companies

manufacture and I also know natural substances cannot be patented and

drug companies and doctors are not going to make money from treating

or curing with them. The problem I have is that alternative therapies

are not studied by one trusted group. They are frequently dismissed

by the medical community and then there are side effects. Also downs

syndrome is a genetic defomity and I do not believe we can alter our

genes and chromosones with sugar or probably any other available

substance. I will look into the info so Thanks!

- In @y..., " cloud " wrote:

> This is a lovely story but is like most stories I read of this

nature and

> the happy ending evolves into something called " Spam. " Now, I never


> that " Spam " was a good or bad thing, so do not get irritated by my

lack of

> objectivity and openness when it comes to hearing about new cures.

But if

> indeed there were cures, wouldn't our doctors be the first ones to

tell us

> or do you think our doctors intentionally keep things like this

from us to

> make more money? After all, if there were cures such as these, they

would be

> without " us " for patirents. So I ask you, is there any support

in " Spam, " or

> is it merely the dollar signs I read, and not the quotations of


> cures?

> Just curious how everyone feels about this posting.

> Always,

> cloud


> Dear Harley,


> I've been a bit overwhelmed by the response to my

> posting about pain relief and it's taken some time to

> figure out how to answer. First, I'd like to

> introduce myself and tell you a bit about me. This is

> basically because one of the letters I received was

> rude, sarcastic, and distrusting. I realized that the

> guy has been through the mill with people who have

> sold him down the river with cures that didn't cure -

> most likely over and over again. I know I have. And

> every time one of those 'cures' didn't cure me - it

> was somehow my fault.


> Anyway, my name is Lua Fisher and I live with my

> husband in the mountains of Colorado. We are three

> miles from the nearest electric or phone lines, live

> at the end of a dead end, dirt road that is four miles

> off the highway, and it's as close to wilderness

> living as you can get, while still being only 30 miles

> from the city. I have three grown children, they are

> all married, and each has children, for a total of

> eight grandchildren.


> I have been diagnosed with hypoglycemia, fibromyalgia,

> chronic fatigue syndrome, multifacial pain disorder,

> multiple chemical sensitivities, menier's disease - I

> used to say that they would pin every fad disease that

> came along on me to explain away my fatigue, pain and

> depression. I even had a doctor decide to label me

> agoraphobic (fear of open places) because I hated to

> come down out of the mountains into town. A while

> back I gave up on allopathic medicine. It was only

> making me more depressed and I refused their

> psychotropic medications so they didn't have much use

> for me anyway.


> I came to live full time in the mountains and feel a

> whole lot better mentally up here than I did down in

> the pollution. But the pain was still getting

> consistently worse. Last spring it was so bad that I

> really didn't even want to be alive, even with a new

> husband (married in Jan of 2001), grandchildren being

> born on a regular basis, a family that was supportive

> and loving - it just wasn't worth the pain.


> Which brings me up to this summer. Right this minute,

> I'm sitting in a very small sheepherders trailer. My

> computer is powered with a small generator and I'm

> getting Internet access with a satellite connection.

> My computer is networked with my son's who lives

> across the road, and we share a Satellite Hookup. My

> husband and I are building a small straw-bale cabin.

> It is 3/4ths stuccoed on the outside and, hopefully

> we'll finish this weekend.


> We did the first 3/4ths two weeks ago. I couldn't

> help. I managed, with enormous difficulty, to prepare

> a meal for the six people helping with the project.

> The only way I managed even that was by preparing all

> the vegetables for the tacos the day before. I had a

> friend who showed up to help put the meal on the

> table, and she did the clean-up alone afterwards while

> I laid in the hammock, watching my friends do my work

> for me.


> Today, I am typing this letter early in the morning,

> and have every expectation of being in there with my

> husband as he starts mixing new cement. I won't do as

> much as he will - I still have some residual soreness

> that feels bad in my right knee, and I'm still getting

> exhausted very easily, so have to sit down often. But

> - I am actually planning to hold a trowel in my hand

> while I scrape stucco cement onto the walls of my

> house.


> This is a miracle to me. I have tears running down my

> cheeks as I write this. Because of a very simple

> addition to my diet, I'm going to be part of this

> process instead of being an onlooker.


> I have a friend who showed up on the mountain about a

> month ago to tell me about yet one more multi-level

> marketing company she'd gotten involved with. It was

> about the tenth one in as many years that she'd tried

> to con me into getting into, and I finally blew my

> stack at her. I actually shouted - " don't even TELL

> me about it, Jan - I don't want to hear it. I'm sick

> of your MLM schemes! " I'm not kidding. I wasn't

> gentle. It was really very bad of me, because she has

> a hard enough time communicating with people as it is.

> She is extremely deaf, has hearing aids in both ears

> that only help her hear some of the time. But, really

> - enough is enough, and I was truly sick of hearing

> about MLM's.


> But, she persevered. She insisted that I look at some

> pictures. Because I was a little ashamed about

> yelling at her, I looked. Have you ever known someone

> with Down's Syndrome? It's a very specific form of

> birth defect, and is immediately obvious when looking

> at a Downs person. Well, there were two pictures

> right next to each other of a little girl with Downs,

> taken in 1998, and in 2001. The first picture was

> obviously Downs. The second picture was clearly the

> same child - but you couldn't tell she had Downs

> Syndrome. I dropped my mouth open in astonishment.

> She had been in and out of hospitals from birth with

> asthma and all kinds of health difficulties. In 2001,

> she had been completely healthy for a couple of years,

> was an honor roll student in her school, and was

> happy, glowing with health - unbelievable.


> So, I had to start reading. Here's what I learned.


> On the outside of our cells, we have glycoconjugates

> that are the communicators between cells. There can

> be an unbelievable quantity (I can't remember right

> now if it's 200,000 or 2 billion) different

> combinations of various kinds of sugars and proteins

> (glycoproteins) or sugars and fats (glycolipids) that

> make up these glycoconjugates.


> These communicators must have eight Essential Sugars

> (essential in the same way you hear about Essential

> Fatty Acids) to form the correct messages. If these

> sugars are missing, the messages will be incorrect. A

> cell could be screaming " I'm hungry " and the nutrition

> could be passing right on by in the blood stream

> because the rest of the cells see " I'm full " as the

> message. Or, a cell could be saying " I'm weak, defend

> me " and instead the body hears " I'm an enemy of the

> body, destroy me " which is why we have autoimmune

> diseases where the body starts attacking itself.


> We only get two of these sugars in our diets - glucose

> and sucrose. The rest can be made from glucose, but

> it is an exhaustive process, depletes your body's

> resources, and if you're too weak, it won't happen.


> Well, I read enough to be convinced that I had to try

> these essential sugars to find out if it would help

> reduce my pain levels. I still didn't want anything

> to do with an MLM, so I started looking for another

> source of glyconutrients. I went to every health food

> store in two towns and kept hearing the same story -

> " Oh, yes, I've heard of glyconutrients - it's the

> newest science and is very important in our bodies. "

> But they didn't have the products. So, finally, I

> gave up, called Jan, and asked her to bring me an

> application and some products. The application was

> because as much as I despised MLM's I wasn't about to

> pay retail prices.


> The company is Mannatech, and the eight essential

> sugars are in their product called Ambrotose. At

> first, I wanted to take the straight bulk product of

> just the essential sugars. But, I talked to Jan's

> upline - who knew a whole lot more about the stuff

> than Jan did - and she convinced me to try their

> " Optimal Health Pack " which is four products, each

> with some ambrotose in them that address other health

> aspects in our bodies. So, I did.


> I started it on Monday morning - the day after our

> stucco party.


> I woke up Tuesday morning and got out of bed. It was

> astonishing. I twisted and turned. I bent over. I

> flexed my fingers. I actively looked for pain. It

> wasn't there.


> I have never experienced anything so overwhelmingly

> mindboggling in my entire life. And, it's kind of

> funny as I look back on it (from my ancient history

> position of two weeks, LOL) but for some reason, I

> didn't distrust what had happened. I didn't think to

> myself - oh, it'll come back. Maybe that's part of

> the reason it didn't.


> Now, I'm not going to try to con anyone into thinking

> that this 54-year-old body suddenly turned into a

> 20-year-old super athlete. I'm grossly obese, have

> some residual pain in my right knee right now, have a

> bit of stiffness in my neck, and have to rest

> frequently. But, the miracle that putting these eight

> essential sugars into my system has done for me cannot

> be overstated.


> By Friday, I knew I wanted to shout out about this

> stuff to the world. I kept reading, listening to

> tapes Jan gave me, and researching online. I learned

> that there are people in other parts of the world

> where they can use words like " heal " and " cure "

> without worrying about the medical junta coming down

> on them, where people are claiming cures from AIDS

> with the eight essential sugars. And, people with

> cancer are claiming the same - and MS, ADHD, Celiac

> disease - the list is exhaustive!


> But, it isn't only stories. There are more than

> 20,000 research papers, case studies, and scientific

> validation for the effects of the essential sugars.


> So, I decided to build an MLM business. Me - who

> despises anything to do with MLM. But, there's no

> other way to achieve my newly established goal and

> mission in life. I, personally, want to be the direct

> reason for 5,000 people finding relief from pain and

> illness and I want to be the indirect reason for

> 100,000 people finding relief from pain and illness.

> Yes, I'm going to make money along the way - and I'm

> kind of looking forward to that as well, since my

> illness has had me living in poverty for the past

> twenty years. But, the passion in my life is to tell

> people about these eight essential sugars and to get

> them started on the road to pain relief.


> I've already found two - and one of them in a most

> surprising place. My brother started on the products

> yesterday. I didn't know he was in so much pain,

> until he finally admitted to me that he hurt so bad he

> could hardly walk up his front steps with an

> alternating step instead of one-legged. When he saw

> the changes in me, he decided he had to try it

> himself. I can hardly wait to see what happens with

> him.


> Ok, that's my story. I hope you can be helped. I

> truly do. I understand about Internet hoaxes, and

> people who have been through the mill and sold a bill

> of goods just to line the pocketbooks of those who

> don't care who they hurt as long as they make a buck.

> And, I agree about being super cautious when being

> approached by someone online.


> I have a cell phone that I can use to call anywhere in

> the continental United States for free after 8 p.m.

> mountain time, and on weekends. I'd be happy to call

> you and talk to you in person if you'd like. I know

> I'd be more comfortable by having a one-on-one

> conversation rather than communicating only through

> letters. So, if you'd like me to call and talk to

> you, send me your number and a good time to call

> during those times. My number is , but

> it's not likely you'd get more than my message machine

> if you call me. I have to drive about a mile down the

> road to get to the point where our cell phones work

> around the mountain, so mostly I receive messages and

> then make calls.


> I gave you the name of the company and the product for

> one specific reason. If you want to contact the

> company, you'll be able to, without having anything to

> do with me. I'd like to do business with you, but I

> don't want you feeling like you got conned into

> something. So, you're free to go either direction -

> with me or without me.


> You can also do some research online if you'd like at

> http://www.glycoscience.com,

> http://www.glycoinformation.com and

> http://www.mannatech.com


> That's about it. Thank you for listening,

> Sincerely,

> Lua

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--I am a very hard person to sell to, but I do believe that nature is

a better way to treat our bodies than what the drug companies

manufacture and I also know natural substances cannot be patented and

drug companies and doctors are not going to make money from treating

or curing with them. The problem I have is that alternative therapies

are not studied by one trusted group. They are frequently dismissed

by the medical community and then there are side effects. Also downs

syndrome is a genetic defomity and I do not believe we can alter our

genes and chromosones with sugar or probably any other available

substance. I will look into the info so Thanks!

- In @y..., " cloud " wrote:

> This is a lovely story but is like most stories I read of this

nature and

> the happy ending evolves into something called " Spam. " Now, I never


> that " Spam " was a good or bad thing, so do not get irritated by my

lack of

> objectivity and openness when it comes to hearing about new cures.

But if

> indeed there were cures, wouldn't our doctors be the first ones to

tell us

> or do you think our doctors intentionally keep things like this

from us to

> make more money? After all, if there were cures such as these, they

would be

> without " us " for patirents. So I ask you, is there any support

in " Spam, " or

> is it merely the dollar signs I read, and not the quotations of


> cures?

> Just curious how everyone feels about this posting.

> Always,

> cloud


> Dear Harley,


> I've been a bit overwhelmed by the response to my

> posting about pain relief and it's taken some time to

> figure out how to answer. First, I'd like to

> introduce myself and tell you a bit about me. This is

> basically because one of the letters I received was

> rude, sarcastic, and distrusting. I realized that the

> guy has been through the mill with people who have

> sold him down the river with cures that didn't cure -

> most likely over and over again. I know I have. And

> every time one of those 'cures' didn't cure me - it

> was somehow my fault.


> Anyway, my name is Lua Fisher and I live with my

> husband in the mountains of Colorado. We are three

> miles from the nearest electric or phone lines, live

> at the end of a dead end, dirt road that is four miles

> off the highway, and it's as close to wilderness

> living as you can get, while still being only 30 miles

> from the city. I have three grown children, they are

> all married, and each has children, for a total of

> eight grandchildren.


> I have been diagnosed with hypoglycemia, fibromyalgia,

> chronic fatigue syndrome, multifacial pain disorder,

> multiple chemical sensitivities, menier's disease - I

> used to say that they would pin every fad disease that

> came along on me to explain away my fatigue, pain and

> depression. I even had a doctor decide to label me

> agoraphobic (fear of open places) because I hated to

> come down out of the mountains into town. A while

> back I gave up on allopathic medicine. It was only

> making me more depressed and I refused their

> psychotropic medications so they didn't have much use

> for me anyway.


> I came to live full time in the mountains and feel a

> whole lot better mentally up here than I did down in

> the pollution. But the pain was still getting

> consistently worse. Last spring it was so bad that I

> really didn't even want to be alive, even with a new

> husband (married in Jan of 2001), grandchildren being

> born on a regular basis, a family that was supportive

> and loving - it just wasn't worth the pain.


> Which brings me up to this summer. Right this minute,

> I'm sitting in a very small sheepherders trailer. My

> computer is powered with a small generator and I'm

> getting Internet access with a satellite connection.

> My computer is networked with my son's who lives

> across the road, and we share a Satellite Hookup. My

> husband and I are building a small straw-bale cabin.

> It is 3/4ths stuccoed on the outside and, hopefully

> we'll finish this weekend.


> We did the first 3/4ths two weeks ago. I couldn't

> help. I managed, with enormous difficulty, to prepare

> a meal for the six people helping with the project.

> The only way I managed even that was by preparing all

> the vegetables for the tacos the day before. I had a

> friend who showed up to help put the meal on the

> table, and she did the clean-up alone afterwards while

> I laid in the hammock, watching my friends do my work

> for me.


> Today, I am typing this letter early in the morning,

> and have every expectation of being in there with my

> husband as he starts mixing new cement. I won't do as

> much as he will - I still have some residual soreness

> that feels bad in my right knee, and I'm still getting

> exhausted very easily, so have to sit down often. But

> - I am actually planning to hold a trowel in my hand

> while I scrape stucco cement onto the walls of my

> house.


> This is a miracle to me. I have tears running down my

> cheeks as I write this. Because of a very simple

> addition to my diet, I'm going to be part of this

> process instead of being an onlooker.


> I have a friend who showed up on the mountain about a

> month ago to tell me about yet one more multi-level

> marketing company she'd gotten involved with. It was

> about the tenth one in as many years that she'd tried

> to con me into getting into, and I finally blew my

> stack at her. I actually shouted - " don't even TELL

> me about it, Jan - I don't want to hear it. I'm sick

> of your MLM schemes! " I'm not kidding. I wasn't

> gentle. It was really very bad of me, because she has

> a hard enough time communicating with people as it is.

> She is extremely deaf, has hearing aids in both ears

> that only help her hear some of the time. But, really

> - enough is enough, and I was truly sick of hearing

> about MLM's.


> But, she persevered. She insisted that I look at some

> pictures. Because I was a little ashamed about

> yelling at her, I looked. Have you ever known someone

> with Down's Syndrome? It's a very specific form of

> birth defect, and is immediately obvious when looking

> at a Downs person. Well, there were two pictures

> right next to each other of a little girl with Downs,

> taken in 1998, and in 2001. The first picture was

> obviously Downs. The second picture was clearly the

> same child - but you couldn't tell she had Downs

> Syndrome. I dropped my mouth open in astonishment.

> She had been in and out of hospitals from birth with

> asthma and all kinds of health difficulties. In 2001,

> she had been completely healthy for a couple of years,

> was an honor roll student in her school, and was

> happy, glowing with health - unbelievable.


> So, I had to start reading. Here's what I learned.


> On the outside of our cells, we have glycoconjugates

> that are the communicators between cells. There can

> be an unbelievable quantity (I can't remember right

> now if it's 200,000 or 2 billion) different

> combinations of various kinds of sugars and proteins

> (glycoproteins) or sugars and fats (glycolipids) that

> make up these glycoconjugates.


> These communicators must have eight Essential Sugars

> (essential in the same way you hear about Essential

> Fatty Acids) to form the correct messages. If these

> sugars are missing, the messages will be incorrect. A

> cell could be screaming " I'm hungry " and the nutrition

> could be passing right on by in the blood stream

> because the rest of the cells see " I'm full " as the

> message. Or, a cell could be saying " I'm weak, defend

> me " and instead the body hears " I'm an enemy of the

> body, destroy me " which is why we have autoimmune

> diseases where the body starts attacking itself.


> We only get two of these sugars in our diets - glucose

> and sucrose. The rest can be made from glucose, but

> it is an exhaustive process, depletes your body's

> resources, and if you're too weak, it won't happen.


> Well, I read enough to be convinced that I had to try

> these essential sugars to find out if it would help

> reduce my pain levels. I still didn't want anything

> to do with an MLM, so I started looking for another

> source of glyconutrients. I went to every health food

> store in two towns and kept hearing the same story -

> " Oh, yes, I've heard of glyconutrients - it's the

> newest science and is very important in our bodies. "

> But they didn't have the products. So, finally, I

> gave up, called Jan, and asked her to bring me an

> application and some products. The application was

> because as much as I despised MLM's I wasn't about to

> pay retail prices.


> The company is Mannatech, and the eight essential

> sugars are in their product called Ambrotose. At

> first, I wanted to take the straight bulk product of

> just the essential sugars. But, I talked to Jan's

> upline - who knew a whole lot more about the stuff

> than Jan did - and she convinced me to try their

> " Optimal Health Pack " which is four products, each

> with some ambrotose in them that address other health

> aspects in our bodies. So, I did.


> I started it on Monday morning - the day after our

> stucco party.


> I woke up Tuesday morning and got out of bed. It was

> astonishing. I twisted and turned. I bent over. I

> flexed my fingers. I actively looked for pain. It

> wasn't there.


> I have never experienced anything so overwhelmingly

> mindboggling in my entire life. And, it's kind of

> funny as I look back on it (from my ancient history

> position of two weeks, LOL) but for some reason, I

> didn't distrust what had happened. I didn't think to

> myself - oh, it'll come back. Maybe that's part of

> the reason it didn't.


> Now, I'm not going to try to con anyone into thinking

> that this 54-year-old body suddenly turned into a

> 20-year-old super athlete. I'm grossly obese, have

> some residual pain in my right knee right now, have a

> bit of stiffness in my neck, and have to rest

> frequently. But, the miracle that putting these eight

> essential sugars into my system has done for me cannot

> be overstated.


> By Friday, I knew I wanted to shout out about this

> stuff to the world. I kept reading, listening to

> tapes Jan gave me, and researching online. I learned

> that there are people in other parts of the world

> where they can use words like " heal " and " cure "

> without worrying about the medical junta coming down

> on them, where people are claiming cures from AIDS

> with the eight essential sugars. And, people with

> cancer are claiming the same - and MS, ADHD, Celiac

> disease - the list is exhaustive!


> But, it isn't only stories. There are more than

> 20,000 research papers, case studies, and scientific

> validation for the effects of the essential sugars.


> So, I decided to build an MLM business. Me - who

> despises anything to do with MLM. But, there's no

> other way to achieve my newly established goal and

> mission in life. I, personally, want to be the direct

> reason for 5,000 people finding relief from pain and

> illness and I want to be the indirect reason for

> 100,000 people finding relief from pain and illness.

> Yes, I'm going to make money along the way - and I'm

> kind of looking forward to that as well, since my

> illness has had me living in poverty for the past

> twenty years. But, the passion in my life is to tell

> people about these eight essential sugars and to get

> them started on the road to pain relief.


> I've already found two - and one of them in a most

> surprising place. My brother started on the products

> yesterday. I didn't know he was in so much pain,

> until he finally admitted to me that he hurt so bad he

> could hardly walk up his front steps with an

> alternating step instead of one-legged. When he saw

> the changes in me, he decided he had to try it

> himself. I can hardly wait to see what happens with

> him.


> Ok, that's my story. I hope you can be helped. I

> truly do. I understand about Internet hoaxes, and

> people who have been through the mill and sold a bill

> of goods just to line the pocketbooks of those who

> don't care who they hurt as long as they make a buck.

> And, I agree about being super cautious when being

> approached by someone online.


> I have a cell phone that I can use to call anywhere in

> the continental United States for free after 8 p.m.

> mountain time, and on weekends. I'd be happy to call

> you and talk to you in person if you'd like. I know

> I'd be more comfortable by having a one-on-one

> conversation rather than communicating only through

> letters. So, if you'd like me to call and talk to

> you, send me your number and a good time to call

> during those times. My number is , but

> it's not likely you'd get more than my message machine

> if you call me. I have to drive about a mile down the

> road to get to the point where our cell phones work

> around the mountain, so mostly I receive messages and

> then make calls.


> I gave you the name of the company and the product for

> one specific reason. If you want to contact the

> company, you'll be able to, without having anything to

> do with me. I'd like to do business with you, but I

> don't want you feeling like you got conned into

> something. So, you're free to go either direction -

> with me or without me.


> You can also do some research online if you'd like at

> http://www.glycoscience.com,

> http://www.glycoinformation.com and

> http://www.mannatech.com


> That's about it. Thank you for listening,

> Sincerely,

> Lua

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--I am a very hard person to sell to, but I do believe that nature is

a better way to treat our bodies than what the drug companies

manufacture and I also know natural substances cannot be patented and

drug companies and doctors are not going to make money from treating

or curing with them. The problem I have is that alternative therapies

are not studied by one trusted group. They are frequently dismissed

by the medical community and then there are side effects. Also downs

syndrome is a genetic defomity and I do not believe we can alter our

genes and chromosones with sugar or probably any other available

substance. I will look into the info so Thanks!

- In @y..., " cloud " wrote:

> This is a lovely story but is like most stories I read of this

nature and

> the happy ending evolves into something called " Spam. " Now, I never


> that " Spam " was a good or bad thing, so do not get irritated by my

lack of

> objectivity and openness when it comes to hearing about new cures.

But if

> indeed there were cures, wouldn't our doctors be the first ones to

tell us

> or do you think our doctors intentionally keep things like this

from us to

> make more money? After all, if there were cures such as these, they

would be

> without " us " for patirents. So I ask you, is there any support

in " Spam, " or

> is it merely the dollar signs I read, and not the quotations of


> cures?

> Just curious how everyone feels about this posting.

> Always,

> cloud


> Dear Harley,


> I've been a bit overwhelmed by the response to my

> posting about pain relief and it's taken some time to

> figure out how to answer. First, I'd like to

> introduce myself and tell you a bit about me. This is

> basically because one of the letters I received was

> rude, sarcastic, and distrusting. I realized that the

> guy has been through the mill with people who have

> sold him down the river with cures that didn't cure -

> most likely over and over again. I know I have. And

> every time one of those 'cures' didn't cure me - it

> was somehow my fault.


> Anyway, my name is Lua Fisher and I live with my

> husband in the mountains of Colorado. We are three

> miles from the nearest electric or phone lines, live

> at the end of a dead end, dirt road that is four miles

> off the highway, and it's as close to wilderness

> living as you can get, while still being only 30 miles

> from the city. I have three grown children, they are

> all married, and each has children, for a total of

> eight grandchildren.


> I have been diagnosed with hypoglycemia, fibromyalgia,

> chronic fatigue syndrome, multifacial pain disorder,

> multiple chemical sensitivities, menier's disease - I

> used to say that they would pin every fad disease that

> came along on me to explain away my fatigue, pain and

> depression. I even had a doctor decide to label me

> agoraphobic (fear of open places) because I hated to

> come down out of the mountains into town. A while

> back I gave up on allopathic medicine. It was only

> making me more depressed and I refused their

> psychotropic medications so they didn't have much use

> for me anyway.


> I came to live full time in the mountains and feel a

> whole lot better mentally up here than I did down in

> the pollution. But the pain was still getting

> consistently worse. Last spring it was so bad that I

> really didn't even want to be alive, even with a new

> husband (married in Jan of 2001), grandchildren being

> born on a regular basis, a family that was supportive

> and loving - it just wasn't worth the pain.


> Which brings me up to this summer. Right this minute,

> I'm sitting in a very small sheepherders trailer. My

> computer is powered with a small generator and I'm

> getting Internet access with a satellite connection.

> My computer is networked with my son's who lives

> across the road, and we share a Satellite Hookup. My

> husband and I are building a small straw-bale cabin.

> It is 3/4ths stuccoed on the outside and, hopefully

> we'll finish this weekend.


> We did the first 3/4ths two weeks ago. I couldn't

> help. I managed, with enormous difficulty, to prepare

> a meal for the six people helping with the project.

> The only way I managed even that was by preparing all

> the vegetables for the tacos the day before. I had a

> friend who showed up to help put the meal on the

> table, and she did the clean-up alone afterwards while

> I laid in the hammock, watching my friends do my work

> for me.


> Today, I am typing this letter early in the morning,

> and have every expectation of being in there with my

> husband as he starts mixing new cement. I won't do as

> much as he will - I still have some residual soreness

> that feels bad in my right knee, and I'm still getting

> exhausted very easily, so have to sit down often. But

> - I am actually planning to hold a trowel in my hand

> while I scrape stucco cement onto the walls of my

> house.


> This is a miracle to me. I have tears running down my

> cheeks as I write this. Because of a very simple

> addition to my diet, I'm going to be part of this

> process instead of being an onlooker.


> I have a friend who showed up on the mountain about a

> month ago to tell me about yet one more multi-level

> marketing company she'd gotten involved with. It was

> about the tenth one in as many years that she'd tried

> to con me into getting into, and I finally blew my

> stack at her. I actually shouted - " don't even TELL

> me about it, Jan - I don't want to hear it. I'm sick

> of your MLM schemes! " I'm not kidding. I wasn't

> gentle. It was really very bad of me, because she has

> a hard enough time communicating with people as it is.

> She is extremely deaf, has hearing aids in both ears

> that only help her hear some of the time. But, really

> - enough is enough, and I was truly sick of hearing

> about MLM's.


> But, she persevered. She insisted that I look at some

> pictures. Because I was a little ashamed about

> yelling at her, I looked. Have you ever known someone

> with Down's Syndrome? It's a very specific form of

> birth defect, and is immediately obvious when looking

> at a Downs person. Well, there were two pictures

> right next to each other of a little girl with Downs,

> taken in 1998, and in 2001. The first picture was

> obviously Downs. The second picture was clearly the

> same child - but you couldn't tell she had Downs

> Syndrome. I dropped my mouth open in astonishment.

> She had been in and out of hospitals from birth with

> asthma and all kinds of health difficulties. In 2001,

> she had been completely healthy for a couple of years,

> was an honor roll student in her school, and was

> happy, glowing with health - unbelievable.


> So, I had to start reading. Here's what I learned.


> On the outside of our cells, we have glycoconjugates

> that are the communicators between cells. There can

> be an unbelievable quantity (I can't remember right

> now if it's 200,000 or 2 billion) different

> combinations of various kinds of sugars and proteins

> (glycoproteins) or sugars and fats (glycolipids) that

> make up these glycoconjugates.


> These communicators must have eight Essential Sugars

> (essential in the same way you hear about Essential

> Fatty Acids) to form the correct messages. If these

> sugars are missing, the messages will be incorrect. A

> cell could be screaming " I'm hungry " and the nutrition

> could be passing right on by in the blood stream

> because the rest of the cells see " I'm full " as the

> message. Or, a cell could be saying " I'm weak, defend

> me " and instead the body hears " I'm an enemy of the

> body, destroy me " which is why we have autoimmune

> diseases where the body starts attacking itself.


> We only get two of these sugars in our diets - glucose

> and sucrose. The rest can be made from glucose, but

> it is an exhaustive process, depletes your body's

> resources, and if you're too weak, it won't happen.


> Well, I read enough to be convinced that I had to try

> these essential sugars to find out if it would help

> reduce my pain levels. I still didn't want anything

> to do with an MLM, so I started looking for another

> source of glyconutrients. I went to every health food

> store in two towns and kept hearing the same story -

> " Oh, yes, I've heard of glyconutrients - it's the

> newest science and is very important in our bodies. "

> But they didn't have the products. So, finally, I

> gave up, called Jan, and asked her to bring me an

> application and some products. The application was

> because as much as I despised MLM's I wasn't about to

> pay retail prices.


> The company is Mannatech, and the eight essential

> sugars are in their product called Ambrotose. At

> first, I wanted to take the straight bulk product of

> just the essential sugars. But, I talked to Jan's

> upline - who knew a whole lot more about the stuff

> than Jan did - and she convinced me to try their

> " Optimal Health Pack " which is four products, each

> with some ambrotose in them that address other health

> aspects in our bodies. So, I did.


> I started it on Monday morning - the day after our

> stucco party.


> I woke up Tuesday morning and got out of bed. It was

> astonishing. I twisted and turned. I bent over. I

> flexed my fingers. I actively looked for pain. It

> wasn't there.


> I have never experienced anything so overwhelmingly

> mindboggling in my entire life. And, it's kind of

> funny as I look back on it (from my ancient history

> position of two weeks, LOL) but for some reason, I

> didn't distrust what had happened. I didn't think to

> myself - oh, it'll come back. Maybe that's part of

> the reason it didn't.


> Now, I'm not going to try to con anyone into thinking

> that this 54-year-old body suddenly turned into a

> 20-year-old super athlete. I'm grossly obese, have

> some residual pain in my right knee right now, have a

> bit of stiffness in my neck, and have to rest

> frequently. But, the miracle that putting these eight

> essential sugars into my system has done for me cannot

> be overstated.


> By Friday, I knew I wanted to shout out about this

> stuff to the world. I kept reading, listening to

> tapes Jan gave me, and researching online. I learned

> that there are people in other parts of the world

> where they can use words like " heal " and " cure "

> without worrying about the medical junta coming down

> on them, where people are claiming cures from AIDS

> with the eight essential sugars. And, people with

> cancer are claiming the same - and MS, ADHD, Celiac

> disease - the list is exhaustive!


> But, it isn't only stories. There are more than

> 20,000 research papers, case studies, and scientific

> validation for the effects of the essential sugars.


> So, I decided to build an MLM business. Me - who

> despises anything to do with MLM. But, there's no

> other way to achieve my newly established goal and

> mission in life. I, personally, want to be the direct

> reason for 5,000 people finding relief from pain and

> illness and I want to be the indirect reason for

> 100,000 people finding relief from pain and illness.

> Yes, I'm going to make money along the way - and I'm

> kind of looking forward to that as well, since my

> illness has had me living in poverty for the past

> twenty years. But, the passion in my life is to tell

> people about these eight essential sugars and to get

> them started on the road to pain relief.


> I've already found two - and one of them in a most

> surprising place. My brother started on the products

> yesterday. I didn't know he was in so much pain,

> until he finally admitted to me that he hurt so bad he

> could hardly walk up his front steps with an

> alternating step instead of one-legged. When he saw

> the changes in me, he decided he had to try it

> himself. I can hardly wait to see what happens with

> him.


> Ok, that's my story. I hope you can be helped. I

> truly do. I understand about Internet hoaxes, and

> people who have been through the mill and sold a bill

> of goods just to line the pocketbooks of those who

> don't care who they hurt as long as they make a buck.

> And, I agree about being super cautious when being

> approached by someone online.


> I have a cell phone that I can use to call anywhere in

> the continental United States for free after 8 p.m.

> mountain time, and on weekends. I'd be happy to call

> you and talk to you in person if you'd like. I know

> I'd be more comfortable by having a one-on-one

> conversation rather than communicating only through

> letters. So, if you'd like me to call and talk to

> you, send me your number and a good time to call

> during those times. My number is , but

> it's not likely you'd get more than my message machine

> if you call me. I have to drive about a mile down the

> road to get to the point where our cell phones work

> around the mountain, so mostly I receive messages and

> then make calls.


> I gave you the name of the company and the product for

> one specific reason. If you want to contact the

> company, you'll be able to, without having anything to

> do with me. I'd like to do business with you, but I

> don't want you feeling like you got conned into

> something. So, you're free to go either direction -

> with me or without me.


> You can also do some research online if you'd like at

> http://www.glycoscience.com,

> http://www.glycoinformation.com and

> http://www.mannatech.com


> That's about it. Thank you for listening,

> Sincerely,

> Lua

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To answer both of you at once -

First of all, I didn't intend that letter to be sent to the list.

Harley wrote and asked for information and I was responding to him.

I'm not in the habit of publishing my phone number on the Internet,

and thought the letter would go only to Harley. It appeared that way

in my address box. However, if there is anyone else who can benefit

from this information and might not have received it otherwise, then

it would be good.

I also have always assumed Down's Syndrome could not be changed,

since it is a genetic deformity. But, what if the deformity is a

result of lack of the essential sugars in the mother? I wouldn't

have believed it if I hadn't seen the proof. There is no way to

undue the number of chromosomes, but apparently there is a way to

significantly improve the quality of their lives.

About doctors. Well, first of all, until 1996, there wasn't a

medical textbook that indicated anything other than " glucose provides

energy in the body. " That was about it. The research that's been

done on these essential sugars is very new.

And secondly - well - did you know that the average cancer patient is

worth $300,000 to a doctor? Hmmm...now, let's see...should I treat

with something that will only cost the person $100 or so a month or

should I stick with something that doesn't work, but everyone else

says it's the only way to go, will make the quality of life of the

patient really sucky (chemo and radiation) practically guarantee

another worse bout with cancer in the future (hmm...maybe I'll still

be the doctor for this patient ten years from now when the cancer

moves from breast to lungs) and most likely won't work anyway, but

hey, what the heck, I'll get around $300,000 grand for my efforts and

everyone will think I'm a hero for trying.... hmm....would take a

pretty saintly guy to turn down $300,000.

And finally -about the idea of spamming. This letter was not

supposed to be published to this list. I apologize to anyone who

feels they got spammed, but it was not intentional.


> > This is a lovely story but is like most stories I read of this

> nature and

> > the happy ending evolves into something called " Spam. " Now, I


> said

> > that " Spam " was a good or bad thing, so do not get irritated by


> lack of

> > objectivity and openness when it comes to hearing about new


> But if

> > indeed there were cures, wouldn't our doctors be the first ones


> tell us

> > or do you think our doctors intentionally keep things like this

> from us to

> > make more money? After all, if there were cures such as these,


> would be

> > without " us " for patirents. So I ask you, is there any support

> in " Spam, " or

> > is it merely the dollar signs I read, and not the quotations of

> successful

> > cures?

> > Just curious how everyone feels about this posting.

> > Always,

> > cloud

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To answer both of you at once -

First of all, I didn't intend that letter to be sent to the list.

Harley wrote and asked for information and I was responding to him.

I'm not in the habit of publishing my phone number on the Internet,

and thought the letter would go only to Harley. It appeared that way

in my address box. However, if there is anyone else who can benefit

from this information and might not have received it otherwise, then

it would be good.

I also have always assumed Down's Syndrome could not be changed,

since it is a genetic deformity. But, what if the deformity is a

result of lack of the essential sugars in the mother? I wouldn't

have believed it if I hadn't seen the proof. There is no way to

undue the number of chromosomes, but apparently there is a way to

significantly improve the quality of their lives.

About doctors. Well, first of all, until 1996, there wasn't a

medical textbook that indicated anything other than " glucose provides

energy in the body. " That was about it. The research that's been

done on these essential sugars is very new.

And secondly - well - did you know that the average cancer patient is

worth $300,000 to a doctor? Hmmm...now, let's see...should I treat

with something that will only cost the person $100 or so a month or

should I stick with something that doesn't work, but everyone else

says it's the only way to go, will make the quality of life of the

patient really sucky (chemo and radiation) practically guarantee

another worse bout with cancer in the future (hmm...maybe I'll still

be the doctor for this patient ten years from now when the cancer

moves from breast to lungs) and most likely won't work anyway, but

hey, what the heck, I'll get around $300,000 grand for my efforts and

everyone will think I'm a hero for trying.... hmm....would take a

pretty saintly guy to turn down $300,000.

And finally -about the idea of spamming. This letter was not

supposed to be published to this list. I apologize to anyone who

feels they got spammed, but it was not intentional.


> > This is a lovely story but is like most stories I read of this

> nature and

> > the happy ending evolves into something called " Spam. " Now, I


> said

> > that " Spam " was a good or bad thing, so do not get irritated by


> lack of

> > objectivity and openness when it comes to hearing about new


> But if

> > indeed there were cures, wouldn't our doctors be the first ones


> tell us

> > or do you think our doctors intentionally keep things like this

> from us to

> > make more money? After all, if there were cures such as these,


> would be

> > without " us " for patirents. So I ask you, is there any support

> in " Spam, " or

> > is it merely the dollar signs I read, and not the quotations of

> successful

> > cures?

> > Just curious how everyone feels about this posting.

> > Always,

> > cloud

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To answer both of you at once -

First of all, I didn't intend that letter to be sent to the list.

Harley wrote and asked for information and I was responding to him.

I'm not in the habit of publishing my phone number on the Internet,

and thought the letter would go only to Harley. It appeared that way

in my address box. However, if there is anyone else who can benefit

from this information and might not have received it otherwise, then

it would be good.

I also have always assumed Down's Syndrome could not be changed,

since it is a genetic deformity. But, what if the deformity is a

result of lack of the essential sugars in the mother? I wouldn't

have believed it if I hadn't seen the proof. There is no way to

undue the number of chromosomes, but apparently there is a way to

significantly improve the quality of their lives.

About doctors. Well, first of all, until 1996, there wasn't a

medical textbook that indicated anything other than " glucose provides

energy in the body. " That was about it. The research that's been

done on these essential sugars is very new.

And secondly - well - did you know that the average cancer patient is

worth $300,000 to a doctor? Hmmm...now, let's see...should I treat

with something that will only cost the person $100 or so a month or

should I stick with something that doesn't work, but everyone else

says it's the only way to go, will make the quality of life of the

patient really sucky (chemo and radiation) practically guarantee

another worse bout with cancer in the future (hmm...maybe I'll still

be the doctor for this patient ten years from now when the cancer

moves from breast to lungs) and most likely won't work anyway, but

hey, what the heck, I'll get around $300,000 grand for my efforts and

everyone will think I'm a hero for trying.... hmm....would take a

pretty saintly guy to turn down $300,000.

And finally -about the idea of spamming. This letter was not

supposed to be published to this list. I apologize to anyone who

feels they got spammed, but it was not intentional.


> > This is a lovely story but is like most stories I read of this

> nature and

> > the happy ending evolves into something called " Spam. " Now, I


> said

> > that " Spam " was a good or bad thing, so do not get irritated by


> lack of

> > objectivity and openness when it comes to hearing about new


> But if

> > indeed there were cures, wouldn't our doctors be the first ones


> tell us

> > or do you think our doctors intentionally keep things like this

> from us to

> > make more money? After all, if there were cures such as these,


> would be

> > without " us " for patirents. So I ask you, is there any support

> in " Spam, " or

> > is it merely the dollar signs I read, and not the quotations of

> successful

> > cures?

> > Just curious how everyone feels about this posting.

> > Always,

> > cloud

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This message is considered to be direct selling which is not permitted.

It also made claims of being able to cure Down's Syndrome which is

caused by an extra gene. There is no way a supplement can either get

rid of the extra gene, nor can it repair the damage done by it. If

there were a cure for either Down's Syndrome or cancer, it would be in

all of the main stream journals, and in every paper in the world. This

message also contained links which are not permitted. It would be nice

if we just let this thread die.



list co-moderator

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This message is considered to be direct selling which is not permitted.

It also made claims of being able to cure Down's Syndrome which is

caused by an extra gene. There is no way a supplement can either get

rid of the extra gene, nor can it repair the damage done by it. If

there were a cure for either Down's Syndrome or cancer, it would be in

all of the main stream journals, and in every paper in the world. This

message also contained links which are not permitted. It would be nice

if we just let this thread die.



list co-moderator

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This message is considered to be direct selling which is not permitted.

It also made claims of being able to cure Down's Syndrome which is

caused by an extra gene. There is no way a supplement can either get

rid of the extra gene, nor can it repair the damage done by it. If

there were a cure for either Down's Syndrome or cancer, it would be in

all of the main stream journals, and in every paper in the world. This

message also contained links which are not permitted. It would be nice

if we just let this thread die.



list co-moderator

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  • 6 years later...

At 08:25 AM 8/14/2009, you wrote:

Is the Adwe brand

acetaminophen that I see occasionally next to Gay's sign -off


The ads are put up by Yahoo and have nothing to do with SCD, or




Orleans, Louisiana, USA

Undiagnosed IBS since 1976, SCD since 2001

Darn Good SCD Cook

No Human Children

Shadow & Sunny Longhair Dachshund

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At 08:25 AM 8/14/2009, you wrote:

Is the Adwe brand

acetaminophen that I see occasionally next to Gay's sign -off


The ads are put up by Yahoo and have nothing to do with SCD, or




Orleans, Louisiana, USA

Undiagnosed IBS since 1976, SCD since 2001

Darn Good SCD Cook

No Human Children

Shadow & Sunny Longhair Dachshund

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At 08:25 AM 8/14/2009, you wrote:

Is the Adwe brand

acetaminophen that I see occasionally next to Gay's sign -off


The ads are put up by Yahoo and have nothing to do with SCD, or




Orleans, Louisiana, USA

Undiagnosed IBS since 1976, SCD since 2001

Darn Good SCD Cook

No Human Children

Shadow & Sunny Longhair Dachshund

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