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Re: Colloidal silver -

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Isn't colloidal silver a metal??? I have heard it is dangerous for metal

toxic people. Do you have any info on it? I have been treating the yeast

and clostridia VERY aggressively but I think when I back off it is back



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>>> Isn't colloidal silver a metal???

Yes, it is.

>>I have heard it is dangerous for metal toxic people. Do you have

any info on it?

This I don't know. Maybe Moria has something on it. I know it is in

some miniscule size so it is supposed to work in a positive way. The

other thing to remember is I only used it 10 days in a row just as

any other antibiotic. I know some sites and people advocate using it

every day like a vitamin or something, and I am not sure at all I

would go with that - this is what may cause that agraria skin color

change, the long time use. If you are metal toxic, this may be a

special situation.

Have you gone with any prescription yeast and bacteria fighters?

That may be necessary for a round or two along with the alternative



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Okay, I found a lot of nothing, but then found this:


" Apparently, silver colloids are mostly absorbed in the upper

gastrointestinal tract, since colloidal silver does not seem to

adversely affect friendly bacteria in the lower intestines. Silver

can be toxic to nerve cells in the brain and spinal cord, but is

normally prevented from entering those areas by the blood-brain


The body eliminates excess silver via the metallothiones. These

ubiquitous proteins, first characterized in 1957, have the property

of binding with heavy metals, such as silver, into metal-thiolate-

cluster structures which aid in transportation, storage, and

elimination of nonessential trace metals which enter the body. "

Since most of us have added " metallothiones " to our vocabulary list,

and there is evidence that for whatever reason, this pathway is not

working well in those that are metal toxic, it would seem best to

avoid adding colloidal silver if you are metal toxic because the

body is not eliminating the excess metals well. Thank you for

bringing this up. It certainly isn't spelled out on the silver sites.


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  • 2 years later...
Guest guest

Hi. I saw your note and just felt compelled to send a note in response. I

understand your question and the possible " conflict of interest " by referring

people to a site that we operate. However, we would like you to know that

the products really are of the highest quality, and we contribute to the forum

when we're confident that we're accurate. My wife has been heavily involved

in nutritional product for over 10 years. She has used Dr. 's protocols

to cure several people now.

I can send you a link to the manufacturer of the silver product if you like,

but its the same information. The problem with colloidal silver has always

been the delivery of silver ions to the body. Silver 100 does it better than

any product in the world, and it's one of the cheapest to use.

I would feel negligent if I didn't share this product with someone who is

searching for a good silver product.






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Silver ions do not last long in the body, because they combine right away with

the chloride ions in the blood and stomach acid to form silver chloride. Silver

chloride is harmless, but not effective against bacteria or viruses. Ionic

silver can be effective topically.

See the full info on this at

http://silver-colloids.com/Papers/FAQ.html#keep-in-solution. Here are few


" Why is it important to know how much of the total is ionic?

The benefits of colloidal silver in the human body are produced by the nanometer

sized metallic silver particles not the ions. In most colloidal silver products

a large quantity of ionic silver is produced as a by-product of generating the

silver particles. The prominent methods of production are electrochemical

processes using either low voltage DC current or high voltage AC. Both the AC

and DC process may employ a constant voltage or a constant current source. Both

the DC and the high voltage AC produce a significant percentage of the total

silver as ionic. Typically, 75 - 99% of total silver is ionic depending on

process variables. In some products claiming very high concentration levels,

almost the entire silver content is ionic. To state the silver concentration in

ppm without specifying what percentage is ionic is misleading to say the least.

Therefore, it is important to know what percentage of the silver concentration

is ionic to properly evaluate the quality and effectiveness of the product.

>>Top of page

What happens when colloidal silver is ingested?

Upon ingestion, the ionic silver present in most colloidal silver solutions will

immediately come into contact with the hydrochloric (HCl) acid that normally

exists in the stomach to digest food. The chloride ion from the hydrochloric

acid combines at once with the silver ion to form silver chloride, an insoluble

silver compound. Since hydrochloric acid does not dissolve metallic silver, the

silver particles remain unaffected by the stomach acid. Some of the remaining

silver particles, due to their nanometer size will pass easily through the

lining of the gastro-intestinal tract and will be absorbed into the bloodstream

where they will circulate and come in contact with pathogens which will be

killed on contact. The silver chloride that precipitates in the stomach

consists of large molecules. Silver chloride that is not absorbed into the

bloodstream will be passed out of the body with solid waste. Silver chloride

that does get absorbed through the lining of the GI tract into the bloodstream

will be removed by the kidneys and passed out of the body in urine. >>Top of


How else can colloidal silver particles get into the body?

Colloidal silver can enter the blood stream directly by at least two different

means. The first is through the lungs by using a nebulizer to convert the

colloidal silver into micron size droplets and then inhaling these droplets. The

small size of the silver particles and silver ions will pass through the lung

tissue directly into the blood stream. Once in the blood stream, the particles

will circulate with the blood but the ions will immediately combine with the

plentiful supply of chloride ions in the serum. Human blood serum contains a

large quantity of sodium and potassium chloride. The chloride ions are present

in the serum in high concentration, typically 3500 ppm. The chloride ions

immediately combine with the silver ions to form silver chloride. The large

silver chloride molecules will be removed from the blood stream by the kidneys

and passed out of the body in urine.

The second way colloidal silver can pass directly into the blood stream is by

sublingual absorption. The thin membranes under the tongue will pass the small

particles and ions directly into the blood stream. Once in the blood stream, the

ions will precipitate out as described above leaving the particles to circulate

with the blood.

Because the silver ions cannot exist for long in the human body regardless of

the entry mechanism, they really represent an undesired byproduct that is passed

from the body as waste. The ideal colloidal silver would maximize the percentage

of particles and minimize the percent of ions. Since typical colloidal silver

products contain a very high percentage of ionic silver, there is a lot of

potential for improvement by reducing the ionic content as close to zero percent

as possible. >>Top of page

Is there a simple way to demonstrate the ionic silver present?

To demonstrate ionic silver content, all that is needed, is a chloride ion

source to be added to a small amount of colloidal silver. Normal table salt is

sodium chloride (NaCl). When table salt is dissolved in water it decomposes into

sodium ions and chloride ions. To demonstrate: Place a small amount (1-2 ounces)

of colloidal silver in a clear glass. Add a few grains of table salt. Observe

that as the salt dissolves a white cloud of silver chloride forms in the

solution. Eventually, the entire solution will turn cloudy. If more salt is

added, the white silver chloride will become denser until all the silver ions

have combined with the available chlorine ions. If no silver ions are present

then no white cloud will form. "

Hope this helps!

Arthur Doerksen


Re: Colloidal Silver -

Hi. I saw your note and just felt compelled to send a note in response. I

understand your question and the possible " conflict of interest " by referring

people to a site that we operate. However, we would like you to know that

the products really are of the highest quality, and we contribute to the


when we're confident that we're accurate. My wife has been heavily involved

in nutritional product for over 10 years. She has used Dr. 's protocols

to cure several people now.

I can send you a link to the manufacturer of the silver product if you like,

but its the same information. The problem with colloidal silver has always

been the delivery of silver ions to the body. Silver 100 does it better than

any product in the world, and it's one of the cheapest to use.

I would feel negligent if I didn't share this product with someone who is

searching for a good silver product.






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> Silver ions do not last long in the body, because they combine right

> away with the chloride ions in the blood and stomach acid to form

> silver chloride. Silver chloride is harmless, but not effective

> against bacteria or viruses. Ionic silver can be effective topically.

The theoretical concept above is taken from a website with an agenda

to discredit electrocolloidal ionic silver. The statements are not

science backed at this time; this has been a topic of discussion on

the silver list http://silverlist.org

Roman soldiers used to swallow a single particle -- a whole silver

coin -- to keep dysentery down while on the march. Obviously it's not

the particle itself but the ions released from it that kill the



Duncan Crow





#410, 2556 Dingwall St

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