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Marathon Update

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WE DID IT !!!!! Francisco and I did 14 miles!! Actually I did 16,

one extra mile for getting lost on the course and one for the course

being mismarked for the half marathoners!! I am sore but its a good

acomplished sore. I finished in a little over 5 hours. Imagine that

5 hours!! It was amazing. They had set up a balloon arch finish

line and as we came in we each got to break the tape!! And then they

hung a medallion around our necks. It was very emotional and

Francisco was there waiting for me at the finish line. I practically

fell into his hug, crying with sheer exhaustion and yet exhileration

that I had indeed accomplished this amazing feat!!! After a few

minutes celebrating with the AIDS staff, we went and took a cool off

dip in the ocean. We were really being tossed around by the waves. I

joked that two years ago we would have been solid rocks against the

waves and now here we were being tossed like rag dolls. He even kept

me from going under at one point, when a particularly big wave hit

us!! It was great. Then Francisco, and I had a nice picnic

lunch in Golden Gate Park by the Windmill. I have to say is

such a great guy, he totally makes sure to bring only post op pouch

appropriate food, even to the point of knowing how many slices are

in an ounce of cheese!!! He really takes care to learn about

Francisco's nutritional needs and also what differences this journey

brings. For example(I hope you dont mind me sharing this Francisco)

after our dip in the ocean, Francisco wanted to put on a dry shirt,

so he took off his wet one by the car... knew how huge that

was to Francisco...that a few years even a few months ago, Francisco

would never have done that and comment on him. Very sweet guy...He

is definitely a keeper my dear friend.

Im having a very emotional day, taking in all Ive accomplished this



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