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Re: I'm Back..

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Damian has to be scared to death that you'll end up hurting yourself and he feels he cant help. I sure it comes out flippent-- but it's pure fear.

It's easier to avoid being around than to fail at taking care of you. I do hope that you've got your parents nearby. Or at least ask for some in-home help--even if it's just a few hrs a day.


Love to you my friend,


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Damian has to be scared to death that you'll end up hurting yourself and he feels he cant help. I sure it comes out flippent-- but it's pure fear.

It's easier to avoid being around than to fail at taking care of you. I do hope that you've got your parents nearby. Or at least ask for some in-home help--even if it's just a few hrs a day.


Love to you my friend,


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>,I'm so sorry for what you are going through. As for Damian, it

starts around 12 and they really show no signs of intelligent life

until about 26.



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Guest guest


>,I'm so sorry for what you are going through. As for Damian, it

starts around 12 and they really show no signs of intelligent life

until about 26.



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Guest guest


>,I'm so sorry for what you are going through. As for Damian, it

starts around 12 and they really show no signs of intelligent life

until about 26.



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Oh, wow, . How the heck did you get into renal failure? Did they figure it out, so it won't happen again? Did you break bones in both feet? I think there was a typo.

As for Damian, most teens I've known seem to go through an alien/subhuman phase. You know how much he loves & appreciates you, and when the pod people let him back in his body, he'll demonstrate it.

You don't smoke, do you? If so, suck up & quit for at least a couple of weeks. Research is showing that nicotine interferes with the healing of fractures, especially in the early days. Unfortunately, the nicotine gum/patches, etc. aren't any better for this purpose.

Ramblin' Rose


Reply-To: Neurosarcoidosis To: "NS Group" <Neurosarcoidosis >Subject: I'm Back..Date: Sat, 4 Mar 2006 14:28:08 -0600 (Central Standard Time)

Hi everyone, sorry about leaving so abruptly but as most of you know, I wasn't well at all last weekend. Well low and behold, I got up three times Saturday Night and Sunday morning, and fell three more times. One of those times I broke my left foot, then if that wasn't bad enough I got up Sunday morning and fell and broke my Left ankle and 3 toes... I was taken to Nashville in an ambulance, where I was immediately found to be in Renal failure, the slap 2 units of blood on me, then I've been in the hospital every since then. I got home today, where they started to put me in an Sub-acute unit, which looked like the nursing home to me, and if I needed a nursing home I would have been happy to stay, but once I got there last night, the occupational therapist asked if I could walk, well no, I have to broken legs.. sooo, I can stand to put some weight on my left foot, but nothing at all on my right.

I had to beg one of my cousins to come and get me, so now I'm home alone, Damian refused to stay with me. So, I'm home alone... Yes, this is the lovable boy that I adopted.. and wish now we were back in the day when a beating was a mere spanking...

~~~~ *** ~~~ *** ~~~ *** ~~~~The Neurosarcoidosis CommunityNS CHAT:- Has been cancelled for now.Message Archives:-http://groups.yahoo.com/group/Neurosarcoidosis/messagesMembers Database:-Listings of locations, phone numbers, and instant messengers.http://groups.yahoo.com/group/Neurosarcoidosis/database

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Oh, wow, . How the heck did you get into renal failure? Did they figure it out, so it won't happen again? Did you break bones in both feet? I think there was a typo.

As for Damian, most teens I've known seem to go through an alien/subhuman phase. You know how much he loves & appreciates you, and when the pod people let him back in his body, he'll demonstrate it.

You don't smoke, do you? If so, suck up & quit for at least a couple of weeks. Research is showing that nicotine interferes with the healing of fractures, especially in the early days. Unfortunately, the nicotine gum/patches, etc. aren't any better for this purpose.

Ramblin' Rose


Reply-To: Neurosarcoidosis To: "NS Group" <Neurosarcoidosis >Subject: I'm Back..Date: Sat, 4 Mar 2006 14:28:08 -0600 (Central Standard Time)

Hi everyone, sorry about leaving so abruptly but as most of you know, I wasn't well at all last weekend. Well low and behold, I got up three times Saturday Night and Sunday morning, and fell three more times. One of those times I broke my left foot, then if that wasn't bad enough I got up Sunday morning and fell and broke my Left ankle and 3 toes... I was taken to Nashville in an ambulance, where I was immediately found to be in Renal failure, the slap 2 units of blood on me, then I've been in the hospital every since then. I got home today, where they started to put me in an Sub-acute unit, which looked like the nursing home to me, and if I needed a nursing home I would have been happy to stay, but once I got there last night, the occupational therapist asked if I could walk, well no, I have to broken legs.. sooo, I can stand to put some weight on my left foot, but nothing at all on my right.

I had to beg one of my cousins to come and get me, so now I'm home alone, Damian refused to stay with me. So, I'm home alone... Yes, this is the lovable boy that I adopted.. and wish now we were back in the day when a beating was a mere spanking...

~~~~ *** ~~~ *** ~~~ *** ~~~~The Neurosarcoidosis CommunityNS CHAT:- Has been cancelled for now.Message Archives:-http://groups.yahoo.com/group/Neurosarcoidosis/messagesMembers Database:-Listings of locations, phone numbers, and instant messengers.http://groups.yahoo.com/group/Neurosarcoidosis/database

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They said I went into renal failure because of fluid depletion/dehydration, and I also had a Hematocrit of 26.. I was confused out the rear end, and couldn't even tell them my name.. I've known it for some while now, so you know I had to be gone, and the thing is after 2 units of blood and 30 liters of Normal Saline, my Hematocrit was 27 at the time of my discharge, I've had a colonoscopy, a endoscopy and a Upper GI with small bowel follow through, I don't have a Iron defenciey, so she said it had to be due to my chronic illness... Hmm, that sounds weird...

But about the broken bones, my tibia on my Right leg with three broken toes, then I have a broken foot on the L...I've never smoked so smoking is not an issue with me.. So no worries there.

As far as Damian goes you guys, I know he's scared, I would be too. But I still wouldn't have left my mom all a lone her first night from the hospital to fend for herself. He came back yesterday, with his list of demands.. Which was to switch bedrooms with me, since I would be waking him up in the middle of the night, He is very distant.. We've always had a great relationship.. and dang if this doesn't hurt.. I know he's 16 and trying to learn how to be a man, but he was very hurtful to me. Its not like I picked him out of a line of kids that wanted a new home, but was a scared 5 year old that was running from the law, wet dirty, hungry...etc.. and had "NO" home.. I'm sure it will get better, it has to it can't get much worse..


-- I'm Back..Date: Sat, 4 Mar 2006 14:28:08 -0600 (Central Standard Time)

Hi everyone, sorry about leaving so abruptly but as most of you know, I wasn't well at all last weekend. Well low and behold, I got up three times Saturday Night and Sunday morning, and fell three more times. One of those times I broke my left foot, then if that wasn't bad enough I got up Sunday morning and fell and broke my Left ankle and 3 toes... I was taken to Nashville in an ambulance, where I was immediately found to be in Renal failure, the slap 2 units of blood on me, then I've been in the hospital every since then. I got home today, where they started to put me in an Sub-acute unit, which looked like the nursing home to me, and if I needed a nursing home I would have been happy to stay, but once I got there last night, the occupational therapist asked if I could walk, well no, I have to broken legs.. sooo, I can stand to put some weight on my left foot, but nothing at all on my right.

I had to beg one of my cousins to come and get me, so now I'm home alone, Damian refused to stay with me. So, I'm home alone... Yes, this is the lovable boy that I adopted.. and wish now we were back in the day when a beating was a mere spanking...

~~~~ *** ~~~ *** ~~~ *** ~~~~The Neurosarcoidosis CommunityNS CHAT:- Has been cancelled for now.Message Archives:-http://groups.yahoo.com/group/Neurosarcoidosis/messagesMembers Database:-Listings of locations, phone numbers, and instant messengers.http://groups.yahoo.com/group/Neurosarcoidosis/database

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They said I went into renal failure because of fluid depletion/dehydration, and I also had a Hematocrit of 26.. I was confused out the rear end, and couldn't even tell them my name.. I've known it for some while now, so you know I had to be gone, and the thing is after 2 units of blood and 30 liters of Normal Saline, my Hematocrit was 27 at the time of my discharge, I've had a colonoscopy, a endoscopy and a Upper GI with small bowel follow through, I don't have a Iron defenciey, so she said it had to be due to my chronic illness... Hmm, that sounds weird...

But about the broken bones, my tibia on my Right leg with three broken toes, then I have a broken foot on the L...I've never smoked so smoking is not an issue with me.. So no worries there.

As far as Damian goes you guys, I know he's scared, I would be too. But I still wouldn't have left my mom all a lone her first night from the hospital to fend for herself. He came back yesterday, with his list of demands.. Which was to switch bedrooms with me, since I would be waking him up in the middle of the night, He is very distant.. We've always had a great relationship.. and dang if this doesn't hurt.. I know he's 16 and trying to learn how to be a man, but he was very hurtful to me. Its not like I picked him out of a line of kids that wanted a new home, but was a scared 5 year old that was running from the law, wet dirty, hungry...etc.. and had "NO" home.. I'm sure it will get better, it has to it can't get much worse..


-- I'm Back..Date: Sat, 4 Mar 2006 14:28:08 -0600 (Central Standard Time)

Hi everyone, sorry about leaving so abruptly but as most of you know, I wasn't well at all last weekend. Well low and behold, I got up three times Saturday Night and Sunday morning, and fell three more times. One of those times I broke my left foot, then if that wasn't bad enough I got up Sunday morning and fell and broke my Left ankle and 3 toes... I was taken to Nashville in an ambulance, where I was immediately found to be in Renal failure, the slap 2 units of blood on me, then I've been in the hospital every since then. I got home today, where they started to put me in an Sub-acute unit, which looked like the nursing home to me, and if I needed a nursing home I would have been happy to stay, but once I got there last night, the occupational therapist asked if I could walk, well no, I have to broken legs.. sooo, I can stand to put some weight on my left foot, but nothing at all on my right.

I had to beg one of my cousins to come and get me, so now I'm home alone, Damian refused to stay with me. So, I'm home alone... Yes, this is the lovable boy that I adopted.. and wish now we were back in the day when a beating was a mere spanking...

~~~~ *** ~~~ *** ~~~ *** ~~~~The Neurosarcoidosis CommunityNS CHAT:- Has been cancelled for now.Message Archives:-http://groups.yahoo.com/group/Neurosarcoidosis/messagesMembers Database:-Listings of locations, phone numbers, and instant messengers.http://groups.yahoo.com/group/Neurosarcoidosis/database

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Hi I don't have kids and i would be worried if I had a 16 year old as im only 26, but I have experienced the way that people around you cope, I have some family that almost prefer to think I dont exist and some make it seem like such a big effort it is to come and see you and will leave you to cope on your own. He's only young and just doesnt know what to do or how to cope, being this age he probably doesnt even realise this is what he's doing or why he is doing it. You can try and talk to him but you need to go about it in the right way or he will think your having a go at him. Try and get help from elsewhere then this will make him feel like the pressure is off him and in time your baby boy will come back to you. Clair xx wrote: Hi everyone, sorry about leaving so abruptly but as most of you know, I wasn't well at all last weekend. Well low and behold, I got up three times Saturday Night and Sunday

morning, and fell three more times. One of those times I broke my left foot, then if that wasn't bad enough I got up Sunday morning and fell and broke my Left ankle and 3 toes... I was taken to Nashville in an ambulance, where I was immediately found to be in Renal failure, the slap 2 units of blood on me, then I've been in the hospital every since then. I got home today, where they started to put me in an Sub-acute unit, which looked like the nursing home to me, and if I needed a nursing home I would have been happy to stay, but once I got there last night, the occupational therapist asked if I could walk, well no, I have to broken legs.. sooo, I can stand to put some weight on my left foot, but nothing at all on my right. I had to beg one of my cousins to come and get me, so now I'm home alone, Damian refused to stay with me. So, I'm home alone... Yes, this is the lovable boy that I adopted.. and wish now we were back in the day

when a beating was a mere spanking...

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Guest guest

Hi I don't have kids and i would be worried if I had a 16 year old as im only 26, but I have experienced the way that people around you cope, I have some family that almost prefer to think I dont exist and some make it seem like such a big effort it is to come and see you and will leave you to cope on your own. He's only young and just doesnt know what to do or how to cope, being this age he probably doesnt even realise this is what he's doing or why he is doing it. You can try and talk to him but you need to go about it in the right way or he will think your having a go at him. Try and get help from elsewhere then this will make him feel like the pressure is off him and in time your baby boy will come back to you. Clair xx wrote: Hi everyone, sorry about leaving so abruptly but as most of you know, I wasn't well at all last weekend. Well low and behold, I got up three times Saturday Night and Sunday

morning, and fell three more times. One of those times I broke my left foot, then if that wasn't bad enough I got up Sunday morning and fell and broke my Left ankle and 3 toes... I was taken to Nashville in an ambulance, where I was immediately found to be in Renal failure, the slap 2 units of blood on me, then I've been in the hospital every since then. I got home today, where they started to put me in an Sub-acute unit, which looked like the nursing home to me, and if I needed a nursing home I would have been happy to stay, but once I got there last night, the occupational therapist asked if I could walk, well no, I have to broken legs.. sooo, I can stand to put some weight on my left foot, but nothing at all on my right. I had to beg one of my cousins to come and get me, so now I'm home alone, Damian refused to stay with me. So, I'm home alone... Yes, this is the lovable boy that I adopted.. and wish now we were back in the day

when a beating was a mere spanking...

Yahoo! Cars NEW - sell your car and browse thousands of new and used cars online search now

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Guest guest

Hi I don't have kids and i would be worried if I had a 16 year old as im only 26, but I have experienced the way that people around you cope, I have some family that almost prefer to think I dont exist and some make it seem like such a big effort it is to come and see you and will leave you to cope on your own. He's only young and just doesnt know what to do or how to cope, being this age he probably doesnt even realise this is what he's doing or why he is doing it. You can try and talk to him but you need to go about it in the right way or he will think your having a go at him. Try and get help from elsewhere then this will make him feel like the pressure is off him and in time your baby boy will come back to you. Clair xx wrote: Hi everyone, sorry about leaving so abruptly but as most of you know, I wasn't well at all last weekend. Well low and behold, I got up three times Saturday Night and Sunday

morning, and fell three more times. One of those times I broke my left foot, then if that wasn't bad enough I got up Sunday morning and fell and broke my Left ankle and 3 toes... I was taken to Nashville in an ambulance, where I was immediately found to be in Renal failure, the slap 2 units of blood on me, then I've been in the hospital every since then. I got home today, where they started to put me in an Sub-acute unit, which looked like the nursing home to me, and if I needed a nursing home I would have been happy to stay, but once I got there last night, the occupational therapist asked if I could walk, well no, I have to broken legs.. sooo, I can stand to put some weight on my left foot, but nothing at all on my right. I had to beg one of my cousins to come and get me, so now I'm home alone, Damian refused to stay with me. So, I'm home alone... Yes, this is the lovable boy that I adopted.. and wish now we were back in the day

when a beating was a mere spanking...

Yahoo! Cars NEW - sell your car and browse thousands of new and used cars online search now

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Clair sweetie, Thank you so much.. Coming from someone closer to his age, makes a big difference.. I don't think I've had the pleasure of meeting you before, but it really does make me feel better to know that even though your 10 years his senior, I'm way to old to barely remember 16... lol Sooooo.. THANKS!!!Hugz,


-- Re: I'm Back..


I don't have kids and i would be worried if I had a 16 year old as im only 26, but I have experienced the way that people around you cope, I have some family that almost prefer to think I dont exist and some make it seem like such a big effort it is to come and see you and will leave you to cope on your own.

He's only young and just doesnt know what to do or how to cope, being this age he probably doesnt even realise this is what he's doing or why he is doing it.

You can try and talk to him but you need to go about it in the right way or he will think your having a go at him.

Try and get help from elsewhere then this will make him feel like the pressure is off him and in time your baby boy will come back to you.


xx wrote:

Hi everyone, sorry about leaving so abruptly but as most of you know, I wasn't well at all last weekend. Well low and behold, I got up three times Saturday Night and Sunday morning, and fell three more times. One of those times I broke my left foot, then if that wasn't bad enough I got up Sunday morning and fell and broke my Left ankle and 3 toes... I was taken to Nashville in an ambulance, where I was immediately found to be in Renal failure, the slap 2 units of blood on me, then I've been in the hospital every since then. I got home today, where they started to put me in an Sub-acute unit, which looked like the nursing home to me, and if I needed a nursing home I would have been happy to stay, but once I got there last night, the occupational therapist asked if I could walk, well no, I have to broken legs.. sooo, I can stand to put some weight on my left foot, but nothing at all on my right.

I had to beg one of my cousins to come and get me, so now I'm home alone, Damian refused to stay with me. So, I'm home alone... Yes, this is the lovable boy that I adopted.. and wish now we were back in the day when a beating was a mere spanking...

Yahoo! Cars NEW - sell your car and browse thousands of new and used cars online search now

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Clair sweetie, Thank you so much.. Coming from someone closer to his age, makes a big difference.. I don't think I've had the pleasure of meeting you before, but it really does make me feel better to know that even though your 10 years his senior, I'm way to old to barely remember 16... lol Sooooo.. THANKS!!!Hugz,


-- Re: I'm Back..


I don't have kids and i would be worried if I had a 16 year old as im only 26, but I have experienced the way that people around you cope, I have some family that almost prefer to think I dont exist and some make it seem like such a big effort it is to come and see you and will leave you to cope on your own.

He's only young and just doesnt know what to do or how to cope, being this age he probably doesnt even realise this is what he's doing or why he is doing it.

You can try and talk to him but you need to go about it in the right way or he will think your having a go at him.

Try and get help from elsewhere then this will make him feel like the pressure is off him and in time your baby boy will come back to you.


xx wrote:

Hi everyone, sorry about leaving so abruptly but as most of you know, I wasn't well at all last weekend. Well low and behold, I got up three times Saturday Night and Sunday morning, and fell three more times. One of those times I broke my left foot, then if that wasn't bad enough I got up Sunday morning and fell and broke my Left ankle and 3 toes... I was taken to Nashville in an ambulance, where I was immediately found to be in Renal failure, the slap 2 units of blood on me, then I've been in the hospital every since then. I got home today, where they started to put me in an Sub-acute unit, which looked like the nursing home to me, and if I needed a nursing home I would have been happy to stay, but once I got there last night, the occupational therapist asked if I could walk, well no, I have to broken legs.. sooo, I can stand to put some weight on my left foot, but nothing at all on my right.

I had to beg one of my cousins to come and get me, so now I'm home alone, Damian refused to stay with me. So, I'm home alone... Yes, this is the lovable boy that I adopted.. and wish now we were back in the day when a beating was a mere spanking...

Yahoo! Cars NEW - sell your car and browse thousands of new and used cars online search now

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Guest guest

Clair sweetie, Thank you so much.. Coming from someone closer to his age, makes a big difference.. I don't think I've had the pleasure of meeting you before, but it really does make me feel better to know that even though your 10 years his senior, I'm way to old to barely remember 16... lol Sooooo.. THANKS!!!Hugz,


-- Re: I'm Back..


I don't have kids and i would be worried if I had a 16 year old as im only 26, but I have experienced the way that people around you cope, I have some family that almost prefer to think I dont exist and some make it seem like such a big effort it is to come and see you and will leave you to cope on your own.

He's only young and just doesnt know what to do or how to cope, being this age he probably doesnt even realise this is what he's doing or why he is doing it.

You can try and talk to him but you need to go about it in the right way or he will think your having a go at him.

Try and get help from elsewhere then this will make him feel like the pressure is off him and in time your baby boy will come back to you.


xx wrote:

Hi everyone, sorry about leaving so abruptly but as most of you know, I wasn't well at all last weekend. Well low and behold, I got up three times Saturday Night and Sunday morning, and fell three more times. One of those times I broke my left foot, then if that wasn't bad enough I got up Sunday morning and fell and broke my Left ankle and 3 toes... I was taken to Nashville in an ambulance, where I was immediately found to be in Renal failure, the slap 2 units of blood on me, then I've been in the hospital every since then. I got home today, where they started to put me in an Sub-acute unit, which looked like the nursing home to me, and if I needed a nursing home I would have been happy to stay, but once I got there last night, the occupational therapist asked if I could walk, well no, I have to broken legs.. sooo, I can stand to put some weight on my left foot, but nothing at all on my right.

I had to beg one of my cousins to come and get me, so now I'm home alone, Damian refused to stay with me. So, I'm home alone... Yes, this is the lovable boy that I adopted.. and wish now we were back in the day when a beating was a mere spanking...

Yahoo! Cars NEW - sell your car and browse thousands of new and used cars online search now

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Hi Im quite new to the group and my girlfriend is 21 and she's my main carer so she's probably understands even more about whats going on for him. She finds it hard to cope as well and that sometimes comes across to e like she doesnt care and Ive realised its all to easy for me to only think about me and whats happening to me and I havent stopped to think how she feels which she has explained she feels useless as she cant help me or take the pain away, as a parent imagine if it was you biy that was sick and how it would make you feel if you couldnt do anything to help him, youve always been there for him and suddenly you couldnt do anything - this is how my dad gets, he is so used to being mr fix it no matter what and it frustrates him that he cant help me ! I also imagine your son is feeling like his security blanket and just been pulled from him and so he's all exposed and alone. Just keep reminding him your not going to leave him and build the security back

up. Hope things get better for you both. xx wrote: Clair sweetie, Thank you so much.. Coming from someone closer to his age, makes a big difference.. I don't think I've had the pleasure of meeting you before, but it really does make me feel better to know that even though your 10 years his senior, I'm way to old to barely remember 16... lol Sooooo.. THANKS!!!Hugz, t -- Re: I'm Back.. Hi I don't have kids and i would be worried if I had a 16 year old as im only 26, but I have experienced the way that people around you cope, I have some family that almost prefer to think I dont exist and some make it seem like such a big effort it is to come and see you and will leave you to cope on your own. He's only young and just doesnt know what to do or how to cope, being this age he probably doesnt even realise this is what he's doing or why he is doing it. You can try and talk to him but you need to go about it in the right way or he will think your having a go at him. Try and get help from elsewhere then this will make him feel like the pressure is off him and in time your baby boy will come back to you. Clair xx wrote: Hi everyone, sorry about leaving so abruptly but as most of you know, I wasn't well at all last weekend. Well low and

behold, I got up three times Saturday Night and Sunday morning, and fell three more times. One of those times I broke my left foot, then if that wasn't bad enough I got up Sunday morning and fell and broke my Left ankle and 3 toes... I was taken to Nashville in an ambulance, where I was immediately found to be in Renal failure, the slap 2 units of blood on me, then I've been in the hospital every since then. I got home today, where they started to put me in an Sub-acute unit, which looked like the nursing home to me, and if I needed a nursing home I would have been happy to stay, but once I got there last night, the occupational therapist asked if I could walk, well no, I have to broken legs.. sooo, I can stand to put some weight on my left foot, but nothing at all on my right. I had to beg one of my cousins to come and get me, so now I'm home alone, Damian refused to stay with me. So, I'm home alone... Yes, this is the lovable boy

that I adopted.. and wish now we were back in the day when a beating was a mere spanking... Yahoo! Cars NEW - sell your car and browse thousands of new and used cars online search now

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