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some tips I received...long

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I just received this from Slimfast..yes I am still on there mailing

list..does have some GOOD info that they send me at times!!! I have copied

this and changed a few things to be more geared for us. You will notice the

changes with **WORDS INSIDE** I did remove the " slimfast " name and products,

and changed them, so you can see my changes. Hope you enjoy!!

No matter how hard a bear tries,

he WILL NOT lose weight without exercise!!

~Winnie the Pooh

Lots Of Love....


A Toxic Environment

Have you ever stopped to think how many fast food restaurants are within a

15-minute ride of your home? Have you noticed restaurant menus now feature

" SuperSize " portions, with great, low prices? Look around, folks are downing

donuts, biting burgers and sipping sodas just about everywhere. Restaurant

portion sizes get bigger every day. Wholesale club stores offer quantity

packaging with outrageously low pricing. It has become such a part of our

landscape, we hardly notice anymore.

Several nutrition and health experts feel this situation is causing obesity

rates to soar and deem ours a " toxic food environment " . While " toxic " may be

too strong a word, Americans have an unprecedented access to a poor diet -

to high calorie foods that are widely available, low in cost, heavily

advertised and good tasting. The result: expanding waistlines and

diet-related diseases.

This " toxic environment " also includes barriers to physical activity. For

example, people may live in neighborhoods where walking or running outside

is just too dangerous. And they may not be able to afford a health club.

Plus, energy-saving devices contribute to the situation because they

discourage people from being physically active. Power lawnmowers, garage

door openers, remote controls, video games, televisions, computers and the

Internet are also part of the problem.

What can you do to protect yourself against this toxic onslaught?

1. Be creative in resisting pressures to buy unhealthy foods. Plan healthy

family meals. Stock up on **PROTEIN** products for nutritious, convenient

meals & snacks on the go.

2. Get angry. When you see junk food, remember they are in business to feed

high-fat food to as many people as possible. Just say NO.

3. When you fill your car with gas, use a credit card. Avoid entering the

Food Pantry Shop, with its full array of junk food temptations.

5. Carry *PROTEIN SHAKES & BARS** with you. Enjoy a nutritious treat when

you do get hungry. Remember to drink water with it, too!

6. Stay away from the mall's food court. Have a quick **PROTEIN** shake

before you go shopping. **OR** Take your **SELF & THE** kids out for a

healthy dinner before they go off to the mall. Ask for a doggie bag for

large portions. **OBVIOUSLY!!!!!**

7.Keep yourself and your family active. Take bike rides, go for family swims

at the Y, walk to the movie theater, go hiking, play some ball. Expect your

kids to do chores around the house and set a good example for them. ** HEY,


8. Stay in charge of your eating and your health.


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