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Re: Weightloss poll check

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Wow, Stacey, that's amazing!! Do you remember how much you had lost about a month and a half ago (six weeks)?

Robynn"Jenne, Stacey ARMC-Nutrition Services" wrote:

I am 6 months post op (tomorrow( with a total of 129 pounds lost (97 fromthe surgery and 32 before)I lost a lot of hair. Started at about 4 months and now I am not losing anyother normal hair loss. I do have a lot of new hair that is about 3 - 4inches in length, so it is coming back. Yeah!!!Stacey-----Original Message-----From: gastric-bypass-support-kaiser-patients [mailto:gastric-bypass-support-kaiser-patients <mailto:gastric-bypass-support-kaiser-patients > ]On BehalfOf Pamela A MarshSent: Tuesday, June 28, 2005 11:33 AMTo: gastric-bypass-support-kaiser-patients Subject: Re: Re: OK...Weightlosspoll check at 4.5 monthsLets see. I have lost 81.5 pounds total and

I amalmost 5 months (July 5th will be 5 months). 54.5post surgery (27 pre surgery).Hair loss. I have not lost a whole lot but it hasshedded but nothing out of the ordinary. I even had 1inch cut from my hair. I only noticed it when I combit and not so much when I wash it. In fact none cameout during the washing process and I have a lady at asalon doing my hair.Robynn, even if you had no hair, you are stillBEAUTIFUL. It will grow back to. I think with thehair issue it tends to probably get thinner versuscoming out but I could not be wrong.I hope that helps.Pam Marsh--- Robynn VanPatten wrote:> > > WIth the adjustment to the date...I will be out of> surgery approximately 4.5 months. So, I have the> following questions for people:> > 1. How much post-surgery weight

had you lost at 4.5> months?> 2. What was your hair loss situation at that point?> > Thanks!> Robynn

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